287 research outputs found

    An experimental study of welded bar sleeve wall panel connection under tensile, shear, and flexural loads

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    This paper presents an experimental study of a new grouted splice connection for wall panels, called Welded Bar Sleeve (WBS). The connections were made from steel pipes and tested with incremental tensile, shear and flexural loads until failure. The aim is to determine the behaviour of the connection under the three load cases. For this, the connections are evaluated in terms of the load–displacement responses, ultimate capacities, ductility responses and some feasibility assessment criteria. WBS was found to provide sufficient strength at the bar embedded length of 8, 8 and 11 times the bar diameter under tensile, shear and flexural loads, respectively. It is effective under tension, but could only service up to 1/3 of its ultimate shear capacity. Flexural load is the most critical load case for the connection. For this, further enhancements are required when subjected to shear and flexural loads

    Design of Serial-Fed Bend-Array and Measured Results

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    For the next generation mobile system (5G), a cylindrical lens antenna is developed for mobile base station application. As for the feed radiator for this lens antenna, bendarray configuration that produces a bifurcated beam is also developed. The bend-array configuration consisting of four rectangular patch array elements with serial feed network. In previous work, achievement of the bifurcated beam by bendarray configuration was shown by electromagnetic simulations. In this paper, a practical bend-array composed of four numbers of patch elements is fabricated. To verify the radiation characteristics, measured results of antenna input characteristic and radiation pattern are compared with the designed results. Through good agreement of measured and designed results, achievement of practical antenna is ensured

    Challenges to Quit Smoking among Smokers in Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi, Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia

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    Cigarette smoking is the largest preventable risk factor for morbidity and mortality in developed countries.  The prevalence of smoking is increasing in Malaysia.  Over the years, we have accumulated the knowledge of the risks and dangers of smoking towards health and had used these as interventions to motivate smokers to quit smoking.  However, quitting smoking is hard as people who stop smoking often start again because of weight gain, stress and withdrawal symptoms.  Therefore, this study aimed to identify the challenges to quit smoking among smokers in Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi, Sepang, Selangor.  A cross-sectional study was conducted with a combination of stratified and simple random sampling.  The study was conducted via a face-to-face interview using a standardized questionnaire.  The data was analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) Version 20.0.  Easy availability of cigarettes was the most challenging factor (86%) followed by seeing things that reminded the respondents of smoking (58%), feeling lost without smoking (53%) and withdrawal symptoms (47%).  To combat these challenges, it is imperative to strengthen the enforcement on regulations advertisement and display of cigarettes and develop more activities on motivation among smokers and their families, which may be organized by government or non-government organizations. Other than that, another important aspect in the promoting smoking cessation program is to encourage smoke-free homes

    Evaluation of gastroprotective effects of the ethanolic extract of Peperomia pellucida (L) Kunth

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    This work was carried out to investigate the anti-ulcerogenic activity of Peperomia pellucida (L.) Kunth in necrotizing agent ie (ethanol, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid) and indomethacin-induced models in rats. The 70% of ethanolic extract of aerial part of Peperomia pellucida (PPE) was prepared. Four doses ie 10, 30, 100 and 300 mg/kg were selected for further study. Ulcer effects were determined by counting the total surface area of lesion in mm2. Results showed that PPE provided significant protection in various experimental models used. Pretreatment with the PPE at all doses (10,30,100 and 300 mg/kg) has produced significant inhibition of gastric mucosal damage induced by 80% EtOH, 25% NaCl, 0.6 M HCl, 0.2 M NaOH and 30 mg/kg indomethacin. The result suggests that PPE possesses anti-ulcer properties

    A cross-sectional study of hypertensive outpatients to determine the necessity of asking about erectile dysfunction symptoms.

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    Background: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common amongst hypertensive men. Hypertensive patients often attribute it to antihypertensive drugs, although conflicting evidence linking ED with antihypertensive medication exists. The objectives were to determine the prevalence and severity of ED, the type of treatment sought, and the risk factors for ED among hypertensive men. Method: A cross-sectional survey conducted over six months from June to November 2008 at University Kebangsaan, Malaysia Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur. Inclusion criteria included hypertensive men above 30 years old, with essential hypertension for at least three months. We excluded diabetics, a history of pelvic surgery and known psychiatric illnesses. The International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5) assessment was used with a standardised checklist. We analysed data using SPSS, to assess the prevalence and association of ED with selected variables. Results: Of the 200 participants screened, 35.5% perceived that they had ED. However, prevalence increased to 69% after screening using an IIEF-5 questionnaire. Forty-eight per cent were reported to have moderate-tosevere ED. ED was significantly associated with age (p-value = 0.0001). No significant associations were found between ED and the duration of the hypertension (p-value = 0.505), hypertension control (p-value > 0.05), smoking status (p-value = 0.858) or number of antihypertensive medication taken (p-value > 0.05). Among perceived and proven ED patients, traditional medicines were mainly used for treatment (18.3% and 17.2% respectively). Conclusion: ED is a problem among hypertensive patients. It was associated with age but not with hypertension duration, control, number of antihypertensive drugs or smoking. Physicians should enquire about ED symptoms in hypertensive patients, as most of them resorted to self-treatment with traditional medicines

    Next Generation Internet Protocol — Test6-I Deployment

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    Internet Protocol version six (IPv6) is the next generation internet protocol. It is not yet possible to completely migrate to IPv6, but several transitions mechanisms are available to allow IPv6 and IPv4 coexist together in the same network infrastructure. The main benefit of this protocol is a larger address space and enhanced security options. In transition from current Internet Protocol version four (IPv4) to Internet Protocol version six (IPv6) is not easy as “Plug n Play" since both are incompatible protocol. For smooth integration between these protocols, native IPv6 tested (T EST 6) was deployed in UTeM. In other hand, this gained an experience and confidence before fully integrating it with an existing Internet protocol. This paper describes how TEST6 was setup in intranet environment (TEST6-I) through numerous of process and the network test performed to verify the connectivity

    Characterization of Lens Antenna in Wireless Communication System

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    The focus of this paper is to design lens and analyze the lens behavior in lens antenna. This lens antenna is designed to enhance the gain of conventional antenna. A few factors that influenced the design of lens and gain of lens antenna is investigated. CST software is used to design the lens. At the end of this experiment, the lens gain increased from 8.782 dB to 11.07 dB

    Review: Identification of roadmap of fourth construction industrial revolution

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    Industrial revolution is a series of events driven by the growth of technological innovations, and so far, the world had witnessed the first three industrial revolutions. Today, a new revolution referred to as the fourth industrial revolution is entering even though it is still in its early stages of development. Many developed countries had established their own roadmap or strategic plan as a first step. However, only a few of them touched the construction sector even though the construction industry provides a significant contribution to the country’s GDP. Based on this understanding, there is a fundamental need to give a clear view of Industry 3.0 to Industry 4.0 from the construction industry’s perspective, since most users are still finding their way in this transition. An extensive literature review is used to define the scope and terms of the field of construction in the industrial revolution. Towards this goal, a clear definition and concept of each revolution, key technologies related to construction and challenges faced by the industry will be explored. Simultaneously, this review paper also benchmarked a few documents as a simple guide in the transition process to the fourth industrial revolution to avoid a lag in a world where changes are swift and sudden. Therefore, this review paper contributes by providing a better understanding of the challenges and trends in Construction 4.0 to academics and practitioners. Moreover, it will spark new ideas on the policy or strategic roadmap development in the future

    Intertwining the arts and sciences to stimulate a creative mind

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    From the basic motion of a simple pendulum, which acts as a tool that turns a blank canvas into pure abstract art, this particular concept has been applied to science-related art to showcase its tremendous impact on scientific, psychological and educational fields. The Art and Science Program is a collaborative artistic program between the committees from the Chemical and Energy School of Engineering, UTM, and Sekolah Tun Fatimah (STF), with the aim of examining the impacts of the rotational motion of the pendulum which can generate mesmerizing art on blank mahjong papers. The outcome of the art has been influenced by various factors, such as the viscosity of the paint used, the flowrate of the paint drip, the velocity of the paint-pendulum-modelled dripper, the position of the release point, and the motion of the dripper arising from the resultant force of multiple interacting forces. By showing the interconnections between pendulum motion, gravitational force, potential and kinetic energies, and the fundamentals of fluid dynamics, artistic abstract paintings can be created from the science of mechanics. Intertwining the arts and sciences that has been the main focus of this program can garner greater appreciation, even embraced, as it results in a significant effect on the development of both creative and critical thinking among the participants and committees