42 research outputs found

    Animal cognition (reasoning) in the light of genetic ideas

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    The historical overview is presented of genetic experiments in L.V. Krushinsky’s laboratory in Moscow State University. L.V. Krushinsky stated the three-component concept of animal behavior. He claimed that animal behavior has not only innate species specific behavior and the learning ability, but should be supplemented by another mental category, reasoning the ability for elementary logic operarions. Being rather lonesome at the beginning, Krushinsky got the spiritual support from D.K. Belyaev and B.L. Astaurov. The attempt to study the genetic bases of reasoning ability was performed in Krushinsky’s lab using the trait “extrapolation problem solving”, which meant the ability of an unexperienced naïve animal to find the food bait when it moved aside and disappeared from (not “in”) the view. The selection for high scores of this trait in the hybrid rat population (Norway rat × laboratory strain cross) was started. Initially the hybrid rats solved this problem in the statistically significant proportions, while the animals from further selection generations demonstrated the dramatic increase of anxiety (in spite of extensive handling of these animals), which made further experiments impossible. Much later another selection experiment started in which mice of a genetically heterogeneous population were selected for high scores of extrapolation problem and concomitantly for the lack-ofanxiety signs during the testing procedure. This selection for a cognitive trait produced some positive results, although the direct response to selection was very weak. The data obtained show the intricate connection between the mouse ability to solve the problem and the processes of anxiety, which in turn looks as non-uniform by its nature and mechanisms. The data from experiments performed in classical genetics should be combined with the new knowledge concerning the role of single genes determining animal behavior

    The Krushinsky – Molodkina genetic rat strain as a unique experimental model of seizure states

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    The study of genetic mechanisms, which underlie normal and abnormal behavioral traits, are important not only for fundamental knowledge of CNS function, but also for human well-being, as well as in the aspect of treatment of brain diseases. Accumulation of knowledge concerning the functions of genes, which are expressed in the CNS and are involved in the specific brain functions determined now by the success of molecular genetics, but it could not overshadow the importance of phenotype expression investigation of genetically determined traits, especially pathological ones. Epilepsy, as one of CNS diseases, occupies an important place in the row of these studies. In spite of numerous anticonvulsant drugs a significant proportion of epilepsy cases are still resistant to drug treatments. It means that the study of various aspects of epileptogenesis using animal models should be welcomed as it will help to elucidate those aspects of increased seizure proneness that are now out of scope of research attention. The distinct trait of this domain, which is not easy to analyze genetically, is audiogenic epilepsy (the seizure attack in response to loud sound). The important feature of audiogenic epilepsy is that the intense tonic seizures could be induced and analyzed repeatedly which makes it possible to induce the seizures repeatedly in the course of chronical experiments with the same animal, which is not possible in the cases of pharmacologically or electrically induced seizures. The Krushinsky – Molodkina (KM) inbred rat strain, which was the first among strains selected for audiogenic epilepsy, is briefly characterized. The specific seizure pattern, the rodent proneness for audiogenic epilepsy, as well as abnormal postictal states (catalepsy, in particular) illustrate the importance of this phenomenon not only as a model of certain brain pathology, but also as a matter of general biological importance. The importance of genetic background factor (demonstrated in the case of study of comorbidity (audiogenic epilepsy, anxiety and depression)) could be crucial in the studies of other CNS anomalies. The audiogenic seizures as a physiological phenomenon which often accompanies several brain pathologies had been in the scope of research interests for D.K. Belyaev and his colleagues in his Institute

    Crystallographic Features of Phase Transformations in Cemented Steel 12ХН3А

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    Работа посвящена исследованию кристаллографических особенностей распада переохлажденного аустенита в цементированной стали 12ХН3А. Методом ориентационной микроскопии установлено, что ориентационные соотношения при γ>α' превращении являются промежуточными между ориентационными соотношениями Курдюмова — Закса и Нишиямы — Вассермана. Также рассмотрены ориентационные соотношения, возникающие при перлитном превращении.The work is aimed at studying the crystallographic features of the decomposition of undercooled austenite in 12ХН3 А steel after cementation. It was established by EBSD that the orientation relationship during the γ>α’ transformation are intermediate between the one of Kurdyumov-Sachs and Nishiyama-Wasserman. Orientation relationships arising during pearlite transformation are also considered.Исследоание выполнено при финансовой поддержке гранта Президента Российской Федерации (проект МК-5882.2021.4).The study was carried out with the financial support of a grant from the President of the Russian Federation (project MK‑5882.2021.4)

    Morphology and variability of the facial nerve trunk dependent on branching pattern, gender, anthropometric type and side of the head in Moldovan population

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    Background: Knowledge concerning variability of the facial nerve trunk (FNT) direction after its exit through the stylomastoid foramen is of a great clinical significance for maxillofacial surgeons, otorhinolaryngologists, oncologists, specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery. The aim of our study was to establish the variation of the FNT direction and its peculiarities dependent on branching pattern, gender, anthropometric type and side of the head. Materials and methods: The direction of the FNT and its branching pattern were studied on 75 dissected hemifaces of adult formalized cadavers (59 male/16 female), and the morphometry of the FNT length, width and bifurcation angle was carried out. Results: Seven branching patterns of the facial nerve were established: Type I – 18.7%, Type II – 14.7%, Type III – 20%, Type IV – 14.6%, Type V – 5.3%, Type VI – 18.7%, and Type-NI – 8% (bizarre types). The FNT had a descending direction in 73.3% of cases; ascending FNT – 9.3% (including 5.3% of very short diffuse branching trunks and 1.3% of arch-shaped FNT); horizontal FNT – 10.7%; number variants – 6.7%. The male/female ratio of the descending FNT was 69.5%/87.4%; ascending – 10.2%/6.3%; horizontal – 11.9%/6.3%; number variants – 8.4% (only in male). The right/left ratio of the descending FNT was 62.9%/82.5%; ascending – 11.4%/7.5%; horizontal – 11.4%/10%; number variants – 14.3% (only on the right side). The ratio of the descending FNT in mesocephalic type (MCT) / brachycephalic type (BCT) / dolichocephalic type (DCT) was respectively 70.6%/100%/66.7%; ascending – 12.1%/0%/0%; horizontal – 12.1/0%/11.1%. Numerical variants in MCT – 5.2%, in DCT – 22.2%. The mean number of FNT in MCT/BCT/DCT was respectively 1.07/1.0/1.22. Conclusions: Three main directions are characteristic for FNT: the descending, ascending and horizontal ones, which vary dependent on branching pattern, gender, shape and side of the head

    The genome and transcriptome of Trichormus sp NMC-1: insights into adaptation to extreme environments on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

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    The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (QTP) has the highest biodiversity for an extreme environment worldwide, and provides an ideal natural laboratory to study adaptive evolution. In this study, we generated a draft genome sequence of cyanobacteria Trichormus sp. NMC-1 in the QTP and performed whole transcriptome sequencing under low temperature to investigate the genetic mechanism by which T. sp. NMC-1 adapted to the specific environment. Its genome sequence was 5.9 Mb with a G+C content of 39.2% and encompassed a total of 5362 CDS. A phylogenomic tree indicated that this strain belongs to the Trichormus and Anabaena cluster. Genome comparison between T. sp. NMC-1 and six relatives showed that functionally unknown genes occupied a much higher proportion (28.12%) of the T. sp. NMC-1 genome. In addition, functions of specific, significant positively selected, expanded orthogroups, and differentially expressed genes involved in signal transduction, cell wall/membrane biogenesis, secondary metabolite biosynthesis, and energy production and conversion were analyzed to elucidate specific adaptation traits. Further analyses showed that the CheY-like genes, extracellular polysaccharide and mycosporine-like amino acids might play major roles in adaptation to harsh environments. Our findings indicate that sophisticated genetic mechanisms are involved in cyanobacterial adaptation to the extreme environment of the QTP

    Application of lactate testing and pulsogramms in the rehabilitation of patients with obesity

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    The optimization of mental and physical performance at all stages of training is the main task for untrained athletes. Performing overly in intensity or duration of stress leads to the development of fatigue and reduce the potential in adaptation. Narrowing the boundaries of adaptation leads to reduced performance. The purpose of the study was to assess the level of lactate in untrained patients with overweight and obesity, as well as, to create for these patients the optimal training patterns using the pulsogram method. Determining the concentration of lactate (lactic acid) in the blood is an important indicator of assessing the intensity of the load, one of the main methods of operational control over the effectiveness of the training process, provides valuable information about changes in the blood, muscles and other tissues. Knowing of the concentration of lactate in the blood we can determine the level of the anaerobic threshold, equal to 4-5 mmol/l (fixed threshold) and, depending on the physiological characteristics of the athlete, reaches 6 mmol/l.Основной задачей для нетренированных спортсменов является оптимизация умственной и физической работоспособности на всех этапах подготовки. Выполнение неадекватных по интенсивности или длительности нагрузок способствует развитию переутомления и снижению потенциала адаптации. Сужение границ адаптации приводит к снижению работоспособности. Цель исследования состояла в оценке уровня лактата у нетренированных пациентов с избыточным весом и ожирением, а также, составления для данных пациентов оптимальных шаблонов тренировок по методу пульсограмм. Определение концентрации лактата (молочной кислоты) в крови является важным показателем оценки интенсивности нагрузки, одним из основных методов оперативного контроля за эффективностью тренировочного процесса, дает ценную информацию об изменениях, происходящих в крови, в мышцах, других тканях. По концентрации лактата в крови прямым способом определяется уровень анаэробного порога, равный 4-5 ммоль/л (фиксированный порог) и в зависимости от физиологических особенностей спортсмена достигающий 6 ммоль/л

    Cannabinoid Agonists Inhibit Neuropathic Pain Induced by Brachial Plexus Avulsion in Mice by Affecting Glial Cells and MAP Kinases

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    Many studies have shown the antinociceptive effects of cannabinoid (CB) agonists in different models of pain. Herein, we have investigated their relevance in neuropathic pain induced by brachial plexus avulsion (BPA) in mice.Mice underwent BPA or sham surgery. The mRNA levels and protein expression of CB(1) and CB(2) receptors were assessed by RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry, respectively. The activation of glial cells, MAP kinases and transcription factors were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. The antinociceptive properties induced by cannabinoid agonists were assessed on the 5(th) and 30(th) days after surgery. We observed a marked increase in CB(1) and CB(2) receptor mRNA and protein expression in the spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion, either at the 5(th) or 30(th) day after surgery. BPA also induced a marked activation of p38 and JNK MAP kinases (on the 30(th) day), glial cells, such as microglia and astrocytes, and the transcription factors CREB and NF-κB (at the 5(th) and 30(th) days) in the spinal cord. Systemic treatment with cannabinoid agonists reduced mechanical allodynia on both the 5(th) and 30(th) days after surgery, but the greatest results were observed by using central routes of administration, especially at the 30(th) day. Treatment with WIN 55,212-2 prevented the activation of both glial cells and MAP kinases, associated with an enhancement of CREB and NF-κB activation.Our results indicate a relevant role for cannabinoid agonists in BPA, reinforcing their potential therapeutic relevance for the management of chronic pain states