7 research outputs found

    Methodology for design of digital archives

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    Bohuš Získal Methodology for design of digital archives Summary: This work examines how concepts and recommendations defined within the ISO 14721:2003 standard could be applied to archives in audiovisual industry and how its key components and processes relate to the corresponding structure of real production archives. A basic overview of audiovisual content formats, storage solutions and metadata structures is provided with respect to long time content preservation. The most common standards (international, industry and proprietary ones) specific for this area are discussed within the perspective of inevitable data migration process. As certain types of organisation have their archive deeply integrated in the production process and its functional and organisational parts could not be easily distinguished from the rest of the structure, the various approaches to the complex archive design are evaluated, including a brief introduction to MAM system role and implementation. The data migration to new solutions also means the integration with the existing technologies, where a rather higher level of dependence on commercially available solutions is often involved. As the interoperability standards are not widely adopted yet, some decisions are inevitably tied with previously adopted technologies. Changes in..

    The methodology of preservation and presentation of multimedia data

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    This methodology was created within the implementation of the project "Laterna magika. History and Present, Documentation, Preservation and Accessibility ”DG16P02H005 funded by the Program to Support Applied Research and Experimental Development of National and Cultural Identity for the years 2016 to 2022 (NAKI II). The methodology is based on the need to describe the procedures for the description, storage and presentation of digital information objects created during the processing of documentation of historical performances of Laterna magika and to define these procedures in such a way that they are applicable to other works of a similar nature. The methodology responds to a situation where at the national level, and for some specifics of the content or at the global level, there are no defined standards of care for this type of cultural heritage, which would cover all the necessary activities. The above-mentioned specifics include the form of a live performance using technologies and elements, which significantly contribute to the informational and aesthetic form of the work, and the combination of which as a whole is difficult to document. The methodology is intended for memory institutions, their partner organizations or suppliers who participate in the creation, processing, presentation and storage of data generated during the digitization, reconstruction and description of documentation of multimedia performances. Best practices and data structures take into account the situation where physical (data) objects related to works are in the collections of different institutions or individuals, and it is not possible or desirable to collect all physical objects under one common administration. The methodology was verified by the researchers of the project for the Národní filmový archiv, Prague, CESNET and the Institute of Intermedia at CTU FEE on selected data created for the presentation and preservation of historical performances of Laterna magika

    Making use of process analysis in NFA for updating data model and metadata management requirements

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    Účel – Národní filmový archiv (NFA) plánuje nahradit stávající systémy pro evidenci a správu obsahu novým elektronickým systémem, který bude využívat normu EN 15907:2010 a umožní efektivní popis a správu materiálů filmové i nefilmové povahy. Pro přechod na nový systém je třeba aktualizovat datový model, namapovat na něj stávající strukturu metadat a specifikovat požadavky z hlediska uživatelů. (Nejen) za tímto účelem bylo rozhodnuto provést analýzu procesů spojených se správou obsahu a pohybem informací v instituci. Design / metodologie / přístup – Analýza procesů byla provedena s využitím metod etnografického výzkumu a procesních diagramů, které byly ve finální podobě zároveň jedním z jejích výstupů. Pro aktualizaci datového modelu a mapování metadat byla využita podrobná specifikace normy EN 15907:2010 a katalogizační principy uvedené v manuálu FIAF, zároveň byla zohledněna zjištění z analýzy procesů v instituci. Výsledky – Autoři případové studie prezentují praktické aspekty aplikace zvolených metod, jejich omezení a přínosy pro danou instituci. Vizualizace procesních diagramů se ukázaly jako velmi užitečné, jedná se o jednoduchý nástroj, který lze použít při komunikaci, návrhu změn a perspektivně i modelování modifikovaných procesů. Originalita / hodnota – Příspěvek popisuje komplexní přístup k analýze procesů v instituci, který byl aplikován vlastními silami a vedl ke zhodnocení stávajících postupů a využití získaných informací při přechodu na nový datový model. Poznatky budou využity i při výběru (nebo vývoji) a implementaci nového systému pro evidenci a správu obsahu v NFA. Tento přístup může být přínosný pro paměťové instituce, které se nacházejí v obdobné situaci jako NFA (přechod na nový systém).Purpose – National Film Archive (NFA) plans to replace existing systems for cataloging and content management with a new electronic system that will be based on the EN 15907:2010 standard and allows for effective description and management of both film and additional materials. For transition to the new system it is necessary to update the actual data model, to map current metadata structures onto a new scheme and to specify user requirements. (Not only) for this purpose it was decided to analyze processes related to content management and information flow within the institution. Design / methodology / approach – The process analysis was done with the help of ethnographic research methods and process diagrams, the latter can be also considered as one of its outputs. In order to update the existing data model, the detailed EN 15907:2010 standard specification and FIAF cataloging principles were studied and the findings from the process analysis were utilized. Results – In this case study authors present practical aspects of the application of chosen methods, their limitations and benefits for the given institution are discussed. Visualizations of process diagrams were found to be highly useful, they can be used as a simple tool for communication, change management and prospectively also for modeling of updated processes. Originality / value – The article describes a complex approach to process analysis, which was applied using the institution's own resources and led to the existing processes assessment. The information gathered is helpful for the transition to the new data model. The knowledge will be also utilized during the development and implementation of a new electronic system in NFA. This approach can be beneficial for memory institutions finding themselves in a similar situation as NFA

    Directive on audiovisual works minimum-level description

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    The directive sets out the requirements for the minimal-level description of audiovisual works including the original publication context. The directive focuses on the core metadata required for supplying filmographic records to metadata aggregation systems

    Recommendations for formats of 3D objects and corresponding metadata for the purpose of their sharing, presentation and preservation

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    The methodology presents recommendations for processing, management, sharing and export of 3D digital objects together with corresponding metadata structures suited for presentation and presentation of information objects resulting from digitization processes. These recommendations reflect needs of memory institutions and aggregated databases of cultural content and take into account the relevant legislation. The suitability of existing data formats of 3D models and related metadata is discussed especially from the perspective of their sustainability. The need for development of a suitable strategy of care for digital cultural heritage is discussed together with potential impacts of corresponding decisions and compromises taken. An attention is paid also to conditions for long term preservation of cultural artifacts in digital form

    Directive on multimedia data long-term preservation

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    The directive regulates processes and responsibilities during multimedia data preparation for long-term preservation, secure and effective transfer of the data to institutions responsible for long-term preservation and eventual process, how these institutions make the data accessible. The directive focuses on the coordination of processes necessary for potential risk mitigation

    Methodology for supplementing interior exhibitions with technologies for digital objects visualization and content sharing

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    The methodology is intended for memory institutions to help them to better understand how modern technologies for digital (especially 3D) objects presentation can be effectively used in exhibitions or expositions. In order to achieve desired presentation functions and formulate specific technical requirements, key parameters of relevant technical components are explained. The main part of the document describes steps important for design, building and running interior expositions or exhibitions. Here a standard process is recapitulated and new activities needed for effective incorporation of multimedia elements are introduced. A particular attention is paid also to the supplier selection process with respect to legal requirements and correct order of steps