7 research outputs found

    Finding sense in new reality: From the epoch of machines to the age of uncertainty

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    This paper deals with a new worldview. Using a historical analysis, this paper describes the original worldview in which the world is a mechanical universe, and puts forward a new worldview in which the world is a biological universe. The objective of this paper is to describe the change in the perception of the new worldview and to express the consequences of that change. It was discovered that important technological changes symbolize a new worldview and can also change this worldview. Information and biology became the fundamental impulses for the creation of a new view of the world. However, the world of organizations is still controlled by mechanical ideology which defines organizations as machines and maintains an economic environment based on a non-cyclical system. The new view of the world therefore requires this to change as it does the way we think

    Trends which influence companies in the tourism

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    Cestovní ruch je oblastí, ve které se v poslední době objevují různé dynamické trendy. Tyto trendy jsou ovlivňovány měnícími se potřebami poptávajících zákazníků, ale i novými životními trendy, změnami ve společnosti, stejně tak jako změnami ekonomickými či životního stylu. Firmy pohybující se v této oblasti by měli tyto trendy znát a ideálně je předvídat tak, aby byly na trhu jako první, kteří je nabízejí podle potřeb zákazníků. Jen tak mohou být úspěšné v rychle se měnící době. Článek představuje trendy v cestovním ruchu a analyzuje možný přístup firem k těmto trendům.Tourism is the sector, in which we can see in the last period of time many dynamic trends. These trends are influenced by changing needs of costumers, but also by the new life-style trends, different changes in society, as well as economic and life style changes. Companies which are getting around this area should know these trends and in the ideal state predict them in the way; they will be the first in the market, who are offering them to costumers. Only this will be the success way in fast changing times. The paper introduces trends in tourism and analyses possible attitude of firms to these trends

    Methodology of media education

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    Mediální výchova je na našich školách poměrně novým předmětem. Na některých školách se teprve zavádí. Z výzkumů vyplývá, te největším problémem při zavádění výuky mediální výchovy na školách je nedostatek kvalitních učitelů, kteří nevědí, jak předmět učit.Autoři si vzali za cíl představení základních metodických postupů ve výuce předmětu mediální výchova.Využili k tomu kombinaci klasických a nejmodernějších výukových metod tak, aby byla výuka co nejefektivnější.Media education is a relatively new subject in our schools. Some schools are still in the process of introduction. According to research results the main problem is a lask of qualified lecturers at schools. Some of them do not know how to teach this subject. Authors objective is to introduce basic methods in the media education. They utilized combination of classic and modern methods of instruction so that process was effective

    Media in the student's life Establishment of media education in educational programs at secondary schools

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    Článek se zabývá současným stavem problematiky zavedení výuky mediální výchovy na středních školách, popisuje zásadní cíle výuky mediální výchovy a dává je do kontrastu s průzkumem, provedeným na studentech českých vysokých škol a zabývá se možnostmi a omezeními začlenění tématu mediální výchovy do vzdělávacích programů středních škol.The paper deals with the current situation of establishing media education in secondary schools. The authors describe the main goals of media education and contrast it with research done with students in the Czech universities. They also deal with opportunities and restrictions of media education

    DIY shoe sewing in a developed economy: Behind the motivation to sew shoes at home

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    This study seeks to identify and understand the motivation of people who sew shoes for themselves or their family members at home. Qualitative analysis of in-depth data from online semi-structured interviews with thirteen respondents was conducted to understand the reasons why they sew shoes at home. The study results were twofold: They confirmed earlier studies investigating the factors that lead people to sew clothes at home. It was confirmed that economics, creativity, originality, and individual needs lead to the decision to sew shoes at home. Also, the overarching reason for the home shoe sewing was the importance of personal fulfilment, achieved through the main emergent themes of entertainment, empowerment, insufficient market, and financial reasons. This study was limited to citizens of the Czech Republic recruited from Facebook pages dedicated to home shoemaking. The study’s significance lies in determining the factors that led Czech consumers to DIY shoe sewing

    Similar culture, different tourist behavior?: results from cross-cultural research on the tourist behavior of college students

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    The paper aims to enhance the understanding of the behavior of international tourists; this study (1) determines if cultural differences exist between Portuguese, Brazilian, Mexican, and Colombian college students; (2) if these students differ in their travel preferences; (3) examines if horizontal/vertical individualism correlates with the students' travel preferences. A psychographic approach based on value orientations was used to understand the relationship between travel preferences and the students' cultural tendencies to horizontal and vertical individualism and collectivism. The results showed that Portuguese, Brazilian, Mexican, and Colombian students have similar cultural dimensions at the societal level but differ at the individual cultural level. Although their tourist preferences differ fundamentally, no significant evidence of a relationship between the cultural tendencies and the tourist behavior of the measured samples of students has been found. The paper uses a combination of known and proven methods to obtain and process primary data. The findings provide new insights that can enhance the current knowledge of tourism research and marketing. The paper's results imply the need to revise the current understanding of differences in cultural tendencies on tourist behavior. However, it is necessary to consider some limitations arising from the sample selection and cultural tendencies measurement methods.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio