6 research outputs found

    Characterization and Analysis of Landslide Evolution in Intramountain Areas in Loja (Ecuador) Using RPAS Photogrammetric Products

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    This case study focuses on the area of El Plateado near the city of Loja, Ecuador, where landslides with a high impact on infrastructures require monitoring and control. The main objectives of this work are the characterization of the landslide and the monitoring of its kinematics. Four flights were conducted using a remotely piloted aerial vehicle (RPAS) to capture aerial images that were processed with SfM techniques to generate digital elevation models (DEMs) and orthoimages of high resolution (0.05 m) and sufficient accuracy (below 0.05 m) for subsequent analyses. Thus, the DEM of differences (DoD) and profiles are obtained, but a morphometric analysis is conducted to quantitatively characterize the landslide's elements and study its evolution. Parameters such as slope, aspect, topographic position index (TPI), terrain roughness index (TRI), and topographic wetness index (TWI) are analyzed. The results show a higher slope and roughness for scarps compared to stable areas and other elements. From TPI, slope break lines have been extracted, which allow the identification of landslide features such as scarps and toe tip. The landslide shows important changes in the landslide body surface, the retraction of the main scarp, and advances of the foot. A general decrease in average slope and TRI and an increase in TWI are also observed due to the landslide evolution and stabilization. The presence of fissures and the infiltration of rainfall water in the unsaturated soil layers, which consist of high-plasticity clays and silts, contribute to the instability. Thus, the study provides insights into the measurement accuracy, identification and characterization of landslide elements, morphometric analysis, landslide evolution, and the relationship with geotechnical factors that contribute to a better understanding of landslides. A higher frequency of the RPAS surveys and quality of geotechnical and meteorological data are required to improve the instability analysis together with a major automation of the GIS procedures.Private Technical University of Loja PROY_GMIC_128

    GNSS and RPAS Integration Techniques for Studying Landslide Dynamics: Application to the Areas of Victoria and Colinas Lojanas, (Loja, Ecuador)

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    This research received no external funding. This study has the support of the Private Technical University of Loja through the internal research project PROY_GMIC_1285.This research tests the application of GNSS and RPAS techniques to the spatiotemporal analysis of landslide dynamics. Our method began by establishing non-permanent GNSS networks on the slope surfaces to perform periodic measurements by differential GNSS. Similarly, RPAS flights were made to acquire high-resolution images, which were oriented and georeferenced using ground control points and structure-from-motion algorithms to ultimately obtain digital surface models and orthophotos. Based on GNSS measurements, the direction and velocity of displacements were accurately calculated, and orthophotos and DSMs were used to calculate horizontal and vertical displacements in a set of significant points throughout the study area, reaching accuracies higher than 0.035 m in the GNSS data and 0.10 m in the RPAS data. These values were within the accuracy required for such studies. Based on the field observations and the results from the photogrammetric studies, the two studied landslides were classified as very slow flows. These techniques are the basis for establishing early warning systems in areas of natural hazards based on the calculation of displacement speeds of the surface of slopes.Private Technical University of Loja PROY_GMIC_128

    Convergência profissional : estudo de caso das transformações no perfil do jornalista.

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    O presente artigo tem por objetivo discutir algumas das transformações por que passam os profissionais em jornalismo, em função do uso e apropriação das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, com base em um estudo de caso com o jornalista Efrém Ribeiro, do Sistema Integrado de Comunicação Meio Norte, na cidade de Teresina – PI. Exercendo as polivalências midiática e funcional, Efrém vem acumulando uma série de funções anteriormente distribuídas de forma segmentada e incorporando inovações tecnológicas aos seus processos produtivos. O estudo de caso é composto por entrevista em profundidade e observação participante. Verifica-se que as polivalências ocorrem apenas no plano da apuração e produção de conteúdos para o impresso, a TV e a Web, porém, arraigadas a processos e modelos produtivos tradicionais, separados e divergentes.This paper aims at discussing some of the changes journalists have been going through, due to the use and appropriation of Communication and Information Technologies. This study is based on the case of Efrém Ribeiro, a journalist who works at Sistema Integrado de Comunicação Meio Norte, a TV broadcaster located in the city of Teresina, in the state of Piauí, Northeastern, Brazil. By exercising media and functional polyvalences, Efrém has been accumulating a number of functions previously distributed separately, as well as incorporating technological innovations in his production process. The case study consists of in-depth interviews and participant observation. The results show that the polyvalences occur only in terms of investigation and production of content for print, TV and the Web, however, deeply rooted in traditional, separate and divergent models and processes of production

    Maskana. Revista científica

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    Los movimientos de ladera a menudo afectan grandes zonas y muchas de las veces pasan desapercibidos por la lentitud de su dinámica, notándose únicamente evidencias geomorfológicas de su actividad, tales como grietas en el suelo que pueden ser el reflejo de otros procesos. Por las lluvias extremas los movimientos de ladera pasivos pueden convertirse rápidamente en activos causando pérdidas económicas y de vidas humanas. En Ecuador no existe un control de los movimientos de ladera que permita tener los datos necesarios para predecir su comportamiento con el tiempo. De acuerdo a publicaciones internacionales, la utilización de la técnica de monitoreo por GPS ha permitido conocer los límites, tamaño, nivel de actividad, dirección y velocidad de desplazamiento. En esta publicación, la técnica fue aplicada para cuantificar el movimiento de una ladera en el sector de San Pedro de Vilcabamba, en el sur del Ecuador.Landslides often affect large areas, developing latent due to the slowness of the internal dynamics and in most cases only notable by geomorphologic evidences such as soil fissures, which in several cases can be the reflection of other processes. Triggered by extreme rainfall passive potential landslides can convert quickly to active landslides causing huge economic losses, which can be accompanied by loss of human life. Landslide control, consisting in the collection of data to predict the behavior of slopes in time, does not yet exist in Ecuador. According to international literature, surveying the activity of the surface of potential landslide areas using GPS as monitoring technique permits to understand the limits, size, level of activity, direction and velocity of earth movement. In this paper, the technique was applied to quantify the movement of a landslide area in the San Pedro sector of Vilcabamba, southern Ecuador.Cuencavolumen 2; número 2 (diciembre 2011

    Maskana. Revista científica

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    Los movimientos de ladera a menudo afectan grandes zonas y muchas de las veces pasan desapercibidos por la lentitud de su dinámica, notándose únicamente evidencias geomorfológicas de su actividad, tales como grietas en el suelo que pueden ser el reflejo de otros procesos. Por las lluvias extremas los movimientos de ladera pasivos pueden convertirse rápidamente en activos causando pérdidas económicas y de vidas humanas. En Ecuador no existe un control de los movimientos de ladera que permita tener los datos necesarios para predecir su comportamiento con el tiempo. De acuerdo a publicaciones internacionales, la utilización de la técnica de monitoreo por GPS ha permitido conocer los límites, tamaño, nivel de actividad, dirección y velocidad de desplazamiento. En esta publicación, la técnica fue aplicada para cuantificar el movimiento de una ladera en el sector de San Pedro de Vilcabamba, en el sur del Ecuador.Landslides often affect large areas, developing latent due to the slowness of the internal dynamics and in most cases only notable by geomorphologic evidences such as soil fissures, which in several cases can be the reflection of other processes. Triggered by extreme rainfall passive potential landslides can convert quickly to active landslides causing huge economic losses, which can be accompanied by loss of human life. Landslide control, consisting in the collection of data to predict the behavior of slopes in time, does not yet exist in Ecuador. According to international literature, surveying the activity of the surface of potential landslide areas using GPS as monitoring technique permits to understand the limits, size, level of activity, direction and velocity of earth movement. In this paper, the technique was applied to quantify the movement of a landslide area in the San Pedro sector of Vilcabamba, southern Ecuador.CuencaVol. 2; no. 2 (diciembre 2011

    Maskana. Revista científica

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    Los movimientos de ladera a menudo afectan grandes zonas y muchas de las veces pasan desapercibidos por la lentitud de su dinámica, notándose únicamente evidencias geomorfológicas de su actividad, tales como grietas en el suelo que pueden ser el reflejo de otros procesos. Por las lluvias extremas los movimientos de ladera pasivos pueden convertirse rápidamente en activos causando pérdidas económicas y de vidas humanas. En Ecuador no existe un control de los movimientos de ladera que permita tener los datos necesarios para predecir su comportamiento con el tiempo. De acuerdo a publicaciones internacionales, la utilización de la técnica de monitoreo por GPS ha permitido conocer los límites, tamaño, nivel de actividad, dirección y velocidad de desplazamiento. En esta publicación, la técnica fue aplicada para cuantificar el movimiento de una ladera en el sector de San Pedro de Vilcabamba, en el sur del Ecuador.Landslides often affect large areas, developing latent due to the slowness of the internal dynamics and in most cases only notable by geomorphologic evidences such as soil fissures, which in several cases can be the reflection of other processes. Triggered by extreme rainfall passive potential landslides can convert quickly to active landslides causing huge economic losses, which can be accompanied by loss of human life. Landslide control, consisting in the collection of data to predict the behavior of slopes in time, does not yet exist in Ecuador. According to international literature, surveying the activity of the surface of potential landslide areas using GPS as monitoring technique permits to understand the limits, size, level of activity, direction and velocity of earth movement. In this paper, the technique was applied to quantify the movement of a landslide area in the San Pedro sector of Vilcabamba, southern Ecuador.CuencaVol. 2; no. 2 (diciembre 2011