147 research outputs found

    Parameter Kualitas Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus Pelamis) Asap Menggunakan Bahan Pengasap yang Berbeda

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    Kualitas ikan cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) asap menggunakan bahan pengasap yang berbeda telah diteliti. Penelitianini bertujuan untuk mengetahui parameter kualitas ikan cakalang (K. pelamis) asap menggunakan bahan pengasap yangberbeda. Pengasapan dilakukan menggunakan bahan pengasap tempurung kelapa (TKL), campuran tempurung kelapadan tempurung kemiri (TKL+TKM) dan tempurung kemiri (TKM), dengan metode pengasapan secara langsung. Hasilanalisis warna, aw, dan kadar lemak, memperlihatkan tidak ada perbedaan nyata (P>0,05) terhadap bahan pengasap, sedangkanparameter tekstur, kadar air, kadar protein, dan kadar abu, terdapat perbedaan nyata (P<0,05). Begitupun denganparameter sensoris (meliputi warna, rasa, tekstur, aroma) juga terdapat perbedaan nyata (P<0,05). Sebanyak tujuh senyawapolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) diidentifikasi, yaitu Naphthalene, Acenaphthene, Phenentrene, Fluorantene,Pyrene, Benzo(a)pyrene, dan Perylene, dimana yang terdeteksi jumlahnya hanya Fluorantene dengan kandungansebesar 0,06 ppm; 0,05 ppm dan 0,23 ppm berturut-turut pada ikan cakalang asap TKL, TKL+TKM, dan TKM. Enamsenyawa PAHs lainnya sama sekali tidak terdeteksi. Total asam lemak pada ikan cakalang asap TKL, TKL+TKM, danTKM secara berurutan untuk SFA sebesar 59,790%, 50,659%, dan 75,472%, MUFA sebesar 37,612%, 47,221%, dan21,262%, PUFA sebesar 2,595%, 2,072%, dan 3,268%

    EEG emotion recognition using reduced channel wavelet entropy and average wavelet coefficient features with normal Mutual Information method

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    © 2017 IEEE. Recognizing emotion from EEG signals is a complicated task that requires complex features and a substantial number of EEG channels. Simple algorithms to analyse the feature and reduce the EEG channel number will give an indispensable advantages. Therefore, this study explores a combination of wavelet entropy and average wavelet coefficient (WEAVE) as a potential EEG-emotion feature to classify valence and arousal emotions with the advantage of the ability to identify the occurrence of a pattern while at the same time identify the shape of a pattern in EEG emotion signal. The complexity of the feature was reduced using the Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) method to obtain a reduced number of channels. Classification with the WEAVE feature achieved 76.8% accuracy for valence and 74.3% for arousal emotion, respectively. The analysis with NMI shows that the WEAVE feature has linear characteristics and offers possibilities to reduce the EEG channels to a certain number. Further analysis also reveals that detection of valence emotion with reduced EEG channels has a different combination of EEG channels compared to arousal emotion

    Analisis Produksi Padi Dengan Penginderaan Jauh Dan Sistem Informasi Geografis Di Kota Pekalongan

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    Paddy field is a media or means to produce rice. The fertile paddy field will produce good rice. Indonesia is an agrarian country which is most of the territory is agriculture that can produce rice in the high scale. However, due to the construction of factory or other building on the farmland, causing the agricultural production is diminished. The calculation for the area of paddy crop is done by overlaying between the map\u27s result of the classification with the map\u27s result of NDVI on the citra landsat 8. Whereas, for counting the production is done by using ubinan method as performed by the BPS and the Department of Agriculture.The farmland paddy\u27s area in Pekalongan in the amount of 664.96 hectares with the largest area is in the sub district of south Pekalongan in the amount of 425.33 hectares and the smallest area is in the sub district of south Pekalongan in the amount of 16.86 hectares. While the value of paddy production is estimated at 4443.05 tons of unhulled rice with the largest production in the Sub district of South Pekalongan in the amount of 2841.92 tons and the smallest production located in the sub district of West Pekalongan in the amount of 112.65 tons

    The Effect of Aqueous Extract of Robusta Coffee Compared to Neomycin-Bacitracin on Wound Healing by Measuring TNF-1 and bFGF in Fibroblast Cell Cultures

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    Coffee grounds have been used to dress wounds for more than 100 years, with excellent results. The wound heals with an acceptable scar. This study aims to compare coffee extract to neomycin-bacitracin in cell migration. Compared to the antibiotic neomycin-bacitracin powder group and control group in scar tissue formation, the Robusta coffee powder extract measured positively on Transforming Growth Factor and Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor markers. This study emphasizes the ability of coffee to heal wounds without causing excessive scarring. Coffee is proven to have better wound healing capabilities than Neomycin-Bacitracin. Keywords: coffee grounds, fibroblast cell-line, Transforming Growth Factor, basic Fibroblast Growth Facto

    Oxygen Hyperbaric Therapy in Patients with Radiation Proctitis

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    Background: Cervical cancer is the most common female Malignancy in developing countries, including Indonesia. It usually occurs at the age of 20 years, reaches the peak incidence at the age of 35-55 years, and afterwards, the incidence declines. Radiotherapy is the most important treatment method in cervical cancer, especially for local advanced stage or stage IIb-IVa. It is also effective for the early stage. Oxygen hyperbaric therapy (OHBT) is defined as 100% oxygen (O2) administration of 2-3 ATA (Absolute Atmospheres) pressures in a high-pressure room. OHBT accelerates wound healing by improving oxygen perfusion around the wound and by increasing angiogenesis through Nitric Oxide Synthetase (NOS). Methods: The study was conducted at Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital, while OHBT was provided at Dr. Mintoharjo Navy Hospital. Block randomization was performed, Resulting 32 patients in OHBT group and 33 patients in control group; both groups were at normal distribution. The prevalence of radiation proctitis in OHBT and control group was determined using chi-square test. Results: By comparing the prevalence of radiation proctitis between OHBT and the control group, show that OHBT could decrease proctitis prevalence by p = 0.03. Conclusions: This study indicates that OHBT may reduce the prevalence of radiation proctitis. The OHBT is save and secure to the patients

    Penentuan Zenith Tropospheric Delay Dan Precipitable Water Vapor Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Gamit

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    The signals from each Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites that orbiting above the earth\u27s surface will be received by a receiver through the layers of atmosphere. The signal that in electromagnetic waves form will experience the biggest obstacle in ionosphere and troposphere. The amount of deviation due to a slowdown in signal\u27s travel time as it passes through the troposphere called tropospheric delay. This measurement can also be extracted into precipitable water vapour by using the surface meteorological data. This study was conducted to determine the zenith tropospheric delay and precipitable water vapour using scientific software GAMIT starts from doy 090 to 096 in 2014. By utilizing 10 GPS CORS observation points owned by Badan Informasi Geospasial in Bantul, Cilacap, Kebumen, Magelang, Purbalingga, Pekalongan, Purwodadi, Semarang, Solo, and Tegal. It also connected to 4 area points of IGS, that are: ALIC, COCO, NTUS, and PIMO Station. This research produces the value of temporal variation in zenith tropospheric delay observation point ranges between 2446.2 - 2754.5 mm and the value of temporal variation of precipitable water vapor ranges between 38.81 - 64.46 mm. The validation results between the ZPD data in IGS Station and the ZTD that was processed by GAMIT is 5.599 mm of RMS error average with a 97.73% of correlation for the spza project, 5.425 mm with a 97.86% of correlation for the spzb project, and 10.462 mm with a 92.99% of correlation for the spzc project

    Konsep Ecohouse pada Rumah Baduy Dalam

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    Environment quality is worsening every year; building's sector contributes 66 % of fossil fuels pollution sources. Ways in building constructions needs to be changed in more environmental friendly manner. Today, in spite of new technological advances in techniques and materials, buildings are continuously being built but lack of climatic consideration. Indigenous people, such as the Inner Baduy community, from longstanding experience have developed systems as their local wisdoms adapting to its environment and buildings in a sustainable manner. The aim of this study is to emphasize the importance of traditional knowledge in terms of providing environmental friendly buildings and the existence of documentation as a knowledge base of an Indonesian traditional settlement in a hot humid climate's mode. The study results are reconstructions on, building design will be presented in technical drawings and drawn with Sketch up computer program

    Investigation of window size in classification of EEG-emotion signal with wavelet entropy and support vector machine

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    © 2015 IEEE. When dealing with patients with psychological or emotional symptoms, medical practitioners are often faced with the problem of objectively recognizing their patients' emotional state. In this paper, we approach this problem using a computer program that automatically extracts emotions from EEG signals. We extend the finding of Koelstra et. al [IEEE trans. affective comput., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 18-31, 2012] using the same dataset (i.e. the DEAP: dataset for emotion analysis using electroencephalogram, physiological and video signals), where we observed that the accuracy can be further improved using wavelet features extracted from shorter time segments. More precisely, we achieved accuracy of 65% for both valence and arousal using the wavelet entropy of 3 to 12 seconds signal segments. This improvement in accuracy entails an important discovery that information on emotions contained in the EEG signal may be better described in term of wavelets and in shorter time segments

    Optimum Rotation for Harvesting of Cajuput Leave at KPH YOGYAKARTA

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    The productivity of cajuput plantation has improved through tree breeding, while manipulation of site and management engineering of timber plantations have been less attention. Management engineering can be obtained by determining the optimum cycle of cajuput leaves harvesting. This study aims to determine the optimum cycling of cajuput leaves harvesting at KPH Yogyakarta by considering the biological cycles of cajuput leaves, chemical physical properties, and the yield of cajuput oil. The tools used in the research were digital scales, distillation devices, and testing tools of physical-chemical properties of cajuput oil. The material for research was the cajuput plants at KPH Yogyakarta. Data of cajuput leave-twig biomass were obtained for 9 months from 9 plots which were well distributed on various ages. Biological cycle analysis uses curent monthly increment (CMI) and mean monthly increment (MMI) intersection approach. Analysis of the physical-chemical properties on cajuput oil refers to SNI 3954:2014 on cajuput oil. The results showed that the biological cycles of cajuput leaves were obtained 5 months after leaves harvesting. The chemical physical properties of cajuput oil that meet the requirements of SNI were achieved after the leaves are 7 months after harvested. The yield of cajuput oil which is above 0.7% was obtained after the leaves are 8 months after harvested. Thus, the optimum cycle for harvesting of cajuput leaves in KPH Yogyakarta is after 8 months
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