192 research outputs found

    Analisa Faktor dan Diskriminan terhadap Kepuasan Penghuni Apartemen Sekitar Kampus di Surabaya : Studi Kasus Apartemen The Square, High Point dan Metropolis

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    Minat pembeli dalam membeli apartemen mahasiswa semakin meningkat setiap tahunnya. Namun, pembangunan apartemen yang meningkat pesat ternyata tidak lepas dari berbagai masalah yang timbul. Berbagai masalah yang timbul ini dikhawatirkan dapat menyebabkan penghuni merasa tidak puas dengan hunian mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan penghuni apartemen sekitar kampus di Surabaya. Penelitian dimulai dengan menemukan variabel – variabel penyebab kepuasan berhuni melalui studi literatur yang dilanjutkan dengan proses pembagian kuesioner. Proses analisa data dilakukan dengan analisa deskriptif, analisa kepuasan, analisa cluster dan diakhiri dengan uji diskriminan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum penghuni merasa puas dengan hunian mereka. Berdasarkan hasil analisa, didapatkan pula bahwa ada hubungan antara status penghuni ( mahasiswa atau non mahasiswa ) terhadap kualitas layanan dan produk. Hasil analisa faktor membuktikan bahwa benar, kelompok faktor kualitas produk dan layanan berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan berhuni

    Tata Kelola Pemerintahan Pada Sektor Informal (Studi Pedagang Kaki Lima Di Kabupaten Ngawi)

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    The presence of informal sector, particularly street vendors (PKL), is anunavoidable economic reality happening to nearly all regions in Indonesia thatneeds special attention. On one side, street vendors have brought problems relatedto urban planning, social, health domain and so forth. While on the other side,street vendors are highly needed by the community in terms of fulfilling their needsand reducing the government\u27s burden. If managed properly, street vendors areable to provide economic improvement and community welfare in a region. NgawiRegency is one region area inseparable from the presence of street vendors. Suchinformal sector has dominated centers of crowd in Ngawi Regency, includingNgawi Regional Square. Street vendors in Ngawi Regency also have also led tomany problems, such as disruption to the city\u27s immaculacy and congestion. Thisresearch is thereby aimed to more deeply examine the Informal Sector Governancein Ngawi Regency.The present research was conducted using combination method orcombining the qualitative and quantitative research with the use of observationdata, interview, documentation and questionnaire in order to explain the realsituation in details while using triangulation of data source, method and theory.Based on the research performed, the results obtained are: the conditionand presence of street vendors in Ngawi Regency are already in accordance withthe theory and concept of Informal Sector; and Ngawi Regency Government has apolicy plan to relocate street vendors. Legalistic approach employed to managestreet vendors is yet accurate, based on findings in the field. A combination ofempowerment, structuralist and legalistic approaches is recommended in themanagement of street vendors

    Gender Analysis of Village Agribusiness Development Program (Case Dry-Area Farming Village Agribusiness Development Program Participants in Cikarawang Village, District Dramaga, Bogor Regency, West Java)

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    Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan (PUAP) merupakan strategi untuk mengatasi kemiskinan dan membuat USAhatani di desa, mengurangi kesenjangan pembangunan antara pusat dan daerah, serta kesenjangan di antara sub-sektor. Tujuan penelitian adalah: (1) mengetahui tingkat akses, kontrol dan manfaat yang dinikmati peserta program dari komponen program pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan (PUAP) (permodalan, pelatihan dan pendampingan), (2) menganalisis tingkat kesetaraan gender dalam hal akses, kontrol manfaat yang dinikmati dari komponen program Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan (PUAP) (permodalan, pelatihan dan pendampingan), dan (3) menganalisis hubungan antara karakteristik individu dan rumah tangga peserta dengan tingkat akses, kontrol dan manfaat yang dinikmati dari komponen program pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan (PUAP) (permodalan, pelatihan dan pendampingan). Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dalam bentuk survei dan didukung dengan data kualitatif. Analisis gender adalah upaya untuk mengidentifikasi dan memahami pola pembagian kerja, distribusi otoritas (keputusan mengambil pola) antara laki-laki dan perempuan, baik pola hubungan sosial, dan pengaruh atau manfaat dari kegiatan pembangunan untuk pria dan wanita. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik rumah tangga (luas lahan kering yang dikuasai) berhubungan nyata/signifikan (secara negatif) dengan tingkat akses dari komponen program PUAP. Hal ini berarti bahwa semakin sempit lahan kering yang dikuasai maka akan semakin akses terhadap program PUAP. Karakteristik rumah tangga (status ekonomi rumah tangga) berhubungan nyata/signifikan (secara positif) dengan tingkat kontrol dari komponen program PUAP. Hal ini berarti bahwa semakin kaya (tidak miskin) maka semakin kontrol terhadap program PUAP. Individual karakteristik (tingkat pendidikan formal dan luas lahan kering yang dikuasai) tidak memiliki korelasi yang nyata/signifikan dengan tingkat akses, kontrol, dan manfaat menikmati komponen program dari PUAP. Karakteristik rumah tangga (luas lahan kering yang dikuasai) tidak memiliki korelasi yang signifikan dengan tingkat kontrol dan menikmati manfaat dari komponen program PUAP. Selain itu, karakteristik rumah tangga (status ekonomi rumah tangga) tidak memiliki korelasi yang signifikan dengan tingkat akses dan menikmati manfaat dari komponen program PUAP

    Measurement of long shore current after permeable groin by floating object

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    Measurement of long shore current before and after permeable groin structure installation is difficult especially in hydraulic model of small water depth. The problems arise that no instrument is dedicated to measure such current at very small depth and long shore current varies quite significantly from the location of breaking wave to the\ud maximum run up position. Measuring instruments that can be used to measure the long shore currents on a laboratory scale is very limited. Measurement of long shore current using floating objects is a method to overcome the limitations of measuring instruments of longs shore current. Floating objects arranged width surf zone and then was dropped by observing the position of the wave. Then the movement of floating objects was recorded by using a video camera. The magnitude of long shore current velocity obtained from the observation of movement distance of floating objects per\ud time unit. The results of measurements of long shore current by floating objects was verified by the results of calculations using the equations of long shore current (equation Longuet-Higgins, 1970). Verification of the measurement results with the results of calculations indicate relatively similar results, so the floating objects method can be recommended for the measurement of long shore current

    Evaluasi Sifat Fisik Dan Uji Iritasi Sediaan Salep Minyak Atsiri Bunga Cengkeh Dalam Basis Larut Air

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    Essential oil of clove (Syzygium aromaticum) (MABC) with eugenol as its main active ingredient, has been studied as anti-inflammatory agent. Its important to develop formulation in an advanced research. This study has been conducted to develop a topical dosage form (an ointment using a water-soluble base). The physical properties of water-soluble ointment preparation of MABC and the irritation properties at various concentrations of MABC have been evaluated. Ointment preparation MABC water-soluble base created using the mixing of the PEG 400 and PEG 4000 by a fusion method. Ointment made with a various concentration of MABC (5%, 10% and 15%). Ointment with each concentration were evaluated based on its physical properties such as pH, dispersiveness and adhesion. Ointment also tested its irritative properties on the skin, using test animals Guinea pigs by Draize test method. Data from those experiments analyzed by ANOVA with T-test level of 95%. The results showed that the physical properties of water-soluble ointment base with MABC concentration of 5%, 10% and 15% reach the requirements of the pH and adhesion parameter, but not for its dispersiveness. Statistical analysis of each trial did not show any significant in difference. The experimental results against irritation test showed that the water-soluble ointment base concentration of 5%, 10% and 15% did not cause irritation to the skin of Guinea pigs

    Studi Tentang Pengelolaan Pasar Tradisional Pada Unit Pasar Suruh Kabupaten Semarang

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    The need for good traditional market management as well as the problemsoccurring in the management of traditional markets into the background of thisresearch. Problems arise: How is the conflict of interest between the RegencyGovernment and the Village Government in the management of Suruh MarketSemarang regency? What are the social and economic impacts of conflict ofinterest between the Regency Government and the Village Government in themanagement of Suruh Market Semarang regency?The purpose of this study is to explain how the process of conflict ofinterest in the management of traditional markets is Suruh Market between theRegency Government and Village Government. In addition to describe andanalyze the impacts resulting from the conflict of interest in the management oftraditional markets, especially Suruh Market viewed from the social and economicaspects.This study uses a combined research method between qualitative andquantitative with a qualitative approach fixed as the main approach. Dataobtained through interviews and questionnaires. The data obtained from thequantitative approach through the survey is used to reinforce the facts related tothe theme and the formulation of related problems. In addition, usingTriangulation data sources to compare the results of interviews with one another.The result of the research shows that conflict of interest occurs because ofdifferent interests between parties involved. Regency Government, VillageGovernment and Traders have a mutually striving interest. Conflict of interestoccurs when the Regency Government wants to take over and manage the SuruhMarket completely but there is a rejection by the Village Government. The socialimpact that occurs is the decline in the number of traders and competition amongtraders is getting tougher. While the economic impact is a decline in the turnoverof traders

    Pengaruh Temperatur dan Waktu Penyimpanan terhadap Potensi Vaksin Polio Oral Trivalen (Sabin Type)

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    The effect of temperature and duration of storage on the potency of trivalent oral polio vaccine (Sabin type) were investigated. Temperature was set up at the beginning from : —20 C, 0 C, 5 C, 10 C, 15°C, 25 C and 30°C. During 30 days period of storage, the polio virus was titrated at 4 days interval using micromethod of TCID5 0 calculation in Vero cells. The result of the study showed that the effect of -20°C, 0°C and 5°C for 30 days of storage was not significantly different. Whereas at 10°C the vaccine potency had started to decrease at day 24 up to day 30. At 15°C the potency had started to decrease at day 12, while at 25°C and 30°C the potency of vaccine drooed sharply at day 4 of storage

    Keterlibatan Masyarakat Dalam Pengelolaan Sampah Di Kota Cirebon

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    Waste is solid remain of human activities and is abundant in major cities. If not managed well, waste will become a problem and causes many risks and dangers for public welfare, such as causing floor, creating unhealthy environment, disturbing city scenery, and even creating social problems. So, correct waste management is required. Waste management in Cirebon still uses collect – transport – dispose pattern, leading to low community involvement in waste management. Community involvement in waste management is important considering the volume of waste increases every day while the government doesn\u27t have enough budgets to use advanced technology in waste management. This study was performed by combined method of qualitative and descriptive quantitative researches using interview, observation, documentation and questionnaire data to describe the actual condition, as well as using triangulation of data source, technique, and theory. The research result showed that waste management in Cirebon still usescollect – transport – dispose patternan hasn\u27t worked with private sector or NGO. Community involvement in waste management was quite good in packing, collecting, and transporting, while the involvement in the implementation of3Rwas lacking. Government efforts to improve community involvement were socialization and coaching
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