6 research outputs found

    Boys zone, boys talk about girls and masculinity

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    The morphology of a CD4+ T cell changes from round to round-flattened during the IS formation. TCR is shown red, ICAM-1 is green, and scale bar is 2 Οm. Before IS formation, TCR was uniformed on the surface of T cell. After IS formation, TCR and ICAM-1 was accumulated at the interface of T-DC

    Additional file 8: Figure S6. of Morphological change of CD4+ T cell during contact with DC modulates T-cell activation by accumulation of F-actin in the immunology synapse

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    The relationship between morphological changes and T-cell activation before and after IS formation. (A) Shape index changes and Ca2+ signals in a CD4+ T cell whose morphology changed to elongated-flattened (left panel). At 1,080 s, IS between CD4+ T cell and DC was formed. Before IS formation, the morphology of CD4+ T cell changed from round to elongated-flattened. At 1,680 s, the morphology of CD4+ T cell changed from elongated-flattened to round-flattened. The peak of Ca2+ signal was occurred before IS formation (at 800 s) and Ca2+ signal sustained at a low level. Images of the morphology and Ca2+ signals of the elongated-flattened T cell before and after IS formations are shown in the right panel. (B) Shape index changes and Ca2+ signals in a CD4+ T cell whose morphology changed to flattened (left panel). Images of the morphology and Ca2+ signals of the round-flattened T cell are shown in the right panel. IS between T cell and DC was formed at 560 s, when Ca2+ signal was at the highest level. The dotted white line depicts the contact boundary between the OT-II CD4+ T cells and the DCs. The calcium intensity was pseudo-colored with hues ranging from blue (low) to red (high). Ca2+ signalling was obtained every 40 s. ICAM-1 was labelled to be green. TCR was labelled to be red. After IS formation, TCR and ICAM-1 were accumulated into the IS of DC-T. Scale bar = 2 μm. (C-E) The distribution of ZAP-70, PLC-γ, PKC-θ (blue) and TCR (red) in the resting CD4+ T cell are shown in panel C to E, reseparately. Scale bar = 2 μm

    Additional file 6: Figure S4. of Morphological change of CD4+ T cell during contact with DC modulates T-cell activation by accumulation of F-actin in the immunology synapse

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    Ca2+ responses in CD4+ T cells were measured and presented by △F/F. (A) The shape index change and Ca2+ signal in a CD4+ T cell whose morphology changed to elongated-flattened (top panel). (B) The shape index change and Ca2+ signal of a CD4+ T cell whose morphology changed to flattened (top panel). (C) The shape index change and Ca2+ signal in a resting T cell. (A-C) Ca2+ signalling was obtained every 10-s or 40-s. (D) Average Ca2+ responses of CD4+ T cells whose morphology changed to round-flattened or to elongated-flattened. (Data are shown as mean ± s.e.m., two-tailed Student’s t-test, ***p < 0.001). (E) Ca2+ response of a CD4+ T cell after it contacted DC pulsed OVA(323–339) in the presence of the cytochalasin D or not. (F) Average Ca2+ responses were measured in CD4+ T cells during the IS formation in the presence of cytochalasin D, nocodazole, TG or cytochalasin D and TG. (mean ± s.e.m, n = 25, three independent experiments), ***P < 0.001 (two-tailed Student’s t-test). (G) Average Ca2+ responses were measured in elongated and/ or CD4+ T cells during contact with DC in the presence of the cytochalasin D or TG treatment. (mean ± s.e.m, n = 25, three independent experiments), ** P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 (two-tailed Student’s t-test). (H) Ca2+ response in a CD4+ T cell with TG stimulation and in a CD4+ T cell forming IS with TG pretreatment. (I) Ca2+ response of a CD4+ T cell with the cytochalasin D and TG treatment and a CD4+ T cells that formed IS with the cytochalasin D and TG pretreatment

    Additional file 7: Figure S5. of Morphological change of CD4+ T cell during contact with DC modulates T-cell activation by accumulation of F-actin in the immunology synapse

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    The distribution of microtubules in CD4+ T cells which made contact with DCs. The distribution of microtubules was measured in an elongated-flattened CD4+ T cell (top line) or a round-flattened CD4+ T cell (middle line). In the presence of the nocodazole, the distribution of microtubules was measured in a CD4+ T cell (bottom line). TCR (red) and ICAM-1 (green) are used to mark the structure of IS, respectively. Dotted white line depicts the contact boundary of CD4+ T cells and DCs. Scale bar is 2 Οm

    Gold/Lewis Acid Catalyzed Cycloisomerization/Diastereoselective [3 + 2] Cycloaddition Cascade: Synthesis of Diverse Nitrogen-Containing Spiro Heterocycles

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    A novel early and late transition-metal relay catalysis has been developed by combining a gold-catalyzed cycloisomerization and a Yb­(OTf)<sub>3</sub>-catalyzed diastereoselective [3 + 2] cycloaddition with aziridines in a selective C–C bond cleavage mode. Various biologically significant complex nitrogen-containing spiro heterocycles were rapidly constructed from readily available starting materials under mild conditions

    Effective and Low-Cost In Situ Surface Engineering Strategy to Enhance the Interface Stability of an Ultrahigh Ni-Rich NCMA Cathode

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    Ultrahigh Ni-rich quaternary layered oxides LiNi1–x–y–zCoxMnyAlzO2 (1 – x – y – z ≥ 0.9) are regarded as some of the most promising cathode candidates for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) because of their high energy density and low cost. However, poor rate capacity and cycling performance severely limit their further commercial applications. Herein, an in situ coating strategy is developed to construct a uniform LiAlO2 layer. The NH4HCO3 solution is added to a NaAlO2 solution to form a weak alkaline condition, which can reduce the hydrolysis rate of NaAlO2, thus enabling uniform deposition of Al(OH)3 on the surface of a Ni0.9Co0.07Mn0.01Al0.02(OH)2 (NCMA) precursor. The LiAlO2-coated samples show enhanced cycling stability and rate capacity. The capacity retention of NCMA increases from 70.7% to 88.3% after 100 cycles at 1 C with an optimized LiAlO2 coating amount of 3 wt %. Moreover, the 3 wt % LiAlO2-coated sample also delivers a better rate capacity of 162 mAh g–1 at 5 C, while that of an uncoated sample is only 144 mAh g–1. Such a large improvement of the electrochemical performance should be attributed to the fact that a uniform LiAlO2 coating relieves harmful interfacial parasitic reactions and stabilizes the interface structure. Therefore, this in situ coating approach is a viable idea for the design of higher-energy-density cathode materials