217 research outputs found

    Dampak Transmigrasi terhadap Tingkat Kesejahteraan Warga Transmigran di Desa Tanjung Kukuh Kecamatan Semendawai Barat Kabuapaten Ogan Komering Ulu

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    Program transmigrasi lokal yang dilakukan Pemerintah OKU Timur bertujuan untuk mengurangi angka kemiskinan. Melihat hal itulah penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesejahteraan dan faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kesejahteraan warga serta faktor yang berkontribusi dari program transmigrasi terhadap kesejahteraan warga transmigran. Kedua Mengetahui faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan tingkat kesejahteraan warga transmigran pada lokasi transmigrasi dari sebelum mereka menjadi warga transmigran dan setelah mereka menjadi warga transmigran. Metode penelitian menggunakan teknik survei lapangaan yaitu pengumpulan data kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan warga transmigrasi masih tergolong kedalam kategori miskin. Kategori miskin ini disebabkan masyarakat pendapatan utamanya masih dari menjadi buruh serabutan dan kebun karet yang mereka miliki belum memiliki hasil karena belum masuk pada masa sadap

    Dampak Laju Perubahan Organisasional Terhadap Kepercayaan Dan Sikap Karyawan: Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan-Perusahaan Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikas

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    . This article investigating the impact of pace of organizational change on organizational trust and employees attitudes in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) companies. This study based on quantitative using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS). The outcome of this study suggests that the pacing of organizational change should be done properly by balancing the change and stabilty of the organization. It could stimulate positive individual attitudes, such as enhancing job satisfaction, organizational commitment and and decreasing intention to leave organization. In addition, this research conclude that the organizational trust as supporting factor of positive organizational change and individual attitudes in the ICTs companies

    Perancangan Aplikasi Absensi Peserta Bimbingan Belajar Berbasis Web dengan Menggunakan Framework Yii

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          Activities attendance of participants in a learning institution is generally done every meeting in order to determine whether students are sick , license , negligent , or late for any class. Then, the data will be entered into the data absentee participant, the participant data include NIP, Name, Class.. Attendance data on the participants learning institution can be used as an assessment to the level of discipline on each participant. It also serves to obtain attendance data summary for each participant at the end of the meeting. Attendance data of pre-existing participants can not meet the needs of the user at the time of charging participants for attendance officers are still using manual attendance register. Attendance manually participants will encounter some problems such as easily wear away, difficulty in data retrieval and slow time in the data processing is considered a need for change in a computerized system so that the information obtained are more accurate. It is because the system uses a database, where the data is stored in an integrated way. Construction of the system by using web yii framework has advantages which are small data size, the Security Concern framework to anticipate and put up a shield against the various security issues that may arise.   &nbsp

    Media Development Using Macromedia Flash 8 on the Material of the Dynamics of Planet Earth

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    This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Limboto. This research aims to develop learning media using macromedia flash 8 on the material of planetary dynamics. The method used in this research is the ADDIE method. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The instrument used in the form of assessment criteria to determine the feasibility of media from material experts, material experts, and geography teachers as well as student responses to learning media using a questionnaire. The data collected in the form of research results regarding the quality of the media get a value of 68.23% with the level of validity included in the qualification "valid", the results of validation by material experts get a value of 86.66% with the level of validity included in the qualification "very valid", and the results of validation by geography teachers get a value of 80.18% with the level of validity included in the qualification "very valid", while for student responses from the results of the trial get a value of 85%, this value is in the category "strongly agree"

    Go+ Dalam Menunjang Int+ Untuk Pengelolaan Data Cmb Pada Perguruan Tinggi

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    The development of information technology , especially in the era of globalization software much influence on human life and the world of education. And supported by increased public participation in information technology to education in particular. Higher Education is a leading university that has had the best level of recognition from the National Accreditation Board makes a lot of enthusiasts who signed up. College Marketing Division has Integram system that supports data management Prospective New Students and can only be accessed on campus. Therefore we need a system that can be used online. To support this necessary or membership management student called INT +. There are four problems in the system that is running INTEGRAM system . There are three objectives in this study. Researchers using the prototype as a research method . Data collection techniques used were observation to stakeholders in the marketing division . This study is limited to the process of getting the data presentation area in the form of name , email and telephone number Prospective New Student . GO + is the latest version of GO that are connected to the Internet can be accessed anywhere. In the implementation shown prototype GO+ with INT+ , so it can be concluded that GO + with INT+ to maximize the performance of Personil Marketing

    Desain Aplikasi Tracer Study Berbasis Web Menggunakan Laravel Framework

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    Learning Evaluation conducted includes internal evaluations and external evaluations of learning management. One form of internal evaluation carried out is a comprehensive review of the curriculum. For this reason, one of them is by tracer study. Tracer Study is a tracking study conducted by alumni after graduation, which aims to find out the educational outcomes in the form of transitions from the world of higher education to the world of work, mastery of competencies, evaluation of learning processes and excavation of graduate sociobiographies. However, the availability of study data is incomplete and difficult to obtain. Some of what has been done is to use social media, e-mail and by distributing cover letters in the form of questionnaires to alumni manually. For this reason, it is necessary to develop a tracer study application with a website using Laravel Framework which has advantages, namely with MVC (model view controller) using a software approach that separates logic and presentation applications so that the time used in developing this application becomes faster

    Evaluating the effect of the pin's length to the strength of double sides friction stir welded aluminum

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    Based on previous research, it is believed that the double side friction stir welding will improve the obtained joint. It is hoped the length of the pin broaden the strain hardened area (especially the interference zone) which in turn will produce the stronger joints. From tensile test data, the tensile strength does increase by the length of the pin. The maximum tensile strength of 183 MPa acquired from the 6.5 millimeter pin which is equal to 75% joint efficiency whilst the lowest is 42 MPa resulted by the 2.5 millimeter pin. The hardness test confirmed the existing of the strain hardening phenomenon, which was shown by harder materials at interference zone. Other supporting evidence is the micro structure photo. The photos showed that not only exhibits strain hardening the interference zone also yields finer dispersed micro structure that will provide stronger joint
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