33 research outputs found

    Valyuta-moliya munosabatlarining globallashuvi va uning rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlar iqtisodiyotiga ta’siri

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    Ushbu maqolada xalqaro iqtisodiy integratsiya jarayonlaridagi ishtirokini kuchaytirish  va tartibga solish muammolari, valyuta kurslari va O’zbekiston valyuta siyosatining o’ziga xos xususiyatlari tahlil qilingan va Valyuta-moliya munosabatlarining rivojlanayotgan mamlakatlar iqtisodiyotiga ta’sirini samarali foydalanish bo’yicha takliflar berilgan


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    This article describes the role of how a person able to play in human life, in raising his spirituality. The author draws on his views on the culture of the famous speakers and their comments


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    The article illustrates the importance of speech culture and the notion of creating a pedagogical image. Comments on the creation or promotion of a pedagogical image during the training sessions have been elaborated on scientific basis. The sensitivity of the talk has been compared to one another. The importance of communication in defining professional skills of the teacher is shown

    The Major Tasks of Orator

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    This article describes the role of how a person able to play in human life, in raising his spirituality. The author draws on his views on the culture of the famous speakers and their comments

    Fuzuli’nin Türkçe Divan’ının Tenkitli Neşirlerinin Araştırılması Tarihinden

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    Makalede Fuzuli'nin Türkçe Divan'ının yayınlanmış tenkitli metinlerinin öğrenilme tarihi araştırılmaktadır. Bu konuda ilk sözü ilk tenkitli metinleri hazırlayan tertipçilerin kendileri söylemiş ve biribirlerinin eserleri hakkında fikir belirtmişlerdir. Aynı zamanda, bu metinbilimcilerden sonra yetişen alimler de bu metinler hakkında kendi düşünceleriyle Fuzulibilimciliği geliştirmiş, tenkitli metinlerin olumlu ve olumsuz yönlerini incelemişlerdir. Makalede, Fuzuli yazmalarını öğrenen bilim adamlarının eserlerine de göz atılmıştır. Fuzuli Divanı'nın tenkitli metninin hazırlanmasında onlar da belirli bir rol oynamıştır. In the article we explore the scientific-critical texts of native "Divan" of Fuzuli. According to the first scientific approach to the development of scientific-critical texts said by compiler, had an opinion on each other's work. At the same time, scientists' opinions have grown after the textologs about the texts developed by this area; scientific-critical texts were analyzed by the more success and failure aspects. In the article has been glanced at researches of the scientists studying the manuscripts of Fuzuli because they have a certain role in developing the scientific-critical texts "Divan" of Fuzuli

    Generalization of territories’ and enterprises’ ecological assessment methods

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    The article reveals the modern state of the ecological situation where it is necessary to conduct the research that will allow to find out the ways and provide the measures concerning the improvement of the ecological situation for such entities as territorial complexes and enterprises. The authors provide the description of the stages for the entities’ ecological assessment, the methodical bases for their carrying out together with the ecological security indicators including the reflected types of danger for hazardous substances, indicated by the standards of limiting permissible concentrations of hazardous substance emissions into the atmosphere of working zones and inhabited settlements, the water entities of economic and drinkable and cultural and everyday water consumption, soils. Rather significant in improving the ecological situation of territories is the introduction and application of the enterprises’ ecological culture level assessment that will help find out the processes of environmental measures, which the enterprises conduct

    The Role of the Educational Created in the Image of Communication

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    The article illustrates the importance of speech culture and the notion of creating a pedagogical image. Comments on the creation or promotion of a pedagogical image during the training sessions have been elaborated on scientific basis. The sensitivity of the talk has been compared to one another. The importance of communication in defining professional skills of the teacher is shown


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    In this article, the problems of language, culture, science and, in particular, talks about the types of components according to their characteristics opened. The main features of the asymmetric relationship, its essence in the Uzbek 627 dialogue is explained. The details of the address and the recipient are given and exa


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    The article discusses the development of thinking, which is carried out mainly due to the solution of constantly becoming more complicated speech-and-thinking tasks of different levels of problematicity, reflected in the content of foreign language texts. Thus, the cognitive and communicative functions of thinking are actively developing, mental operations, abilities, mental functions and much more are developing