16 research outputs found

    Adolescent religiosity and human values

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    Yüksek Lisans Tezi.YÖK Tez No:438993Araştırmanın amacı, gençlerin hayatında önemli bir yeri olan dindarlıkla, değerler arasındaki ilişkiyi tespit etmektir. Bu doğrultuda Bursa İli İnegöl İlçesinde farklı liselerde öğrenim görmekte olan 14 – 18 yaş arası 638 öğrenciden örneklem grubu oluşturulmuştur. Araştırmada değerlerle ilgili verilerin toplanmasında "İnsani Değerler Ölçeğinden", dindarlıkla ilgili verilerin toplanmasında ise "Dini Hayat Ölçeğinden" faydalanılmıştır. Veri analizinde Pearson Korelasyon Analizi, çok gruplu değişkenlerin analizinde ise "Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi (One Way Anova)" ve "Tukey – HSD testi" kullanılmıştır. Elde edinilen bulgulara göre; bazı bağımsız değişkenlerle dindarlık ve değerler arasında anlamlı ilişkiler söz konusudur. Ayrıca dindarlıkla değer boyutları arasında ve değerlerle dindarlık puanları boyutları arasında anlamlı ilişkiler elde edilmiştir. Dindarlıkla bağımsız değişkenler arasındaki korelasyona baktığımızda, dindarlıkla yaş, hayatın en uzun geçtiği yer, öğrenim görülen okul, din eğitimi alma durumu, ailenin dindarlık düzeyi ve annenin eğitim düzeyi arasında anlamlı ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Değerlerle bağımsız değişkenler arasındaki korelasyona baktığımızda ise, değerlerle yaş, cinsiyet, ailenin dindarlık düzeyi arasında anlamlı ilişki olduğu saptanmıştır. Ergenlerde dindarlık düzeyi yükseldikçe değer puanlarında da yükselme olduğu görülmüştür. Ayrıca dindarlık boyutları ile değerler arasındaki korelasyona baktığımızda değerlerle dindarlığın inanç, duygu ve davranış boyutları arasında anlamlı ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Değer boyutları ile dindarlık arasındaki korelasyona baktığımızda ise dindarlıkla değerlerin hoşgörü, sorumluluk, dostluk/arkadaşlık, barışçı olma, saygı ve dürüstlük boyutları arasında anlamlı ilişki tespit edilmiştir.The purpose of this study is to explore the relation between the religiosity which has a big effect on youth's life and values. The sample group consists of 638 students between the ages of 14-18 years old from various highs schools in inegol Bursa. In this study for the measurement of values "Human Values Scale" and for religiousity "Religious Life Scale" were used. İn the process of data analysis Pearson Correlation Coefficeint and One Way Anova and Tukey –HSD test were used. The data obtained from 638 questionnaires.The results of the study revealed that there is a significant relationship between some independent variables with religiousity and values. Besides the study found that there are significant relatinships between religiosity with value dimension and values and religiostiy dimensions. It emerged from analysis of data that there exists a positive correlation between religiosity, age, educational background, the religiosity level of family, the place student live, religious education and mother`s education. Likewise, considering the correlation between values and independent variables there exists a positive correlation between values and age, gender and family`s religiosity level. The higher the religiosity level in Adolescences the higher the scores of values. Besides considering the religiosity dimeinsion and values there has been meaningful relationship between values and the dimensions of religiosity; belief, emotion and behavior. Considering the correlations between value dimensions and religiosity there exists a meaninful relationships between religiosity and value dimensions; tolerance, responsibility, friendship, reconciliation, respect and honesty

    Parameters affecting of Akkuyu’s safety assessment for severe core damages

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    We have looked at all past core meltdowns (Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima incidents) and postulated the fourth one might be taking place in the future most probably in a newly built reactors anywhere of the earth in any type of NPP. The probability of this observation is high considering the nature of the machine and human interaction. Operation experience is a very significant parameter as well as the safety culture of the host nation. The concerns is not just a lack of experience with industry with the new comers, but also the infrastructure and established institutions who will be dealing with the Emergencies. Lack of trained and educated Emergency Response Organizations (ERO) is a major concern. The culture on simple fire drills even makes the difference when a severe condition occurs in the industry. The study assumes the fourth event will be taking place at the Akkuyu NGS and works backwards as required by the “what went wrong ” scenarios and comes up with interesting results. The differences studied in depth to determine the impact to the severe accidents. The all four design have now core catchers. We have looked at the operator errors’like in TMI); Operator errors combined with design deficiencies(like in Chernobyl) and natural disasters( like in Fukushima) and found operator errors to be more probable event on the Akkuyu’s postulated next incident. With respect to experiences of the operators we do not have any data except for long and successful operating history of the Soviet design reactors up until the Chernobyl incident. Since the Akkuyu will be built, own and operated by the Russians we have found no alarming concerns at the moment. At the moment, there is no body be able to operate those units in Turkey. Turkey is planning to build the required manpower during the transition period. The resolution of the observed parameters lies to work and educate, train of the host nation and exercise together

    Reaction cross section calculation of some alkaline earth elements

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    Reaction cross section knowledge is crucial to application nuclear physics such as medical imaging, radiation shielding and material evaluations. Nuclear reaction codes can be used if the experimental data are unavailable or are improbably to be produced because of the experimental trouble. In this study, there action cross sections of some target alkaline earth elements have been calculated by using pre-equilibrium and equilibrium nuclear reaction models for nucleon induced reactions. While these calculations, the Hybrid Model, the Geometry Dependent Hybrid Model, the Full Exciton Model, the Cascade Exciton Model for pre-equilibrium reactions and the Weisskopf-Ewing Model for equilibrium reactions have been used. The calculated cross sections have been discussed and compared with the experimental data taken from Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data library

    Reaction cross section calculation of some alkaline earth elements

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    Reaction cross section knowledge is crucial to application nuclear physics such as medical imaging, radiation shielding and material evaluations. Nuclear reaction codes can be used if the experimental data are unavailable or are improbably to be produced because of the experimental trouble. In this study, there action cross sections of some target alkaline earth elements have been calculated by using pre-equilibrium and equilibrium nuclear reaction models for nucleon induced reactions. While these calculations, the Hybrid Model, the Geometry Dependent Hybrid Model, the Full Exciton Model, the Cascade Exciton Model for pre-equilibrium reactions and the Weisskopf-Ewing Model for equilibrium reactions have been used. The calculated cross sections have been discussed and compared with the experimental data taken from Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data library

    Preliminary results of Sr/Ca ratio study of teeth samples by photoactivation analysis

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    In this paper, we have performed Photoactivation Analysis (PAA), a non-destructive method, which is used to determine elemental concentration of any sample. This paper presents the first use of this method in medical sciences in Turkey. The method was applied to the determination of Sr/Ca ratios in teeth. The collected teeth samples and standards (SrO and CaCO3) have been irradiated for a fixed time interval with high energy photons. The photons were generated by a clinical linear accelerator (cLINAC). The photon end-point energy was 18 MeV. The energy and the time interval were sufficient to achieve good activation. Afterward, the samples and standards have been analysed with gamma spectroscopic analysis by using an HPGe detector system. By analysing many samples, a database of Sr/Ca ratios will be created at Nuclear Research and Application Center (NUBA). In this paper we present a small subset of the already analysed data as an example of our capabilities and goal. We hope to set an example for future studies

    Preliminary results of Sr/Ca ratio study of teeth samples by photoactivation analysis

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    In this paper, we have performed Photoactivation Analysis (PAA), a non-destructive method, which is used to determine elemental concentration of any sample. This paper presents the first use of this method in medical sciences in Turkey. The method was applied to the determination of Sr/Ca ratios in teeth. The collected teeth samples and standards (SrO and CaCO3) have been irradiated for a fixed time interval with high energy photons. The photons were generated by a clinical linear accelerator (cLINAC). The photon end-point energy was 18 MeV. The energy and the time interval were sufficient to achieve good activation. Afterward, the samples and standards have been analysed with gamma spectroscopic analysis by using an HPGe detector system. By analysing many samples, a database of Sr/Ca ratios will be created at Nuclear Research and Application Center (NUBA). In this paper we present a small subset of the already analysed data as an example of our capabilities and goal. We hope to set an example for future studies

    Simple parametrization of (n,d) cross sections using Flerov and Talyzin's formula

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    This article aims at providing new cross section data from empirical formulas for the (n,d) reactions of which experimental measurements at 14–15 MeV energy are not available or limited. If the experimental data for a nuclear reaction at a given energy are scarce, theoretical calculations and also developing empirical formulas have a critical importance. Here, we propose a new empirical formula of (n,d) reactions for analysis of the relationship between the experimental data and the parameters of empirical formula. The present formula was obtained by using the non-elastic Flerov and Talyzin expression to calculate (n,d) cross sections at 14–15 MeV. Due to the good overall agreement with the measured cross sections, our empirical formula with polynomial fitting model including asymmetry parameter can be useful in planning new experiments of (n,d) reactions for energies around 14 MeV

    Proton bombarded reactions of Calcium target nuclei

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    In this study, proton bombarded nuclear reactions calculations of Calcium target nuclei have been investigated in the incident proton energy range of 1–50 MeV. The excitation functions for 40Ca target nuclei reactions have been calculated by using PCROSS nuclear reaction calculation code. Weisskopf-Ewing and the full exciton models were used for equilibrium and for pre-equilibrium calculations, respectively. The excitation functions for 40Ca target nuclei reactions (p,α), (p,n), (p,p) have been calculated using the semi-empirical formula Tel et al. [5]