41 research outputs found

    A comparison of physiological responses to various intermittent and continuous small-sided games in young soccer players

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate physiological responses to various intermittent and continuous small-sided games (SSGs)-including 2-a-side, 3-a-side, and 4-a-side games-in young soccer players. Twenty soccer players (average age 16.6±0.5 years; mean body height 176.2±4.6 cm; mean body mass 65.9±5.6 kg) voluntarily participated in this study. The subjects underwent anthropometric measurements followed by the YoYo intermittent recovery test. Then, they played intermittent (SSGint) and continuous (SSGcon) 2-a-side, 3-a-side, and 4-a-side soccer-specific SSGs in random order at 2-day intervals. Paired t-tests were used to assess differences between the training regimens (intermittent and continuous) in terms of heart rate (HR), percentage of maximum HR (%HRmax), and blood lactate concentration (LA). The differences in LA, HR and %HRmax between the 2-a-side, 3-a-side and 4-a-side SSGint or the 2-a-side, 3-a-side and 4-a-side SSGcon were identified using a one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures. The results demonstrated that the 3-a-side SSGint and SSGcon measurements were significantly higher than the 2-a-side and 4-a-side games in terms of HR and %HRmax, whereas the 2-a-side SSGint and SSGcon resulted in higher LA responses compared to other SSG types. The study results also demonstrated that SSGint and SSGcon are similar in terms of physiological responses except for 2-a-side game LA responses. The results of this study suggest that both SSGint and SSGcon could be used for the physiological adaptations required for soccer specific aerobic endurance. © Editorial Committee of Journal of Human Kinetics

    Effect of varying recovery duration on postactivation potentiation of explosive jump and short sprint in elite young soccer players

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of postactivation potentiation (PAP) on vertical jump and sprint performances with different recovery durations. Twelve elite young soccer players (average age: 17.0 ± 0.6 years; body mass: 67.0 ± 5.4 kg; height: 175.0 ± 3.5 cm) voluntarily performed countermovement jump (CMJ) and 30-m sprints (with 10-m split times) under unloaded and 4 different recovery duration conditions (R1: 1 minute, R2: 2 minutes, R3: 3 minutes, and R4: 4 minutes) after a set of 3 repetitions of half-squat exercises at 90% of 1-repetition maximum. Electromyographic assessments of both limbs' vastus lateralis (VL) and semitendinosus (ST) muscle activity were also made during the tests. Vertical jump height, sprint time, and VL and ST muscle activity root mean square (RMS) values were analyzed. The results show that players demonstrated significantly better CMJ, 10-, and 30-m sprint performances in the R4 condition compared with the unloaded condition (p < 0.05). The players also showed significantly higher RMS values for VL and ST muscle activity in the CMJ and 30-m test performances for both legs in the R4 condition compared with the unloaded, R1, R2, and R3 conditions (p < 0.05). According to these results, if sports scientists and coaches desire to increase the PAP effect after heavy resistance training, 4 minutes of recovery time instead of 1, 2, or 3 minutes for CMJ, 10-, and 30-m sprint performances is recommended

    Wingate anaerobik güç testi

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    The Wingate Anaerobic Test (WAnT) was developed during the 1970s at the Department of Research and Sport Medicine of the Wingate Institute for Physical Education and Sport in Israel. Since the introduction of its prototype, the WAnT has been accepted in laboratories around the world to assess muscle power, muscle endurance and fatigability (1). Wingate test was designed to be simple to administered without the need for particularly skilled personnel; inexpensive; used with commonly available equipment; non-invasive; feasible for administraction to a wide spectrum of the population, according young children and physically disable. The test should be applicable to the upper and lower limbs alike. WAnT is a supramaximal exercise test involves pedaling a cycle ergometer for 30 seconds at a maximal speed against a resistance which is determined according to the subject’s body weight. WAnT is proven to be valid and reliable and the most popular anaerobic performance test. The purpose of this article review was to describe WAnT in all dimensions.Wingate Anaerobik Testi (WAnT) İsrail&rsquo;de, Wingate Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Enstit&uuml;s&uuml;n&uuml;n Araştırma ve Spor Sağlığı b&ouml;l&uuml;m&uuml;nde 1970&rsquo;lerde geliştirilmiştir. İlk prototipi sunulduğundan beri t&uuml;m d&uuml;nyada bir&ccedil;ok laboratuarda kas g&uuml;c&uuml;n&uuml;, kas dayanıklılığını ve yorgunluğunu belirlemekte kullanılan bir test olarak kabul g&ouml;rmektedir (1). WAnT uygulaması basit, &ouml;zel becerili personel gerektirmeyen, ucuz ve kolay edinilebilir aletlerle yapılabilen, invaziv olmayan ve toplumun her kesimine, hatta &ccedil;ocuklara ve engellilere bile uygulanabilen bir test olarak geliştirilmiştir. WAnT alt ekstremitelere olduğu kadar &uuml;st ekstremitelere de uygulanabilir. WAnT 30 saniye s&uuml;re ile v&uuml;cut ağırlığına dayanan sabit bir y&uuml;ke karşı maksimum hızla pedal &ccedil;evirmeyi kapsayan supramaksimal bir testtir. Bu test ge&ccedil;erliği ve g&uuml;venirliği kanıtlanmış &ccedil;ok pop&uuml;ler anaerobik performans testidir. Bu yazıda da &nbsp;WAnT t&uuml;m y&ouml;nleriyle ele alınmştır.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp

    Variation in Match Physical Performance in Turkish Super League Soccer Players by Position Across Four Seasons

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    This study examined variations in match physical performances of Turkish Super League soccer players over four consecutive seasons, considering playing position. Data were derived from 1224 different match indices for 17997 observations of 25 different teams. These data were collected over the four seasons from 2015–16 to 2018–19 utilizing a multi-camera computerized tracking system. Playing positions were categorized as follows: central defender (CD), external defender (ED), central midfielder (CM), external midfielder (EM), and forward (FWR). The data analysed covered total distance, as well as distances covered in the following conditions: high-speed running (HSR, 20-23.9 km.h-1), sprinting (&gt; 24 km.h-1), high metabolic power (HMP; from 20 to 35 W·kg1), elevated metabolic power (EMP; from 35 to 55 W·kg-1), and maximal metabolic power (MMP; &gt; 55 W·kg-1). Players in the CM position were found to cover a significantly greater total distance, as well as significantly greater HMP and EMP distances than all other positions. In contrast, those in EM and ED positions engaged in significantly greater high-speed running and sprint distance than all other positions (p&lt;0.05). Decreases were found in the distances covered in the different running speed zones and metabolic power zones for all positions over the seasons from 2015–16 to 2018–19. These findings show that the positional roles of the players entail different physical demands. Therefore, it is recommended that coaches consider the physical demands of the positions and seasonal variation when creating training programs for players

    The effect of isolated or combined small-sided games and speed endurance training on physical performance parameters in young soccer players

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of six weeks of small-sided games (SSG), speed endurance (SER) and combined SSG and SER (CT) training programs on sprint, repeated sprint, Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 (Yo-Yo IR1) and level 2 (Yo-Yo IR2) performance in young soccer players. Forty-one elite young soccer players (body height: 174.0 ± 7.5 cm, body weight: 59.7 ± 9.5 kg, age: 14.6 ± 0.5 years, training age: 7.4 ± 0.6 years) underwent anthropometric measurements before performing 10m and 30m sprint tests, repeated sprint tests, and Yo-Yo IR1 and Yo-Yo IR2. The players were then divided into four groups: the SSG group (SSG; n=11), the SER group (SER; n=10), the CT group (CT; n=11), and the control group (CG; n=9). All groups performed training for six weeks on two days out of the five training days the participants were undertaking. There was a statistically significant increase in the Yo-Yo IR1 and Yo-Yo IR2 test performances of players in SSG, SER and CT groups (p&lt;.05). In addition, players in these groups showed significantly higher percentage increases in Yo-Yo IR2 test performance compared to the CG. The CT group also had a statistically significant increase in Yo-Yo IR1 test performance compared to the CG (p&lt;.05). In conclusion, while this study shows that SSG and SER training can be used for physical performance development in isolation or in combination, coaches and sports scientists are advised to choose combined training to use training time more efficiently

    An event-detection high dynamic range CMOS image sensor

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    A novel CMOS image sensor is proposed to overcome the analog design limitations in Active Pixel Sensors - APS and large area overcome in Digital Pixel Sensors - DPS for use in bio-medical applications. The design includes a pixel level event generation mechanism by using a binary search technique. A ramp voltage generated by a combined block of 10-bit counter and DAC Digital to Analog Converter is compared with the pixel integrated voltage at each clock cycle at the same time allowing a fixed exposure time interval. The proposed design arrives to a total pixel array area of 1505.62μm × 4566μm for a pixel array size of 160(Zf) × 120(V). The photo-active area in each pixel is considered as the N-well area in a p002B;/n-well/p-sub type photo-transistor corresponding to a size of 11.24μm × 10.76μm. The overall pixel array reaches a fill factor of %34

    Improvement of the physical conditioning of young soccer players by playing small-sided games on different pitch size - Special reference to physiological responses

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether young soccer players change their physiological responses according to the different sizes of a pitch for 3-a-side and 4-a-side games (SSG). Sixteen young soccer players (age 14.2±0.6 yrs; height 162.8±5.7 cm; body mass 55.1±7.4 kg) participated in three different formats of 3-a-side (small pitch size: SSGS, 20x15 m; medium pitch size: SSG GM, 25x18 m; large pitch size: SSG L, 30x20 m) and 4-a-side (SSGS, 20x20 m; SSGM, 30x20 m; SSG L, 32x25 m) games. Each player performed the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test (YIRT) level 1. Then, the 3-a-side and 4-a-side games were organized in random order at 2-day intervals. During SSG, heart rate (HR) was recorded. In addition, the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was determined at the end of each SSG. The study results demonstrated that young soccer players presented significantly higher HR (F=14.722; p&lt;.05; η2=0.495), %HRmax (F=14.694; p&lt;.05; η2=0.495) and RPE10 (F=14.045; p&lt;.05; η2=0.484) during 3-a-side SSGL compared to both 3-a-side SSG S and SSGM. Moreover, the 4-a-side SSGL induced significantly higher HR (F=6.658; p&lt;.05; η2=0.307), %HRmax (F=6.495; p&lt;.05; η2=0.302) and RPE10 (F=18.719; p&lt;.05; η2=0.555) compared to 4-a-side SSGS. Therefore, it can be concluded that young soccer players could change their physiological responses during SSGs according to a different pitch size. The results of this study suggest that coaches of young soccer players should pay special attention to choosing the SSG type and pitch size when targeting physical conditioning of players in soccer training

    Amerikan futbolcularında farklı protokollerden elde edilen anaerobik performans değerleri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi

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    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the relationships different protocols anaerobic performance tests in American football players. 27 American football players from a university team participated in this study voluntarily (age: 23.07±3.45 yrs). For the determination of body composition, subjects height, body weight and skinfold thicknesses were taken and body fat percentage was determined by the Acikada   formula (1991). Wingate Anaerobic Power Test (WAnT), squat jump (SJ), counter movement jump (CMJ),  repeated-jump and 10-20-30 meter transition (speed) times were used for the determination of anaerobic performance. Results of Pearson Product Moment correlation analysis, WAnT anaerobic power was significantly correlated with anaerobic capacity (r=.394; pBu &ccedil;alışma Amerikan futbolu oyuncularında farklı protokollerden elde edilen anaerobik performans değerleri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. &Ccedil;alışmaya toplam 27 g&ouml;n&uuml;ll&uuml; (yaş: 23.07&plusmn;3.45 yıl) erkek &uuml;niversite &ouml;ğrencisi katılmıştır. Deneklerin v&uuml;cut kompozisyonlarının belirlenmesinde; boy uzunluğu, v&uuml;cut ağırlığı, deri kıvrım kalınlığı, &ccedil;evre ve &ccedil;ap &ouml;l&ccedil;&uuml;mleri yapılmış, yağ y&uuml;zdesinin belirlenmesinde ise A&ccedil;ıkada (1991) form&uuml;l&uuml; kullanılmıştır. Anaerobik performans Wingate anaerobik g&uuml;&ccedil; ve kapasite testi (WAnT), aktif sı&ccedil;rama, skuat sı&ccedil;rama, &ccedil;oklu sı&ccedil;rama,&nbsp; 10m., 20m., 30m. testleri ile belirlenmiştir. Yapılan Pearson &Ccedil;arpımlar Moment Korelasyon sonucunda elde edilen WAnT anaerobik g&uuml;&ccedil; ile anaerobik kapasite (r=.394; p&lt;0.05) arasında da anlamlı ilişki bulunurken, anaerobik kapasite ile skuat sı&ccedil;rama (r=.536; p&lt;0.01), 10 metre koşu (r=-.608; p&lt;0.01), 20 metre koşu (r=-.626; p&lt;0.01) ve 30 metre koşu (r=-.593; p&lt;0.01) arasında ilişki bulunmuştur. Buna benzer bir ilişkide &ccedil;oklu sı&ccedil;rama ile skuat sı&ccedil;rama (r=-.596; p&lt;0.01), aktif sı&ccedil;rama (r=-.462; p&lt;0.05),&nbsp; 10 metre koşu (r=-.632; p&lt;0.01), 20 metre koşu (r=-.558; p&lt;0.01) ve 30 metre koşu (r=-.580; p&lt;0.01) arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur. Ayrıca aktif sı&ccedil;rama ile skuat sı&ccedil;rama (r=-.791; p&lt;0.01),&nbsp; 10 metre koşu (r=-.609; p&lt;0.01), 20 metre koşu (r=-.590; p&lt;0.01) ve 30 metre koşu (r=-.588; p&lt;0.01) arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur. Bu sonu&ccedil;lara ek olarak skuat sı&ccedil;rama ile 10 metre koşu (r=-.711; p&lt;0.01), 20 metre koşu (r=-.658; p&lt;0.01) ve 30 metre koşu (r=-.638; p&lt;0.01) arasında anlamlı ilişki bulunmuştur. Sonu&ccedil; olarak, &ccedil;alışmadaki bulgular Amerikan futbolu oyuncularının farklı protokollerde elde edilen anaerobik performans sonu&ccedil;larının ilişkili olduğunu g&ouml;stermiştir. Buda kullanılan protokollerin anaerobik yapıya sahip olan &ouml;l&ccedil;&uuml;m teknikleri olduğundan kaynaklanmaktadır

    Unapređenje kondicijske pripremljenosti mladih nogometaša primjenom igranja malog nogometa na različitim veličinama igrališta – poseban osvrt na fiziološke odgovore

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether young soccer players change their physiological responses according to the different sizes of a pitch for 3-a-side and 4-a-side games (SSG). Sixteen young soccer players (age 14.2±0.6 yrs; height 162.8±5.7cm; body mass 55.1±7.4kg) participated in three different format of 3-a-side (small pitch size: SSGS, 20x15m; medium pitch size: SSGM, 25x18m; large pitch size: SSGL, 30x20m) and 4-a-side (SSGS, 20x20m; SSGM, 30x20m; SSGL, 32x25m) games. Each player performed the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test (YIRT) level 1. Then, the 3-a-side and 4-a-side games were organized in random order at 2-day intervals. During SSGs, heart rate (HR) was recorded. In addition, the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was determined at the end of each SSG. The study results demonstrated that young soccer players presented significantly higher HR (F=14.722; p<.05; η2=0.495), %HRmax (F=14.694; p<.05; η2=0.495) and RPE10 (F=14.045; p<.05; η2=0.484) during 3-a-side SSGL compared to both 3-a-side SSGS and SSGM. Moreover, the 4-a-side SSGL induced significantly higher HR (F=6.658; p<.05; η2=0.307), %HRmax (F=6.495; p<.05; η2=0.302) and RPE10 (F=18.719; p<.05; η2=0.555) compared to 4-a-side SSGS. Therefore, it can be concluded that young soccer players could change their physiological responses during SSGs according to a different pitch size. The results of this study suggest that coaches of young soccer players should pay special attention to choosing the SSG type and pitch size when targeting physical conditioning of players in soccer training.Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi da li mladi nogometaši različito fiziološki odgovaraju na igranje malog nogometa 3 na 3 i 4 na 4 kada se mijenja veličina igrališta. Šesnaest mladih nogometaša (14,2±0,6 godina, tjelesne visine 162,8±5,7 cm i tjelesne težine 55,1±7,4 kg) igralo je mali nogomet 3 na 3 na tri različite veličine igrališta (malo igralište: SSGS, 20x15m; srednje igralište: SSGM, 25x18m; veliko igralište: SSGL, 30x20m) te 4 na 4 na (SSGS, 20x20m; SSGM, 30x20m; SSGL, 32x25m). Svaki igrač je bio testiran pomoću YoYo intermittent recovery testa (YYIRT) 1. razine. Nakon provedenih testiranja, slučajnim redoslijedom, u intervalima od 2 dana, igrao se mali nogomet 3 na 3 i 4 na 4. Tijekom igranja malog nogometa bilježena je frekvencija srca (FS). Nadalje, nakon posljednjeg perioda svake igre zabilježena je i subjektivna procjena opterećenja (SPO). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da mladi nogometaši manifestiraju značajno višu frekvenciju srca (F=14,722; p<,05; η2=0,495), %FS (F=14,694; p<,05; η2=0,495) i SPO10 (F=14.045; p<,05; η2=0,484) tijekom igranja 3 na 3 na velikom igralištu u odnosu na igranje 3 na 3 na srednjem i malom igralištu. Štoviše, igranje 4 na 4 na velikom igralištu izazvalo je značajno višu frekvenciju srca (F=6,658; p<,05; η2=0.307), %FSmax (F=6,495; p<,05; η2=0,302) i SPO10 (F=18,719; p<,05; η2=0,555) u usporedbi s igranjem 4 na 4 na malom igralištu. Stoga se može zaključiti da mladi nogometaši manifestiraju različite fiziološke odgovore na igranje malog nogometa na igralištima različite veličine. Rezultati ovog istraživanja sugeriraju da bi treneri koji rade s mladim nogometašima trebali obratiti pažnju na odabir broja igrača i veličinu igrališta u odnosu na broj igrača kako bi poboljšali željenu razinu kondicijske pripremljenosti tijekom nogometnog treninga

    The Acute Effects of Velocity Loss During Half Squat Exercise on Jump Performance

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    The velocity loss (VL) approach during squat exercise may increase the post-activation potentiation enhancement effect on squat jump performance. If this method succeeds, then different conditions of VL should be researched before its implementation to the field. This study hypothesized that squat jump performance would be increased after different volumed VL conditions during half-squat exercise. Eighteen resistance-trained men (mean [M] ± standard deviation [SD]; age: 24.00±3.53 years; body mass: 78.37±5.53 kg; height: 179.35±7.04 cm; one-repetition maximum (1RM) half squat: 110.85±11.92 kg) voluntarily performed squat jump under unloaded and four different VL conditions (R6: six repetitions, Ruf: repetitions until failure, VL10: velocity loss thresholds 10%, VL20: velocity loss thresholds 20%) after a set of half-squat exercises at 80% of one-repetition maximum separated by at least 72 hours. The results revealed that subjects demonstrated significantly better squat jump performance in VL10, VL20, and R6 conditions than the unloaded and Ruf conditions (