102 research outputs found

    Kesiapan Instansi dalam Pembentukan Unit Pelayanan Informasi di Pemerintah Kabupaten Asahan

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    Urgensi pembentukan Unit Pelayanan Informasi pada organisasi pemerintah merupakan upaya untuk mendukung terlaksanya Undang-Undang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik yang mengamanatkan lahirnya sebuah sistem manajemen informasi, terkait dengan permohonan, pemrosesan dan penyampaian informasi dari dan kepada publik. Penelitian kesiapan instansi dalam pembentukan unit pelayanan informasi di pemerintah Kabupaten Asahan, merupakan penelitian yang bersifat desktiptif kuantitatif dengan metode survey dan alat ukur berupa kuesioner. Penelitian ini menggunakan model analisis kesiapan Mutula dan Brakel yang mengukur kesiapan berdasarkan 5 segmen penilaian, yaitu enterprise readiness segment, human resources readiness segment, information readiness segment, ICT readiness segments dan external environment readiness segment. Penelitian dilakukan dengan melibatkan 17 (tujuh belas) instansi di lingkungan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Asahan sebagai responden aktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kesiapan responden dalam membentuk sebuah unit pelayanan informasi berada pada skala rata-rata 3,23 yang artinya bahwa rata-rata instansi cukup siap untuk membentuk unit pelayanan informasi

    Analysis of Difficulty Level of Physics National Examination's Questions

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    This study aimed to determine: (1) the difficulty level of items in physics National Exam of 2013 (2) physics materials that were difficult and very difficult. The subjects were all students of science major in third gradeat SMAN Banda Aceh in the academic year of 2013/2014. The samples were 10 randomly selected senior high schools. The data were obtained through analyzing the answers of physics National Examin 2013. The results showed that (1) the high school students in Banda Aceh experienced difficult and very difficult level questions to be answer in the 2013 exam, (2) thedifficult materials were: free fall, the potential energy and series of obstacles. The very difficult materials were: the rotational motion, motion and force on the pulley, effort, fluid, sound intensity, transformer, atomic theory, quantum theory, relativity, fusion and radio isotopes

    Microbial and Oligosaccharides Treatments of Feces and Slurry in Reducing Ammonia of the Poultry Farm

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of Lactobacillus sp and fructooligosaccaride (FOS) to reduce the volatile ammonia formation from chicken excreta and layer slurry. For each treatment-replication, 150 g of fecal material were collected from the poultry farm and placed in 500 ml beaker glass. The fecal sample was then treated with 2% Lactobacillus sp (2.6x106) cfu/g and 2% FOS and covered with plastic wraps. The volatile ammonia contents and pH were measured after one hour of standing (0 d) and repeated at 48 h intervals for 6 d. For the dropping slurry study, 300 g of each layer dropping slurry sample were used. Results indicated that 2% Lactobacillus sp or FOS supplementations in the feces and dropping slurry after 1 h up to 6 d reduced the ammonia odor formation, fecal pH, and moisture content. The Lactobacillus sp and FOS treated manure resulted in increasing  Lactobacillus sp count and reducing in E. coli, Salmonella, and Campylobacter in 6 days for both feces and layer dropping slurry. In addition, reducing moisture content was observed in treated manure. It is concluded that Lactobacillus sp and FOS reduced the volatile ammonia formation and pathogenic bacteria from chicken excreta and layer slurry.

    Potensi Bakteri Bacillus dan Lactobacillus sebagai Probiotik untuk Mengurangi Pencemaran Amonia pada Kandang Unggas

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    The experiment was conducted in two phases. The first experiment was to observe the effectivity of six culture of Bacillus and Lactobacillus bacteria for reducing fecal ammonia. The second experiment was to evaluate the application of Bacillus and Lactobacillus bacteria as probiotic for reducing ammonia feses and litter in broiler chicken house and observe its effect on the performance. Six bacteria culture consisting of three species of Bacillus bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis) and three species of Lactobacillus bacteria (Lactobacillus acidophillus, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophillus) were used in the first experiment and 200 Day Old Chicks CP 707 were used in application of probiotic at the second experiment. Probiotic treatment were administered by drinking water, sprayed on the litter, combination of drinking water and spraying, and without probiotic as the control. The result of the first experiment showed that the six bacterial cultures and their combination significantly (P<0, 05) reduced feses ammonia and pH. The result of the second experiment showed that the probiotic treatment was significantly (P<0, 05) reduced ammonia of fresh fecal and litter, but was not significantly improving the performance of the chickens. The conclusion of this experiment was that the combination of six bacterial cultures of Bacillus and Lactobacillus as probiotic was effective to reduce ammonia pollution in poultry hous

    Perilaku Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Guru Pada SD Negeri 2 Lambheukabupaten Aceh Besar

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    : Principal is a pearson who is responsible in improving teachers\u27 performance. This study aimed to find out the principal\u27s leadership behavior in improving teachers\u27 performance in State Elementary School (SD Negeri) 2 Lambheu of Aceh Besar Regency. This study used qualitative approach. The techniques of data collection were documentation, observation, and interview. The Subjects of this study were principal and teachers. This study showed that: (1) the policy formulated by the principal by improving the teachers in improving the teacher\u27 performance in SD Negeri 2 Lambheu of Aceh Besar Regency led to written or unwritten rules that based on the vision and mission of school and school\u27s objectives. The principal also formulated performance improvement plant. The results of implementing this policy were the better teaching that made the students could easier to understand the subjects and felt convenience in school, and the better education quality. (2) The principal\u27s programs in improving the discipline of the teacher by performing good commutication (not rude, arrogant, or authoritarian), conducting seminars and workshop have showed happy results. The program made the teachers became more disipline that they were able to finish their tasks well. (3) The principal\u27s strategies in improving the responsibility of the teachers were by involving all teacher and acting as a model. (4) The factor that influenced the principal\u27s leadership in improving the teacher\u27s performance was the commitment of the principal in improving school achievement both in local and national level. The leadership was also influenced by the principal\u27s personality, school organization, and external environment