6 research outputs found

    IbM of Small Medium Enterprise of Coconut Milk and Liquid Smoke from Coconut Shells

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    Community service activities funded by BPPTN 2017 has been implemented with one of the partners, who was a small entrepreneur of coconut milk and liquid smoke from coconut shells, held from August to November 2017. Partnership of community service was Mr. Budi Darmanto, who has has his business for 9 years in Medan. The problems facing by the partner were: marketing of the coconut milk was still through the agent, resulting in the low selling price because the cost must be cut off for agent commission. In addition, liquid smoke product from coconut shells still contained impurity (Tar), classified as grade 3, causing the demand and its selling price became low. Solutions to the problems were 1) opening or enlarging the new commercial market for coconut milk, by assisting them in the handling of halal permits to the MUI of North Sumatra Province and made marketing advertisements through the website; 2) Providing a grant of liquid smoke distillation apparatus, making standard operational procedures (SOPs) to reduce impurities as well as increasing the grade of liquid smoke, to increase the selling price, and also analyzing the quality of distillated liquid smoke. The opening of commercial market of coconut milk and increasing grade of liquid smoke is expected to increase the partner’s income and expand his own business

    The Diversification of Local Tuber Products for The Result of Gluten-Free Bakery Products

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    Bakery products such as bread, cake and cookies that currently exist in the market are generally made of wheat flour. Some individuals would suffer from allergy in consuming the consumption products that contain gluten which is found in wheat flour.The purpose of this activity is to produce bakery products such as bread, cake and cookies that are gluten free by using local tuber ingredients, i.e. cassava and sweet potatoes. The activity was started with processing cassavas, sweet potatotes, orange sweet potatoes to be powder which then was processed to be various types of bakery products. The variants of products that are marketed are as many as 31 types, consisting of 28 types of bakery products such as cakes and cookies, and 3 types of wet cake products. The types of bakery products that were sold was brownies, muffin, sponge cake, cookies and snacks with various variants such as steamed, baked, flavors addition of coffee, chocolate and mocha.  The bakery products are gluten-free so that they are safe to be consumed by people who are allergic to gluten. The wet cake products that were marketed were risoles, pastels and doughnuts. However, this type of cake is still wheat flour substitute product as much as 20%. This activity may support the national food security program

    Pengaruh Penyimpanan dengan Atmosfer Terkendali terhadap Mutu Buah Rambutan ‘Binjai’

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    ABSTRACTThe objective of the research was to determine optimum O2  and CO2 concentration for rambutan Binjai storage at 10 0C. Changes in quality, weight loss, moisture content, total soluble solid, total sugar, titratable acidity, vitamin C, red value of skin color, hardness and sensory characteristics in rambutan var.Binjai fruits held for 20 days at 10 0C in air or controlled atmosphere (1-3% O2 2-4% CO2; 1-3% O2 5- 7% CO2;1-3% O2  8-10% CO2,;4-6% O22-4% CO2;  4-6% O2  5-7% CO2; and 4-6% O2  8-10% CO2) were evaluated. Various atmosphere had significantly different effects on weight lost, total sugar, total souble solid, titrata ble acidity, red value of color, hardness and sensory value (taste, color,  and flavor) of rambutan ‘ Binjai’   fruits  in  10 0C of storage. The  best  quality  of  rambutan  ‘Binjai’   fruits   was  found  at controlled atmosphere of 4-6% O2 : 2- 4% CO2  for up to 20 days of storage at 100C.Key  words :  carbon dioxide, controlled atmosphere storage, oxygen, rambutan ‘Binjai’,ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan konsentrasi optimum O2 dan CO2 untuk penyimpanan rambutan „Binjai‟.  Perubahan  mutu buah  rambutan  „Binjai‟ yang  disimpan  dengan  sistem  atmosfer terkendali ( controlled  atmosphere storage)  pada  suhu  10 0C  selama  20 hari  dievaluasi.   Kondisi  atmosfer ruang penyimpanan terdiri dari 7 taraf perlakuan yaitu: 1-3% O2 2-4% CO2,; 1-3% O2 5-7% CO2; 1-3% O2 8- 10% CO2; 4-6% O2 2-4% CO2;  4-6% O2 5- 7% CO2; 4-6% O2 8-10% CO2 dan penyimpanan pada udara normal sebagai kontrol. Pengamatan dilakukan setiap 5 hari sekali selama 20 hari terhadap perubahan mutu buah rambutan meliputi susut berat, kadar air, total padatan terlarut, total gula, total asam tertitrasi, vitamin C, nilai warna merah dari kulit buah (nilai a dengan chromameter), kekerasan buah dan karakteristik sensori. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kondisi atmosfer ruang penyimpanan yang dapat mempertahankan mutu buah rambutan „Binjai‟ selama 20 hari adalah 4-6% O2;  2- 4% CO2  pada suhu 10 0C.Kata kunci: karbon dioksida, oksigen, penyimpanan  atmosfer terkendali, rambutan „Binjai

    The Effect of Manalagi Apple Peel Addition on the Quality of Celery Herbal Tea

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    Herbal tea is a refreshing drink made from dried leaves, flowers, seeds, fruit, wood, and other plants that have health benefits. The purpose of this study was to determine the ratio effect of celery with manalagi apple peel and drying time, to produce the best celery herbal tea. This study was designed using a factorial completely randomized design with 2 factors: the ratio of celery with apple peel [100:0; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75; 0:100] and drying time [2, 3, 4 hours] at 50 oC. The parameters analysed were moisture content, vitamin C content, total phenol, color, and organoleptic values (aroma, and general acceptance). The parameter observed for the best quality samples was antioxidant content. The results showed that the ratio of celery with manalagi apple peel had a highly significant effect on color oHue, aroma, and general acceptance of organoleptic. The drying time of teas had a highly significant effect on vitamin C content. The interaction of the ratio had a significant effect on the color value (L) and a highly significant effect on total phenol. The results showed that the first and the second factors had a highly significant effect on moisture content, total phenol, and color value (L). The choice of drying method can influence the final quality of the tea, making it important to select the appropriate technique

    Functional and rheological properties of composite flour from sweet potato, maize, soybean and xanthan

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    Sweet potato flour (SP), maize starch (MS), and soybean flour (SF) blends were prepared in different proportions like: 60SP/20MS/19.5SF; 50SP/30MS/19.5SF; 40SP/40MS/19.5SF; 50SP/20MS/29.5SF; 40SP/20MS/29.5SF; and 30SP/40MS/29.5SF. The constant percentage of xanthan gum at 0.5% was added to each blend. Functional and rheological properties of the composite flour were examined and compared with wheat flour as control. Oil absorption index was not significantly different (P > 0.05) among the six blends of composite flour and wheat flour. As increasing of soybean flour levels, swelling power, and pasting viscosity of composite flours decreased, specific volume of bread also decreased as decreasing of soybean flour level in composite flours, but the firmness of bread increased. Physical and sensory analysis showed that composite flour with the proportion of sweet potato flour 40%, maize starch 40%, soybean flour 19.5% and xanthan gum 0.5% yielded acceptable breads