887 research outputs found

    Correlative coding with clipping and filtering technique in OFDM Systems

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    The major setbacks of Orthogonal Frequency Multiplexing (OFDM) is its peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) and intercarrier interference (ICI). The occurrence of these factors restricts its application. Here, the clipping and filtering PAPR reduction technique is king investigated to reduce the PAPR and out-of-band radiation simultaneously by implementing correlative coding. This paper focuses on the preliminaty measurement studies that was canid out. It is shown thmugh simulation that the collaboration of these techniques gives a reasonable PAPR reduction and improves the out-of-band radiation

    Single-stage parallel coupled microstrip line bandpass filter using weak coupling technique

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    The frequency-dispersive characteristic of a two-port parallel coupled microstrip line (PCML) can be obtained using equivalent J-inverter network parameters. The latter is obtained from its corresponding admittance parameters. Hence, the behaviour of transmission zero frequency, fundamental response frequency and harmonic response frequency of the PCML can be shown. The former is realigned by varying a centrally located single groove size to suppress the first spurious harmonic passband of the filter. Using the J-inverter parameters, the transmission zero of J-susceptance null of a PCML can be realigned by employing a single groove with specific dimension. This simultaneously cancels the first harmonic resonance. In this paper, the behaviour of the J-inverter parameters with varying coupling gaps is presented. The effect of having weak coupling characteristic is then presented. The proposed technique is then justified by two single-stage bandpass filters of PCML with weak coupling characteristic

    A study of lead content in soils and grass around roadside locations in and around Kuala Lumpur

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    Analysis of samples of the grass Axonopus compressus, Beauv. and soil in and around Kuala Lumpur shows the distribution of particulate lead to be strongly influenced by traffic density. In certain areas the lead contamination in grass has reached the toxic level for cattle,. other areas are approaching similar levels. Levels of lead in grass (as high as 200 ppm) at Jalan Tembusu were recorded while soil in the same area gave a value greater than 700 ppm

    A training monitoring system for cyclist based on wireless sensor networks

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    This paper presents a training monitoring system for cyclist that is based on the technology of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A stable and reliable wireless cyclist monitoring system is vital to establish a smart and efficient sports management program. A training monitoring system has been developed and tested in a real cyclist training environment in a velodrome. The system is designed is such a way that the packet loss rate is minimum. Using TelG mote as the basis, customized sensor nodes that function as a forwarder node and the relay nodes are developed to form the WSN. This WSN is linked to the cloud network on the Internet. The cloud network is then established and end users application for data accessing is designed. Several experiments have been conducted in a real scenario in a velodrome to measure the reliability of the system architecture. It is shown from the experiments that the proposed system is reliable even when the cyclist is moving at a high speed. The packet loss is less than 2% which does not give a huge impact to the data transmission

    Comparison of acidic and enzymatic pectin extraction from passion fruit peels and its gel properties

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    The influences of extractor concentration, extraction temperature and time on the yield of pectin and degree of esterification (DE) were investigated by the acidic and enzymatic extraction methods. Citric acid and Celluclast were selected as pectin extractors for environmentally friendly reasons. The peels of yellow passion fruit using the acidic and enzymatic extraction methods gave pectin yield of 7.16 and 7.12%, and DE of 71.02 and 85.45% in the optimized condition of extraction time of 102 min with citric acid concentration of 0.19% (w/w) at 75C and Celluclast concentration of 1.67% (w/w) at 61.11C, respectively. The enzymatic extraction method has greater capability of producing high methoxyl pectin. The morphological features of fruit peel powder and the extracted pectin examined by scanning electron microscopy suggested that the nanostructure of wet passion fruit pectin was dependable on the type of extraction process. The formed pectin gel also has pseudoplastic liquid behavior and its viscosity was greatly affected by sugar. Pectin has been intensively used as natural gelling agent and stabilizer to alter rheological properties in food ingredients by most food processing industries to achieve desired textural quality. Pectin could be recovery from fruit wastes. The conversion of passion fruit peel into pectin offers great scope for utilization. Citric acid and enzymatic extraction methods are effectively used for pectin extraction which may be of interest by pectin industry and consumer with these eco-friendly processing technology with no using harmful chemicals. Furthermore, scientific work of this study such as the optimized condition, morphological features of extracted pectin and pectin gel formation contributes valuable information on pectin, which could be beneficial for pectin industry improving the process quality of pectin as well as process profitability

    Prediction-Based Channel Selection Prediction in Mobile Cognitive Radio Network

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    The emerging 5G wireless communications enabled diverse multimedia applications and smart devices in the network. It promises very high mobile traffic data rates, quality of service as in very low latency and improvement in user’s perceived quality of experience compared to current 4G wireless network. This encourages the increasing demand of significant bandwidth which results a significant urge of efficient spectrum utilization. In this paper, modelling, performance analysis and optimization of future channel selection for cognitive radio network by jointly exploiting both CR mobility and primary user activity to provide efficient spectrum access is studied.  The modelling and prediction method is implemented by using Hidden Markov Model algorithm. The movement of CR in wireless network yields location-varying spectrum opportunities. The current approaches in most literatures which only depend on reactive selection spectrum opportunities result of inefficient channel usages. Moreover, conventional random selection method tends to observe a higher handoff and operation delays in network performance.  This inefficiency can cause continuous transmission interruptions leading to the degradation of advance wireless services. This work goal is to improve the performance of CR in terms number of handoffs and operation delays. We perform simulation on our prediction strategy with a commonly used random sensing method with and without location. Through simulations, it is shown that the proposed prediction and learning strategy can obtain significant improvements in number of handoffs and operation delays performance parameters. It is also shown that future CR location is beneficial in increasing mobile CR performance. This study also shows that the number of primary user in the network and the PU protection range affect the performance of mobile CR channel selection for all methods

    Compaction pressure, wall friction and surface roughness upon compaction strength of Andrographis paniculata tablets

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    A well-known Malaysian herb, Andrographis paniculata was used in this study. This herb is famous at reducing sugar levels for diabetic patients. In this study, the herb was compressed into tablets. A compressed tablet, which is a universal form in modern medicine, needs to meet certain mechanical strength criteria in order to withstand post-compaction loading such as coating, handling, packaging and storage. The objectives of this work were to investigate the effects of compaction pressure, wall friction and surface roughness upon compaction strength of A. paniculata herb during compression. A universal testing machine with pressures ranging from 15 to 30 MPa was used to compact the herb using a 20-mm-diameter cylindrical stainless steel uniaxial die. The tensile strength of the tablet increased as the compaction pressure increased. During compression, as the amount of powder being compressed increased, the tensile strength increased, and from the surface roughness test, the coefficient of wall friction and angle of wall friction decreased. In general, the compaction pressure, the wall friction and surface roughness plays a significant role in tabletting; hence, in producing a tough and coherent tablet

    NPK detection spectroscopy on non-agriculture soil

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    Soil is a medium for plant roots to grow, absorb water and necessary solutes for growth. Soil macronutrient testing is helpful for determining the nutrients content in soil before applying fertilizer for quality and process controls of agricultural produce and soil fertility. Spectroscopy is an emerging technology which is rapid and simple has been widely used in agricultural and food analysis processes. The capability of spectroscopy to characterize material from the transmission or absorbance has been used in this paper to measure nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) content in non-agriculture soil. The paper details preliminary characterization of soil spectroscopy with a Deuterium-Halogen light source and Ocean Optic spectrometer to measure the absorbance level of the macronutrients. The extracted nutrients were mixed with the colour reagent and specific colored solution was developed. Two soil samples have been employed for the experimental characterization, which are mud flood and kaolin. The result shows that high absorbance level of N at 450 nm in wavelength, P at 750 nm for both samples. The absorbance level of K was measured high at 500nm for mud flood and 450nm for kaolin. In addition, the tested macronutrients give similar wavelength of peak absorbance level at 970 nm for both samples. For future works, the optical measurements will be implemented using visible and near infrared LED and the photodetector in order to replace the spectrometer usage for soil spectroscopy. This would lead to achieve the primary objective of this research in developing a simple and low cost spectroscopy uses light-emitting diode (LED)

    Fuzzy Based PC-PUSH in CR-MANETs

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    In cognitive radio (CR), the secondary user (SU) needs to hand off its ongoing communication to an idle channel in order to avoid interference to the primary user (PU). Spectrum hand off issue becomes challenging in CR mobile ad hoc networks (CR-MANETs) because of the uncertainty in spectrum availability, broad range of spectrum bands and lack of central entity. The purpose of this study is to design a unified spectrum handoff (USH) scheme for CR-MANETs that considers the spectrum heterogeneity and its availability over time and space. A local flow hand off is performed when spectrum hand off cannot be carried out due to the SUs mobility. To improve further USH, preemptive unified spectrum handoff (PUSH) algorithm is proposed in which two different preemptive hand off threshold regions are defined. The PUSH algorithm also predicts the cognitive link availability considering the PU interference boundary. Although the PUSH scheme improves the hand off performance, the number of spectrum hand offs due to the PU activity should be reduced in this scheme. Therefore, the PC-PUSH (Power Controller-PUSH) scheme is proposed in which the fuzzy logic is used to improve the PUSH in terms of the number of spectrum handoffs because of the PU activity. The PC-PUSH decreases the interference to the PUs, while reducing the number of spectrum handoffs. The results show that the proposed scheme improves the link maintenance probability, decreases the hand off delay, and reduces the number of spectrum handoffs