148 research outputs found

    Kerangka konseptual keadilan Islam dalam pelaksanaan penilaian prestasi

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    Memanipulasi, mempolitik dan berlakunya pilih kasih adalah antara isu-isu berkaitan keadilan organisasi dalam pelaksanaan penilaian prestasi yang telah lama dibincangkan oleh ahli akademik dan pengamal organisasi.Mereka sedar aspek keadilan harus diberi keutamaan kerana merupakan jalan penyelesaian kepada pelbagai permasalahan yang dihadapi di sepanjang proses pelaksanaannya. Bagi mereka, keadilan wujud apabila pekerja percaya mereka telah menerima ganjaran yang setimpal dengan sumbangan yang telah diberikan. Sungguhpun aspek keadilan telah diberi keutamaan tetapi masalah berkaitan dengan pelaksanaannya terus berlaku.Sehubungan dengan ini, pengkaji ingin meninjau kelebihan keadilan Islam yang seharusnya diaplikasikan sebagai satu usaha untuk membangunkan sistem penilaian prestasi yang lebih baik.Objektif kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk meneroka keperluan keadilan Islam sebagai gantian terhadap jalan penyelesaian permasalahan ini. Keadilan Islam harus dilihat sebagai mekanisme yang mampu menghindarkan penilai daripada melakukan eksploitasi, memanipulasi dan mempolitikkan fakta, menyalahgunakan kuasa dan bertindak untuk kepentingan diri yang diterima sebagai sumber kepada kitaran ganas dalam pelaksanaan penilaian prestasi.Kajian seperti ini seharusnya diberi keutamaan dalam penyelidikan pada masa depan kerana menyedari permasalahan ini telah begitu lama dihadapi

    Penilaian prestasi maklum balas 360 darjah dari perspektif Islam: Satu tinjauan

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    Purpose– The purpose of this paper is to discuss the flaw in implementing performance appraisal that raises a number of psycological problems as a result of injustice and political influence during its implementation.To overcome these problems, a new method known as the 360 Degree Feedback was introduced.However, it was found that the implementation of this method still has many weaknesses caused by human errors.In conjunction with the problem, this research seeks to explore the 360 Degree Feedback approach from the Islamic perspective as a substitute for the conventional method.This paper will discuss the justification of using the Islamic approach, the subjects involved in the implementation, and the necessary features of the 360 Degree Feedback from the Islamic perspective.Design/Methodolog/Approach – The study was a library-based research. Therefore, the data collected depended on an extensive review of the literature.The contents of the identified journals, articles and books were rigorously and carefully analysed to enable the conclusion to be made. Originality/Value –The result of this research can be used as a platform for future researchers to explore it through empirical support.Hopefully, the performance appraisal 360 Degrees Feedback through the Islamic perspective can be a substitude to the traditional approach

    Keadilan organisasi dalam pengurusan perubahan: Satu kemestian

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    Keadilan ialah prinsip, tunjang dan tunggak yang akan menjamin keberkesanan dan kejayaan dalam setiap perubahan yang dilaksanakan oleh pengurus dalam organisasi. Aspek keadilan perlu dijunjung tinggi oleh setiap pengurus yang ingin memastikan kejayaan di sebalik setiap perubahan yang bakal atau sedang dilakukan. Pengurus perlu prihatin kerana isu-isu keadilan bersifat sejagat yang melangkaui sempadan bangsa, jantina, hirarki dan jabatan. Pengurus perlu memberi perhatian terhadap aspek ini kerana organisasi yang meletakkan keadilan di tempat yang sewajarnya akan berjaya meruntuhkan termbuk perkauman, diskriminasi dan prejudis. Justeru, ketidaksehaluan dan prasangka pengurus terhadap segolongan pekerja tidak sepatutnya menjurus mereka berlaku tidak adil. Ini adalah kerana keadilan organisasi merupakan aset milikan bersama yang perlu dibangun, dipelihara dan diagih secara saksama. Keadilan yang terserlah akan membolehkan pengurus bertindak secara lebih fleksibel, terbuka dan telus dalam mengharungi arus perubahan yang akan mempengaruhi kelebihan kompetitif organisasi

    Sociological perspective of performance appraisal: an overview

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    In today's competitive global market, managing employees is becoming more challenging and complex. There is a great demand for an effective managerial style as employees' expectations towards work are more diversified than before, It requires managers to acquire better knowledge and skills in understanding employees behavior at work. As employees are the key players in an organization, they play a vital role in determining the success and the survival of the organization. Employees can accept or reject any rule, procedure and regulation in the organization. Managers should understand that when employees come to work, they are not only contributing their knowledge, skills and abilities but also their emotions, creativity and personalities. So, in appraising their performance all the above factors should be taken into consideration because they affect employees' overall performance. Furthermore, the workers who come to work do not only aim for recognition and rewards but also for status, social acceptance, and power. Thus, every employee from all hierarchies will put great concern and interest on performance appraisal issues as they influence his/her future career development in the organization. Employees have realized that the outcomes of performance appraisal affect their rewards, determine their future career and give an impact on social relationships among them. Besides, the performance appraisal acts as one of the determinant factors in work motivation, commitment and loyalty. To ensure the success of performance appraisal, a new approach in evaluating employees that is totally different from evaluating other factors of production is needed. This paper highlights performance appraisal issues and determines how far the contributions of performance appraisal are being recognized, valued, and respected by the organization

    The importance of customer service and quality management in determining a firm's success

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    Today's organizations must be able to adapt and keep abreast with the development and seize the opportunity and benefits to grow and succeed. The management must be sensitive and opened to changes to avoid uncertainties and confitsions about their roles and their customers needs and demands. Failure to act and respond to the changes will expose them to lot of risks, including losing customers' confidence. They must be able to serve their customers more effectively and efficiently. Implementing a quality management system in an organization is a challenge. Despite numerous hurdles, quality management is still being considered as something that is needed for long-term solutions and customer-driven strategies. This paper focuses on the importance of customer service and quality management in a organization, specifically on achieving continuous improvement through quality customer service. Specific topics include initiating and implementing a quality management program, building a continuous improvement climate, applying quality principles and techniques, and performance appraisal vs. quality management

    Pembangunan Modal Insan daripada Perspektif Islam: Impak kepada Pengurus

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    Manusia adalah sumber utama dalam menentukan kegemilangan sesebuah negara ataupun organisasi. Oleh itu manusia merupakan modal yang paling berharga bagi sesebuah negara dan organisasi yang disebut sebagai modal insan. Dalam sebuah organisasi, modal insan yang banyak memainkan peranan adalah pengurus. Bagaimana tindakan pengurus akan mencorakkan organisasi dan akan membawa organisasi mencapai matlamatnya. Bagi organisasi Islam, apabila pengurus menerapkan Pembangunan Modal Insan (PMI) berdasarkan perspektif Barat ke dalam organisasi mereka adalah dianggap suatu pendekatan yang kurang sesuai. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk membina konseptual model PMI daripada perspektif Islam. Selanjutnya kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pandangan yang berguna untuk pengurus atau pembuat dasar dalam memahami bagaimana melakukan Islamisasi dan apa usaha yang perlu dilakukan untuk memastikan proses Islamisasi berjaya. Kertas kerja ini akan mengisi lompang kajian berkaitan aspek PMI dari perspektif Islam yang masih agak terhad. Kaedah kualitatif dengan menganalisis literatur yang sedia ada menggunakan analisis kandungan telah digunakan dalam kajian ini. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa PMI berdasarkan perspektif Islam perlu merangkumi kedua-dua aspek fizikal dan rohani (akal dan emosi). Pembangunan kedua-dua aspek ini akan menghasilkan modal insan yang bertakwa yang dicirikan dengan amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar, mempunyai misi yang jelas, tawazun, sakinah, kemuliaan akhlak dan sikap tolong menolong. Sebagai kesimpulannya, PMI berdasarkan perspektif Islam akan berimplikasi kepada latihan-latihan yang dijalankan dalam organisasi yang bukan sahaja menumpukan kepada aspek fizikal semata, tapi juga perlu menumpukan kepada aspek rohani

    Penilaian Prestasi Maklum Balas 360 Darjah dari Perspektif Islam: Satu Tinjauan

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    Penilaian prestasi merupakan nadi kepada kehidupan organisasi serta fungsi penting dalam pengurusan sumber manusia. Pelaksanaannya sering diselubungi oleh pelbagai masalah psikososial yang menyebabkan berlakunya konflik, ketidakpuasan, kebimbangan, tekanan, ketandusan upaya dan lainlain. Tanggapan ketidakadilan dalam pelaksanaan dan pengaruh politik pejabat merupakan punca utama kepada permasalahan ini. Bagi berhadapan dengan masalah ini, pelbagai kaedah penilaian prestasi telah diperkenalkan antaranya ialah Maklum Balas 360 Darjah. Walau bagaimanapun, didapati pelaksanaan kaedah ini juga masih lagi terdedah kepada pelbagai kelemahan yang berpunca daripada kesilapan manusia (human errors). Menyedari permasalahan yang dihadapi, kertas kerja ini cuba meneroka pendekatan penilaian prestasi Maklum Balas 360 Darjah daripada perspektif Islam sebagai gantian kepada kaedah konvensional. Kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan justifi kasi keperluan kepada pendekatan Islam, pelakupelaku yang terlibat dalam pelaksanaannya serta ciri-ciri yang perlu ada pada pendekatan penilaian prestasi Maklum Balas 360 Darjah daripada perspektif Islam.   Kata kunci: Penilaian prestasi, penilaian prestasi Maklum Balas 360 Darjah, penilaian prestasi Maklum Balas 360 Darjah dari perspektif Islam

    Designing a BDI agent reactant model of behavioural change intervention

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    Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) model is well suited for describing agent’s mental state. The BDI of an agent represents its motivational stance and are the main determinant of agent’s actions.Therefore, explicit understanding of the representation and modelling of such motivational stance plays a central role in designing BDI agent with successful behavioral change interventions. Nevertheless, existing BDI agent models do not represent agent’s behavioral factors explicitly. This leads to a gap between design and implementation where psychological reactance has being identified as the cause of BDI agent behavioral change interventions failure. Hence, this paper presents a generic representation of BDI agent model based on behavioral change and psychological theories.Also, using mathematical analysis the model was evaluated. The objective of the proposed BDI agent model is to bridge the gap between agent design and implementation for successful agent-based interventions.The model will be realized in an agent based application that motivates children towards oral hygiene. The study explicitly depicts how agent’s behavioral factors interact to enhance behavior change which will assist agent-based intervention designers to be able to design intervention that will be void of reactance


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    During the global financial crisis and its aftermath, Islamic financial institutions were less affected, protected by their fundamental operating principles of risk sharing and the avoidance of leverage and speculative financial products. This has led to a greater appreciation of the role of Islamic finance in supporting economic growth across the globe. The contribution of Islamic finance and Islamic social finance especially through waqf sector promotes real economic development and could help to foster real economy and social sustainability.  The impact and contribution of waqf for economic development in fostering real economy and social sustainability can be obverved in many areas such as enhancing economic progress, eradicating proverty, restoring distribution of income, reducing government expenditure, preventing deficit financing and stimulate growth and job creation. Therefore, a new mechanism is needed to support non-bankable and poor customers for financing facilities via Shariah compliant Islamic financial products and services.The purpose of this paper is to examine the most feasible mechanism for deposit and financing instruments based on waqf through Waqf Bank that able to foster and stimulate economic and social sustainability in the real economy sector especially for Muslim countries. The methodology of research in this study is through qualitative research based on interviews with Muslim scholars as well as Islamic banking and waqf practitioners. The finding of this study shows that there is feasible mechanism and modus operandi for the development of deposit and financing instruments in the Waqf Bank that able to be applied in many Muslim countries worldwide
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