121 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Awal Pada Anak Kelas A Dengan Metode Cantol Roudhoh Di TK Trisula Perwari Sragen Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca awal anak melalui metode cantol roudhoh. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Subyek penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelompok A di Taman Kanak- Kanak TRISULA PERWARI SRAGEN Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012 dan obyek penelitian ini adalah membaca awal anak. Data membaca awal anak dikumpulkan dengan observasi dan data tentang metode cantol roudhoh dikumpulkan dengan observasi dan catatan lapangan. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis komparatif yaitu dengan membandingkan hasil rata-rata membaca awal anak dengan indikator kinerja pada tiap siklus. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan membaca awal anak didik. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata membaca awal anak sebelum perlakukan tindakan adalah 43.80%. Setelah dilakukan pembelajaran dengan melakukan pembelajaran dengan metode cantol roudhoh pada siklus I membaca awal anak meningkat menjadi 69.04% dan pada siklus II membaca awal anak meningkat menjadi 84.28%. Secara keseluruhan dengan metode cantol roudhoh dapat meningkatkan membaca awal anak kelompok A di Taman Kanak-Kanak TRISULA PERWARI SRAGEN

    Sertifkat SEMNAS PAGI UIN BANDUNG 02 Maret 2019

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    Seminar Nasional BKS Barat 2018

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    Genetic Diversity Of Age, Plant Height And Number Of Grain Per Panicle Characters Of F3 Generation Derived From Crossing Silopuk With Fatmawati Varieties

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    This study aims to determine the population and genetic parameters of population F3 result of selection pedigri red rice crosses Silopuk with Fatmawati Superior Varieties using Augmented Design. Silopuk cultivars with red and inlaid rice characteristics while Fatmawati varieties with characteristics of large grain size, high production, high grain number, early age and white rice. The crosses are expected to produce high, large grain size, large amount of grain, maturity and color of brown rice. This research was conducted August-November 2016 at UPT Farm Faculty of Agriculture Andalas University. The genetic material used is the seed of the generation of F3 (F3-5, F3-12, F3-55, F3-95, F3-118, F3-122) derivatives of red rice crosses Silopuk with Fatmawati and the seeds of the two elders as a comparison with the experimental method using Augmented Design. The results of this study indicate the F3 population character number of filled grains per panicle is higher than the two parents with a wide range and other characters are between the two parents. The phenotypic diversity of flowering age characters in the F3-122 family is (2,41) and 1000 weight of pithy grains in the family  F3-5 (2,31) ; F3-55(2,39) and  F3-95 (3,49)  relatively narrow.  However, heritability in the broadest sense and genetic variability for all characters ranges from moderate to high and narrow to broad. Estimated genetic progress with 5% intensity in F3 population has high criteria for all characters (age of flowering, harvest age, plant height, stem length, total tillers, number of productive tillers, total grain / panicle, percentage of filled grains / panicle , total grain weight / clump and weight of filled grain / clump) except panicle length characters and 1000 grain weight of filled grains. Differential selection of population F3 with 10% selection intensity based on 1000 grain weight of pith grain, plant height and total grain weight per hill obtained 31 selected individuals. Selected individuals will be forwarded to the F4 generatio

    Seed Physiological Changes matoa (Pometia pinnata) during Storage

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    Seed matoa classified into families Sapindaceae, Proper storage process in maintaining seed viability matoa undiscovered. During the process of the seed storage undergo metabolic processes that may affect the viability of the seed after the sto rage process. The purpose of this study to determine the germination of seeds matoa before and after storage. The study was designed in the form of completely randomized design. Based on the test results showed that matoa seed viability decreased after storage. Matoa seed viability decline in line with the decrease in seed moisture content after it is saved. Keywords— Power sprouts, seeds, Storage, Matoa
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