9 research outputs found

    Keragaman Genetik Tetua Dan Anakan Dari Kebun Benih Semai Acacia Mangium Grup D (Am004) Di Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia

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    Information on genetic diversity from one generation to its next generation is an important factor for management and conservation in a seed orchard. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of genetic diversity of parental as the first generation (F1) and offspring (F2) of Acacia mangium in the A. mangium seed orchard Group D (AM004) in South Sumatera. Analysis was conducted on 251 parental trees and ± 200 seeds from 10 mother trees. Analysis using 12 microsatellite markers showed that mean number of detected allele (A) for all the parents and offspring was 8.23 and 7.08, repectively. In general, the level of genetic diversity in parental and its offspring was not different (He=0.609 for parental and He=0.606 for offspring). The presence of new alleles that was detected from offspring indicated the possibility of pollen contamination from outside the seed orchard

    Detection of Pollen Flow in the Seedling Seed Orchard of Acacia Mangium Using Dna Marker

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    Pollen pattern dispersal in seedling seed orchard (SSO) is an essential part of a tree-improvement program. Two SSOs of Acacia mangium in South Kalimantan and South Sumatra that represent similar resources in different environments were used in this study. Genotypes of all trees and seeds from a subset of 10 mother trees in each orchard were determined for 12 microsatellite loci, and parentage analysis was carried out. The results shows that the pollen dispersal pattern in both SSOs decrease with distance from mother tree. Patterns of pollen dispersal, dispersal distance and cumulative frequency of pollen dispersal distance were similar in both SSOs. Random pollen dispersal were found in both SSOs. About 80% of all crosses were found within a 40-m distance range with the most frequent pollination distance between mother tree and male male parents was 0-10 m. No self-pollinated seed was detected. Application of all these aspects found in this study such as random pollen dispersal and the effective pollen dispersal distance can be useful for establishing seedling seed orchard, clonal seed orchard and in other tree improvement activities of A. mangium

    Fragmen Polimorfik Penanda Rapd Untuk Analisis Genetik Sengon (Falcataria Moluccana)

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    This research was conducted to support tree improvement program for sengon (Falcataria moluccana (Miq.) Barneby & J.W. Grimes). Polymorphic fragments were surveyed in 288 RAPD primers using 24 materials from Okinawa, Japan. Carefully selections of the polymorphic fragments were applied to overcome a problem of low reproducibility of RAPD markers. The first screening using 4 materials found that 285 out of 288 primers successfully produced fragments. The second screening using 16 materials finally obtained 48 polymorphic fragments. High discrimination ability (DP=0.483, in average) was obtained from all the selected fragments. The selected fragments can be used to support tree improvement program of the species for genetic diversity study and to facilitate a development of more specific markers such as Sequence Characterized Amplified Region (SCAR) marker

    Genetic Diversity And Genetic Relationship Of Sengon (Falcataria Moluccana) Revealed Using Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (Snp) Markers

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    Producing seeds in seed orchards that retain a broad genetic diversity is important for the continued development of a species. The aim of this study was to find out the genetic diversity of, and genetic relationships between several populations of sengon (Falcataria moluccana) in the Candiroto seed orchard in Indonesia. Analysis using twelve single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers showed that the total population had a high level of genetic diversity (He = 0.359±0.128); the Wamena population in Papua had the highest level. The close genetic relationship between this and the population from East Java suggested that the latter may have been introduced from Wamena. There was also a close genetic relationship between the populations from Central and West Java and that from Mindanao Island in The Phillipines. The high genetic diversity of sengon in the Candiroto seed orchard provides a good basis for selection and breeding

    Diversity and Potential of Herb Vegetation in Forest Area with Special Purpose (KHDTK) Kaliurang YOGYAKARTA as Medicines

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    Information on the diversity of plants, especially herbs and their potential as medicines is not widely known. This study aims to determine the diversity of herbs and their potential as medicines in the research forest area of Mount Merapi, KHDTK Kaliurang, Yogyakarta. The study in three areas found 27 species herbs with Centhoteca lappacea (L) Desv had the highest average Important Value Index (79.26 %) and Fimbristylis dichotoma (L.) Vahl as the lowest (2.66 %). The Diversity Index (H') of herbs in KHDTK Kaliurang is low (0.58-0.78). Its use and potential as medicines are found in 21 out of 27 herbs species. These herbs have been widely used for traditional medicine in many countries and further research also show the potential of these herbs for various diseases such as treatment of wounds, urinary problem, fever, diarrhea, anti-oxidant, diabetes, and cancer. Results of this study are expected to provide information on the potential of herbs for traditional and modern medicine. Furthermore, information on the diversity of these herbs can also complement the type of plants in the Mount Merapi region and increasing awareness on the importance of supporting efffort to utilize and preserve the herbs of the Merapi Mountain region, especially in the KHDTK Kaliurang

    Karakter Morfologi Dan Pertumbuhan Subspecies Kayu Merah (Pterocarpus Indicus Willd.) Asal Pulau Seram, Maluku Dan Pulau Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur Di Persemaian

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    Kayu merah (Pterocarpus indicus Willd), a high quality and multiple purpose tree, has been categorized as endangered species. Only a few know that kayu merah has two subspecies (forma) that are differentiated based on the surface structure of the central seed case. This study aims to know the differences on morphological and growth characters of two populations/subspecies kayu merah i.e. Pulau Seram, Mollucas (smooth pods, forma indicus) and Pulau Flores, East Nusa Tenggara (prickly pods, forma echinatus). The genetic relationship ofthese two populations/subspecies was analyzed using PBSTAT program, while their growth parameter analyzed using SAS program. The study found differences on morphological and growth characters of kayu merah from Pulau Seram and Pulau Flores. Kayu merah from Pulau Seram has many smooth spots and little grooves on the surface of its stem and has tapered leaf tip shape, while kayu merah from Pulau Flores has many grooves and little smooth spots, and has splitting leaf tip form. The two populations/subspecies were clearly clustered into their own group. Kayu merah from Pulau Seram has better growth than that of Pulau Flores. The result of this research has expected can support conservation and further utilization of the species in Indonesia by providing information on preliminary identification of the origin of kayu merah i.e. Pulau Seram and Pulau Flores as well as early indication of indicus and echinatus subspecies differences in the nursery