7 research outputs found

    Investigation of Functional-technological Properties of Soya Protein

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    There was offered and grounded the use of functional technological properties of the soya protein isolate in the technology of oil pasts. It will allows to increase the balance of the oil past composition additionally and will favor the decrease of extracting moisture during the storage term.There was studied the dynamics of a gradient of the limit stress of soya protein: hydrated soya protein, hydrated soya protein with the temperature processing, hydrated soya protein with the preliminary keeping during 24 h, hydrated soya protein with the preliminary keeping during 24 h and temperature processing during 5 min, hydrated soya protein with the preliminary keeping during 24 h and temperature processing during 10 min; hydrated soya protein with the preliminary keeping during 24 h and temperature processing during 15 min.It was established, that the hydrated isolate of soya protein is a plastic system, has enough strength.The limit stress parameter at the variable velocity of deformation of model samples determines optimal technological parameters of preparing the soya isolate: hydromodule – 1: 8, temperature processing – (82Β±2) Β°Π‘, process duration 10 min with preliminary keeping during 24 hours.As a result of the studies, there were demonstrated technological parameters of preparing the soya protein isolate for obtaining the oil past by the direct mixing with the oil base

    Development of Technology of Ayurvedic Culinary Products with Natural Plant Components

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    Among the main factors preventing the growing number of non-communicable diseases is ensuring a healthy diet, increases the body's resistance to adverse exogenous and endogenous factors, helps to maintain proper homeostasis and restore health. Promising for creating new products is the use of the Ayurveda principles, which provides for nutrition in accordance with the constitutional features of the human body and takes into account the influence of environmental factors. To this end, it is proposed to use the plant materials – dried fruit, dried vegetable raw materials and spices, which is a source of biologically active substances – vitamins, phenolic compounds, and also contains essential oils and a complex of mineral substances. The object of research is the technology of drinks based on tea, olive oil and candies in fruit cases.On the basis of the Ayurvedic principles of nutrition, formulations of new types of tea-based drinks have been developed with a composition of spices, which includes cinnamon, ginger and cloves in a 1:2:0.5 ratio.The composition of a combination mixture of vegetable oil-sesame, soybean and hemp in a ratio of 1:2.5:1.5 and an extract of an aromatic mixture based on it (dill: marigold: oak bark in a ratio of 1:3:2) has been developed. The efficiency of obtaining oil extracts from the use of a Profi Cook1080 (vacuum sealer) is proven.Formulations of Ayurvedic candies in fruit cases have been developed, in which honey, dry kelp and a combination of spices are added. The carbohydrate composition of candies based on dried cranberries has been investigated: the total content of certain carbohydrates is 53.2 %, including sucrose – only 12.3 %. The use of such candies will reduce the intake of easily digestible carbohydrates, and the use of natural honey as a carbohydrate component will relieve the product of refined sugars.The use of Ayurvedic nutrition principles in the technology of culinary products will harmonize all body systems, improving the well-being, physical and emotional state of a person

    Determining the Expediency of Using Protein-polysaccharide Complexes Based on Dairy and Vegetable Proteins in the TECHNOLOGY of Butter Pastes

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    The expediency of using milk proteins in the technology of butter pastes, dry milk protein concentrate, and dry whey protein concentrate, has been substantiated.It was determined that the use of protein-polysaccharide complexes in the technology of butter pastes makes it possible to reduce the caloric content of products by 2...3 % and increase the nutritional value by increasing the protein content up to 8.2 %. The biological value of the protein of new types of butter pastes, stabilized protein-polysaccharide complexes based on milk protein, was 43.6 %, based on milk and pea protein isolate β€’ 45.0 %. This can be explained by the partial compensation of the lack of essential acids at the expense of plant protein.It was established that the introduction of dry powder of blueberries and pea protein isolate makes it possible to enrich the product with a complex of biologically active and mineral substances. The degree of meeting the daily requirement by using 10 g of the product is: calcium β€’ by 1.0 % on average; potassium β€’ 0.6 %, iron β€’ 0.3...0.6 %, rutin β€’ 2.6 %.The introduction of blueberry micronutrients into the butter paste would increase the biological value of the protein by 2.5 %. The use of pea protein isolate could increase it by 1.5 %, which is due to partial compensation of deficient amino acids through plant components.Thus, due to the enrichment of the pastes with high-grade protein with a high degree of digestibility, it may become possible to increase the nutritional value of products.The social effect of the introduction of new types of butter pastes into production is to improve the nutritional structure of the population through the use of low-fat analogs of butter, enriched with protein and micronutrients of blueberries. This would help improve health and prevent microelement-dependent disease

    Evaluation of Oxidity Resistance of Milk-containing Products Based on Blending of Vegetable Oils

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    It is known that one of the main causes of spoilage of fats (in particular vegetable fats), as well as products made with their use, is an increase in acid and peroxide numbers. Physicochemical indicators have a significant impact not only on the quality and organoleptic characteristics of the product, but also on its safety. For this purpose, the dependence of the indicators of acid and peroxide numbers of the created blend of vegetable oils in the technologies of milk-containing products during storage has been investigated. The object of research is experimental samples of a three-component blend of vegetable oils and milk fat isolated from milk-containing curd paste and milk-containing sour cream sauce. The subject of research is the dynamics of the growth of acid and peroxide numbers of samples and changes in their organoleptic quality indicators. The obtained data on the kinetics of oxidation of a blend of vegetable oils indicate that the increase in acid and peroxide numbers during the studied shelf life does not differ in intensity. The average threshold for an increase in acid and peroxide numbers is insignificant and amounts to 0.02–0.03 mgKOH/h and 0.2–0.21 mmol1/2O/kg for 5 days. In accordance with the obtained results of the kinetics of oxidation of the released fat of milk-containing curd paste, there is a slight increase in acid and peroxide numbers, namely: at the end of 7 days – up to 0.3 mgKOH/h and 1.9 mmol1/2O/kg, respectively, and in at the end of 10 days– up to 0.32 mgKOH/h and 2.3 mmol1/2O/kg. Based on the obtained results of the kinetics of oxidation of the released fat from the milk-containing sour cream sauce, there is a tendency to a gradual increase in the acid and peroxide numbers with an increase in the oxidation time. It is noted that the maximum values of acidic – 0.3 mgKOH/h and peroxide numbers – 2.2 mmol1/2O/kg at the end of the shelf life of 21 days are reached. According to the results obtained for the organoleptic evaluation of experimental samples of the blend and the released fat from milk-containing products, no significant changes were found during the studied shelf life

    Evaluation of Oxidity Resistance of Milk-containing Products Based on Blending of Vegetable Oils

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    It is known that one of the main causes of spoilage of fats (in particular vegetable fats), as well as products made with their use, is an increase in acid and peroxide numbers. Physicochemical indicators have a significant impact not only on the quality and organoleptic characteristics of the product, but also on its safety. For this purpose, the dependence of the indicators of acid and peroxide numbers of the created blend of vegetable oils in the technologies of milk-containing products during storage has been investigated. The object of research is experimental samples of a three-component blend of vegetable oils and milk fat isolated from milk-containing curd paste and milk-containing sour cream sauce. The subject of research is the dynamics of the growth of acid and peroxide numbers of samples and changes in their organoleptic quality indicators. The obtained data on the kinetics of oxidation of a blend of vegetable oils indicate that the increase in acid and peroxide numbers during the studied shelf life does not differ in intensity. The average threshold for an increase in acid and peroxide numbers is insignificant and amounts to 0.02–0.03 mgKOH/h and 0.2–0.21 mmol1/2O/kg for 5 days. In accordance with the obtained results of the kinetics of oxidation of the released fat of milk-containing curd paste, there is a slight increase in acid and peroxide numbers, namely: at the end of 7 days – up to 0.3 mgKOH/h and 1.9 mmol1/2O/kg, respectively, and in at the end of 10 days– up to 0.32 mgKOH/h and 2.3 mmol1/2O/kg. Based on the obtained results of the kinetics of oxidation of the released fat from the milk-containing sour cream sauce, there is a tendency to a gradual increase in the acid and peroxide numbers with an increase in the oxidation time. It is noted that the maximum values of acidic – 0.3 mgKOH/h and peroxide numbers – 2.2 mmol1/2O/kg at the end of the shelf life of 21 days are reached. According to the results obtained for the organoleptic evaluation of experimental samples of the blend and the released fat from milk-containing products, no significant changes were found during the studied shelf life