36 research outputs found

    Nitrogen and phosphorus content in fish tissues of Clarias gariepinus and Lates niloticus harvested from Zaria eutrophic waters

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    The nitrogen and phosphorus level in fish tissues of Clarias gariepenus and Lates niloticus harvested from Zaria eutrophic waters were investigated for a year. Results showed high percentages of moisture and organic contents during the rainy season, while high percentages of dry matter and ash contents were observed during the dry season. The results also showed high mean percentages of water content in flesh (79.81±0.25%) at E2 with highest wet season range as (80.10 – 80.30%), dry matter content in heart (28.04±0.15%) at E2 with highest dry season range as (28.30 – 28.70%), organic content in kidney (94.80±0.12%) at E2 with highest wet season range as (94.80 – 95.50%) and ash content in gills (10.61±0.17%) at E1 with highest dry season range as (9.90 – 10.40%). There were no significant differences in the proximate composition between fish tissues and between species (P>0.05). The result also revealed high mean concentration of nitrogen (2.155±0.259%) and phosphorus (0.083±0.02%) all at E2 in Kidney. Nitrogen is significantly higher in the fish tissues (P<0.05) in all the sites. The results also showed that the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the tissues of the species harvested from eutrophic waters is above that of tissues from fresh water, but is within the recommended level for human consumptions.Keywords: Fish, Clarias gariepinus, Lates niloticus, Nutrients, Eutrophi

    Occurrence of extended spectrum beta-lactamases among clinical bacteria isolated from Daura General Hospital, Katsina State, Nigeria

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    Background: Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a major global challenge in the diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. ESBLs are enzymes that confer resistance to third and fourth generation cephalosporins that are produced to counter resistance to normal betalactamase enzymes. Aim: This work was aimed at detecting the occurrence of ESBLs among clinical bacterial isolates at the study site. Methods: Three hundred and ninety nine (399) Gram negative bacterial isolates were collected from the study site and identified using standard biochemical tests. The isolates were screened for ESBLs using Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) breakpoint and confirmed using Double Disc Synergy Test (DDST). The standard antibiotic discs used were augmentin (AMC 30μg), cefotaxime (CTX 30μg) and ceftazidime (CAZ 30μg) [Oxoid, England]. Results: The results of CLSI breakpoint test showed that 206 (51.62%) were positive for ESBLs which include; Proteus spp 88(22.05%), E. coli 40(10.02%), Klebsiella spp 48(12.03%), Citrobacter spp 18(4.51%), Providencia spp 4(1.01%), Shigella spp 6(1.50%), Salmonella spp 2(0.50%). ESBLs confirmation using DDST revealed that 119 (57.76%) were positive for ESBL production viz; Proteus spp 66(32.04%), E. coli 8(3.88%), Klebsiella spp 28(13.59%), Citrobacter spp 12(5.82%), Providencia spp 2(0.97%), Shigella spp (31.46%), Salmonella spp 0 (0.00%) giving an overall ESBLs occurrence of 29.82%. Conclusion: The high occurrence of ESBLs observed among the clinical isolates implies that the enzymes occur at an alarming rate which may lead to high patient mortality due to treatment failure

    Prevalence of extended spectrum &#946-lactamases (ESBLs) among clinical Enterobacteriaceae isolates obtained from private diagnostic laboratory in Kano - Nigeria

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    One hundred Gram negative bacterial isolates were collected from a private diagnostic center and identified by subjecting the isolates to biochemical tests using standard procedures. Confirmed Enterobacteriaceae isolates were further subjected to screening for extended spectrum â-lactamases (ESBLs) production using Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) breakpoint and Double Disc Synergy Test (DDST). Standard discs of Augmentin (AUG 30 ìg) {Optudisc} and Ceftriaxone (CXM 30 ìg) {Medireich} and Ceftazidime (CAZ 30 ìg) {Glaxo-Smithkline} were used in the screening. The results of CLSI breakpoint test showed that 87% were ESBLs producers viz: Citrobacter fruendii (3), Escherichia coli (46), Klebsiella pneumoniae (13), Morganella morganii (1), Proteus vulgaris (23) and Salmonella typhi (1) while that ofconfirmed ESBLs producers using DDST was 49%. These included Citrobacter fruendii (2), Escherichia coli (25), Klebsiella pneumoniae (7), Morganella morganii (1), Proteus vulgaris (13) and Salmonella typhi (1). The implication of the results is discussed

    Sensitivity of extended-spectrum β-lactamases producing Enterobacteriaceae isolates to Annona squamosa extracts

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    Powdered leaves of Annona squamosa (L.) were extracted with ethanol and methanol using percolation method. The extracts were tested for antimicrobial activity against clinical isolates of confirmed extended spectrum β-lactamase producing Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus specie using disc diffusion method. The extracts were further subjected to phytochemical screening for the presence of secondary metabolites. Sensitivity test results showed that methanol extract of the plant was only active on E. coli at 30 μg/disc concentration with 7mm zone of inhibition but inactive against P. specie even at 60 μg/disc concentration. Ethanol extract of the plant was active against all isolates only at 60 μg/disc concentration with P. specie forming slightly wider zone of inhibition (8mm) and the remaining isolates having 7mm zone diameter. The results of phytochemical screening indicated the presence of reducing sugars, saponins and steroids in either or both extracts.Keywords: Sensitivity, ESBLs, Enterobacteriaceae, Annona squamosa, Extract

    Equational characterizations of cyclic purity and single compactness.

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    Solidarity and fragmentation between trade unions and civil societies during fuel subsidy mass-protest in Nigeria : a study of social movement unionism.

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    This study examines solidarity and fragmentations between trade unions and civil society organisations under the Labour and Civil Society Coalition LASCO, during the fuel subsidy mass-protest in Nigeria. To understand the basis of LASCO’s mobilisation during the strike/ mass-protest and the tension that follows the suspension of the strike within the alliance, the study utilises the literature on Social Movement Unionism especially in South Africa, with emphasise on trade unions community and political alliances. The classical SMU literature especially applied in South Africa and Brazil revealed that authoritarian industrialisation and repressive Apartheid work-place regime prompted unions to use innovative strategies of using their bargaining power to challenge the state, by rendering themselves ungovernable both in the work-place and in the society through linkages with communities. This study, relying on a case study method and participant observation of the strike and mass-protest in Kano, revealed that SMU mobilisation in Nigeria was triggered by predatory and weak state, whose rent seeking permeates the administration of subsidy in the oil industry. Secondly, the study argued that the tensions and divisions within LASCO alliance following the suspension of the perceived unilateral suspension of the strike by the Trade Unions explains the political and class orientation of both trade unions and civil society organisations. The study argues that Trade Unions behaviour in the context of the strike lean towards Hyman pessimist view of trade unions or what Beiler et’al called accommodatory strategy, a view that see unions as negotiators of order both in the work-place and in the larger society. On the other hand the civil society organisations typified multi-level organisations with different orientations that always seek for transformation of the social order or what Beiler et’al called transformatory strategy

    Aggressive behaviour towards a care-giver: a case report of a patient with paranoid schizophrenia

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    Background: Aggressive behaviours are often found in paranoid schizophrenia, which could occur either at the acute or chronic phases of the disorder. Paranoid schizophrenic patients may show dysfunctional impulsive aggression which may be caused by several factors such as environmental frustration. These patients have poor insight, experience disorders of thought and have poor control of their aggressive impulses.Methods: This is a case report of a 27 year old school dropout, who has been on treatment for paranoid schizophrenia for five years. He presented with acute symptoms of the disorder which includes delusion of reference, delusion of persecution, command hallucination and restlessness. Prior to the current presentation, patient had stopped taking his medication and refused to come for follow-up. Last follow-up from records was thirteen months prior to this current admission.Results: Clinical features met the criteria for diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia following a relapse due to poor compliance with medication and follow-up visits.Conclusions: Elevated risk forviolent-offending in paranoid schizophrenia is not just as a result of active symptoms, but also associated social problems. Therefore managing these groups of patients should target such issues.Keywords: Aggressive behaviour, Care-Giver, Paranoid, Schizophreni

    Coverage of corruption scandals in the Nigerian Press : a comparative analysis of Northern and Southern Newspapers

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    This research is about the coverage of corruption scandals in the Nigerian press. It is a comparative study that This research is about the coverage of corruption scandals in the Nigerian press. It is a comparative study that develops an intra-national framework for the study of the Nigerian media system using corruption scandals. The scandals studied are the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) scandal and the Former Governors Scandal. The study used both interviews and qualitative content analysis by means of critical discourse analysis. The results of the study suggest that the press in Nigeria is regionally and ethnically divided. These factors influence the way the press report issues including corruption scandals. The study also suggests that factors like clientelism, regionalism, corruption within the press, and lack of training are among the challenges faced by the Nigerian press. It is the position of this study that the press in Nigeria is active in reporting stories about corruption scandals, but has not done enough when it comes to the application of such aspects of journalistic practice like investigative journalism which contributes in the watchdog role of the media. The study concludes by suggesting areas for further research

    Variation in Mineral Composition of Raw Milk of Cow and Sheep Breeds from Kano and Jigawa States, Nigeria, with Season

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    The study evaluates the effects of seasons on mineral compositions of the raw milk of cow and sheep breeds. The study was conducted at Fulani settlements within Kano and Jigawa states, Nigeria. Raw milk samples were analysed for mineral elements using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) and Flame Emission Spectrophotometer (FES). The results of the present analyses showed that K had the highest concentration, while Mn had the lowest in all the breeds during rainy season (RS) and dry season (DS). K, Na, and Mn were highest in cow breeds for the RS and DS, while Ca, P, Mg and Zn were highest in sheep breeds during the RS and DS, Among the cow breeds Ca, P, Fe, Mn and Cu were highest in the raw milk of Red Bororo cow (RBC) for both RS and DS, K, Na and Zn were highest in the raw milk of White Fulani cow (WFC) during the RS and DS, while Mg was highest in the raw milk of Sokoto Gudali cow (SGC) during the RS and DS. For sheep breeds Ca, Mg and Zn were highest in the raw milk of Uda sheep (US) during the RS and DS, K, P, Na and Mn were highest in the raw milk of (BS) during the RS and DS, while Fe and Cu were highest in the raw milk of (YS) during the RS and DS. Generally K, P, Na and Mn were high in the raw milk of cow breeds during Rainy season (RS), while Ca, Fe, Mg, Zn and Cu were high during RS in the raw milk of sheep breeds. Some of the nutritional elements concentrations were below the Institute of Medicine (IOM) standard requirements for human consumption. There is a need for improvement of the local breeds in the nutritional elements to meet the standard requirements.Keywords: raw milk, breeds, mineral compositio