122 research outputs found

    Cross-cultural metathemes of Chinese and Japanese university students' perspective on parental care

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    IntroductionDue to declining birthrates and aging populations, parental care is going to place a greater burden on younger generations in the future, especially in East Asia where it is more common for children to provide care regardless of whether there is a national long-term care insurance program. Therefore, it has become important to understand the younger generation's views on parental care.MethodsAn explorative, metathematic qualitative study design was used. Data collection relied on semi-structured interviews, of which 19 Chinese and 19 Japanese university students were conducted from December 2021 to July 2022 using a snowball sampling method. Metatheme analysis was then used to identify broad cross-cultural metathemes and inter-relationships on parental care.ResultsThree parental care metathemes were identified for the perspectives of parental care: distrust of leaving parental care to others, responsibility to care for their parents, and importance of parent-child interactions about parental care.ConclusionTo improve social support for care, both countries must improve long-term care service delivery and healthcare systems and ensure that there is a trusting relationship between healthcare professionals and the public. Governments should also ensure that adult children receive assistance to balance their work, life, and parental care responsibilities. The findings provide several practical suggestions for improving healthcare systems in China and Japan through the younger generations' views


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     Purpose:This study was conducted for the purpose of examining the risk of becoming homebound and the correlation of loneliness in the community-dwelling older adults volunteering to participate in a physical f itness measurement program. Method:The subjects of this study consisted of 638 older adults dwelling in Kameoka City who volunteered to participate in a physical fitness measurement program in 2012 and desired also to participate in a similar program held roughly one year and a half years later.A survey was conducted in the form of a questionnaire survey that was mailed to the subjects.The contents of the survey consisted of questions relating to gender,age,household composition,frequency of meetings with separately dwelling family members,number of neighbors they can rely on,tasks within the home,presence of a hobby,participation in group activities,subjective view of health,subjective physical strength,risk of depression,risk of becoming homebound,assessment using the Japanese language version of the UCLA loneliness scale( 3rd edition)( to be simply referred to as ""loneliness"") and assessment using the Life Satisfaction Index K( to be abbreviated as LSIK).Analyses consisted of an intergroup comparison of loneliness scores for each parameter.This was followed by an analysis of covariance using those parameters for which there was a correlation with loneliness as covariates in order to examine the correlation between risk of becoming homebound and loneliness. Results:539 of the subjects submitted valid responses to the survey (response rate:84.5%).The analysis of the risk of becoming homebound indicated that 20 subjects were homebound( 3.7%),90 subjects were at risk of becoming homebound (16.7%) and 429 subjects were not homebound (79.6%). According to the results of an intergroup comparison of loneliness scores for each survey parameter,signif icant differences( p <0.001) were observed for gender,number of neighbors the subjects can rely on,subjective view of health,subjective physical strength,risk of depression, tasks within the home,presence of a hobby,participation in group activities and LSIK score. The average loneliness scores of each risk of becoming homebound were 36.2 ± 8.9 in the nonhomebound group,41.9 ± 9.8 in the group at risk of becoming homebound,and 45.8 ± 8.7 in the homebound group,with scores becoming higher as the tendency to become homebound worsened. The correlation between the two was such that significant differences ( p =0.007) were observed when the above parameters were used as covariates,and loneliness was greater in the group at risk of becoming homebound than in the non-homebound group( p =0.047). Discussion:This study demonstrated that persons at risk of becoming homebound are present even among relatively healthy older adults expressing a strong desire to continue to participate in physical f itness measurement programs like the subjects of this study,and that there is already a strong sense of loneliness among subjects of the group at risk of becoming homebound. Efforts to eliminate this sense of loneliness targeted at older adults at risk of becoming homebound who are already demonstrating a decrease in frequency of leaving their homes are expected to lead to effective countermeasures for preventing these persons from becoming homebound. 目 的:地域在住自立高齢者を対象とした体力測定会への参加希望者における閉じこもりリスクの程度と孤独感との関連を明らかにすることを目的とした。 方 法:亀岡市在住高齢者で2012 年の体力測定会に参加し,その約1 年半後の体力測定会に参加を希望した638 名を対象とした。調査は郵送法による質問紙調査を行った。質問項目は性別,年齢,世帯構成,別居家族と会う頻度,近所に頼れる人の人数,家庭内の仕事,趣味の有無,グループ活動への参加,主観的健康感,主観的体力,うつのリスク,閉じこもりリスク,日本語版UCLA 孤独感尺度(第3 版)(以下,孤独感),生活満足度尺度K(以下,LSIK)である。分析は各調査項目において孤独感得点の群間比較を行った。次に,孤独感と関連のあった項目を共変量とした共変量分散分析を行い,閉じこもりリスクと孤独感の関連を明らかにした。 結 果:有効回答者539 名(有効回答率84.5%)であった。閉じこもりリスクの分布は,閉じこもり群20 名(3.7%),閉じこもり予備群90 名(16.7%),非閉じこもり群429 名(79.6%)であった。調査項目ごとの孤独感得点の群間比較では性別,近所に頼れる人の人数,主観的健康感,主観的体力,うつのリスク,家庭内の仕事,趣味の有無,グループ活動への参加,LSIK に有意差が認められた( p < 0.001)。閉じこもりリスク別の孤独感得点の平均は,非閉じこもり群36.2 ± 8.9 点,閉じこもり予備群41.9 ± 9.8点,閉じこもり群45.8 ± 8.7 点と閉じこもり傾向に伴い高まった。両者の関連では先の項目を共変量としても有意差があり( p =0.007),閉じこもり予備群の孤独感が非閉じこもり群に比べて有意に高かった( p =0.047)。 考 察:体力測定会に継続参加可能な意欲の高い比較的健康な高齢者においても,閉じこもりリスク保有者が存在し閉じこもり予備群で孤独感が高いことが示された。閉じこもり予備群のうちから,孤独感を解消させるような働きかけを行うことが閉じこもり予防対策につながると期待される。原

    クマモト ジシン 6カゲツ ニ オケル シュウロウシャ ノ スイミン ト シュカンテキ ケンコウ ジョウタイ ト ノ カンレン ヨウイン

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    Objective:This study aimed to clarify the relationship between sleep and subjective health condition by focusing on disaster-affected workers six months after the Kumamoto earthquake.Methods:The study population comprised 676 workers at small and medium-sized companies located in Kamimashikigun, Kumamoto Prefecture, where damage after the Kumamoto earthquake was severe. Participants were sent a questionnaire with items related to basic characteristics (sex, age, and family members), damage to home after the earthquake, subjective symptoms after the earthquake, injury from the earthquakes, changes in income, subjective wellbeing, changes in workload after the earthquake, Athens Insomnia Scale(AIS), Impact of Event Scale-Revised(IES-R), General Health Questionnaire(GHQ 28), and health related QOL Short-Form Health Survey(SF-8). Responses were collected from 456 people at 13 companies(68.1% response rate). Of these, 438 responses(96.1%) were valid. This study was approved by the ethical review committee of Fukuoka University School of Medicine.Results:The participants included 334 males and 104 females with an average age of 43.3 years. Two groups were created based on Abbreviated Injury Scale(AIS)scores:279 participants were in the insomnia group and 159 participants were in the non-insomnia group. Compared with that in the non-insomnia group, the patients in the insomnia group were old, had poor subjective health status, and were more likely to have subjective symptoms and injury after the earthquake. The study found a significant positive correlation with intrusion and hyperarousal symptoms in the IES-R subscales. In the SF-8 responses, there were significant negative correlations with BP(Bodily Pain), GH(General Health), VT(Vitality), SF(Social Functioning), RE(Role Emotional), MH(Mental Health), and MCS(Mental Component Summary). In a logistic regression analysis of sleeping condition in Athens Insomnia Scale(AIS), BP[OR: 0.942, CI: 0.907-0.978]and avoidance symptoms[OR:0.881, CI:0.799-0.971]improved sleeping condition, whereas hyperarousal symptoms[OR:1.553, CI:1.324-1.823], social life function[OR:0.954, CI:0.916-0.994], and daily role function(mental)[OR:0.916, CI:0.866-0.97]were negatively related with good sleeping condition.Discussion:The Kumamoto earthquake influenced the sleep quality for most disaster-affected workers, with approximately 60% reporting insomnia. Because workers with insomnia may exhibit hidden subjective symptoms or suffer from mental stress, long-term preventive systems should be developed and established by companies to improve worker health. Longitudinal studies are required to further examine factors related to sleep condition and outcomes of support systems.原著論文 = Original articl

    Large-scale animal model study uncovers altered brain pH and lactate levels as a transdiagnostic endophenotype of neuropsychiatric disorders involving cognitive impairment

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    Modified Bentall operation with bioprosthetic valve and Valsalva graft conduit:the "slit skirt" technique

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    We elucidated the efficacy of the slit skirt technique to prevent bleeding from the proximal anastomosis between the graft and aortic annulus. Between September 2008 and September 2014, 15 patients underwent a modified Bentall operation with the slit skirt technique at our institution. No patients had bleeding from the proximal anastomosis. No re-thoracotomy for bleeding was required. During midterm follow-up (median period, 21 months), no patient had pseudoaneurysms at the proximal suture line. We conclude that the slit skirt technique is useful to prevent bleeding from the proximal anastomosis after the Bentall operation