26 research outputs found

    Milled Rice Quality Evaluation of Some Hope Strain Rice Field Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of milled rice paddy rice several promising lines. The study was conducted in the village of Banjarrejo District of Batang, East Lampung Regency and Lampung State Polytechnic in November 2012 using a completely randomized design with 10 treatments and three replications. The treatment consisted of 10 new rice paddy promising lines 1. IPB 3S, 2. IPB 4S, 5R IPB 3., 4. IPB6R, 5. IPB117-F-7-2-1, 6. IPB 117-F-7-7 -1, 7. IPB 117-F-14-4-1, 8 IPB 117-F-15-4-1, 9. IPB 117-F-20-1-1, and 10. The IPB 117-F- 80-2-1. The results showed that the quality of milled rice paddy rice several promising lines tested have diversity in terms of: rendemen , milling degree, water content, grain heads, broken grains, brewers grains, grains of red, yellow grain, grain whitewash, and grains. Eight promising lines meet minimum standards milling degree, 10 strains meet the standard of a maximum water content, 2 lines meet minimum standards of grain heads, two lines meet minimum standards of broken grains, 9 strains meet the minimum standards of red grains, 7 strains meet minimum standards yolks, 1 strains meet minimum standards grains whitewash, 10 strains meet the minimum standards of foreign objects, and 6 lines meet minimum standards grains of milled rice quality requirements of quality I ISO 6128: 2008

    Peranan Pupuk Organik Bio-Fosfat terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Beberapa Varietas Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea, L)

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    The general objective of the research is to obtain sustainable land recovery technology as aresult of intensive use of artificial chemical fertilizers. The specific purpose of this research is: a). a). Get the optimal dose of biophosphate fertilizer for the growth and yield of several varieties of peanuts, b). Get peanut varieties that have high productivity, c). Look at the interaction between bio-phosphate doses and peanut varieties. The study was conducted at the Lampung State Polytechnic Practice Garden from July to December 2017. The study was a factorial experiment in a randomized block design consisting of 2 factors. As the first factor is the dose of biophosphate fertilizer, namely: P0 = 0 kg/ha, P1 = 50 kg/ha, P2 = 100 kg/ha and P3 = 150 kg/ha. While the second factor is peanut varieties, namely: V1 = Gajah, V2 = Kelinci, and V3 = Takar, so that 12 treatment combinations are obtained. If there is a difference in the middle value, it is followed by a test of honest difference (BNJ) at the level of 5%. Based on the results of the study some conclusions can be drawn; (a) The provision of bio-phosphate treatment at a dose of 50 kg / ha gives the highest plant height compared to other treatments, while the Takar variety has a higher plant height compared to Gajah and Kelinci. (b) The provision of bio-phosphate treatment of 150 kg / ha gave the lowest yield of pods compared to 100 kg / ha and 0 kg / ha of bio-phosphate, while the Takar variety gave a better number of filled pods compared to Gajah and Kelinci. (c) The content of pods per plant gives the same results as the number of filled pods. Keywords : bio-phosphate, peanut, organic

    Milled Rice Quality Evaluation of Some Hope Strain Rice Field Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of milled rice paddy rice several promising lines. The study was conducted in the village of Banjarrejo District of Batang, East Lampung Regency and Lampung State Polytechnic in November 2012 using a completely randomized design with 10 treatments and three replications. The treatment consisted of 10 new rice paddy promising lines 1. IPB 3S, 2. IPB 4S, 5R IPB 3., 4. IPB6R, 5. IPB117-F-7-2-1, 6. IPB 117-F-7-7 -1, 7. IPB 117-F-14-4-1, 8 IPB 117-F-15-4-1, 9. IPB 117-F-20-1-1, and 10. The IPB 117-F- 80-2-1. The results showed that the quality of milled rice paddy rice several promising lines tested have diversity in terms of: rendemen , milling degree, water content, grain heads, broken grains, brewers grains, grains of red, yellow grain, grain whitewash, and grains. Eight promising lines meet minimum standards milling degree, 10 strains meet the standard of a maximum water content, 2 lines meet minimum standards of grain heads, two lines meet minimum standards of broken grains, 9 strains meet the minimum standards of red grains, 7 strains meet minimum standards yolks, 1 strains meet minimum standards grains whitewash, 10 strains meet the minimum standards of foreign objects, and 6 lines meet minimum standards grains of milled rice quality requirements of quality I ISO 6128: 2008.Keywords: quality of milled rice, promising lines, paddy ric

    Pengaruh Formulasi Media Dan Konsentrasi Air Kelapa Terhadap Pertumbuhan Protokorm Anggrek Phalaenopsis in Vitro

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    The objective of this research was to find combination of media formulation and coconut water consentrasions in stimulating in vitro Growth of Phalaenopsis protocorm. The research was conducted in Factorial Completely Randomaized Design. The first factor is the media formulation (Knudson C, fertilizer Vitabloom, Green Kristallon , and Grownmore). The second factor is coconut water consentrasion (0, 75, 150, 225 ml l-1). Each treatment combination was replicated three times. The result showed that(1) Vitabloom and green kristallon fertilizers gave a better significant growth of seedling height than Grownmore but no significant difference with Knudson C; (2) the additions of Coconut water 225 ml l-1gave the best in growth of height seedling, followed by coconut water 150 ml l-1; and (3) the best treatment combination was green kristallon with coconut water 150 ml l-1, followed by vitabloom and green kristallon added with coconut water 225 ml l-1

    Keragaan Produksi Padi, Serangan Opt, dan Kondisi Mineral Tanah Pada Lahan Sawah pada Penerapan Budidaya Konsep Leisa dan Konvensional

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    Land resources for agriculture in Indonesia both dry land and wetland dominated by sick or troubled land . The production process in the conventional rice cultivation land use is very intensive , relying on the use of inorganic materials , and external input that results in a decline in health and quality of soil . The purpose of this study : to determine the production of rice plants cultivated with the concept of LEISA and conventional, pest attacks , and the condition of the mineral soil in paddy fields where the application of the concept of LEISA farming and conventional farming . The study was conducted in paddy fields in the village of Banjarrejo, Batanghari Sub-district, Lampung Timur District. Activities carried out in the first planting season of 2013 from March to August 2013 . Observations on two culture systems was conducted on the 10 member group of farmers who was apply the technology package and as a comparison taken 10 farmers who have not adopted the technology package . Observation parameters such as: production (ton ha-1), the intensity of important pests in both cultivation systems were calculated with absolute attack or attacks gradually . Analysis of soil minerals in Chemical Analysis Laboratory at the Polytechnic of Lampung. The results showed is known that the rice production technologies in the application package Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) is higher than the conventional rice cultivation . Intensity of some important pests in the cultivation of the concept LEISA lower than conventional farming, mineral soil condition at LEISA technology package despite an increase in status has not yet reached the ideal condition. Keywords: production, LEISA, important pest

    Pengaruh Formulasi Media dan Konsentrasi Air Kelapa terhadap Pertumbuhan Protokorm Anggrek Phalaenopsis In Vitro

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    The objective of this research was to find combination of media formulation and coconut water consentrasions in stimulating in vitro Growth of Phalaenopsis protocorm. The research was conducted in Factorial Completely Randomaized Design. The first factor is the media formulation (Knudson C, fertilizer Vitabloom, Green Kristallon , and Grownmore). The second factor is coconut water consentrasion (0, 75, 150, 225 ml l-1). Each treatment combination was replicated three times. The result showed that(1) Vitabloom and green kristallon fertilizers gave a better significant growth of seedling height than Grownmore but no significant difference with Knudson C; (2) the additions of Coconut water 225 ml l-1gave the best in growth of height seedling, followed by coconut water 150 ml l-1; and (3) the best treatment combination was green kristallon with coconut water 150 ml l-1, followed by vitabloom and green kristallon added with coconut water 225 ml l-1. Keywords: Formulation media, coconut water, protocorm, Phalaenopsis, in vitro

    Pengaruh Perlakuan Pupuk Organik dan Varietas terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kedelai (Glycine max, L. Merr.)

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    Permasalahan  yang  dihadapi  dalam upaya peningkatkan produksi  kedelai saat ini adalah kurangnya daya dukung lahan yang produktif. Hal ini disebabkan terjadinya  degradasi serta kerusakan lahan akibat pola pertanian konvensional saat ini yang lebih mengutamakan penggunaan input tinggi seperti pupuk an-organik dan pestisida. Oleh karena itu, peningkatan produktivitas dan kualitas kedelai harus diupayakan dengan cara-cara yang lebih baik, seperti menggunakan pupuk organik. Sumber pupuk organik dapat berasal dari berbagai biomas  atau bahan organik, seperti sisa tanaman atau hewan. Setiap bahan organik memiliki kandungan atau komposisi unsur hara yang berbeda-beda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan pupuk organik terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kedelai. Penelitian ini merupakan percobaan faktorial dalam rancangan acak kelompok, dengan 2 faktordan 12 perlakuan. Jika terdapat perbedaan nilai tengah dilakukan dengan menggunakan Uji Nyata Jujur (BNJ) pada taraf 5 % dan 1 %. Hasil penelitian menunjukkkan bahwa  perlakuan pupuk organik, serta interaksi antara pupuk organik dan varietas tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata terhadap jumlah polong isi, jumlah polong hampa, berat polong isi dan berat biji pertanaman. Sedangkan perlakukan varietas menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata terhadap jumlah polong isi, jumlah polong hampa, berat polong isi dan berat biji pertanaman. Varietas Detam memberikan jumlah polong isi, jumlah polong hampa, berat polong isi dan berat biji pertanaman lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan varietas Anjasmoro dan Edamami. Kata kunci : kedelai, pupuk,  organik

    Pelatihan Penanggulangan Hama Tanaman dengan Pestisida Nabati pada Kelompok Tani Reka Daya Bagelen Pesawaran

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    Problems faced by the Reka Daya farmer group in Bagelen Pesawarant include: high production costs, especially for the purchase of fertilizers and anorganic pesticides. Generally, the plants cultivated are vulnerable to attack by plant pests (OPT), therefore integrated pest control technology is needed in plant cultivation. A participatory approach and adapted to site-specific conditions so that there is no surge in OPT attacks. The results of PKM that have been done based on questionnaire data and interviews that have been conducted can be concluded that; (a) members of the Raka Daya farmer group in Bagelen Pesawaran generally trying to work in agriculture with the main commodity of paddy rice; (b) 100% of farmers interviewed using anorganic pesticides in pest control; (c) 37% of participating farmers were familiar with plant-based pesticides, but overall none had used them in pest control; (d) After counseling and training in making organic pesticides, farmers are interested to try and implement it in the field

    Keberhasilan Aklimatisasi dan Pembesaran Bibit Kompot Anggrek Bulan (Phalaenopsis) Pada Beberapa Kombinasi Media Tanam

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    Aklimatisasi merupakan tahap yang kritis bagi plantlet. Pada lingkungan yang baru plantlet dapat mengalami cekaman lingkungan. Kondisi lingkungan seperti media yang tidak mendukung pada tahap aklimatisasi dapat menyebabkan kematian plantlet.  Penelitian ini bertujuan:  1)  Mendapatkan kombinasi  media yang paling baik bagi keberhasilan aklimatisasi plantlet anggrek Phalaenopsis; 2)Mengetahui apakah terdapat interaksi antara media bagian bawah dengan atas pot; 3) Mendapatkan kombinasi media yang paling baik bagi pertumbuhan bibit anggrek anggrek Phalaenopsis pada tahap pembesaran, dan 4) Melihat apakah media sabut kelapa dapat digunakan untuk aklimatisasi dan pembesaran anggrek Phalaenopsis.  Penelitian dilaksanakan di rumah jaring Politeknik Negeri Lampung dari bulan Maret hingga Agustus 2018.  Plantlet diaklimatisasikan 4 minggu.  Percobaan faktorial dilaksanakan dalam rancangan acak kelompok. Faktor A :  macam media bagian bawah (bata/arang).  Faktor B :  macam media bagian atas (moss sphagnum/pakis/sabut kelapa).  Enam kombinasi perlakuan dicobakan (masing-masing dengan 10 ulangan), yaitu:   P1 (bata+moss); P2 (bata+pakis); P3 (bata+sabut kelapa); P4 (arang+moss); P5 (arang+pakis); dan P6 (arang+sabut kelapa).  Peubah yang diamati: 1)  persen keberhasilan plantlet menjadi bibit, 2) tinggi bibit, 3) panjang daun, 4) lebar daun, dan 5) jumlah daun.   Data yang diperoleh dilakukan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji BNJ 5%.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Media moss atau pakis dikombinasikan dengan bata maupun arang memberikan persen keberhasilan aklimatisasi plantlet anggrek Phalaenopsis yang paling baik (100%); 2) Tidak terdapat interaksi antara media bagian atas dengan bagian bawah; 3) Kombinasi media yang paling baik bagi pertumbuhan bibit anggrek Phalaenopsis pada tahap pembesaran adalah moss baik dikombinasikan dengan bata ataupun arang, kemudian diikuti oleh pakis (dikombinasikan dengan bata ataupun arang); dan 4) Media sabut kelapa dapat digunakan untuk aklimatisasi dan pembesaran bibit anggrek Phalaenopsis bila  dilakukan penyiraman yang lebih intensif

    Undang-undang Cipta Kerja Dalam Berita Online (Analisis Wacana Kritis Pemberitaan Undang-undang Cipta Kerja di kompas.com)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui permasalahan-permasalahan mengenai adanya struktur teks wacana (makro, super struktur, mikro), mengetahui adanya makna kognisi sosial, dan mengetahui adanya makna konteks sosial yang terdapat dalam analisis wacana kritis pemberitaan undang-undang cipta kerja di Kompas.com edisi 15 – 30 Oktober 2020. Sumber data yang diambil berasal dari Kompas. com berupa seluruh analisis wacana kritis pemberitaan undang-undang cipta kerja di Kompas.com edisi 15 – 30 Oktober dengan cara simak catat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode deskriptif untuk meneliti wacana kritis. Instrumen penelitian yang dilakukan berupa studi dokumentasi untuk wacana kritis. Hasil analisis yang diperoleh menggunakan analisis wacana teori Teun A. Van Dijk pada pemberitaan undang-undang cipta kerja di Kompas.com edisi 15 – 30 Oktober sebagai berikut: 1) adanya struktur teks wacana(makro,supertruktur, mikro) berisi tema penanganan COVID-19 di Indonesia, struktur susunan teks pendahuluan, isi, dan penutup, adanya makna yang ditemukan dalam paragraf, kalimat dan kata dari hal yang diamati seperti semantik, sintaksis, stilistika, dan retoris. 2) makna kognisi sosial berupa keinginan para mahasiswa , aktivis, dan para buruh tani serta nelayan adanya penolkaan UU Cipta Kerja dan 3) adanya makna konteks sosial bahwa banyak nya dampak yang di akibat kan oleh UU Cipta Kerja terhadap kehidupan masyarakat, apalagi masyarakat ekonomi kelas bawah. Dengan teori Habermas, maka wacana kritis pemberitaan undang-undang cipta kerja menuai banyak pemahaman di kalangan masyarakat, adanya pro dan ada juga yang kontra terhadap undang-undang cipta kerja, perlu media bahasa menjelaskan data yang valid tentang undang-undang cipta kerja di kalangan masyarakat, sehingga tidak menimbulkan kesalahpahaman di masayakat. Kata Kunci: Analisis Wacana Kritis, UU Cipta Kerja, Teori Haberma