12 research outputs found

    Imaging findings in COVID-19 pneumonia

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    The coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV-2), emerged in Wuhan city and was declared a pandemic in March 2020. Although the virus is not restricted to the lung parenchyma, the use of chest imaging in COVID-19 can be especially useful for patients with moderate to severe symptoms or comorbidities. This article aimed to demonstrate the chest imaging findings of COVID-19 on different modalities: chest radiography, computed tomography, and ultrasonography. In addition, it intended to review recommendations on imaging assessment of COVID-19 and to discuss the use of a structured chest computed tomography report. Chest radiography, despite being a low-cost and easily available method, has low sensitivity for screening patients. It can be useful in monitoring hospitalized patients, especially for the evaluation of complications such as pneumothorax and pleural effusion. Chest computed tomography, despite being highly sensitive, has a low specificity, and hence cannot replace the reference diagnostic test (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction). To facilitate the confection and reduce the variability of radiological reports, some standardizations with structured reports have been proposed. Among the available classifications, it is possible to divide the radiological findings into typical, indeterminate, atypical, and negative findings. The structured report can also contain an estimate of the extent of lung involvement (e.g., more or less than 50% of the lung parenchyma). Pulmonary ultrasonography can also be an auxiliary method, especially for monitoring hospitalized patients in intensive care units, where transfer to a tomography scanner is difficult

    Aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e radiológicos da associação entre HTLV-1 e tuberculose

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    Estudos recentes apontam para elevada prevalência de HTLV-1 em pacientes com tuberculose, indicando uma provável susceptibilidade a esta doença. No entanto, não existem evidências suficientes acerca da causa desta associação e a relação com formas mais graves de tuberculose não é clara. Objetivo: Avaliar a associação entre HTLV-1 e tuberculose e determinar as implicações da coinfecção nas manifestações clínicas causadas pelo HTLV-1 e na apresentação clínica e radiológica da tuberculose. Metodologia: Estudo de corte transversal com pacientes ambulatoriais infectados por HTLV-1. Aplicou-se um questionário clínico com ênfase no histórico e nas manifestações clínicas de tuberculose e nas doenças associadas ao HTLV-1 e foram solicitados teste tuberculínico e radiografia do tórax. Os pacientes foram classificados nos grupos Tuberculose (TB), Tuberculose latente (TBL) e Sem tuberculose (Sem TB). Resultados: Foram avaliados 166 pacientes, dos quais 15,1% referiram ter tido ou estar tendo tuberculose e 13,3% apresentavam alterações radiográficas compatíveis com infecção prévia por M. tuberculosis. O teste tuberculínico apresentou 61,4% de positividade em toda a amostra. Houve maior freqüência de pacientes com mielopatia espástica tropical no grupo TB (33,3%) quando comparado ao grupo TBL (10,1%) e ao grupo Sem TB (20,4%) (p = 0,073). A apresentação clínica e radiológica da tuberculose foi similar à encontrada na literatura. Discussão: Encontrou-se uma elevada prevalência de tuberculose entre pacientes com HTLV-1. A elevada positividade ao teste tuberculínico contraria dados de estudos anteriores, obtidos em áreas não endêmicas para tuberculose. Os resultados deste estudo apontam para maior susceptibilidade à tuberculose em indivíduos infectados pelo HTLV-1 e maior frequência de mielopatia nos pacientes coinfectados. A elevada prevalência de TBL e os achados radiológicos não apóiam a idéia de que o HTLV-1 leva a formas graves de tuberculose

    Ultrasound evaluation of patients with severe yellow fever in the acute fase and convalescence

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    Introdução: A febre amarela (FA) é uma doença hemorrágica causada por um arbovírus endêmico na América do Sul, com surtos recentes nos últimos anos. No Brasil, a epidemia recente entre dezembro de 2017 e abril de 2018 resultou em muitos óbitos, principalmente por febre hemorrágica grave, com hepatite aguda, insuficiência renal aguda, coagulopatia e choque circulatório. Não há estudos sobre os achados de imagem nesta doença e seus efeitos tardios no parênquima hepático. Objetivos: Descrever os achados de ultrassonografia (US) abdominal de pacientes com FA aguda grave, relacionando-os com dados clínicos e laboratoriais, e determinar a frequência e o grau de fibrose hepática dos sobreviventes na convalescência com base na US com avaliação por elastografia baseada na onda de cisalhamento (SWE). Métodos: Este é um estudo combinado com dois braços - primeiro, uma coorte retrospectiva entre janeiro e abril de 2018 com pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) com FA grave confirmada por reação em cadeia da polimerase. US abdominal à beira do leito foi realizada 48 horas após a admissão. As imagens foram analisadas independentemente por dois radiologistas. Os exames laboratoriais foram coletados em até 12 horas após a aquisição das imagens. Em um segundo momento, uma investigação de coorte de acompanhamento foi realizada com pacientes sobreviventes por meio de varreduras de SWE realizadas 6 meses após o início dos sintomas. A regressão logística multivariada foi realizada para identificar preditores de óbito em 30 dias. Todos os testes foram bicaudais e os valores finais de p abaixo de 0,05 foram considerados estatisticamente significativos. Resultados: Publicação 1: 46 pacientes foram avaliados com US à beira do leito na UTI. Os exames laboratoriais mostraram níveis séricos elevados de aspartato aminotransferase, bilirrubina total e creatinina (5319 U/L, 6,2 mg/dL e 4,3 mg/dL, respectivamente). 26/46 (56,5%) pacientes morreram dentro de 30 dias da admissão (mediana de 5 dias; intervalo interquartil: 2-9 dias). A mediana de tempo entre o início dos sintomas e a US foi de 7 dias. Os achados ultrassonográficos mais frequentes foram: espessamento da parede da vesícula biliar (80,4%), aumento da ecogenicidade do córtex renal (71,7%), aumento da ecogenicidade do parênquima hepático (65,2%), líquido perirrenal (52,2%), ascite (30,4%). O aumento da ecogenicidade renal foi associado ao óbito em 30 dias (84,6% versus 55,0%; p = 0,046) e mostrou-se um preditor independente deste desfecho após a análise multivariada (OR: 10,89; p = 0,048). Publicação 2: 18 pacientes sobreviventes foram avaliados com SWE 6 meses após o início dos sintomas (mediana de tempo de 185 dias; intervalo interquartil: 180-191 dias). A mediana de rigidez hepática (do inglês liver stiffness, LS) foi de 5,3 (4,6 - 6,4) kPa. 2/18 (11,1%) foram classificados como Metavir F2, 1/18 (8,3%) como F3 e 1/18 (8,3%) como F4; esses dois últimos pacientes apresentavam características de congestão hepática cardiogênica na análise Doppler. Nenhum paciente tinha história de doença hepática ou alterações morfológicas de cirrose no modo de escala de cinza. A insuficiência cardíaca foi associada à LS aumentada (p = 0,024) e fibrose significativa ( F2; p = 0,039). Hipertensão arterial sistêmica e diabetes mostraram tendência de associação com maiores valores de LS (p = 0,063 e p = 0,066, respectivamente); SAPS-3 na admissão à UTI apresentou tendência semelhante com fibrose significativa ( F2; medianas de 71 versus 47; p = 0,053). LS foi significativamente correlacionada com idade ( = 0,497, p = 0,036) e alanina aminotransferase na admissao ( = -0,507, p = 0,032). Nenhum paciente dos 7 que receberam sofosbuvir apresentou fibrose hepática 6 meses após o início dos sintomas versus 4/11 (36,4%) individuos F2 no grupo que nao recebeu o medicamento (p = 0,119). Discussão e Conclusão: Este é o primeiro estudo a descrever os achados de imagem em pacientes com FA. Encontramos achados reprodutíveis de US abdominal na FA aguda grave, em órgãos envolvidos na fisiopatologia da doença (efeitos diretos da infecção viral), que podem se relacionar com a gravidade e o prognóstico de pacientes de UTI. O aumento da ecogenicidade renal foi independentemente associado a óbito em 30 dias. Também encontramos baixa frequência de fibrose hepática durante o acompanhamento. A idade e a insuficiência cardíaca foram associadas ao aumento do LS na convalescença; SAPS-3 elevado também pode estar relacionado à fibrose hepática neste período. Assim, a US é uma ferramenta valiosa durante a fase aguda da FA grave e também pode ter um papel no acompanhamento de pacientes com idade e / ou comorbidades após a alta hospitalar. Em conclusão, este trabalho contribui para o nosso conhecimento sobre a história natural e as alterações e imagem desta doença raraIntroduction: Yellow fever (YF) is a hemorrhagic disease caused by an arbovirus endemic in South America, with recent outbreaks in the last years. In Brazil, the recent epidemic between December 2017 and April 2018 resulted in many deaths, mainly due to severe hemorrhagic fever, with acute hepatitis, acute renal failure, coagulopathy and circulatory shock. There are no studies regarding imaging findings in this disease and its late-term effects on liver parenchyma. Objectives: Describe the abdominal ultrasonography (US) findings of patients with severe acute YF, relating them to clinical and laboratory data, and to determine the frequency and grade of liver fibrosis in convalescent survivors based on US with shear-wave elastography (SWE) evaluation. Methods: This is a combined study with two arms first, a retrospective cohort between January and April 2018 with patients admitted to intensive care unit (ICU) with polymerase chain reaction-confirmed severe YF. Bedside abdominal US was performed within 48 h of admission. Images were independently analyzed by two radiologists. Laboratory tests were collected within 12 h of image acquisition. Second, a follow-up cohort investigation was carried out with surviving patients using SWE scans performed 6 months after onset of symptoms. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to identify 30-day mortality predictors. All tests were two-tailed and final p values under 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: Publication 1: 46 patients were evaluated with bedside US at ICU. Laboratory tests showed high serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase, total bilirubin and creatinine (5319 U/L, 6.2 mg/dL and 4.3 mg/dL, respectively). 26/46 (56.5%) patients died within 30 days of admission (median time: 5 days; interquartile range: 2-9 days). Median interval between onset of symptoms and US was 7 days. Most frequent US findings were: gallbladder wall thickening (80.4%), increased renal cortex echogenicity (71.7%), increased liver parenchyma echogenicity (65.2%), perirenal fluid (52.2%), ascites (30.4%). Increased renal echogenicity was associated with 30-day mortality (84.6% versus 55.0%; p = 0.046) and an independent predictor of this outcome after multivariate analysis (OR: 10.89; p = 0.048). Publication 2: 18 surviving patients were evaluated with SWE 6 months after onset of symptoms (median time: 185 days; interquartile range: 180-191 days). Median liver stiffness (LS) was 5.3 (4.6 6.4) kPa. 2/18 (11.1%) were classified as Metavir F2, 1/18 (8.3%) as F3 and 1/18 (8.3%) as F4; these two last patients had features of cardiogenic liver congestion on Doppler analysis. No patient had history of liver disease or showed morphologic changes of cirrhosis on grayscale mode. Cardiac failure was associated with increased LS (p = 0.024) and significant fibrosis ( F2; p = 0.039). Systemic arterial hypertension and diabetes showed a tendency of association with higher LS values (p = 0.063 and p = 0.066, respectively); SAPS-3 at ICU admission showed a similar tendency with significant fibrosis ( F2; medians of 71 versus 47; p = 0.053). LS was significantly correlated with age ( = 0.497, p = 0.036) and alanine aminotransferase at admission ( = -0.507, p = 0.032). No patient who received sofosbuvir showed liver fibrosis at 6 months after onset of symptoms) versus 4/11 (36.4%) F2 individuals in the group that did not receive the drug (p = 0.119). Discussion and conclusion: This is the first study to describe imaging findings in patients with YF. We found reproducible abdominal US findings in severe acute YF, in organs involved in the pathophysiology of the disease (direct effects of viral infection), that may relate to severity and prognosis of ICU patients. Increased renal echogenicity was independently associated with 30-day mortality. We also found a low frequency of liver fibrosis during the follow-up. Age and cardiac failure were associated with increased LS in convalescence. Increased SAPS-3 might be related to liver fibrosis after survival. Thus, US is a valuable tool during the acute phase of severe YF and can also have a role in the follow up of patients of age and / or with comorbidities after hospital discharg

    Jornal Brasileiro de Patologia e Medicina Laboratorial

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    p. 283-287INTRODUCTION: The forkhead box P3 (FOXP3) plays a role in cell development and control. In the presence of abnormal FOXP3 expression, tumor cells may evade the immunosurveillance of lymphoid cells, the first step for the maintenance of cancer cells in the thyroid tissue. OBJECTIVE: To identify the presence of FOXP3 in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) with and without Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (HT). METHODS: We conducted a series study of cases collected from 2000 to 2008, when 1,438 thyroidectomies were performed. We selected those diagnosed with PTC, comprising 466 cases. 30 patients were randomly selected for purposes of immunohistochemistry with antibodies against FOXP3. RESULT: FOXP3 revealed high positivity for PTC and positive immunostaining was present in 21 (72.4%) from all analyzed cases. There was no difference regarding coexistent HT or not. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In the present study, it was evidenced that the focal or diffuse FOXP3 expression was commonly observed in neoplastic cells from PTC, hence indicating that the assessment of this molecule expression in suspected cases of thyroid cancer may contribute to its diagnosis

    Evaluation of factors predicting the benefit from systemic oncological treatment for severely ill hospitalized patients: a retrospective study

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    Abstract Background Patients with cancer in the disease’s end-stage with poor performance represent a challenging clinical scenario, as they have high chance of a fatal outcome due to clinical conditions, oncological emergencies, and/or metastatic disease. This study examines the factors predicting the potential benefit of “urgent” chemotherapy during hospitalization in this setting, thus addressing a research gap. Methods This retrospective observational study was conducted in the largest cancer center in the outskirts of São Paulo. It identified factors predicting the benefit from antineoplastic treatment in severe in-hospital patients admitted during 2019–2020, considering post-chemotherapy survival time as the main dependent variable. Data were retrieved from medical records. All patients aged ≥ 18 years, with an ECOG-PS score ≥ 2, and undergoing non-elective systemic cancer treatment were included. Results This study evaluated 204 records, of which 89 were included in the final analysis. A statistically significant association with the worse outcome (death within 30 days of chemotherapy) was found with higher ECOG performance status; chemotherapy dose reduction; lower values of serum albumin, hemoglobin, and creatinine clearance; and higher values of leukocytes, neutrophils, direct bilirubin, urea, and C-reactive protein. In the multivariate analysis, only albumin remained statistically associated with the outcome (hazard ratio = 0.35; confidence interval: 0.14, 0.90; p = 0.034). Conclusions Serum albumin and other clinical and laboratory variables might be associated with early post-treatment deaths in patients with cancer. The study data might help guide the decision to administer systemic treatment in this scenario and manage critically ill patients. This study adds to our knowledge of the factors predicting the objective benefits from “heroic” or “urgent” chemotherapy for hospitalized and severely ill patients with cancer

    Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia

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    p. 296-305Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de atopia e avaliar o perfil clínico, laboratorial e DPOC. Métodos: Estudo de corte transversal com pacientes ambulatoriais portadores de DPOC estável (definida pela história clínica e relação VEF1/CVF < 70% do previsto após broncodilatador). Os pacientes responderam um questionário clínico e de atopia e foram submetidos a citologia de lavado nasal, teste cutâneo de alergia, radiografia de tórax, hemogasometria arterial e dosagem de IgE total. Resultados: Dos 149 indivíduos avaliados, 53 (35,6%), 49 (32,8%) e 88 (59,1%), respectivamente, apresentavam eosinofilia no lavado nasal, teste cutâneo positivo e sintomas de rinite alérgica. A análise de correspondência confirmou esses achados, evidenciando dois perfis distintos de doença: a presença de atopia em pacientes com estágios mais leves de DPOC, e a ausência de características de atopia em pacientes com aspectos de doença mais grave (VEF1 reduzido e hiperinsuflação). Houve uma associação estatisticamente significante entre eosinofilia no lavado nasal e prova farmacodinâmica positiva. Conclusões: Este estudo identificou uma alta frequência de atopia em pacientes com DPOC, utilizando ferramentas simples e reprodutíveis. A monitorização inflamatória de vias aéreas parece ser uma ferramenta útil para avaliar as doenças respiratórias em idosos, assim como em pacientes com sobreposição de asma e DPOC, entidade clínica ainda pouco compreendida

    Evaluation of atopy in patients with COPD

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of atopy and to evaluate clinical, laboratory, and radiological profiles in patients with COPD. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving outpatients with stable COPD (defined by the clinical history and a post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC < 70% of the predicted value). The patients completed a questionnaire regarding clinical characteristics and atopy, after which they underwent nasal lavage cytology, skin prick testing, chest X-rays, arterial blood gas analyses, and determination of total serum IgE. RESULTS: Of the 149 subjects studied, 53 (35.6%), 49 (32.8%), and 88 (59.1%) presented with nasal eosinophilia, a positive skin prick test result, and symptoms of allergic rhinitis, respectively. Correspondence analysis confirmed these findings, showing two distinct patterns of disease expression: atopy in patients with COPD that was less severe; and no evidence of atopy in those with COPD that was more severe (reduced FEV1 and hyperinflation). There was a statistically significant association between nasal eosinophilia and a positive bronchodilator response. CONCLUSIONS: Using simple and reproducible methods, we were able to show that there is a high frequency of atopy in patients with COPD. Monitoring inflammation in the upper airways can be a useful tool for evaluating respiratory diseases in the elderly and in those with concomitant asthma and COPD, a clinical entity not yet fully understood