553 research outputs found

    Культура чорнобривців в умовах Лісостепу України

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    The paper presents results of introductory studies of 4 species of Tagetes (Tagetes patula L., T. erecta L., T. minuta L., T. signata Barte) in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Such characters as crop capacity, essential oil production, intensity of growth and some agronomic questions were investigated in the paper. The results of allelopathic research of Tagetes during the ontogeny, their seeds, different organs of plants in dynamics, as well as their after-crop residue and waste of essential oil production were observed. The paper also deals with the importance of these investigations for culture of Tagetes. The conclusion about the prospects of introduction of the Tagetes signata into the industrial culture in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine was drawn.Досліджено алелопатичну активність виділень 4 видів чорнобривців протягом онтогенезу. Виявлено аутоінтолерантність у сім’янок, окремих органів, рослинних залишків і відходів ефіроолійного виробництва. Ступінь аутоінтолерантності залежить від дози-ефекту рослинних виділень: найбільше вона проявляється при високих концентраціях. Визначено врожайність, ефіроолійність чорнобривців в умовах Лісостепу України. Розглянуто деякі питання агротехніки чорнобривців

    The Use of a Spiral Band Model to Estimate Tropical Cyclone Intensity

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    Spiral cloud-rain bands (SCRBs) are some of the most distinguishing features inherent in satellite and radar images of tropical cyclones (TC). The subject of the proposed research is the finding of a physically substantiated method for estimation of the TC’s intensity using SCRBs’ configuration parameters. To connect a rainband pattern to a physical process that conditions the spiraling feature of a rainband, it is assumed that the rainband’s configuration near the core of a TC is governed primarily by a streamline. In turn, based on the distribution of primarily forces in a TC, an analytical expression as a combination of hyperbolic and logarithmic spirals (HLS) for the description of TC spiral streamline (rainband) is retrieved. Parameters of the HLS are determined by the physical parameters of a TC, particularly, by the maximal wind speed (MWS). To apply this theoretical finding to practical estimation of the TC’s intensity, several approximation techniques are developed to “convert” rainband configuration to the estimation of the MWS. The developed techniques have been tested by exploring satellite infrared imageries and airborne and coastal radar data, and the outcomes were compared with in situ measurements of wind speeds and the best track data of tropical cyclones

    Алелопатія: ретроспективний погляд, сучасний стан та перспективи досліджень

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    Evolution of development allelopathic direction in Ukraine and abroad, its present state and perspectives are presented.Висвітлено еволюцію розвитку алелопатії в Україні і світі, її сучасний стан та перспективи

    Пам’яті Лариси Дем’янівни Юрчак

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    In memory of Larysa Demianivna Yurcha

    A direct comparison of high-speed methods for the numerical Abel transform

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    The Abel transform is a mathematical operation that transforms a cylindrically symmetric three-dimensional (3D) object into its two-dimensional (2D) projection. The inverse Abel transform reconstructs the 3D object from the 2D projection. Abel transforms have wide application across numerous fields of science, especially chemical physics, astronomy, and the study of laser-plasma plumes. Consequently, many numerical methods for the Abel transform have been developed, which makes it challenging to select the ideal method for a specific application. In this work eight transform methods have been incorporated into a single, open-source Python software package (PyAbel) to provide a direct comparison of the capabilities, advantages, and relative computational efficiency of each transform method. Most of the tested methods provide similar, high-quality results. However, the computational efficiency varies across several orders of magnitude. By optimizing the algorithms, we find that some transform methods are sufficiently fast to transform 1-megapixel images at more than 100 frames per second on a desktop personal computer. In addition, we demonstrate the transform of gigapixel images.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Brand management by communication in «electronic restaurant»

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    Комерційний успіх маркетингових інструментів «електронних комунікацій» на етапі залучення та створення умов довготермінової лояльності клієнтів до бренду закладу РГ на сьогодні має перспективу інтенсивного розвитку в напрямку впровадження маркетингових інструментів «електронних комунікацій» також і на етапі обслуговування залучених клієнтів у закладі РГ, тобто створення комплексних інформаційно-маркетингових систем брендів закладів РГ нового типу – «електронний ресторан». У статті розглянуто питання обгрунтування доцільності та основних проектних ідей концептуального проекту «Інноваційні інструменти та технології бренд-менеджменту інтегрованими “електронними” маркетинговими комунікаціями закладу ресторанного господарства (РГ) – “електронного ресторану”».The commercial success of marketing tools «electronic communications» on the stage of attracting and creating conditions for long-term customer loyalty to the brand establishment RBE now has the prospect of intensive development towards implementation of marketing tools «electronic communications» also during maintenance involved customers in the establishment of the RBE, i.e. the creation of complex information and marketing facilities brands of RBE new type – «electronic restaurant.» Today the trend of creating integrated marketing communications of the electronic restaurant is the most perspective in the biggest countries of the world, but its development is implemented segmentedly, primarily, in the direction of improving the client-serving hardware technology. The article considers the questions of rationale and basic conceptual design project ideas «Innovative tools and technologies integrated brand management by "electronic" marketing communications restaurant business establishment (RBE) – "electronic restaurant"». Complex approach to the management of the future electronic restaurant brand during all the phases of the interaction between the brand of the restaurant business establishments and the clients within the framework of the general flowchart of administrating the restaurant business establishments brand is suggested

    Study on the meat isotopic composition for origin identification

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    Russian consumer and governmental authorities are equally concerned to know where food products come from. This requires more accurate and specialized methods for the evaluation of geographical location. The following methods are used: chemometrics, histological and histochemical, genomic and proteomic, microbiological, immunochemical and mass spectrometric. Method of stable isotope analysis is becoming increasingly promising nowadays for the identification of meat and meat products' place of origin. The isotope ratios of the four elements - carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen, are mainly determined. The method is successfully used to identify a country of origin of wines, juices and water. The aim of the research was to study the stable isotope ratios for pork and beef samples purchased in Moscow supermarkets (Russian Federation). The country of production of meat samples was determined according to specifications and/or labels. The geography of countries of meat samples origin includes Europe, both America continents and Australia. Databases collected by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industrywere used for the analysis and interpretation of the results. Values of 13С/12С, δ13С, 18О/16О, δ18О, 2Ð/1Ð, δ2Ð for 30 pork and beef samples from 13 countries were obtained. Differences in stable isotope ratios were found depending on place of origin. The data correlated with the oxygen isotope characteristics for wine, which were in the range from 2.5 to 4.5 ppm. According to the 13С/12С, δ13С results, the assumption was made about a false indication of the region for the beef sample. Despite the fact that beef was labeled as a product of Lithuania, the region of origin was most probably defined as Germany. The studies carried out showed the possibility to identify the region of raw meat origin by the stable isotope ratio


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    The purpose of this article was to represent the environmental indicators of meat production chain and highlight the main environmental aspects. Meat industry is recognized as one of the leading polluting industries in food production. Meat production chain was analyzed in terms of three levels of environmental aspects: severity of impact, probability, and the calculated quantitative estimate of the emerging aspects. Meat production requires natural resources (water and energy), which leads to the discharge of waste and wastewater. As a result, it has a major impact on climate change, consumption of natural resources and environmental pollution. Future research should focus on the environmental impact of meat production chain in terms of existing and newly developed environmental indicators and on finding solutions to reduce the overall environmental impact.The purpose of this article was to represent the environmental indicators of meat production chain and highlight the main environmental aspects. Meat industry is recognized as one of the leading polluting industries in food production. Meat production chain was analyzed in terms of three levels of environmental aspects: severity of impact, probability, and the calculated quantitative estimate of the emerging aspects. Meat production requires natural resources (water and energy), which leads to the discharge of waste and wastewater. As a result, it has a major impact on climate change, consumption of natural resources and environmental pollution. Future research should focus on the environmental impact of meat production chain in terms of existing and newly developed environmental indicators and on finding solutions to reduce the overall environmental impact