3 research outputs found

    Performance and Carcass of Local Rabbit (Lepus Nigricollis) Fed Concentrate on Different Levels Based on Carrot Leaf Waste (Daucus Carota L.)

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    Research about the performance of local rabbit fed different level of concentrate based on   Daucus carota L.was conducted for 12 weeks at Dajan Peken Village, Tabanan District, Tabanan Regency. The research design used was Randomized Block Design with 5 replicates. The animals were allocated randomly into 4 treatments i.e. control ration carrot leaf (Daucus  carota L.) (R0), control ration with 10 g concentrate/head/day (R1), control ration with 20 g  concentrate/head/day (R2) and control ration with 30 g concentrate/head/day (R3).  Daucus carota L. and drinking water offered ad libitum. Results of the research showed that performance of the animals fed control ration with 30 g concentrate/head/day (R3) was higher  (P < 0.05) than that R0 (control) and other treatments. Carcass weight, meat, and fat of the animals fed ration R0 was lower (P < 0.05) compare to treatment R1, R2, and R3. There was no significant difference (P >0.05) to variables of carcass weight, bone weight, and meat bone ratio among R0, R1, R2, and R3 percentages. It could be concluded that the animals fed Daucus carota L. as basic ration that was supplemented with concentrate 30 g/head/day produced higher performance and carcass compare to the animals supplemented 20 g/head/day and 10 g/head/day

    Profil Darah dan Tingkat Kerusakan Hati pada Sapi Bali yang Digembalakan di Tempat Pemerosesan Akhir Suwung Denpasar

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    Daging dapat terkontaminasi oleh parasit melalui pencemaran primer dan pencemaran sekunder. Salah satukontaminasi yang sering dijumpai pada sapi Bali adalah penyakit cacing hati atau Fascioliasis. TPA Suwung yangberfungsi sebagai tempat pemerosesan akhir sampah dari seluruh daerah di kota Denpasar kini dialihfungsikanoleh masyarakat sebagai tempat memelihara ternak. Makanan pokoknya hanya dari sampah-sampah di areal TPAyang secara fisik hampir tidak dapat dibedakan lagi jenisnya, semua bercampur dan membusuk. Sering kali sesuaipermintaan, ternak dari TPA dijual Pasar Hewan atau langsung ke tukang potong yang akhirnya dikonsumsi olehmasyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, semakin kecil rasio albumin:globulin maka semakin besar jumlah telurcacing yang terdapat dalam feses sapi Bali yang dipelihara di TPA dan dan sapi kontrol dalam satuan telur per gram(tpg). Sebaliknya semakin sedikit jumlah telur semakin tinggi rasio albumin:globulin. Dapat disimpulkan bahwatidak terdapat hubungan antara rasio albumin:globulin dalam serum darah, namun terdapat hubungan yang nyataantara jumlah telur cacing dalam feses dengan persentase kerusakan hati sebagai pendugaan kerusakan hati akibatFascioliasis. Densitas telur cacing parasit usus pada hewan ternak sapi yang dipelihara di TPA bernilai <500 tpg,menunjukkan bahwa hewan ternak sapi tersebut tergolong mengalami infeksi ringan cacing parasit sehingga dagingmasih aman untuk dikonsumsi

    Evaluation on Performances of Yoghurt Used Modern Technology Versus Natural One

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    . A research for studying performances (aromatics including colour, taste, smell, texture and its financial benefit) of milk products i.e. yoghurt which used modern technology versus the natural one was conducted at PT Prima Rasa, Denpasar. The research consisted of two treatments (A = modern technology and B = natural technology). The objective of the research were: 1) to study the differences of aromatic and financial benefit of yoghurt with modern technology versus the natural one, 2) to use as a reference in the future on milk products business, and 3) to increase the quantity and quality of yoghurt and income per capita in the Bali Island. In this research, yoghurt production which used modern technology (treatment A) used some ingredients i.e. fresh milk, skimmed milk, starter (imported Lactic Acid Bacteria from Canada) and modern equipments i.e. electric incubator for milk fermentation. While the natural technology (treatment B) used a slightly different ingredients and equipments i.e. non imported starter and non electric incubator (ampel bamboo). The starter used was lactic acid bacteria naturally found in the ampel bamboo as incubator at once. The incubator was covered with aged banana leaf on the fermentation processes. These ingredients and equipments were very easy to find, available through the year and cheap. There were six replicates in each treatment. Data obtained were analyzed with t test and financial benefit was analyzed descriptively. Results of the research showed that yoghurt aromatics which used natural technology was 14.29% significantly higher than modern one but its texture was 20.31% or significantly lower. The differences did not seem to cause difference on the taste between them. The average taste score was the same (7.1), indicating that both treatments had the same taste. The financial benefit of the natural yoghurt was much higher (90.74%) than that of the modern one (127.40% versus 10.80%)