29 research outputs found

    Convergence of Unregularized Online Learning Algorithms

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    In this paper we study the convergence of online gradient descent algorithms in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHSs) without regularization. We establish a sufficient condition and a necessary condition for the convergence of excess generalization errors in expectation. A sufficient condition for the almost sure convergence is also given. With high probability, we provide explicit convergence rates of the excess generalization errors for both averaged iterates and the last iterate, which in turn also imply convergence rates with probability one. To our best knowledge, this is the first high-probability convergence rate for the last iterate of online gradient descent algorithms without strong convexity. Without any boundedness assumptions on iterates, our results are derived by a novel use of two measures of the algorithm's one-step progress, respectively by generalization errors and by distances in RKHSs, where the variances of the involved martingales are cancelled out by the descent property of the algorithm

    Predicting differentiation potential of human pluripotent stem cells: Possibilities and challenges

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    The capability of human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) lines to propagate indefinitely and differentiate into derivatives of three embryonic germ layers makes these cells be powerful tools for basic scientific research and promising agents for translational medicine. However, variations in differentiation tendency and efficiency as well as pluripotency maintenance necessitate the selection of hPSC lines for the intended applications to save time and cost. To screen the qualified cell lines and exclude problematic cell lines, their pluripotency must be confirmed initially by traditional methods such as teratoma formation or by high-throughput gene expression profiling assay. Additionally, their differentiation potential, particularly the lineage-specific differentiation propensities of hPSC lines, should be predicted in an early stage. As a complement to the teratoma assay, RNA sequencing data provide a quantitative estimate of the differentiation ability of hPSCs in vivo. Moreover, multiple scorecards have been developed based on selected gene sets for predicting the differentiation potential into three germ layers or the desired cell type many days before terminal differentiation. For clinical application of hPSCs, the malignant potential of the cells must also be evaluated. A combination of histologic examination of teratoma with quantitation of gene expression data derived from teratoma tissue provides safety-related predictive information by detecting immature teratomas, malignancy marker expression, and other parameters. Although various prediction methods are available, distinct limitations remain such as the discordance of results between different assays and requirement of a long time and high labor and cost, restricting their wide applications in routine studies. Therefore, simpler and more rapid detection assays with high specificity and sensitivity that can be used to monitor the status of hPSCs at any time and fewer targeted markers that are more specific for a given desired cell type are urgently needed

    Impelling force and current challenges by chemicals in somatic cell reprogramming and expansion beyond hepatocytes

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    In the field of regenerative medicine, generating numerous transplantable functional cells in the laboratory setting on a large scale is a major challenge. However, the in vitro maintenance and expansion of terminally differentiated cells are challenging because of the lack of specific environmental and intercellular signal stimulations, markedly hindering their therapeutic application. Remarkably, the generation of stem/progenitor cells or functional cells with effective proliferative potential is markedly in demand for disease modeling, cell-based transplantation, and drug discovery. Despite the potent genetic manipulation of transcription factors, integration-free chemically defined approaches for the conversion of somatic cell fate have garnered considerable attention in recent years. This review aims to summarize the progress thus far and discuss the advantages, limitations, and challenges of the impact of full chemicals on the stepwise reprogramming of pluripotency, direct lineage conversion, and direct lineage expansion on somatic cells. Owing to the current chemical-mediated induction, reprogrammed pluripotent stem cells with reproducibility difficulties, and direct lineage converted cells with marked functional deficiency, it is imperative to generate the desired cell types directly by chemically inducing their potent proliferation ability through a lineage-committed progenitor state, while upholding the maturation and engraftment capacity posttransplantation in vivo. Together with the comprehensive understanding of the mechanism of chemical drives, as well as the elucidation of specificity and commonalities, the precise manipulation of the expansion for diverse functional cell types could broaden the available cell sources and enhance the cellular function for clinical application in future

    Recapitulation of hepatitis B virus–host interactions in liver organoids from human induced pluripotent stem cells

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    Therapies against hepatitis B virus (HBV) have improved in recent decades; however, the development of individualized treatments has been limited by the lack of individualized infection models. In this study, we used human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) to generate a functional liver organoid (LO) that inherited the genetic background of the donor, and evaluated its application in modeling HBV infection and exploring virus–host interactions. To establish a functional hiPSC-LO, we cultured hiPSC-derived endodermal, mesenchymal, and endothelial cells with a chemically defined medium in a three-dimensional microwell culture system. Based on cell-cell interactions, these cells could organize themselves and gradually differentiate into a functional organoid, which exhibited stronger hepatic functions than hiPSC derived hepatic like cell (HLC). Moreover, the functional LO demonstrated more susceptibility to HBV infection than hiPSC-HLC, and could maintain HBV propagation and produce infectious virus for a prolonged duration. Furthermore, we found that virus infection could cause hepatic dysfunction of hiPSC-LOs, with down-regulation of hepatic gene expression, induced release of early acute liver failure markers, and altered hepatic ultrastructure. Therefore, our study demonstrated that HBV infection in hiPSC-LOs could recapitulate virus life cycle and virus induced hepatic dysfunction, suggesting that hiPSC-LOs may provide a promising individualized infection model for the development of individualized treatment for hepatitis

    Hepatitis B virus spliced variants are associated with an impaired response to interferon therapy

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    During hepatitis B virus (HBV) replication, spliced HBV genomes and splice-generated proteins have been widely described, however, their biological and clinical significance remains to be defined. Here, an elevation of the proportion of HBV spliced variants in the sera of patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is shown to correlate with an impaired respond to interferon-α (IFN-α) therapy. Transfection of the constructs encoding the three most dominant species of spliced variants into cells or ectopic expression of the two major spliced protein including HBSP and N-terminal-truncated viral polymerase protein result in strong suppression of IFN-α signaling transduction, while mutation of the major splicing-related sites of HBV attenuates the viral anti-IFN activities in both cell and mouse models. These results have associated the productions of HBV spliced variants with the failure response to IFN therapy and illuminate a novel mechanism where spliced viral products are employed to resist IFN-mediated host defense. </p

    Infection of inbred BALB/c and C57BL/6 and outbred Institute of Cancer Research mice with the emerging H7N9 avian influenza virus

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    A new avian-origin influenza virus A (H7N9) recently crossed the species barrier and infected humans; therefore, there is an urgent need to establish mammalian animal models for studying the pathogenic mechanism of this strain and the immunological response. In this study, we attempted to develop mouse models of H7N9 infection because mice are traditionally the most convenient models for studying influenza viruses. We showed that the novel A (H7N9) virus isolated from a patient could infect inbred BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice as well as outbred Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) mice. The amount of bodyweight lost showed differences at 7 days post infection (d.p.i.) (BALB/c mice 30%, C57BL/6 and ICR mice approximately 20%), and the lung indexes were increased both at 3 d.p.i. and at 7 d.p.i.. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated the existence of the H7N9 viruses in the lungs of the infected mice, and these findings were verified by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and 50% tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50) detection at 3 d.p.i. and 7 d.p.i.. Histopathological changes occurred in the infected lungs, including pulmonary interstitial inflammatory lesions, pulmonary oedema and haemorrhages. Furthermore, because the most clinically severe cases were in elderly patients, we analysed the H7N9 infections in both young and old ICR mice. The old ICR mice showed more severe infections with more bodyweight lost and a higher lung index than the young ICR mice. Compared with the young ICR mice, the old mice showed a delayed clearance of the H7N9 virus and higher inflammation in the lungs. Thus, old ICR mice could partially mimic the more severe illness in elderly patients. </p

    Enhanced hepatic differentiation in the subpopulation of human amniotic stem cells under 3D multicellular microenvironment

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    BACKGROUNDTo solve the problem of liver transplantation donor insufficiency, an alternative cell transplantation therapy was investigated. We focused on amniotic epithelial cells (AECs) as a cell source because, unlike induced pluripotent stem cells, they are cost-effective and non-tumorigenic. The utilization of AECs in regenerative medicine, however, is in its infancy. A general profile for AECs has not been comprehensively analyzed. Moreover, no hepatic differentiation protocol for AECs has yet been established. To this end, we independently compiled human AEC libraries, purified amniotic stem cells (ASCs), and co-cultured them with mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVECs) in a 3D system which induces functional hepatic organoids.AIMTo characterize AECs and generate functional hepatic organoids from ASCs and other somatic stem cellsMETHODSAECs, MSCs, and HUVECs were isolated from the placentae and umbilical cords of cesarean section patients. Amnion and primary AEC stemness characteristics and heterogeneity were analyzed by immunocytochemistry, Alkaline phosphatase (AP) staining, and flow cytometry. An adherent AEC subpopulation was selected and evaluated for ASC purification quality by a colony formation assay. AEC transcriptomes were compared with those for other hepatocytes cell sources by bioinformatics. The 2D and 3D culture were compared by relative gene expression using several differentiation protocols. ASCs, MSCs, and HUVECs were combined in a 3D co-culture system to generate hepatic organoids whose structure was compared with a 3D AEC sphere and whose function was elucidated by immunofluorescence imaging, periodic acid Schiff, and an indocyanine green (ICG) test.RESULTSAECs have certain stemness markers such as EPCAM, SSEA4, and E-cadherin. One AEC subpopulation was also either positive for AP staining or expressed the TRA-1-60 and TRA-1-81 stemness markers. Moreover, it could form colonies and its frequency was enhanced ten-fold in the adherent subpopulation after selective primary passage. Bioinformatics analysis of ribose nucleic acid sequencing revealed that the total AEC gene expression was distant from those of pluripotent stem cells and hepatocytes but some gene expression overlapped among these cells. TJP1, associated with epidermal growth factor receptor, and MET, associated with hepatocyte growth factor receptor, were upregulated and may be important for hepatic differentiation. In conventional flat culture, the cells turned unviable and did not readily differentiate into hepatocytes. In 3D culture, however, hepatic gene expression of the AEC sphere was elevated even under a two-step differentiation protocol. Furthermore, the organoids derived from the MSC and HUVEC co-culture showed 3D structure with polarity, hepatic-like glycogen storage, and ICG absorption/elimination.CONCLUSIONHuman amniotic epithelial cells are heterogeneous and certain subpopulations have high stemness. Under a 3D co-culture system, functional hepatic organoids were generated in a multicellular microenvironment

    Novel, Real-Time Cell Analysis for Measuring Viral Cytopathogenesis and the Efficacy of Neutralizing Antibodies to the 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) Virus

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    A novel electronic cell sensor array technology, the real-time cell analysis (RTCA) system, was developed to monitor cell events. Unlike the conventional methods labeling the target cells with fluorescence, luminescence, or light absorption, the RTCA system allows for label-free detection of cell processes directly without the incorporation of labels. Here, we used this new format to measure the cytopathic effect (CPE) of the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) virus and the efficacy of neutralizing antibodies in human sera to this virus. The real-time dynamic monitoring of CPE was performed on MDCK cell cultures infected with the H1N1 virus, ranging from 5.50×102 to 5.50×107 copies/mL. The resulting CPE kinetic curves were automatically recorded and were both time and viral load dependent. The CPE kinetics were also distinguishable between different H1N1 stains, as the onset of CPE induced by the A/Shanghai/37T/2009 H1N1 virus was earlier than that of the A/Shanghai/143T/2009 H1N1 virus. Furthermore, inhibition of H1N1 virus-induced CPE in the presence of human specific anti-sera was detected and quantified using the RTCA system. Antibody titers determined using this new neutralization test correlated well with those obtained independently via the standard hemagglutination inhibition test. Taken together, this new CPE assay format provided label-free and high-throughput measurement of viral growth and the effect of neutralizing antibodies, illustrating its potential in influenza vaccine studies