32 research outputs found

    Preparation of PANI modified TiO2 and characterization under pre- and post- photocatalytic conditions

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    Polyaniline (PANI) is a promising conducting polymer for surface modification of TiO2 to overcome limitations of the use of visible light and attain increased photocatalytic efficiency for the removal of organic contaminants. In this study, a series of polyaniline modified TiO2 (PANI-TiO2) composites were prepared by using "in-situ" chemical oxidation polymerization method. The composites were systematically characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (equipped with an attenuated total reflection accessory, FTIR-ATR), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDAX), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), ultraviolet–visible diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (UV-DRS), photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL), nitrogen (N2) physisorption (Brunauer − Emmett − Teller surface area (SBET) and Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) pore size analysis), thermogravimetry-derivative thermogravimetry (TG-DTG) techniques. XRD patterns of PANI-TiO2 composites confirmed both the amorphous phase of PANI and the crystalline character of TiO2. TG/DTG analysis complemented the XRD profiles that the interactions between PANI and TiO2 resulted in a more stable PANI-TiO2 matrix. SEM images displayed the dominant morphology as dandelion-like shapes of PANI being more pronounced with increasing PANI ratios in PANI-TiO2 composites. UV-DRS profiles revealed that the band gap energies of the composites were lower than bare TiO2 expressing a shift to the visible light region. Both PL and UV-DRS analyses confirmed the band-gap reduction phenomenon of PANI modification of TiO2. The incorporation of PANI into TiO2 resulted in a reduction of the surface area of TiO2. The composites were subsequently subjected to photocatalytic activity assessment tests using humic acid (HA) as a model of refractory organic matter (RfOM) under simulated solar irradiation (Uyguner-Demirel et al. Environ Sci Pollut Res 30 85626-85638, 2023). The morphological and structural changes attained upon application of photocatalysis were also evaluated by FTIR-ATR, Raman spectroscopy, XRD, and SEM-EDAX methods in a comparable manner. The FTIR-ATR spectral features of PANI, RfOM and all composites displayed peaks with slight shifts under pre- and post- photocatalytic conditions as well as following dark surface interactions. Besides exhibiting noticeable photocatalytic performance, PANI-TiO2 composites were also proven to maintain stability under non-selective oxidation conditions in the presence of a complex organic matrix. The prepared PANI-TiO2 composites overcoming the limitations of UVA light active bare TiO2 photocatalysis could possibly find a beneficial use as potential catalysts in solar photocatalytic applications. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Personal identity in Ghazali

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    Bu çalışmada, Gazâlî'nin ölüm ve ölüm sonrası hayat ile ilgili ortaya koyduğu görüşler kişisel özdeşlik ile ilişkilendirilerek din felsefesi açısından ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Gazâlî'nin görüşleri ortaya konmadan önce ikinci bölüme alt yapı olması mahiyetinde, din felsefesinde kişisel özdeşlik başlığı altında kişisel özdeşlik kavramı ve mahiyeti, ölüm sonrasında kişisel özdeşlik, kişisel özdeşlikteki beden problemi ve ölüm sonrasında kişinin karşılaşacağı ödül ve cezanın şahsiliği üzerinde durulmuş ve genel problemler aktarılmaya çalışılmıştır. Gazâlî, ölüm ve ölüm sonrası hayat ile ilgili detaylı çalışmalar yapmış ve bu konuda filozofların ortaya koyduğu görüşleri çürütmek için çeşitli delillerle görüşlerini savunmuştur. Gazâlî'nin ölüm, ruh, ruh ve beden ilişkisi, haşr, yeniden dirilme ve ahirette yaşanacak olan ödül ve cezayla ilgili görüşleri din felsefesindeki kişisel özdeşlik tartışmalarıyla ilişkilendirilerek ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Aynı zamanda Gazâlî'nin görüşleri verilirken modern din felsefecilerin görüşlerine de değinilmiş, ayrıştıkları veya benzeştikleri noktalar da belirtilmiştir.In this study, Ghazali's views on death and life after death have been tried to be revealed in terms of philosophy of religion by relating them to the personal identity. Before revealing Ghazali's views as a background to the second part, under the title of personal identity in the philosophy of religion, the concept and the nature of personal identity, personal identity after death, body problem in personal identity and the personality of the reward and the punishment that a person will encounter after death have been emphasized and general problems have been tried to be conveyed. Ghazali has done detailed studies on the death and the life after death and defended his views with various evidences in order to refute the views of philosophers on this issiue. Ghazali's views on the death, soul, soul-body relationship, resurrection, hashir (bodily resurrection) and the reward and the punishment in the hereafter have been tried to revealed by relating them to the discussions of personal identity in the philosophy of religion. At the same time, while Ghazali's views are given, the views of modern religious philosophers are also mentioned, and the points where they differ or resemble are also stated

    İnovasyon Süreci Performansı Ölçüm Kriterlerini Nitel Bir Araştırma İle Belirleme: Bilişim Sektöründen Bulgular - Defining Innovation Process Performance Measurement Criteria with a Qualitative Research: Findings from IT Sector

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    The aim of this study is to define innovation performance measurement criteria for firms and measure their performance through these criteria. IT firms in technoparks at TR42 East Marmara Region are included in the study and qualitative research method is used. Data are collected through the interviews conducted with managers of IT firms and are analyzed with descriptive and content analysis techniques. After the analysis, some measurement criteria are introduced to measure the innovation performance. Results show that “Idea Generation” stage is not taken seriously by these firms. Performances of “Beta Version Development” and “Full Version Development” stages are high. Firms have to analyze “Sale” stage carefully

    Defining Innovation Process Performance Measurement Criteria with a Qualitative Research: Findings from IT Sector

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, işletmelerin inovasyon süreçleri ile ilgili performanslarını ölçmede kullanabilecekleri kriterleri belirlemeye çalışmak ve bu kriterler doğrultusunda araştırmaya katılan işletmelerin performans düzeyini tespit etmektir. Araştırmanın örneklemini TR42 Doğu Marmara Bölgesi'ndeki teknoparklarda faaliyet gösteren bilişim işletmeleri oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Veriler, işletme yöneticileri ile gerçekleştirilen görüşmeler aracılığıyla toplanmış, betimsel analiz ve içerik analizi teknikleri birlikte kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Belirlenen kriterler doğrultusunda katılımcı işletmelerin inovasyon süreçlerinin performansına bakıldığında "fikir üretme aşaması" performansının çok düşük olduğu, "deneme sürüm" ve "tam sürüm" aşamalarının performanslarının yüksek olduğu, "satış" aşamasının ise işletmelerce ciddi analiz edilmesi gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır.The aim of this study is to define innovation performance measurement criteria for firms and measure their performance through these criteria. IT firms in technoparks at TR42 East Marmara Region are included in the study and qualitative research method is used. Data are collected through the interviews conducted with managers of IT firms and are analyzed with descriptive and content analysis techniques. After the analysis, some measurement criteria are introduced to measure the innovation performance. Results show that 'Idea Generation' stage is not taken seriously by these firms. Performances of 'Beta Version Development' and 'Full Version Development' stages are high. Firms have to analyze 'Sale' stage carefully

    The influence of window size on remote sensing-based prediction of forest structural variables

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    Background Determining the appropriate window size is a critical step in the estimation process of stand structural variables based on remote sensing data. Because the value of the reference laser and image metrics that affect the quality of the prediction model depends on window size. However, suitable window sizes are usually determined by trial and error. There are a limited number of published studies evaluating appropriate window sizes for different remote sensing data. This research investigated the effect of window size on predicting forest structural variables using airborne LiDAR data, digital aerial image and WorldView-3 satellite image. Results In the WorldView-3 and digital aerial image, significant differences were observed in the prediction accuracies of the structural variables according to different window sizes. For the estimation based on WorldView-3 in black pine stands, the optimal window sizes for stem number (N), volume (V), basal area (BA) and mean height (H) were determined as 1000 m(2), 100 m(2), 100 m(2) and 600 m(2), respectively. In oak stands, the R-2 values of each moving window size were almost identical for N and BA. The optimal window size was 400 m(2) for V and 600 m(2) for H. For the estimation based on aerial image in black pine stands, the 800 m(2) window size was optimal for N and H, the 600 m(2) window size was optimal for V and the 1000 m(2) window size was optimal for BA. In the oak stands, the optimal window sizes for N, V, BA and H were determined as 1000 m(2), 100 m(2), 100 m(2) and 600 m(2), respectively. The optimal window sizes may need to be scaled up or down to match the stand canopy components. In the LiDAR data, the R-2 values of each window size were almost identical for all variables of the black pine and the oak stands. Conclusion This study illustrated that the window size has an effect on the prediction accuracy in estimating forest structural variables based on remote sensing data. Moreover, the results showed that the optimal window size for forest structural variables varies according to remote sensing data and tree species composition