1,743 research outputs found

    Evaluation of accuracy of complete-arch multiple-unit abutment-level dental implant impressions using different impression and splinting materials.

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    Purpose: This in vitro study evaluated the accuracy of multiple-unit dental implant casts obtained from splinted or nonsplinted direct impression techniques using various splinting materials by comparing the casts to the reference models. The effect of two different impression materials on the accuracy of the implant casts was also evaluated for abutment-level impressions. Materials and Methods: A reference model with six internal-connection implant replicas placed in the completely edentulous mandibular arch and connected to multi-base abutments was fabricated from heat-curing acrylic resin. Forty impressions of the reference model were made, 20 each with polyether (PE) and polyvinylsiloxane (PVS) impression materials using the open tray technique. The PE and PVS groups were further subdivided into four subgroups of five each on the bases of splinting type: no splinting, bite registration PE, bite registration addition silicone, or autopolymerizing acrylic resin. The positional accuracy of the implant replica heads was measured on the poured casts using a coordinate measuring machine to assess linear differences in interimplant distances in all three axes. The collected data (linear and three-dimensional [3D] displacement values) were compared with the measurements calculated on the reference resin model and analyzed with nonparametric tests (Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney). Results: No significant differences were found between the various splinting groups for both PE and PVS impression materials in terms of linear and 3D distortions. However, small but significant differences were found between the two impression materials (PVS, 91 mu m; PE, 103 mu m) in terms of 3D discrepancies, irrespective of the splinting technique employed. Conclusions: Casts obtained from both impression materials exhibited differences from the reference model. The impression material influenced impression inaccuracy more than the splinting material for multiple-unit abutment-level impressions.Article Link : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2427891

    Konsep Pembaharuan Hukum Agraria Sesuai Amanat UUD 1945

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    The demand of land reform implementation increases recently. The imbalance of land athority and the demand of land acceas as well qs other productive resources of the poor are getting stronger in most of the third world country. Builds the law is not work which is easy and or simple like the one is imagined, because a good law and regulation must up to standard of justice, rule of law and utility in balance. and so in effort for agrarian law forming process which more accommodating all importances of all sides. Must be realized and confessed act No 5 the year 1960 still leaving various problems which must be broken

    A comparison of the Bering Sea, Gulf of Alaska, and Aleutian Islands large marine ecosystems through food web modeling / by K. Aydin ... [et al.]

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    Detailed mass balance food web models were constructed to compare ecosystem characteristics for three Alaska regions: the eastern Bering Sea (EBS), the Gulf of Alaska (GOA), and the Aleutian Islands (AI). This paper documents the methods and data used to construct the models and compares ecosystem structure and indicators across models. The common modeling framework, including biomass pool and fishery definitions, resulted in comparable food webs for the three ecosystems which showed that they all have the same apex predator—the Pacific halibut longline fishery. However, despite the similar methods used to construct the models, the data from each system included in the analysis clearly define differences in food web structure which may be important considerations for fishery management in Alaska ecosystems. The results showed that the EBS ecosystem has a much larger benthic influence in its food web than either the GOA or the AI. Conversely, the AI ecosystem has the strongest pelagic influence in its food web relative to the other two systems. The GOA ecosystem appears balanced between benthic and pelagic pathways, but is notable in having a smaller fisheries catch relative to the other two systems, and a high biomass of fish predators above trophic level (TL) 4, arrowtooth flounder and halibut. The patterns visible in aggregated food webs were confirmed in additional more detailed analyses of biomass and consumption in each ecosystem, using both the single species and whole ecosystem indicators developed here

    Menciptakan Good and Clean Government Berbasis Syariah Islamiyah Dalam Tatakelola Pemerintahan Republik Indonesia

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    Terciptanya sebuah pemerintahan yang bersih dan berwibawamerupakan hal yang sangatlah urgen. Untuk menuju kepada pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih diperlukan pengelolaan berbagai bidang kehidupan seperti politik, hukum, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya secara lebih serius, transparan, dan terarah serta melibatkan semua komponen bangsa guna bersama-sama bangkit dari keterpurukan dan kehinaan di mata dunia Internasional.Dalam mewujudkan pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih, diperlukan berbagai cara, selain dengan menegakkan beberapa prinsip Good and Clean Governance, juga dengan menerapkan konsep syariah Islamiyah seperti nash Alquran dan hadis, kaedah fqhiyah dan maqhasid al Syariah. Dengan upaya ini, diharapkan dapat tertatanya birokrasi pemerintahan negara Republik Indonesia dengan selalu mengedepankan kepentingan masyarakat dengan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan mutu bernegara yang lebih baik

    The effect of Ramadan fasting on spatial attention through emotional stimuli

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    Fasting can influence psychological and mental states. In the current study, the effect of periodical fasting on the process of emotion through gazed facial expression as a realistic multisource of social information was investigated for the first time. The dynamic cue-target task was applied via behavior and event-related potential measurements for 40 participants to reveal the temporal and spatial brain activities-before, during, and after fasting periods. The significance of fasting included several effects. The amplitude of the N1 component decreased over the centroparietal scalp during fasting. Furthermore, the reaction time during the fasting period decreased. The self-measurement of deficit arousal as well as the mood increased during the fasting period. There was a significant contralateral alteration of P1 over occipital area for the happy facial expression stimuli. The significant effect of gazed expression and its interaction with the emotional stimuli was indicated by the amplitude of N1. Furthermore, the findings of the study approved the validity effect as a congruency between gaze and target position, as indicated by the increment of P3 amplitude over centroparietal area as well as slower reaction time from behavioral response data during incongruency or invalid condition between gaze and target position compared with those during valid condition. Results of this study proved that attention to facial expression stimuli as a kind of communicative social signal was affected by fasting. Also, fasting improved the mood of practitioners. Moreover, findings from the behavioral and event-related potential data analyses indicated that the neural dynamics of facial emotion are processed faster than that of gazing, as the participants tended to react faster and prefer to relay on the type of facial emotions than to gaze direction while doing the task. Because of happy facial expression stimuli, right hemisphere activation was more than that of the left hemisphere. It indicated the consistency of the emotional lateralization concept rather than the valence concept of emotional processing

    Inventarisasi Predator Hama Helopeltis Spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) Pada Tanaman Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Di Kecamatan Palolo Kabupaten Sigi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi jenis-jenis predator hama Helopeltis spp. pada tanaman kakao (Theobroma cacao). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari hingga April 2013, pada perkebunan kakao rakyat di Desa Sejahtera Kecamatan Palolo Kabupaten Sigi. Metode penilitian dilakukan dengan survei dan dua cara yakni, dilakukan secara langsung di lokasi survei, dengan mengamati predator yang ditemukan sedang memangsa hama Helopeltis spp., pengamatan dilakukan terhadap perilaku dan kemampuan dalam menanggapi mangsanya, dan juga secara sengaja diberikan mangsanya pada jaring jenis laba-laba. Pengamatan selanjutnya dilakukan dengan menggumpulkan predator dari lokasi penelitian dengan menggunakan plastik Bening dan kuas. Sampel yang terkumpul dibawa ke Laboratorium Untad untuk dilakukan pengamatan perilaku dan kemampuan dalam menanggapi mangsanya dan selanjutnya predator tersebut diidentifikasi berdasarkan ciri morfologinya dengan menggunakan mikroskop binokuler. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa selama pengamatan berlangsung (4kali pengamatan), didapatkan 5 spesies predator hama Helopeltis spp. pada pertanaman kakao, yakni Oecophylla smaragdina, Gastercantha spp., Leucauge venusta, Cycloneda spp., dan Forticula auricularia. Dari kelima spesies tersebut yang paling berpotensi dalam menangani mangsanya yakni Oecophylla smaragdina dan disusul spesies predator lainnya. Kelima spesies predator tersebut memiliki perilaku dan kemampuan yang berbeda dalam menanggapi mangsanya


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan deiksis persona, deiksis tempat, dan deiksis waktu dalam novel Kidung Rindu di Tapal Batas karya Aguk Irawan MN. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni deskriptif dengan jenis kualitatif. Data penelitian yakni kutipan berupa kalimat-kalimat yang mengandung deiksis persona, deiksis tempat serta deiksis waktu dalam novel Kidung Rindu di Tapal Batas karya Aguk Irawan MN, dengan sumber data diperoleh dari novel Kidung Rindu di Tapal Batas karya Aguk Irawan MN serta dari beberapa literatur seperti jurnal dan juga buku, dan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data yakni dengan teknik baca dan catat. Adapun teknik analisis data menggunakan empat tahap yakni mengidentifikasi, memilah, interpretasi, dan simpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan deiksis persona orang pertama menggunakan referen saya yang merujuk kepada Iskandar, Ibu, Ahmad Ibrahim, Nanjan, seorang lelaki, Felix dan Hasyim, sedangkan deiksis persona orang kedua menggunakan referen kau yang merujuk kepada Parno, Mamut, Iskandar, Rustam, Nanjan, Felix Nei, Cornelius, Siti, Kumar, Masyarakat Jagoi Babang, Imah, dan Sipet dan deiksis persona orang ketiga menggunakan referen dia, ia yang merujuk kepada Pang Ukir, Nanjan, Felix, Seorang lelaki, Rustam, Hamdan, Sukimin, Cornelius, Nei, Mamut, Jokowi, kakek, Siti Nur Azizah, pemerintah Malaysia dan sebuah bendera. Adapun dalam deiksis tempat menggunakan referen di sini yang merujuk terhadap Jagoi Babang, pos Perbatasan, Malaysia dan rumah Nanjan dan pengunaan referen di sana merujuk terhadap Jagoi Babang, Malaysia,dada manusia, pasar Serikin dan Suriname. Terkahir deiksis waktu menggunakan referen hari ini, Nanti malam, dulu, hari minggu. kemarin, minggu depan, dan besok

    The Development Of High Temperature Recirculating Pump (HTRP) For Energy Savings In An Incinerator.

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    Tremendous increase ingeneration of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) has become a major concern for the Malaysian government as the country experiencing rapid development. It was estimated about 16000 tones/day MSW is produced at national level and in Kuala Lumpur alone about 2500 tones/day

    Mammographic criteria for determining the diagnostic value of microcalcifications in the detection of early breast cancer

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    Objective: To evaluate the importance of microcalcifications in the detection of breast carcinoma in conventional mammography.Methods: This prospective study was carried out at Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH). Mammograms of 68 patients with microcalcifications were evaluated. Craniocaudal and oblique views of both breasts were acquired on routine basis with cone compression and magnified views when required.Results: Among 68 patients with microcalcifications, 61 (89%) had clustered microcalcifications while 7 patients (10.29%) had scattered microcalcifications. Microcalcifications can occur in benign and malignant diseases. While evaluating clustered microcalcifications, few criteria have been established to determine malignant clustered microcalcifications, these include specific and nonspecific criteria. Among specific and statistically significant criteria for malignant microcalcifications, which were identified in this study, were irregularity of size, irregularity of density, linear or branched shape and Le Gal\u27s type V distribution. In a cluster total number of \u3e30 microcalcifications and at least 10 microcalcifications/cm2 of a cluster are also important in diagnosing a malignant cluster, but are included in nonspecific criteria because they can be present in benign diseases also. Scattered bilateral microcalcifications are usually present in benign breast diseases, but in this study, two patients with breast cancer had profuse bilateral scattered microcalcifications.CONCLUSION: This study shows that specific and statistically significant criteria for malignant microcalcifications, are irregularity of size, irregularity of density, linear or branched shape and Le Gal\u27s type V distribution. Scattered bilateral microcalcifications are usually present in benign breast diseases, but irregular shape and development of new calcifications among diffusely scattered bilateral calcifications, on follow up study, should also raise suspicion for being malignant