30 research outputs found


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui system manajemen madrasah berbasis digital di Indonesia, pelaksanaan manajemen madrasah berbasis digital MAN Al-Wutsqo Kota Depok. Sehingga dipahami konsep dan pelaksanaan manajemen madrasah, Menemukan hambatan dan solusinya manajemen madrasah berbasis digital MA Al-Wutsqo Kota Depok. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan pendekatan manajerial. Sumber data yaitu data primer bersumber dari kepala sekolah, guru, operator, peserta didik. Sedangkan data sekunder diambil dari dokumen yang ada kaitannya dengan penelitian. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data adalah peneliti sendiri yang berfungsi menetapkan dan memilih informan sebagai sumber data, analisis data, menafsirkan data, serta instrumen dalam mengumpulkan data adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan manajemen madrasah berbasis digital MA Al-Wutsqo Kota Depok berfokus kepada peserta didik dengan penerapan pembelajaran berbasis digital (ICT) memiliki aplikasi sangat banyak dan memerlukan keseriusan para pengajar untuk dapat mengembangkan berbagai aplikasi tersebut untuk pembelajaran yang sesuai. Sistem evaluasi pembelajaran berbasis digital sudah dapat dilaksanakan atau diterapkan melalui aplikasi Digital RDM (Raport Digital Madrasah)

    Optimization of Zakat Management in Baznas on Community Empowerment in Parepare City

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    This study  aimed to find out how to optimize zakat management at BAZNAS towards community empowerment in Parepare city. This research used theological approach, phenomenological approach, and juridical approach, The source of this research data came  from primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. This research was classified as qualitative, using data in the form of direct interviews and documents. The data obtained  then collected both primary and secondary. Data collection techniques ware carried out through observation, interviews, and documentation studies in order to obtain clear and representative data, while data processing and analysis techniques ware carried out through data reduction, data presentation and made conclusions. The results of this study indicated that Its distribution was still traditional and  productive creative and it was not in accordance with the principles of justice. In terms of utilization of community empowerment has  not optimal yet because it did  not go through stages of capacity building and assistance

    Integrasi Kegiatan Masyarakat Budaya Lokal dan Lembaga dalam Pendidikan Toleransi

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    The research explains the form of local wisdom of Bugis culture as a cultural value that characterizes the Palopo people. The local wisdom developed in Palopo City is in line with the pluralistic Palopo culture developing in Indonesia. Palopo people has local wisdom values such as humanizing. These values are always preserved so that they become the glue of religious harmony in Palopo City. The type of this research is ethnography. The research findings show that knowledge and understanding of the cultural traditions of society that contain pluralism allow students to suspend suspicion or even wholly disappear negative things that students have understood about other religions. The concept of pluralism is seen from implementing the cultural philosophy in Palopo, namely Sipakatau, Sipakalebbi, and Sipakaingge. Two universities, IAIN Palopo and Andi Djemma University practice the local wisdom values. The results shows that personally, students who were actively involved in the implementation of local wisdom education felt that they had experienced significant changes. In the aspect of faith, they are increasingly convinced of their religion while still providing adequate space for a good and correct assessment of the truth of the teachings of other religious and cultural beliefs

    MANAJEMEN PENGEMBANGAN PONDOK PESANTREN (Studi Kasus di Pondok Pesantren As’adiyah Belawa Baru, Masamba, Sulawesi Selatan)

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    This study aims to determine the pattern of development strategy Boarding School in Malangke. Pattern or strategic used by the container or place in order to process a change of plans that require the support of all parties to develop and improve educational quality. In this study, researchers used a qualitative research and data sources through interviews with the leadership of the cottage. Boarding school development opportunities in the North Luwu, belonging to the sub-national education system in Indonesia that aims to educate the nation, making the man who is faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative. In addition, the boarding school New Belawa As'adiyah, considered successful because students-students directly involved in the community, for example in the Holy month of Ramadhan, these students were sent to be Imam in every mosque in Malangke. But beyond the success, there are some some of the barriers faced by Islamic Schools As'adiyah New Belawa (Malangke) include: 1) a more modern curriculum system, so that schools lag far from public schools, 2) Lack of funds and sources of funding due to lack of students. 3) the majority of parents are not keen to send children in school boarding school


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    Teacher training programme has been recognised for its importance in training and preparing pre-service teachers for practicum and teaching profession. Interest in the field is noticeable with a number of studies conducted on teacher training areas. To ensure that appropriate training is given for the pre-service teachers prior to their actual classroom teaching, there is a need to look into the extent the pedagogical and content knowledge are delivered and acquired. Pre-service teachers in local public universities have gone through difficult times adjusting to real school environment during practicum period even though they have attended and completed their fair share of mock teaching in simulated teaching classroom. In Malaysia, research on simulated teaching as part of teacher training is still limited and the focus is normally given on the area of assessments and curriculum. Hence, it is the aim of this study to identify issues faced by the pre-service teachers during the practicum. For the purpose of this study, six pre-service teachers were selected as participants from a local public university through purposive sampling; the participants have to have gone through both simulated teaching and teaching practicum. Data were gathered through one-on-one narrative interviews and focus group interviews and analysed with thematic and content analysis. The findings reveal that simulated teaching is effective because of the feedback gathered and it can be further improved by increasing its frequency, integrating more role plays, and including a comprehensive Q&A session after the teaching.Keywords: Micro-teaching, simulated teaching, teacher training programme, teaching practicum, pre-service teachers, educationCite as: Mukhtar, M.A., Hasim, Z., & Md Yunus, M. (2018). The efficacy of simulated teaching in preparing pre-service teachers for practicum. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 3(1), 64-74.http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol3iss1pp64-7


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    Buying and selling activities is one of the activities of human life as an activity to meet needs. Islam does not justify any means of buying and selling, but also very much in need of ethics. Ethics is a set of moral principles that distinguish good from bad and normative, it plays the role of determining what must be done or not to be done by individuals or groups. In the ethics of buying and selling which is one of the most important things is the honesty of the two parties which is the culmination of the morality of faith and the most prominent characteristics of believers. Without honesty, religious life will not stand tall and world life will not go well.This study aims to determine the practice of buying and selling between fishermen and exporters of fish in the Mallusetasi District, Barru Regency. As well as an analysis of Islamic business ethics on the practice of buying and selling between fishermen and exporters of fish in the Mallusetasi District, Barru Regency. This type of research used in this thesis is a qualitative descriptive method, the data in this study were obtained from primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique is to use qualitative data analysis.The results of this study indicate that the buying and selling activities between fishermen and fishermen, the scales are regulated by the fishermen. Determination of the price determined by these collectors sometimes becomes a separate complaint by the fishermen. The number of complaints regarding the sale and purchase process carried out with the container. This is still a problem that often occurs. Moreover, when fishermen have no other place to sell their fish. In the practice of buying and selling examined by the author, there are still many problems. The location of the problem is the application of Islamic business ethics in export fish trading activities. In the buying and selling activities in the district. Mallusetasi almost all of its activities are not in accordance with the principles of Islamic business ethicsKegiatan jual beli merupakan salah satu aktivitas kehidupan manusia sebagai kegiatan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan. Islam tidak menghalalkan segala cara dalam jual beli, tetapi juga sangat di perlukan etika. Etika merupakan seperangkat prinsip moral yang membedakan yang baik dari yang buruk dan bersifat normative, ia berperan menentukan apa yang harus di lakukan atau tidak boleh dilakukan oleh individu maupun kelompok. Di dalam etika jual beli yang menjadi salah satu hal terpenting adalah adanya kejujuran dari dua belah pihak yang merupakan puncak moralitas iman dan karakteristik yang paling menonjol dari orang-orang beriman. Tanpa adanya kejujuran, kehidupan agama tidak akan berdiri tegak dan kehidupan dunia tidak berjalan dengan baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui praktik jual beli antara nelayan dan penadah ikan ekspor di Kecamatan Mallusetasi Kabupaten Barru. Serta analisis etika bisnis Islam terhadap praktik jual beli antara nelayan dan penadah ikan ekspor di Kecamatan Mallusetasi Kabupaten Barru. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun teknik analisis datanya yaitu menggunakan analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pada kegiatan jual beli antara penadah dan nelayan pengaturan timbangannya diatur oleh pihak penadah. Penentuan harga ditentukan oleh penadah ini terkadang menjadi keluhan tersendiri oleh pihak nelayan. Banyaknya keluhan mengenai proes jual beli yang dilakukan dengan penadahnya. Hal ini masih menjadi permasalahan yang sering terjadi. Terlebih lagi, ketika nelayan tidak memiliki tempat lain untuk menjual ikannya. Pada praktik jual beli yang di teliti oleh penulis, masih banyak terdapat permasalahan. Letak permasalahanannya adalah pada penerapan etika bisnis Islam dalam kegiatan jual beli ikan ekspor. Pada kegiatan jual beli di Kec. Mallusetasi hampir keseluruhan kegiatannya tidak sesuai dengan prinsip etika bisnis Isla


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    ABSTRACT   Waqf is one of the Maliyah worships that is used to get closer to Allah SWT, besides that, it shows their love for Allah SWT, shows their love for the permanent reward after death, has a function for general welfare and helps the needs of the needy, poor, children orphans and all those who need them for the results of endowments. The aims of this study are: To find out the law of cash waqf in the perspective of the Hanafi school of thought. This research is a literature review research. The results of this research are, the Hanafi school of thought allows cash waqf because it has been widely practiced in society, and legally it does not violate the rules. Keywords: cash waqf institutions, Hanafi madzhab, universities   ABSTRAK   Wakaf merupakan salah satu ibadah Maliyah yang digunakan untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT, selain itu, menunjukan adanya kecintaanya terhadap Allah SWT, menunjukan adanya kecintaanya terhadap tetapnya pahala setelah meninggal, memiliki fumgsi untuk kemashlahatan secara umum dan membantu terhadap kebutuhanya orang fakir, miskin, anak yatim dan semua yang membutuhkanya terhadap hasil dari perwakafan. Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah: Untuk mengetahui hukum wakaf uang tunai dalam prespektif mazdhab Hanafi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kajian pustaka, Hasil penelitian ini adalah, mazdhab Hanafi memperbolehkan wakaf uang tunai karena sudah banyak dilakukan di masyarakat, dan secara hukum sudah tidak melanggar aturan. Kata Kunci : lembaga wakaf tunai, madzhab hanafi, perguruan tingg

    The Unprecedented Movement Control Order (Lockdown) and Factors Associated With the Negative Emotional Symptoms, Happiness, and Work-Life Balance of Malaysian University Students During the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic

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    Background and Aims: Malaysia's first Movement Control Order (MCO) or “lockdown” was in place for 6 weeks to curb the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Consequently, all universities were forced to close temporarily with abrupt changes to teaching and learning activities. However, there has been a lack of consensus regarding students' actual psychological status and mental health during the MCO implementation. This study investigates the link, state, and differences of negative emotional symptoms, happiness, and work-life balance among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic.Methodology: This study recruited 1,005 university students across Malaysia. Data was collected online using Qualtrics to measure negative emotional symptoms (The Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale), happiness (The Oxford Happiness Inventory), and work-life balance (Work-Family Conflict Scale). All data was analyzed using SPSS version 25 and AMOS version 26 using T-test, ANOVA, logistic regression analyses, and path analysis method.Findings: Findings indicated that 22, 34.3, and 37.3% of the university students scored moderate to extremely severe levels of stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms, respectively. Half scored rather happy or very happy (50%) for happiness levels. Meanwhile, 50.4 and 39.4% scored high to very high levels of work-to-family and family-to-work conflict. Significant differences in stress, anxiety, depression, happiness, work-family conflict, and family-work conflict were recorded across different demographic factors. Happiness was found to be a protective factor with a lesser likelihood of experiencing severe stress (OR = 0.240, 95% CI: 0.180, 0.321), anxiety (OR = 0.336, 95% CI: 0.273, 0.414), and depression (OR = 0.121, 95% CI: 0.088, 0.165) with higher happiness levels. Higher score of work-to-family conflict contributes to greater odds of having severe levels of anxiety (OR = 1.453, 95% CI: 1.161, 1.818). While greater likelihood of developing severe stress (OR = 1.468, 95% CI: 1.109, 1.943) and severe anxiety (OR = 1.317, 95% CI: 1.059, 1.638) under increasing score of family-to-work conflict. Besides, happiness is found to negatively linked with lower negative emotional symptoms, while work-family conflict and family-work conflict are positively linked with higher negative emotional symptoms.Conclusion: Lockdown implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic appears to have a significant impact on university students' negative emotional symptoms, happiness, and work-life balance. Happiness was found to be a protective factor while the state of work-life balance is a risk factor that can predict students' negative emotional symptoms.</p

    Comparative Study Between Malaysia and Indonesia: Differences of Teaching and Learning Methods (Theory-Based) Used by Engineering TVET Teachers

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    This study was conducted to generate empirical evidence of the differences of teaching and learning methods used by engineering TVET teachers of Malaysia and Indonesia. This study applied quantitative method that involved data collection through the newly developed instrument of teaching and learning strategies. A survey technique was used as the research design in which a total of 183 teachers from Malaysia-Indonesia vocational institutions were involved in this research. The results have shown that there were similarities and differences of the method used by the teachers. There are several teaching and learning methods used by Malaysian and Indonesian respectively. Meanwhile, there is one similar method used by both countries which is practicing. In conclusion, Vocational Pedagogy plays a crucial role in this context, and this is why the teaching and learning is very important in educating young Malaysian and Indonesian to become successful technical and vocational trainers, instructors and teachers