845 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Teks Laporan Hasil Observasi Melalui Model Reciprocal Teaching Pada Siswa Kelas X Tkj Smk Budi Bangsa Pinrang

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    This is a classroom action research which aims to describe the planning, implementation, and improvement of Reading Skills on Observations Text Reports in class X TKJ SMK Budi Bangsa pinrang by applying reciprocal teaching model approach. Samples were 31 students of class X TKJ SMK Budi Bangsa Pinrang of academic year 2014-2015. The subject teachers are considered successful in improving learning and planning with good result. At the action stage, the students have better attitude hanged proved by observation sheet. At the evaluation stage, the results of reading tests on the aspects of content, text structure, vocabulary, sentences, and mechanics show that students have not reached the predetermined level of completeness on the first cycle. The second cycle, students, have already achieved mastery in learning ability of reading observation text reports. Studets\u27 mastery on the first cycle is 38,71% improve to 90,32%; where as, the students\u27 average score on cycle I is 72,87% improve to 81,23% on cycle II. Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that the reciprocal teaching model approach can increase the reading skills of observations text reports in class X TKJ SMK Budi Bangsa Pinrang after two cycles had been conducted

    Closed Hollow Bulb Obturator-One-Step Fabrication: A Clinical Report

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    A method is described for the fabrication of a closed hollow bulb obturator prosthesis using a hard thermoforming splint material and heat-cured acrylic resin. The technique allowed the thickness of the thermoformed bulb to be optimized for weight reduction, while the autopolymerized seal area was covered in heat-cured acrylic resin, thus eliminating potential leakage and discoloration. This technique permits the obturator prosthesis to be processed to completion from the wax trial denture without additional laboratory investing, flasking, and processing.Article URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jopr.12036/abstrac

    Analisis Korelasi antara Kebiasaan Membaca dan Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman pada Siswa Kelas IX SMP Kemala Bayangkari Makassar

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    This study aims to describe whether or not there is a relationship between reading habits and reading comprehension ability in class IX students of SMP Kemala Bayangkari Makassar. This study is a descriptive study using correlational analysis methods. The population in this study was 200 students and the sample was 40 students. In this study data was collected from two sources, namely the questionnaire value from the results of the reading habit questionnaire test and the value of reading comprehension ability from the results of the comprehension reading ability test. Data obtained in the form of primary data using a quantitative descriptive approach with an objective process and analyzing data. The results of the analysis in this study indicate that the relationship between reading habits and reading comprehension ability of class IX students at SMP Kemala Bayangkari Makassar has a positive correlation. In this study, it is hoped that the readers and writers themselves will be able to further improve their reading skills

    Comparative Analysis of Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Thermophysicalproperties in Hydro Carbon Mixtures using Jouyban-Acree Model at Various Temperatures

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    The thermophysical properties of liquid mixtures provide additional information regarding molecular interactions. A perusal of the literature revealed that the predictions of thermophysical properties of liquid mixtures are scarce. With an aim, the thermophysical properties of viscosity, excess molar volume VE and viscosity deviations Δη of liquid mixtures are predicted by using various nonlinear models. In this reseach Jouyban-Acree viscosity models have been used for predicting viscosity of Acetophenone with P-xylene and 1, 4 Dioxane with Benzene at different mole fractions measured at various temperatures in the atmospheric pressure condition. From experimentation excess volumes, VE, and deviations in viscosities, Δη, of mixtures at infinite dilutions have been obtained. The measured systems show positive VE and negative Δη with increasing temperatures. From the positive excess molar volume, when aromatics, which exist in a highly associated form in the pure state, are mixed with polar solvents (ketones), the monomerization occurs and new specific interactions appear in the solution.The negative viscosity deviation depends on the size and shape of the molecules and molecular interactions. These measured data tailored to the Jouyban-Acree nonlinear models to derive the binary coefficients Jouyban-Acree model is more adequate for the thermo physical and the standard deviation was found to be < 2.06 %. The molecular interactions existing between the components and comparison of liquid mixtures were also discussed

    Gamma Radiosynthesis of Colloidal Silver Nanoparticles Stabilized in ι-Carrageenan Under Atmospheric Gases: A Surface Plasmon Resonance Based Study

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    ι-Carrageenan is a biodegradable and biocompatible biomaterial which potentially stabilizes colloidal silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). The present study explored gamma radiosynthesis of AgNPs at varied concentration of ι-carrageenan solutions. The reaction system contained 1.0 mM silver precursor from silver nitrate salt. Gamma irradiation was conducted at doses up to 20 kGy under simple condition, i.e., atmospheric gases and without addition of hydroxyl radical scavenger. The behavior of AgNPs in suspension was characterized based on their surface plasmon resonance (SPR) absorption spectra which were measured using UV-vis spectrophotometer. The results show that colloidal AgNPs were successfully radiosynthesized due to dual stabilizing/reducing activity of ι-carrageenan. The degradation product of ι-carrageenan shows antioxidant activities, which increase the reducing condition of the  reaction system. TEM micrograph reveals that the nanoparticles are spheroid in shape and monodisperse with an average particle size of below 10 nm. The SPR spectra indicate that the highest AgNPs concentration is found for irradiation at a dose of 10 kGy and ι-carrageenan concentration of 1.0 % (w/v). However, instability of AgNPs occurred a day after radiosynthesis due to oxidative dissolution and agglomeration. Further works on pH adjustment and optimization on irradiation dose and ι-carrageenan concentration are critical to improve the stability of colloidal AgNPs

    Perencanaan Program Interpretasi Lingkungan Di Kawasan Wisata Danau Linting Kabupaten Deli Serdang

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    Linting Lake is one of the tourism area that have big potential need more planning for better management. Research of environmental interpretation program in the Linting Lake had never been done before.The research is important to assesment for existing potentiality. Potential of ecotourism and interpretation program identified to used the obsevation method and analyzed as according scored criteria which have passed to visitors. result of research have indicated the potential ecotourism existed in Lunting Lake area are natural beauty, biodiversity of flora and fauna. The management area have executed by leader of the village and helped by local society lived around of area

    Analisis Kerugian Ekonomis Dan Pemetaan Sebaran Serangan Rayap Pada Bangunan SMP Negeri Di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Termites are pests that can cause the damage to buildings and can make a big economic losses.The Junior High school building is one of the object that target by termites which haven\u27t been studied and investigated. This study intend to get the value of economic losses caused by termites attack toward the Junior High School buildings in Pekanbaru. The dis- tribution of termites mapped using Geographic Information System (GIS). The method used was direct observation, in- terviews using questionnaires and analyze the damage to buildings using a tally sheet. The result showed that 75% of The Junior High School building were attacked by the termites and 25% of The Junior High School building weren\u27t at- tacked by the termites.48% of the The Junior High School building have medium damage and 27 % have small dam- age.Termite species found are Cryptotermes cynocephalus Light for dry wood termites and Microtermes inspiratus Kemmer for subterranean termite
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