132 research outputs found

    RESH: A Secure Authentication Algorithm Based on Regeneration Encoding Self-Healing Technology in WSN

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    In the real application environment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the uncertain factor of data storage makes the authentication information be easily forged and destroyed by illegal attackers. As a result, it is hard for secure managers to conduct forensics on transmitted information in WSN. This work considers the regeneration encoding self-healing and secret sharing techniques and proposes an effective scheme to authenticate data in WSN. The data is encoded by regeneration codes and then distributed to other redundant nodes in the form of fragments. When the network is attacked, the scheme has the ability against tampering attack or collusion attack. Furthermore, the damaged fragments can be restored as well. Parts of fragments, encoded by regeneration code, are required for secure authentication of the original distributed data. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme reduces hardware communication overhead by five percent in comparison. Additionally, the performance of local recovery achieves ninety percent

    Influence of air supply velocity on temperature field in the self heating process of coal

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    The air supply velocity is an important factor affecting the spontaneous combustion of coal. The appropriate air velocity can not only provide the oxygen required for the oxidation reaction, but maintains the good heat storage environment. Therefore, it is necessary to study the influence of the actual air velocity in the pore space on the self-heating process of coal particles. This paper focuses on studying the real space piled up by spherical particles. CFD simulation software is used to establish the numerical model from pore scale. Good fitness of the simulation results with the existing results verifies the feasibility of the calculation method. Later, the calculation conditions are changed to calculate and analyze the velocity field and the temperature field for self-heating of some particles (the surface of the particles is at a certain temperature) and expound the effect of different air supply velocities on gathering and dissipating the heat

    Heterophily-Based Graph Neural Network for Imbalanced Classification

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown promise in addressing graph-related problems, including node classification. However, conventional GNNs assume an even distribution of data across classes, which is often not the case in real-world scenarios, where certain classes are severely underrepresented. This leads to suboptimal performance of standard GNNs on imbalanced graphs. In this paper, we introduce a unique approach that tackles imbalanced classification on graphs by considering graph heterophily. We investigate the intricate relationship between class imbalance and graph heterophily, revealing that minority classes not only exhibit a scarcity of samples but also manifest lower levels of homophily, facilitating the propagation of erroneous information among neighboring nodes. Drawing upon this insight, we propose an efficient method, called Fast Im-GBK, which integrates an imbalance classification strategy with heterophily-aware GNNs to effectively address the class imbalance problem while significantly reducing training time. Our experiments on real-world graphs demonstrate our model's superiority in classification performance and efficiency for node classification tasks compared to existing baselines.Comment: Accepted by Twelfth International Conference on Complex Networks & Their Application

    Analysis of index gases of coal spontaneous combustion using fourier transform infrared spectrometer

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    Analysis of the index gases of coal for the prevention of spontaneous combustion is of great importance for the enhancement of coal mine safety. In this work, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIRS) is presented to be used to analyze the index gases of coal in real time to monitor spontaneous combustion conditions. Both the instrument parameters and the analysis method are introduced at first by combining characteristics of the absorption spectra of the target analyte with the analysis requirements. Next, more than ten sets of the gas mixture containing ten components (CH 4 , C 2 H 6 , C 3 H 8 , iso-C 4 H 10 , n-C 4 H 10 , C 2 H 4 , C 3 H 6 , C 2 H 2 , CO, and CO 2 ) are included and analyzed with a Spectrum Two FTIRS made by Perkin Elmer. The testing results show that the detection limit of most analytes is less than 2 × 10 −6 . All the detection limits meet the monitoring requirements of coal spontaneous combustion in China, which means that FTIRS may be an ideal instrument and the analysis method used in this paper is sufficient for spontaneous combustion gas monitoring on-line and even in situ, since FTIRS has many advantages such as fast analysis, being maintenance-free, and good safety

    The HIV-1 Vpu Viroporin Inhibitor BIT225 Does Not Affect Vpu-Mediated Tetherin Antagonism

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    Among its many roles, the HIV-1 accessory protein Vpu performs a viroporin function and also antagonizes the host cell restriction factor tetherin through its transmembrane domain. BIT225 is a small molecule inhibitor that specifically targets the Vpu viroporin function, which, in macrophages, resulted in late stage inhibition of virus release and decreased infectivity of released virus, a phenotype similar to tetherin-mediated restriction. Here, we investigated whether BIT225 might mediate its antiviral function, at least in part, via inhibition of Vpu-mediated tetherin antagonism. Using T-cell lines inducible for tetherin expression, we found that BIT225 does not exert its antiviral function by inhibiting Vpu-mediated tetherin downmodulation from the cell surface, the main site of action of tetherin activity. In addition, results from a bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) assay showed that the Vpu-tetherin interaction was not affected by BIT225. Our data provide support for the concept that tetherin antagonism and viroporin function are separable on the Vpu transmembrane and that viroporin function might be cell-type dependent. Further, this work contributes to the characterization of BIT225 as an inhibitor that specifically targets the viroporin function of Vpu

    Exploring Structural Consistency in Graph Regularized Joint Spectral-Spatial Sparse Coding for Hyperspectral Image Classification

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    In hyperspectral image classification, both spectral and spatial data distributions are important in describing and identifying different materials and objects in the image. Furthermore, consistent spatial structures across bands can be useful in capturing inherent structural information of objects. These imply that three properties should be considered when reconstructing an image using sparse coding methods. First, the distribution of different ground objects leads to different coding coefficients across the spatial locations. Second, local spatial structures change slightly across bands due to different reflectance properties of various object materials. Finally and more importantly, some sort of structural consistency shall be enforced across bands to reflect the fact that the same object appears at the same spatial location in all bands of an image. Based on these considerations, we propose a novel joint spectral-spatial sparse coding model that explores structural consistency for hyperspectral image classification. For each band image, we adopt a sparse coding step to reconstruct the structures in the band image. This allows different dictionaries be generated to characterize the band-wise image variation. At the same time, we enforce the same coding coefficients at the same spatial location in different bands so as to maintain consistent structures across bands. To further promote the discriminating power of the model, we incorporate a graph Laplacian sparsity constraint into the model to ensure spectral consistency in the dictionary generation step. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms some state-of-the-art spectral-spatial sparse coding methods

    UbiPhysio: Support Daily Functioning, Fitness, and Rehabilitation with Action Understanding and Feedback in Natural Language

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    We introduce UbiPhysio, a milestone framework that delivers fine-grained action description and feedback in natural language to support people's daily functioning, fitness, and rehabilitation activities. This expert-like capability assists users in properly executing actions and maintaining engagement in remote fitness and rehabilitation programs. Specifically, the proposed UbiPhysio framework comprises a fine-grained action descriptor and a knowledge retrieval-enhanced feedback module. The action descriptor translates action data, represented by a set of biomechanical movement features we designed based on clinical priors, into textual descriptions of action types and potential movement patterns. Building on physiotherapeutic domain knowledge, the feedback module provides clear and engaging expert feedback. We evaluated UbiPhysio's performance through extensive experiments with data from 104 diverse participants, collected in a home-like setting during 25 types of everyday activities and exercises. We assessed the quality of the language output under different tuning strategies using standard benchmarks. We conducted a user study to gather insights from clinical experts and potential users on our framework. Our initial tests show promise for deploying UbiPhysio in real-life settings without specialized devices.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figures, 5 table


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    ABSTRAK   Studi ini ingin melihat bagaimana Vinolia Wakijo atau Mami Vin dan LSM Kebaya berperan sebagai aktor non electoral dalam Politik Intermediary yang mampu menjadi representasi akan hak-hak para waria sebagai warga Negara. dari Negara dan juga masyarakat lainnya. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan politik subaltern, politik representasi, dan juga teori kekuasaan Pierre Bourdieu. Dengan metode penelitian kualitatif berbasis pendekatan etnografi. Waria sebagai kaum subaltern ini dalam menegaskan dan mempertahankan identitas tidak terlepas dari kemampuan mereka untuk memperoleh, memperluas dan mempertahankan identitas tersebut sebagai bukti nyata dalam representasi sosial. Sehingga mereka dapat diakui dan melepaskan “baju” minoritasnya. Diskriminasi tersebut sangat berhubungan erat dengan prasangka masyarakat terhadap kaum waria. Prasangka masyarakat terhadap kaum waria sendiri berasal dari perilaku negatif dari kaum waria. Komunitas waria sebagai bagian dari kelompok marginal mengalami berbagai tekanan dari penekanan. Pengakuan akan keberadaan waria sebagai gender ketiga (diluar laki-laki dan perempuan) ternyata hanya didapatkan oleh waria tertentu, terutama waria yang memiliki prestasi dan juga para elite dari waria tersebut. Semisal contoh apa yang ada dalam LSM Kebaya, pengakuan atas waria sebagai gender ketiga hanya didapatkan oleh Mami Vin. Mami Vin tidak lagi pernah mendapatkan diskriminasi dari masyarakat. Kini Mami Vin lebih dipandang sebagai sosok seorang „IBU‟ ketimbang waria, mami Vin dapat dengan mudah berinteraksi dengan masyarakat dan Negara tanpa ada rasa takut. Karena dia yakin telah diterima dalam masyarakat. Hal tersebut mami Vin dapatkan bukan hanya karena prestasi dan konsistensinya sebagai representasi dari waria dalam penanggulangan dan penyebaran Virus HIV/AIDS dikalangan waria saja, melainkan justru datang dari dirinya yang mampu menampilkan sisi yang berbeda dari waria pada umumnya. Kata-kata kunci : Subaltern, Politik Representasi, Dan Kekuasaa