44 research outputs found

    Transformasi Struktur Ketenagakerjaan dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Sumatera Selatan

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    The result of Assessment on “Changes of Economic and Employment Structure as well as Quality of Human Resource in South Sumatera†showed that in 2005-2010 periods economic (GNP) structure in Indonesia has been changed from S-I-A (Services-Industry- Agriculture) pattern to I-S-A pattern. Meanwhile, during the same period employment structure was remain stable, namely A-S-I pattern. The unbalanced changes between economic and employment structures were predicted to be the factors causing labor productivity and society welfare in agricultural sector were declining. There was a quality improvement in human resource. However, the problem is government capability to create employment was not sufficient to provide job opportunity for improved human resource

    Does monopsony exist in academic labor market?

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    This study aims to examine empirically the power of monopsony in the academic labor market, particularly in public universities. Upward sloping supply curve is indicative of monopsony and its power supply elasticity is suspected of demand for lecturers. The method used to estimate the supply equation for lecturer at four public universities in Indonesia is OLS model. A stratified sample is determined proportionally as much as 348 lecturers, by academic rank, gender and discipline. It is found that the supply elasticity is inelastic indicating that earnings lecturers are in non-competitive conditions. When employers face an inelastic supply curve, the marginal expenditure and average expenditure is very much different, which gave it the power to set wages, so it implies that the power of monopsony is big

    Occupational Gender Segregation In Rural Urban Economy

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    Occupational Segregation by gender is an improved labor market based on gender equality. This study uses an index-D to measure segregation that occurred in four rural areas categorized urban districts and counties Banyuasin Ogan Ilir South Sumatra Province. It was found that in all four regions of the occupation by gender still be integrated because the value of the index-D approaches 1. Meanwhile, based on the Pearson correlation coefficient is known that occupational segregation by gender has a significant relationship, very strong and negative direction with the percentage of women in the workforce and age, while the direction of the opposite relationship with the difference in the percentage of men and women who have a high school education and above


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    One of the indicator that measures the ability of a country is output , therefore, to increase and  to stabilize the output for countries that have a mixed system, which  is the government plays an important role in  economy . Government has a role to make policy called macroeconomic policy , macroeconomic policy is divided into two: monetary policy and fiscal policy . Nowadays there are differences opinion between the monetarists and the fiscalist wherein each theorists believe that the policies  they believe  is more effective in increasing output. The purpose of this study is to see which policy is more effective in  Indonesia with St.Louis Equation applicatioan. Data used is the money supply ( M2 ) as a tool of monetary policy , government spending ( G ) as a tool of fiscal policy , and the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) as a measure of output . The analytical method used is using ordinary least square method and produce a good estimation results with the classical assumption . The result shows that the monetary and fiscal policy are significant and positive affect output , the effect of fiscal policy is more effective in the long term in Indonesia. Model estimation does not contravene the classic assumption except autocorrelation and can be overcome by transforming the model by using the scheme AR ( 1 ) . Keywords : Macroeconomic Policy, M2, G, Output, St .Louis Equatio


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    Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh dosen fakultas ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya beserta mahasiswanya ini bertujuan untuk memperkuat daya saing usaha kue khas daerah Sumatera Selatan dengan meningkatkan kualitas produk melalui pemberdayaan ibu-ibu PKK. Kegiatan dilakukan dengan metode pelatihan ilmiah berupa ceramah/diskusi tentang pentingnya menghasilkan produk yang berkualitas dan praktek langsung pembuatan kue. Tingkat pemahaman diukur dengan uji kompetensi yang berisi pertanyaan tentang bahan dan proses pembuatan kue dengan memberikan skor pada rentang 0-100. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis statistik deskriptif berupa skor rata-rata, distribusi frekuensi jawaban yang benar untuk hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan nama bahan dan proses pembuatan kue. Hasil dari observasi ini menunjukkan bahwa target sangat antusias dalam memahami materi yang diberikan. Hasil evaluasi tertulis tingkat pemahaman tentang bahan dan proses pembuatan kue masih rendah, dengan rata-rata 30,5. Praktik pembuatan kue yang dilakukan peserta menunjukkan hasil dengan skor rata-rata 6 (skala 0-10). Melalui pemberdayaan ini, dibangun motivasi yang lebih tinggi untuk meningkatkan kualitas kue khas daerah yang dihasilkan. Dilengkapi dengan kumpulan buku resep yang dapat dijadikan referensi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman akan standar kualitas yang kompetitif. Kata kunci: pemberdayaan, daya saing, kue khas daerah, kualitas produk, pelatihan ABSTRACT Community dedication held by lecturers of the economics faculty of Sriwijaya University and their students aims to strengthen the competitiveness business of special cakes from the South Sumatra region by improving product quality through empowering PKK mothers. The activity was carried out using scientific training methods in the form of lectures/discussions about the importance of producing quality products and direct practice of making cakes. The level of understanding is measured by a competency test which contains questions about ingredients and the process of making cakes by giving a score in the range of 0-100. Furthermore, descriptive statistical analysis was carried out in the form of the average score, the frequency distribution of the correct answers for matters relating to the name of the ingredients and the process of making cakes. The results from this observation showed that the target was very enthusiastic about understanding the material given. The results of the written evaluation in the level of understanding about the ingredients and the process of making cakes are still low, with an average of 30,5. The practice of making cakes by the participants showed results with an average score of 6 (scale 0-10). Through this empowerment, higher motivation is built to improve the quality of the local speciality cakes produced. Equipped with a collection of recipe books that can be used as a reference to increase understanding for competitive quality standards. Keywords: empowerment, competitiveness, the local speciality cakes, quality of product, trainin

    Instrumen Kebijakan Makroekonomi dalam Mempengaruhi Output: suatu Analisis Aplikasi St. Louis Equation di Indonesia

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    One of the indicator that measures the ability of a country is output , therefore, to increase and to stabilize the output for countries that have a mixed system, which is the government plays an important role in economy . Government has a role to make policy called macroeconomic policy , macroeconomic policy is divided into two: monetary policy and fiscal policy . Nowadays there are differences opinion between the monetarists and the fiscalist wherein each theorists believe that the policies they believe is more effective in increasing output. The purpose of this study is to see which policy is more effective in Indonesia with St.Louis Equation applicatioan. Data used is the money supply ( M2 ) as a tool of monetary policy , government spending ( G ) as a tool of fiscal policy , and the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) as a measure of output . The analytical method used is using ordinary least square method and produce a good estimation results with the classical assumption . The result shows that the monetary and fiscal policy are significant and positive affect output , the effect of fiscal policy is more effective in the long term in Indonesia. Model estimation does not contravene the classic assumption except autocorrelation and can be overcome by transforming the model by using the scheme AR ( 1 )

    Peran Financial Technology sebagai Alternatif Permodalan bagi UMKM di Desa Kerinjing, Kabupaten Ogan Ilir

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    Era revolusi industri 4.0 merupakan tantangan bagi suatu negara untuk mengubah model bisnis konvensional kedalam sistem berteknologi. Penggunaan teknologi inovatif di bidang keuangan (Financial Technology) menuntut model bisnis konvensional untuk segera berubah kearah moderat. FinTech muncul seiring perubahan gaya hidup masyarakat yang didominasi oleh pengguna teknologi informasi untuk menjadi penghubung antara sektor finansial dengan pengguna atau masyarakat umum. Indonesia merupakan pasar besar bagi FinTech seiring dengan meningkatnya mayoritas pengguna teknologi internet untuk transaksi bisnis.FinTech sangat berpotensi menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah kekurangan permodalan bagi UMKM. Fintech diharapakan menjadi altenatif solusi bagi UMKM bertempat tinggal jauh dari pusat kota untuk memperoleh permodalan. Berdasarkan pada fenomena diatas, tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sriwijaya, telah melakukan edukasi mengenai peran FinTech sebagai alternative permodalan bagi UMKM di Desa Kerinjing, Kabupaten Indralaya. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan pada hari Rabu tanggal 12 November 2019.Peserta terdiri dari 0 orang pelaku UMKM di Desa Kerinjing dan sekitarnya. Tim pelaksana memberikan materi terkait dengan apa yang dimaksud dengan financial technology, manfaat  dari fintech dan dampak dari fintech. Peserta dapat membedakan fintech legal dan illegal.Fintech legal yang dimaksud adalah fintech yang terdaftar di Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK). Sebagai evaluasi kegiatan, tim memberikan form kuisioner yang diisi oleh peserta. Berdasarkan hasil kuesioner, pemahaman peserta setelah diberikan edukasi Fintech telah mencapai 70 %


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    The result of Assessment on “Changes of Economic and Employment Structure as well as Quality of Human Resource in South Sumatera†showed that in 2005-2010 periods economic (GNP) structure in Indonesia has been changed from S-I-A (Services-Industry- Agriculture) pattern to I-S-A pattern. Meanwhile, during the same period employment structure was remain stable, namely A-S-I pattern. The unbalanced changes between economic and employment structures were predicted to be the factors causing labor  productivity and society welfare in agricultural sector were declining. There was a quality improvement in human resource. However, the problem is government capability to create employment was not sufficient to provide job opportunity for improved human resource. Keywords: Changes, Structure, Economic, Employment, and Human Resource.

    Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pendapatan pekerja wanita sebagai Ibu rumah tangga

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    The purpose of this research is to analyze the factors affecting female workers as housewives in Palembang. The independent variables in this research are the level of education, work hours, marriage status, work experience, financial dependency and age. This research was conducted in Palembang, South Sumatra Province. This research used primary data with samples of 97 respondents. The method used in this analysis was the Ordinary Least Squared (OLS) by using E-views 9.0. The result showed that the level of education and work hours had significant and positive effect on the income of female workers from poor households. For the age variable had significant and negative effect on the income of female workers from poor households. Meanwhile, the marriage status variables had no difference income between married and single female workers. For work experience had no significant and negative effect on the income of female workers from poor households, and for financial dependency had positive effect but no significant on the income of female workers from the poor households in Palembang