1,503 research outputs found

    Effect of Fatty Acids on Production and Immunological Status of Vaccinated Broiler Chickens

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    This study was conducted on 400 one day-old male broiler chicks (Ross-308) randomly divided to 2 main groups, 1st main group (GA) feeding basal diet with medium chain fatty acid (MCFA) at rate of 0.15% and divided to four subgroups, 3 subgroups vaccinated with different routes with Newcastle Disease (ND) and non-vaccinated group. The 2nd main group (GB) feeding basal diet without MCFA and divided as the same 1st main gruop. The parameters used in this study included: body weight (BW), phagocytic index (PI), stress index (SI) and weight of spleen and bursa of Fabricious. The aim of this study to evaluate the effect of (MCFA) on these parameters. The experiment lasted for 42 days. Results indicated that additional dietary fatty acid (FA) significantly increased average body weight during the different weeks of the experiment over the basal diet group of birds. Data of PI revealed that birds fed FA supplemented diet had lower values of PI than the basal diet on 2W and the reverse was true on 4W of the experiment. The non-vaccinated birds, on the other hand, showed lowest PI values on 2W and 4W of age. As for, SI a pronounced difference was found due to the two types of diet, and the vaccination methods, as well

    Thunderstorm Algorithm for Determining Unit Commitment in Power System Operation

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    Solving the unit commitment problem is an important task in power system operation for deciding a balanced power production between various types of generating units under technical constraints and environmental limitations. This paper presents a new intelligent computation method, called the Thunderstorm Algorithm (TA), for searching the optimal solution of the integrated economic and emission dispatch (IEED) problem as the operational assessment for determining unit commitment. A simulation using the IEEE-62 bus system showed that TA has smooth convergence and is applicable for solving the IEED problem. The IEED's solution is associated with the total fuel consumption and pollutant emission. The proposed TA method seems to be a viable new approach for finding the optimal solution of the IEED problem

    Studi Empiris Hubungan Metrik Kohesi dengan Kecendrungan Kesalahan pada Aplikasi Berorientasi Objek

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    Salah satu faktor penting dari suatu perangkat lunak adalah kualitas. Kualitas perangkat lunak yang baik ditunjukkan dengan minimalnya kesalahan-kesalahan yang ditemukan pada saat implementasi. Kesalahan yang ditemukan di awal pengembangan dapat mengurangi biaya, USAha dan waktu untuk perbaikan. Pada penelitian ini, akan diuji pengaruh antara salah satu metrik kualitas internal yaitu kohesi dan kecenderungan kesalahan pada perangkat lunak berorientasi objek. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian berupa perangkat lunak berkode bebas yang dikembangkan dengan bahasa pemrograman Java. Pengukuran metrik kohesi dilakukan pada tahap desain dan implementasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya korelasi positif antara metrik kualitas kohesi terutama pada kode sumber dengan kecenderungan kesalahan perangkat lunak berorientasi obje


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    Significant immunological restoration of 45-day old, neonatally thymectomized C3Hf mice was obtained by the cooperation of syngeneic newborn or embryonic hemopoietic liver cells with thymic function. Thymic function or cells alone are almost ineffective or restore approximately 10% of the animals. Newborn liver cells are effective in association with thymus grafts or humoral thymic function (thymoma grafts and thymus or thymomas in diffusion chambers). Embryonic liver cells are ineffective, even in large numbers, when associated with humoral thymic function. On the other hand, embryonic liver cells are effective in the cooperative effect only in association with viable thymus grafts, preferably syngeneic, whether the grafts were placed subcutaneously, intraperitoneally, or under the kidney capsule. Dispersed viable thymic cells are ineffective in association with embryonic liver cells. Cells capable of cooperating with humoral thymic function start to appear to embryonic liver by day 19–21 of gestation and are detectable until day 5–6 postbirth. Embryonic hemopoietic liver cells from 12 to 18 days of gestation contain cells capable of cooperation only with viable free thymus grafts and not with humoral thymic function. A prethymic cell population of partially differentiated cells of hemopoietic origin, insensitive to humoral activity of the thymus but requiring thymic stroma and traffic through the thymus is postulated to explain our results. This population of prethymic cells can become postthymic through this process and eventually develop into competent cells. Postthymic cells are characterized by their sensitivity to humoral activity of the thymus and by their wide distribution in the lymphohemopoietic tissues of newborn and young adult mice

    Sustainability Initiatives for Management Education: A Roadmap for Institutional Integration

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    What are the best ways to integrate sustainability concepts into higher education institutions and management education? Sustainability, global responsibility, and social innovations are increasingly accepted worldwide as part of a common agenda and international priority. Yet, higher education institutions and management programs are slow to institute these standards and value-based perspectives to help students change the world for our common and better future. This study reviews key international initiatives, resources, frameworks, and paradigms that can help speed up integration of sustainability in higher education institutions. It also provides suggestions to better integrate Ignatian pedagogy and Buddhist perspectives into management education. Based on these analyses, the authors present practical recommendations to integrate sustainability more effectively into management education and to help develop conscious sustainability leaders for the 21st century


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    The immune functions of neonatally thymectomized C3Hf mice exposed only temporarily to thymus function show a progressive decay with time in the absence of the thymus. The immune responses studied at different ages in the range of 100–600 days were: first-set rejection of H-2-compatible and incompatible skin allografts, second-set rejection of skin allografts, capacity of spleen cells to produce graft-versus-host reactions in F1 hybrids, resistance to infection with mouse hepatitis virus, and response of spleen cells to phytohemagglutinin in vitro. These long-term studies had the purpose of determining the duration of the restoration induced by thymus function when the mice were exposed only temporarily to it. Different models were used but the two basic ones were: (a) mice grafted intraperitoneally at 15 days of age with a syngeneic thymus that was removed surgically at 10, 20, or 30 days after grafting, and (b) mice grafted at 15 days of age with allogeneic strain A thymoma or C57BL thymus, these representing situations in which there is spontaneous rejection of the restoring graft. In all the experimental models used, the animals were restored when tested at 100 days of age, but progressively became immunologically incapacitated at 200–300 days of age. From the more controlled experiments in which the restoring thymus graft was removed surgically, the following conclusions can be drawn. (a) A short exposure to a thymus graft can produce restoration of immune functions in neonatally thymectomized mice, but this restoration is not self-sustaining in the absence of the thymus and declines progressively with age. The decline usually starts at 200–300 days of age. (b) This was especially clear in experiments in which the same animal was tested twice in its lifetime for capacity to produce graft-versus-host reactions; these animals were competent at 100 days and became incompetent at 400 days of age. (c) The shortest period of thymic exposure studied was 10 days; if vascularization of the graft is taken into account, 2–3 days of thymic function are sufficient to produce restoration. (d) The immune decay observed in the thymectomized animals exposed temporarily to thymus was more profound than the physiological decay of immunity observed in control animals of similar age. (e) Of all the tests studied, the response of spleen cells to phytohemagglutinin was to be preserved the longest in animals exposed only temporarily to thymic function. The present results were interpreted in accordance with our previous findings indicating that a population of postthymic cells can be developed by temporary exposure of neonatally thymectomized animals to thymic function, but that this population is not self-sustaining in the absence of thymus and progressively decays by physiological attrition


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    Immunological restoration of 45-day old, neonatally thymectomized C3Hf mice by treatment with humoral thymic function (thymoma grafts, thymus or thymoma in diffusion chambers) ranges from 0 to 12% and is difficult to acheive. When small numbers (5–20 x 106) of young adult lymphohemopoietic cells, ineffective by themselves, are given in association with humoral thymic function, a cooperative effect is observed and restoration ranges from 30 to 60%. With a particular cell dosage (20 x 106), effectivity for cooperation with thymic function was the following in decreasing order: spleen, lymph nodes, thoracic duct cells, bone marrow, blood leukocytes, thymus, and Peyer's patch cells. Comparable results were obtained using spleen, thymus, and hemopoietic liver from newborn donors in association with thymic function. For similar cell dosages, newborn thymus cells were more effective than adult thymus in their cooperative effect with thymic function. Dispersed thymus cells in association with young adult bone marrow or newborn hemopoietic liver cells showed no synergism for the cooperative effect with thymic function in the present model. Using hemiallogeneic cells (F1 hybrid into parent) it was possible to show that restoration was mediated by proliferative expansion of the injected cells. This was indicated by specific tolerance to tissues of the other parental strain and by cellular chimerism, especially of lymphoid tissues, as indicated by chromosome markers and absence of significant numbers of immunocompetent cells of host origin. A population of paritally differentiated cells of hemopoietic origin, termed postthymic, sensitive to humoral activity of the thymus and present in the lymphohemopoietic tissues of adult and newborn mice is postulated to explain our results. These cells are postthymic and thymus dependent in the sense that they already received thymic influence, probably through traffic, and are incapable of self-renewal in absence of the thymus. Sensitivity to humoral activity of the thymus is characterized by proliferative expansion and/or a differentiative process eventually leading to larger numbers of competent cells
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