269 research outputs found

    Improved Model of the Selection with Soft- and Hard-Combining Decoding Strategies for Multi-User Multi-Relay Cooperative Networks

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    In a wireless cooperative network, system reliability can be improved by introducing network coding (NC) for transmitting data packets from user to destination through relay nodes. At the destination, a decoding strategy is required to recover the original data packets. The use of NC in cooperative networks has been intensively studied in previous works in terms of the conventional model for two users and a single relay in a network. However, the network model cannot act as a virtual multiple-input multiple-output system, and a multi-user multi-relay network model could be used in a real system. Therefore, this paper proposes an improved model of two network decoding strategies, selection with soft combining (SSC) and selection with hard combining (SHC), for multi-user multi-relay cooperative networks. Users are classified based on their channel conditions, with better signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio sources being viewed as strong users, and others as weak or moderate users in the decoding strategies. To evaluate the performance of the proposed model, we first derive the bit error probability expressions for each strategy as a function of SNR and then evaluate the performance using numerical simulation for a Rayleigh fading channel. Simulation results show that SSC outperforms SHC. Furthermore, the improvement in network performance is achieved either by having a higher modulation level or using incremental relaying as the signal reception method at the destination


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengembangkan Lembar Kerja Praktikum (LKP) kenaikan titik didih larutan elektrolit berbasis inkuiri terbimbing pada konteks perebusan telur puyuh. Pada penelitian ini pengujian LKP dilihat dari keterlaksanaan tahapan inkuiri, penilaian oleh ahli (guru dan dosen), serta penjaringan respon siswa. Langkah-langkah yang ditempuh pada penelitian ini yaitu melalui studi pendahuluan dan pengembangan model (uji coba terbatas). Sumber data yang digunakan adalah buku kimia, siswa SMA kelas XII di salah satu SMA di Kota/Kabupaten Bandung, serta guru kimia SMA di Kota/Kabupaten Bandung dan dosen perguruan tinggi. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini terdiri dari lembar analisis karakteristik LKP, pedoman wawancara, rancangan optimasi pemilihan alat dan bahan, lembar observasi keterlaksanaan, pedoman penilaian jawaban siswa, angket respon siswa, dan lembar penilaian oleh ahli (guru dan dosen). Hasil yang diperoleh pada tahap studi pendahuluan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik LKP yang digunakan di sepuluh SMA di Kota/Kabupaten Bandung belum berbasis inkuiri. Berdasarkan hasil optimasi yang dilakukan diperoleh volume optimum air yang digunakan untuk praktikum kenaikan titik didih larutan elektrolit adalah 50 mL, jumlah optimum garam dapur (NaCl) yang ditambahkan adalah 0,3 gram; 0,6 gram; 0,9 gram, dan waktu optimum yang dibutuhkan selama 3 menit. Hasil dari uji coba terbatas yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa keterlaksanaan tahapan inkuiri dalam LKP sangat baik (98,38%) dan perolehan jawaban siswa dalam LKP baik (78,49%). Hasil penjaringan respon siswa terhadap LKP sangat baik (84,04%). Adapun hasil penilaian oleh ahli (guru dan dosen) terhadap kesesuaian LKP dengan konsep dan tata bahasa sangat baik (89,69%) dan (88,86%). Kata Kunci :   The purpose of this research is to develop worksheet practicum (LKP) boiling point elevation of the electrolyte solution properties based on guided inquiry in the context of quail eggs boiling. In this research, the testing of LKP is seen from the stages of inquiry, experts’ assessment (teachers and lecturers), as well as student responses. Steps that are taken in this research are through the preliminary study and the development model (limited trial test). The data that are used are chemistry book, students class XII in one of senior high school in Bandung, as well as chemistry teacher of senior high school in Bandung and college lecturer. The instrument that is used in this study consisted of a sheet of LKP characteristics analysis, interview guidelines, tool selection and design optimization of materials, observation sheet, assessment guidelines of students' answers, student questionnaire responses, and sheets assessment by experts (teachers and lecturers). The results which are obtained from the preliminary study of this research indicate that the characteristics of the LKP used in ten high schools in the City / Regency in Bandung is not based on inquiry. Based on the optimization results, the number of optimum volume of water used for testing boiling point elevation of electrolyte solution is 50 mL, the optimum amount of salt (NaCl) which is added was 0.3 grams; 0.6 grams; 0.9 grams, and the optimum time is 3 minutes. Results of the limited trial test showed that the stages of inquiry in LKP is very good (98.38%) and the acquisition of student answers in LKP is also good (78.49%). The result of students' response to LKP is very good (84.04%). Moreover, the results of the assessment by experts (teachers and lecturers) to the suitability of LKP with the concept and the grammar is very good (89.69%) and (88.86%). Keywords: Worksheet Practicum (LKP), Guided Inquiry, Boiling Point Elevation of The Electrolyte Solution


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     Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Gambaran kompetensi  Bidan Ahli Pada Pelatihan Jabatan Fungsional bidan Ahli di BBPK Ciloto.  penelitian yang dilakukan secara observasional deskriptif. Populasi dari penelitian ini peserta pelatihan jabatan fungsional  bidan ahli Angkatan 2. Populasinya adalah peserta pelatihan jabatan fungsional bidan ahli  angkatan  2 sebanyak 30 orang. Seluruh peserta dijadikan sampel atau total sampling.  Cara pengumpulan data menggunakan  data primer, yaitu dengan  menyebarkan kuesioner. Pengukuran data menggunakan skala likert, yang dikatagorikan menjadi scala ordinal untuk kepentingan analisis,  analis  statistik dilakukan  secara univariat. Teknik pengolahan data dan Analisa data menggunakan SPSS 24. Hasil yang didapatkan yakni kompetensi  Bidan Pada Pelatihan Jabatan Fungsional bidan Ahli di BBPK Ciloto termasuk dalam katagori cukup dari segi pengetahuan dan  baik dari segi keterampilan dan sikap, artinya bidan memerlukan peningkatan kompetensi kearah baik atau sangat baik, dengan cara meningkatkan pengetahuan bidan melalui pelatihan teknis lainnya dan menunggu proses bidan tersebut mengadopsi dan mengadaptasi hasil pelatihan jabatan fungsional bidan ahli tersebut


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    Latar Belakang diadakannya kegiatan orientasi MTBS karena angka kematian bayi dan anak masih tinggi di Kabupaten Bogor. sebesar 71 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup, sedangkan kematian bayi sebanyak 216 per 1000 kelahiran. Faktor Penyebab AKI dan AKB tersebut adalah usia ibu yang masih muda saat mengandung, adanya keracunan kehamilan atau toxaemia gravidarum dan  hipertensi. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk mengetahui gambaran kegiatan orientasi di Kabupaten Bogor. Tujuan khusus untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat. Pembelajaran dilakukan secara blended learning, yaitu virtual dan klasikal. Fasilitator pusat mengajar secara virtual dan fasilitator local (lapangan) mengajar secara klasikal. Teori diberikan oleh fasilitator pusat, sedangkan praktek Latihan studi kasus MTBS dan MTBM oleh fasilitator local. peserta dapat mengklasifikasikan penyakit pada balita dan mengklasifikan bayi muda sehat  dan sakit. Peserta latih sebanyak 15 orang dari 5 Puskesmas. Peserta dengan kriteria dokter, bidan dan perawat. Konsepnya dokter sebagai leader di Puskesmas, melakukan supervisi kegiatan yang dilakukan bidan dan perawat. Tugas mengklasifikan balita sakit dan bayi muda didelegasikan kepada bidan dan perawat. Bidan dan perawat mengkonsultasikan dan merujuk kepada peserta dengan profesi dokter. orientasi MTBS ini akan di implementasikan di Puskesmas masing-masing dengan format yang sudah dipelajari, sehingga mampu menekan angka kematian bayi muda dan balita di Kabupaten Bogor


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    The juvenile delinquency rate in Panembong girang has long been very high. The environment is not good. For parents who have teenagers, they will be very worried if their teenagers are released to hang out with teenagers in such an environment. Many behaviors that lead to juvenile delinquency. The teenager's acquaintance with the Panembong Girang teenager has led to a legal case, which has ended at the court. These include being involved in drug abuse, beating other people until they are seriously injured and sentenced to prison, drinking alcohol, promiscuity, stealing, and others. The impact of juvenile delinquency The juvenile mortality rate in Panembong Girang is very high, compared to the death rate of adults and parents. The cause of the high mortality rate of adolescents in Panembong girang indirectly is the lack of control of adolescents in managing themselves. Often gather, in groups with peers, who incidentally have bad behavior. So that teenagers do what they should not do. Having an uncontrollable personality, causing the teenager to fall into drinking liquor or alcohol. One of the causes of death in adolescents worldwide due to accidents. in Panembong Girang the number of causes of death for adolescents is directly due to alcohol and accidents. The purpose of the study was to determine the cause of death of adolescents and to determine the lifestyle of panembong happy adolescents. The research method is a qualitative descriptive research design. The informants were taken by 3 neighbors next door to the meatball seller's house, teenagers and members of the Youth Organization. Results and Discussion: the cause of the death rate of adolescents due to alcohol died immediately and when drunk driving a motor vehicle an accident. Conclusion: the factors of the high mortality rate of adolescents in Panembong Girang are due to alcohol and accidents after drinking alcoho


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    Background: Maternal Mortality Rate and Infant Mortality Rate in Indonesia are still high. According to Supas (2015) that the MMR is 305, it means that there are 305 maternal deaths caused by pregnancy, childbirth until 42 days after giving birth. 1. The main causes of maternal death due to hemorrhage, pre-eclampsia and comorbidities. Based on the results of the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS), infant mortality in 2017 was 24/1,000 KH.3 The causes of infant mortality: LBW, Asphyxia and Congenital Disorders. LBW and prematurity are still the main causes of infant mortality (38.8/1000 KH). Research Objectives: To determine the factors associated with the incidence of AKI and IMR in Indonesia. The research method used is by using secondary data, namely literature study (library study) by collecting all references or reading materials such as printed books, rule books, Google Scholar and Mendeley looking for journals with the same title or related ones. Discussion: factors related to maternal mortality and infant mortality are complications of childbirth, history of anemia, low birth weight, asphyxia, congenital abnormalities, and premature birth, ANC examination, maternal employment status, health costs, maternal age, maternal knowledge , Mother's education, Parity, pregnancy distance, maternal weight, maternal upper arm circumference, history of maternal chronic disease, bleeding, hypertension, birth attendant, family participating in family planning, delivery assistance from non-health facilities, infant not receiving complete basic immunization, utilization (ASI) exclusive, monitoring the growth of toddlers. Conclusion: there are factors related to maternal mortality and infant mortality in Indonesia either directly or indirectl

    Quantum Teaching dengan Kerangka Tandur untuk Meremediasi Kesulitan Belajar Siswa Man 1 Kubu Raya

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of quantum teaching\u27s model TANDUR method in remediating learning difficulties by grade X science students at MAN 1 Kubu Raya on heat transfer. The research method used was Pre-Experimental with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design that involved 33 students as sample selected by intact group. The results shows students\u27 difficulties of understanding concept was decreased by 35,60% and in mathematical calculations was decreased by 55,49% after remediation. Quantum teaching\u27s model TANDUR method is effective to remediate the students\u27 learning difficulties on heat transfer with the average price of the proportion the number of errors students in understanding the concept of 0,42 (moderate) and in mathematical calculations proportion of 0,56 (moderate). This research is expected to be used as an alternative in remediation activity for the students in order to solve students\u27 learning difficulties

    Formulasi dan Karakterisasi Nanopartikel Kafein Hasil Isolasi dari Biji Kopi Robusta

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    Kopi robusta merupakan jenis kopi yang paling banyak dikembangkan oleh petani di Indonesia. Kopi kaya akan zat bioaktif yang memberikan manfaat bagi kesehatan, salah satunya adalah kafein. Namun, konsumsi kafein dalam jumlah berlebihan juga dapat menimbulkan efek samping. Salah satu upaya untuk meminimalkan efek samping dan menghasilkan sediaan sustained release adalah dengan membuat formulasi kafein dalam bentuk sediaan nanopartikel. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan ekstraksi, isolasi dan identifikasi kafein dari biji kopi robusta. Dari 200 gram biji kopi robusta diperoleh kristal kafein sebanyak 0,83 gram. Hasil identifikasi secara mikroskopis diperoleh morfologi kristal kafein seperti jarum-jarum panjang dan karakteristik kristal kafein mirip dengan kafein standar. Preparasi nanopartikel kafein dilakukan menggunakan metode single emulsion-solvent evaporation dengan pembawa PLGA (Poly-(Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid)) dan PVA (Poly(Vinyl Alcohol)) sebagai stabilizer. Karakterisasi preparat nanopartikel menggunakan PSA (Particle Size Analyzer) memberikan hasil diameter ukuran partikel 183,9 nm, nilai PDI (Polydispersity Index) 0,113 dan zeta potensial -13,5 mV. Penentuan morfologi menggunakan Transmission Electron Microscopy diperoleh partikel yang berbentuk bulat (spheris). &nbsp
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