43 research outputs found
This research is about an evaluation of land recourses for agriculture conducted in Purwodadi District, Regency of Purworejo. It aims to : (1) evaluate the subclasses of land suitability for agriculture, (2) evaluate the limitation factors for classes of land suitability, and determine the dominant factors that limit land suitabilityand (3) determine the types of seasonal crops that are suitable as post-harvest rotational crops in the research area.
The research method adopted comprises a survey by using area sampling technique, field observations, and analysis based on CSR/FAO Staff (1983) and the Center for Soil Research of Bogor 1993 and 1997. Data analysis which used was the harvest limitation factor and the results were analysed using spatial analysis.
Results of the research indicate the following: (1) all the classes of land suitability for agriculture in the research area is marginally suitable (S-3)(2) the percentage of the class of land suitability with marginally suitable (S3) order is greater than that of very suitable (S1) and fairly suitable (S2) orders for rice, maize peanut, and soybean on the land units in the research area(3) the most dominant limitation factor for land suitability is fertility (n)and soybean is the most suitable for intercrops after rice harvest.
Key words: Land Resource, Agriculture, Multiple Croppin
Distribusi Spasial Tingkat Kehilangan Tanah Di Daerah Aliran Sungai Petir
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui persebaran tingkat kehilangantanah dari kenampakan erosi melalui pengukuran di Daerah Aliran Sungai Petir.Metode yang digunakan merupakan metode pengukuran dalam Stocking &Murnaghan (2000). Metode pengambilan sampel dibagi 2, yaitu sampel tanahuntuk memperoleh berat volume tanah dengan kerangka pengambilan sampelberupa peta satuan tanah. Berikutnya adalah pengambilan sampel ukuranmikrotopografi erosi dengan kerangka sampling berupa peta satuan lahan hasilanalisis peta tanah, peta penutup lahan, dan peta lereng. Berat volume dan datamikrotopografi erosi digunakan untuk analisis kehilangan tanahnya yangkemudian diklasifikasikan tingkatannya berdasarkan nilai terendah hinggatertinggi untuk masing-masing erosi. Hasil klasifikasi kemudian di petakanmenuurut satuan lahan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa DAS Petir didominasi kehilangantanah tingkat sedang, yaitu sebesar 32,45%
Geomorphological Analysis For Assessment Of Coastal Recreation Sites In The Coastal Area Of Trisik, Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta Province
The sand dunes and beach ridges area along the south coast of Yogyakarta Special Region are partly potential for a recreation site. The development of the Trisik Coast in Kulon Progo as a recreational area, is feasible for its natural landscape condition and its location, close to the outlet of Progo River. For this purpose, a basic survey should be carried out, in which case, a geomorphological survey may be a part of the survey that contributes to the study of landforms and their processes. Relevant geomorphological aspects, such as morphodynamics of the tidal zone, wind-erosion and flood hazard in the assessment of physical potential of the Trisik coast for recreation have been analysed. Aerial-and ortho-photo interpretation proved to be a useful tool in delineating landforms.
Kata Kunci.: geomorphology - coastal area - landform
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui persebaran tingkat kehilangantanah dari kenampakan erosi melalui pengukuran di Daerah Aliran Sungai Petir.Metode yang digunakan merupakan metode pengukuran dalam Stocking &Murnaghan (2000). Metode pengambilan sampel dibagi 2, yaitu sampel tanahuntuk memperoleh berat volume tanah dengan kerangka pengambilan sampelberupa peta satuan tanah. Berikutnya adalah pengambilan sampel ukuranmikrotopografi erosi dengan kerangka sampling berupa peta satuan lahan hasilanalisis peta tanah, peta penutup lahan, dan peta lereng. Berat volume dan datamikrotopografi erosi digunakan untuk analisis kehilangan tanahnya yangkemudian diklasifikasikan tingkatannya berdasarkan nilai terendah hinggatertinggi untuk masing-masing erosi. Hasil klasifikasi kemudian di petakanmenuurut satuan lahan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa DAS Petir didominasi kehilangantanah tingkat sedang, yaitu sebesar 32,45%.Kata Kunci : Kehilangan tanah, erosi, mikrotopografi erosi
Deforestasi di kawasan taman hutan raya (Tahura) murhum Sulawesi Tenggara=Deforestation at murhum preservation forest South East Sulawesi Province
Murhum Preservation Forest (Tahura) is one of the preservation areas in South East Sulawesi Province that have been highly deforested because the place is near housing settlement. This study aims to find out the deforestation level in Tahura Murhum area including the factors that influence public knowledge about deforestation.
The survey method was used for this study. Randomized sampling technique and questionnaire were used for data collection by involving 200 respondents, namely people in Tahura Murhum area. Besides, data are collected from interview with staffs of the Forestry Institution of the South East Sulawesi Province and the related institutions as such as observation and documentation at the study area. Data analysis was done by frequency table and cross table. The analysis was done to identify the relation between people\u27s knowledge on deforestation and the
factors that influence it.
The results indicated that deforestation in Tahura Murhum since 2002 - 2005 is relatively high, that is 124,36 hectare/year. While public knowlegde about deforestation is low or just 74% of the respondents. This case is caused by low level in education39% people have gone to school but not graduated from elementary school and 48% people graduated from elementary school, causing them not to consider deforestation in Tahura Murhum and to get low level of revenue, only Rp 200,000-300,000per month (75%) for some respondent. As a result, they lack of information about deforestation and its prohibition from printed or electronic mediaand have low level of purchasing power. In addition, the socialization effort from the government just given little effect to the people about the function of Tahura Murhum, causing a low level of knowledge about deforestation in Tahura Murhum area87% of the respondents state that the socialization never reaches them regularly.
Keywords : Murhum preservation forest, deforestation Level and public knowledge about deforestatio
Analisis Vegetasi Hutan Rawa Gambut Pascakebakaran di Wilayah Desa Sebangau dan Desa Taruna Jaya
ABSTRAK Kebakaran merupakan salah satu penyebab kerusakan hutan tropis di Indonesia. Kerusakan yang berlangsung selama kebakaran hutan bersifat eksplosif artinya terjadi dalam waktu relatif cepat dan areal yang luas. Salah satu tipe dari ekosistem hutan hujan tropis adalah hutan rawa gambut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) mengkaji komposisi jenis, (2) mengkaji keanekaragaman jenis, (3) mengkaji distribusi jenis, (4) mengkaji asosiasi jenis (5) mengkaji persentase ketidaksamaan komunitas vegetasi di hutan rawa gambut bekas kebakaran tahun 1997, 2002, dan 2006.Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei sampai Juni 2009 di wilayah Desa Kalampangan Kecamatan Sebangau dan Desa Taruna Jaya Kecamatan Jabiren Raya Kalimantan Tengah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan membuat petak ukur dan kemudian melakukan identifikasi jenis. Titik-titik sampel ditentukan dengan metode random sampling dengan cara undian. Semua jenis dalam petak ukur dicatat nama, diukur diameter batang serta jumlahnya dan dikelompokkan sesuai tingkat pertumbuhannya. Hasil penelitian adalah 1) Ditemukan 8 jenis vegetasi antara lain Cratoxylon arborescens, Combretocarpus rotundatus, Timmonius wallichianum, Acroychia porteri, Acacia auriculiformis, Xylopia fusca, Ilex macropylla, dan Diospyros hermaproditich. 2) Keanekaragaman pada hutan rawa gambut bekas kebakaran sangat rendah. 3) Jenis Cratoxylon arborescens dan Combretocarpus rotundatus mempunyai kemampuan regenerasi yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan jenis yang lainnya. Hal ini terlihat dari INP kedua jenis vegetasi yang memiliki nilai INP tertinggi. 4) Asosiasi yang diperlihatkan oleh banyak jenis (tingkat pertumbuhan pohon, tiang, pancang, semai) pada hutan rawa gambut bekas kebakaran adalah asosiasi positif yang artinya seluruh spesies lebih sering terdapat bersama-sama daripada sendiri-sendiri (bebas satu sama lain), dan mempunyai daya gabung dengan yang lainnya. 5) Berdasarkan persentase ketidaksamaan komunitas sebesar 55%, untuk tingkat semai dan pancang terbagi ke dalam tiga kelompok. Pengelompokan dapat terjadi karena lokasi yang berdekatan, frekuensi kebakaran, dan kesamaan faktor lingkungan. ABSTRACT Fire are one of the cause of tropical forest damaged in Indonesia. The damaged that occurs during the forest fire is explosive since it is happen in a quick moment and cover a broad area. One of the types of a tropical rain forest ecosystem is peat swamp forest. The purpose of this research namely : 1) Studying species composition, 2) Studying species diversity, 3) Studying species distribution,,4) Studying association, dan 5) Studying percentage disimilarity community species of vegetation of post fired in peat swamp forest in 1997, 2002, and 2006. The research was carried out from May until June 2009 in Kalampangan Village Subdistrict Sebangau and Taruna Jaya Village Subdistrict Jabiren Raya Central Kalimantan. Collecting data was done by making plot of land measuring then doing the identification of type. The sample points were determined by random sampling method. All types in plot of land measuring were named, measured the trunks including the numbers and then grouped according to level of growing.The result of this research are 1) There are eight types of vegetation found; Cratoxylon arborescens, Combretocarpus rotundatus, Timmonius wallichianum, Acroychia porteri, Acacia auriculiformis, Xylopia fusca, Ilex macropylla, dan Diospyros hermaproditich, 2) The diversity of a post-fired in peat swamp forest was low, 3) Figured out the ability of Cratoxylon arborescens and Combretocarpus rotundatus to regenerate better yet compared with the other types. This is viewed from two types of vegetation INP that had the high INP score. 4) The association is viewed by variety of types [level of tree growth, poles, sapling, seedling] to post fired of peat swamp forest–positively association means all species more often gathered than apart (free one each other), and had the ablitity to gathered with others.5) Base on fifty five percentage disimilarity community, there are three group community of sapling and seedling. Grouping to be able occur because nearness location, fire frequency, and the same environment factor
An alternative raw water resource used to fulfill freshwater need in Pontianak Municipality is the organic colored water (locally known as peat water). The main problem using peat water is its low-pH, brownish in color, high organic content, high iron (Fe) content, and turbidity. One of the efforts to decrease these drawbacks is to treat the peat water using coagulants (natural coagulant and supplement coagulant, i.e. kelor seeds, clay and lime). The treatment is based on coagulation-flocculation process.
The aims of peat water treatment using the coagulant, are(1) to determine precisely coagulant concentrations for, changing the peat water into freshwater, (2) to identify the use of coagulant kelor seeds, clay, and lime in peat water treatment.
Peat water treatment used coagulant concentrations of kelor seeds, clay, and lime, as follows 5 g/L, 7,5 g/L, and 10 g/L kelor seeds1 g/L and 3 g/L day1 g/L, 3 g/L, and 5 g/L lime. The samples were taken from three canals, they were primary canal, secondary canal, and tertiary canal. Parameters studied in this research were pH, color, turbidity, organic content, and iron (Fe) content. In order to know the result of the treatment, comparison was made between the raw water (as a control) and the treated one based on Clean Water Quality Standard Category B.
It was found that the pH, color, turbidity, organic, and iron (Fe) contents decreased with coagulant concentration : 7,5 g/L kelor seeds, 1 g/L clay, and 3 g/L lime and 7,5 g/L kelor seeds, 1 g/L clay, and 5 g/L lime. Moreover, the decrease in color was 94,5%-95,1%, turbidity 81,4%-92,5%, and iron content 84-93,5%. It was also found that the decrease of organic content was not significant, because it was lower than Clean Water Quality Standard Category B requirement.
Key words : Peat water, coagulation-flocculation, coagulant and Clean Water Quality Standard Category B
Sifat-Sifat Fisik Tanah Pada Tanah Timbunan Lahan Bekas Penambangan Batubara: Kasus PT. Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk., Tanjung Enim, Sumatra Selatan
Coal mining activities must be followed by reclamation effort. If it was not done, environmental degradation such as soil quality changes would occur, not only physically but also chemically. Reclamation should be conducted by re vegetation on the post coal mining land. This research aims to study the physical soil properties on the spoil dump of post coal mining.
Method adopted in research is survey method supported with laboratory analysis. Sampling was done with Purposive Sampling based on age of land. Soil sample was taken as many as 26 samples which were taken in undisturbed condition using mold with 40 cm length. Physical soil properties which were analyzed is soil texture, moisture content, bulk density, porosity and water permeability.
The result of this research showed that soil texture is generally clay. Moisture content has value of about 15,17-39,56%. Bulk density of the West of Pit 3 and the North of Pit 1 (bench 4) have good class (1,20-1.29g/cm3), whereas the East of Pit 3 and the North of Pit 1 (bench 1) have bad class (1,46-1,72g/ cm3). Porosity in the East of Pit 3 is very low class (34,41-48%),I.vhereas the West
of Pit 3 and the North of Pit 1 (bench 4) is moderate (50,14-53%). Permeability is of high class (0,0036-0,0079cm/s). The higher the
age of the pile of soil, the better the bulk density, porosity, and permeability, whereas the moisture content is not a problem because the mean rainfall in the research area is high, namely 3.040 mm.
Keyword :
soil dumping, post coal mining, soil qualihy, physical soil propert
The Rapid Method of Soil Identification Based on Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (Case Study of Moramo Watershed)
The field-tested samples are done by stratified random sampling. Soil classification was obtained through observation of field profile morphology and soil analysis in the laboratory followed by supporting data such as temperature and rainfall. The Moramo River Basin (DAS) was used as the location of the case study in this experiment by observing 13 soil profiles. Soil properties and characteristics were observed for soil texture, clay mineral, soil pH (H2O and KCl), soil cation, saturation bases, and C-organic. The soil naming was done to subgroup category based on Soil Taxonomy System in 2010 and paired with the land classification system of Soil Research Center in 1983, and WRB-FAO in 2006. The result showed that the accuracy of landform interpretation 89.6%, rocks 92.19%, accuracy of land use interpretation 90.63%, and accuracy of soil mapping 90.00%, so that the image ALOS AVNIR-2 can be utilized well to obtain parameter of the land unit for land mapping. The result of image data processing through RGB 341 composite image showed a high unidirectional frequency filter, histogram equalization, and analyzed with Geographic Information System, 15 units of landform, five-rock units. nine land-use units and 11 sub-soil sub-groups were obtained. The results of the soil classification in the Moramo Watershed (DAS) region in the subgroup category obtained 11 subgroups of land consisting of Lithic Udorthents, Typic Udifluvents, Aeric Endoaquents, Typic Fluvaquents, Typic Dystrudepts, Typic Eutrudepts, Ruptic-Alfic Eutrudepts, Lithic Dystrudepts, Oxyaquic Eutrudepts, Fluvaquentic Epiaquepts, Typic Endoaquepts