98 research outputs found

    God as Phenomenon

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    This paper concerns itself with several approaches to a secular understanding of religious belief and deals briefly with the more or less explicit challenge they offer to the notion that there is in fact a God which communicates to man. This problem emerged for me as I encountered religious phenomenology and structuralism for the first time this year, and noted the obvious challenge they pose to traditional dogma. The answer I offer is one I really had not set out to achieve: a tentative acceptance of the results of these programs in the light of the system of Teilhard, the heuristic wealth of whose ideas I also began to appreciate this year

    Application of ERTS-1 data to the protection and management of New Jersey's coastal environment

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Photomaps, using MSS bands 5 and 7, have been prepared delineating the coastal zone as described in the Coastal Area Facility Review Act before the State Legislature. An upper wetlands boundary overlay has been prepared at 1:500,000 scale. The movement and dispersion of wastes in the New York Bight area are being plotted with each orbit. The possible impact of these wastes on the New Jersey shoreline is being quantified

    Application of ERTS-A data to the protection and management of New Jersey's coastal environment

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Apparent sewage sludge disposal by barge has been detected approximately 12 miles offshore in an area with an approximate radius of 2.5 nautical miles. Verification is underway to determine whether this dumping is within one of the approved dump sites in the Bight. Analysis of all available historical and routine meteorological data in correlation with the observed phenomenon is necessary before final conclusions can be reached with respect to the effects of currents on the disposal of dumped wastes. Four effluent plumes emanating from the shoreline just south of Sandy Hook were observed and are moving in a southerly direction. Another plume is evident north of Barnegat Inlet and is moving almost directly offshore. This suggests that the more northerly plumes are under the influence of the tidal regime around New York Harbor much more than are the plumes further south along the New Jersey coast. Of further interest are what appear to be an internal wave phenomena approximately 75 miles east of the New Jersey coast. This same sort of phenomena has been observed repetitively off the coast of Oregon

    Impact of ERTS-1 images on management of New Jersey's coastal zone

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    The thrust of New Jersey's ERTS investigation is development of procedures for operational use of ERTS-1 data by the Department of Environmental Protection in the management of the State's coastal zone. Four major areas of concern were investigated: detection of land use changes in the coastal zone; monitoring of offshore waste disposal; siting of ocean outfalls; and allocation of funds for shore protection. ERTS imagery was not useful for shore protection purposes; it was of limited practical value in the evaluation of offshore waste disposal and ocean outfall siting. However, ERTS imagery shows great promise for operational detection of land use changes in the coastal zone. Some constraints for practical change detection have been identified

    Application of ERTS-1 data to the protection and management of New Jersey's coastal environment

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    ERTS-1 imagery is being used by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) to develop information products that will assist the state in optimally managing its coastal resources and in allocating funds. Interviews with NJDEP personnel have identified significant problem areas in the coastal zone, and the types of remote sensor derived information products that can be used in real-time decision making. Initial analyses of imagery from several successive ERTS-1 orbits have shown the extent, predominant drift, and dispersion characteristics of waste disposal in coastal New Jersey waters. Imagery (MSS Bands 4 and 5) for several orbits, shows that New-York Harbor tidal discharge extending as far south as Long Branch, New Jersey

    Application of ERTS-1 data to the protection and management of New Jersey's coastal environment

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Rapid access to ERTS data was provided by NASA GSFC for the February 26, 1974 overpass of the New Jersey test site. Forty-seven hours following the overpass computer-compatible tapes were ready for processing at EarthSat. The finished product was ready just 60 hours following the overpass and delivered to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. This operational demonstration has been successful in convincing NJDEP as to the worth of ERTS as an operational monitoring and enforcement tool of significant value to the State. An erosion/ accretion severity index has been developed for the New Jersey shore case study area. Computerized analysis techniques have been used for monitoring offshore waste disposal dumping locations, drift vectors, and dispersion rates in the New York Bight area. A computer shade print of the area was used to identify intensity levels of acid waste. A Litton intensity slice print was made to provide graphic presentation of dispersion characteristics and the dump extent. Continued monitoring will lead to the recommendation and justification of permanent dumping sites which pose no threat to water quality in nearshore environments

    Application of ERTS-1 data to the protection and management of New Jersey's coastal environment

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    The author has identified the following significant results. A Coastal Zone Surveillance Program has been developed in which systematic comparisons of early ERTS-1 images and recently acquired images are regularly made to identify areas where changes have occurred. A methodology for assessing and documenting benefits has been established. Quantification of benefits has been directed toward four candidate areas: shore protection, ocean outfalls, coastal land resources, and offshore waste disposal. A refinement in the change detection analysis procedure has led to greater accuracy in spotting developmental changes in the Coastal Zone. Preliminary conclusions drawn from the Shore Erosion case study indicate that in the northern test area (developed beach) erosion has occurred more often, is generally more severe, and the beach is slower to recover than in the southern test area (natural beach). From these data it appears that it may be possible to define areas most likely to experience further erosion. The assumption of continued erosion in areas that have at one time experienced severe erosion is supported by the simple fact that as a beach narrows wave energy is concentrated on a narrower beach surface. The higher energy condition subsequently results in accelerated erosion
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