83 research outputs found

    A novel test of gravity via black hole eikonal correspondence

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    When adopted in black hole spacetimes, geometric-optics approximations imply a mapping between the quasinormal mode (QNM) spectrum of black holes in the eikonal limit and black hole images. In particular, the real part and the imaginary part of eikonal QNM frequencies are associated with the apparent size and the detailed structure of the ring images, respectively. This correspondence could be violated when going beyond general relativity. We propose a novel method to test the eikonal correspondence via the comparison of two sets of observables from a nonrotating black hole, one extracted from QNM spectra and the other from the lensed photon rings on the image plane. Specifically, the photon ring observables robustly capture the information of the black hole spacetime itself regardless of the surrounding emission models. Therefore, the proposed test of eikonal correspondence can be validated in quite broad scenarios.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures. Matching published versio

    Acute effects of kinesiology tape tension on soleus muscle h-reflex modulations during lying and standing postures

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    Copyright: © 2020 Chen et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Kinesiology tape (KT) has been widely used in the areas of sports and rehabilitation. However, there is no gold standard for the tape tension used during a KT application. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of KT application with different tension intensities on soleus muscle Hoffmann-reflex (H-reflex) modulation during lying and standing postures. Fifteen healthy university students were tested with 3 tape tension intensities during separate visits with a randomized sequence: tape-on no tension (0KT), moderate (about 50% of the maximal tape tension: (ModKT), and maximal tape tension (MaxKT). During each experimental visit, the H-reflex measurements on the soleus muscle were taken before, during, and after the KT application for both lying and standing postures. The H-wave and M-wave recruitment curves were generated using surface electromyography (EMG). There was a main effect for posture (p = 0.001) for the maximal peak-to-peak amplitude of the H-wave and M-wave (Hmax/Mmax) ratio, showing the depressed Hmax/Mmax ratio during standing, when compared to the lying posture. Even though the tension factor had a large effect (ηp2 = 0.165), different tape tensions showed no significant differential effects for the Hmax/Mmax ratio. The spinal motoneuron excitability was not altered, even during the maximal tension KT application on the soleus muscle. Thus, the tension used during a KT application should not be a concern in terms of modulating the sensorimotor activity ascribed to elastic taping during lying and standing postures

    Energy and nitrogenous waste from glutamate/glutamine catabolism facilitates acute osmotic adjustment in non-neuroectodermal branchial cells

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    Maintenance of homeostasis is one of the most important physiological responses for animals upon osmotic perturbations. Ionocytes of branchial epithelia are the major cell types responsible for active ion transport, which is mediated by energy-consuming ion pumps (e.g., Na+-K+-ATPase, NKA) and secondary active transporters. Consequently, in addition to osmolyte adjustments, sufficient and immediate energy replenishment is essenttableial for acclimation to osmotic changes. In this study, we propose that glutamate/glutamine catabolism and trans-epithelial transport of nitrogenous waste may aid euryhaline teleosts Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) during acclimation to osmotic changes. Glutamate family amino acid contents in gills were increased by hyperosmotic challenge along an acclimation period of 72 hours. This change in amino acids was accompanied by a stimulation of putative glutamate/glutamine transporters (Eaats, Sat) and synthesis enzymes (Gls, Glul) that participate in regulating glutamate/glutamine cycling in branchial epithelia during acclimation to hyperosmotic conditions. In situ hybridization of glutaminase and glutamine synthetase in combination with immunocytochemistry demonstrate a partial colocalization of olgls1a and olgls2 but not olglul with Na+/K+-ATPase-rich ionocytes. Also for the glutamate and glutamine transporters colocalization with ionocytes was found for oleaat1, oleaat3, and olslc38a4, but not oleaat2. Morpholino knock-down of Sat decreased Na+ flux from the larval epithelium, demonstrating the importance of glutamate/glutamine transport in osmotic regulation. In addition to its role as an energy substrate, glutamate deamination produces NH4+, which may contribute to osmolyte production; genes encoding components of the urea production cycle, including carbamoyl phosphate synthetase (CPS) and ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC), were upregulated under hyperosmotic challenges. Based on these findings the present work demonstrates that the glutamate/glutamine cycle and subsequent transepithelial transport of nitrogenous waste in branchial epithelia represents an essential component for the maintenance of ionic homeostasis under a hyperosmotic challenge

    Temperature Modulates the Effects of Ocean Acidification on Intestinal Ion Transport in Atlantic Cod, Gadus morhua

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    CO2-driven seawater acidification has been demonstrated to enhance intestinal bicarbonate secretion rates in teleosts, leading to an increased release of CaCO3 under simulated ocean acidification scenarios. In this study, we investigated if increasing CO2 levels stimulate the intestinal acid–base regulatory machinery of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and whether temperatures at the upper limit of thermal tolerance stimulate or counteract ion regulatory capacities. Juvenile G. morhua were acclimated for 4 weeks to three CO2 levels (550, 1200, and 2200 μatm) covering present and near-future natural variability, at optimum (10°C) and summer maximum temperature (18°C), respectively. Immunohistochemical analyses revealed the subcellular localization of ion transporters, including Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA), Na+/H+-exchanger 3 (NHE3), Na+/HCO−3 cotransporter (NBC1), pendrin-like Cl−/HCO−3 exchanger (SLC26a6), V-type H+-ATPase subunit a (VHA), and Cl− channel 3 (CLC3) in epithelial cells of the anterior intestine. At 10°C, proteins and mRNA were generally up-regulated for most transporters in the intestinal epithelium after acclimation to higher CO2 levels. This supports recent findings demonstrating increased intestinal HCO−3 secretion rates in response to CO2 induced seawater acidification. At 18°C, mRNA expression and protein concentrations of most ion transporters remained unchanged or were even decreased, suggesting thermal compensation. This response may be energetically favorable to retain blood HCO−3 levels to stabilize pHe, but may negatively affect intestinal salt and water resorption of marine teleosts in future oceans

    Perfused Gills Reveal Fundamental Principles of pH Regulation and Ammonia Homeostasis in the Cephalopod Octopus vulgaris

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    In contrast to terrestrial animals most aquatic species can be characterized by relatively higher blood [Formula: see text] concentrations despite its potential toxicity to the central nervous system. Although many aquatic species excrete [Formula: see text] via specialized epithelia little information is available regarding the mechanistic basis for NH3/[Formula: see text] homeostasis in molluscs. Using perfused gills of Octopus vulgaris we studied acid-base regulation and ammonia excretion pathways in this cephalopod species. The octopus gill is capable of regulating ammonia (NH3/[Formula: see text]) homeostasis by the accumulation of ammonia at low blood levels (<260 μM) and secretion at blood ammonia concentrations exceeding in vivo levels of 300 μM. [Formula: see text] transport is sensitive to the adenylyl cyclase inhibitor KH7 indicating that this process is mediated through cAMP-dependent pathways. The perfused octopus gill has substantial pH regulatory abilities during an acidosis, accompanied by an increased secretion of [Formula: see text]. Immunohistochemical and qPCR analyses revealed tissue specific expression and localization of Na+/K+-ATPase, V-type H+-ATPase, Na+/H+-exchanger 3, and Rhesus protein in the gill. Using the octopus gill as a molluscan model, our results highlight the coupling of acid-base regulation and nitrogen excretion, which may represent a conserved pH regulatory mechanism across many marine taxa

    Evolution of extreme stomach pH in bilateria inferred from gastric alkalization mechanisms in basal deuterostomes

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    The stomachs of most vertebrates operate at an acidic pH of 2 generated by the gastric H+/K+-ATPase located in parietal cells. The acidic pH in stomachs of vertebrates is believed to aid digestion and to protect against environmental pathogens. Little attention has been placed on whether acidic gastric pH regulation is a vertebrate character or a deuterostome ancestral trait. Here, we report alkaline conditions up to pH 10.5 in the larval digestive systems of ambulacraria (echinoderm + hemichordate), the closest relative of the chordate. Microelectrode measurements in combination with specific inhibitors for acid-base transporters and ion pumps demonstrated that the gastric alkalization machinery in sea urchin larvae is mainly based on direct H+ secretion from the stomach lumen and involves a conserved set of ion pumps and transporters. Hemichordate larvae additionally utilized HCO 3- transport pathways to generate even more alkaline digestive conditions. Molecular analyses in combination with acidification experiments supported these findings and identified genes coding for ion pumps energizing gastric alkalization. Given that insect larval guts were also reported to be alkaline, our discovery raises the hypothesis that the bilaterian ancestor utilized alkaline digestive system while the vertebrate lineage has evolved a strategy to strongly acidify their stomachs

    Mortality risk factors in patients with Acinetobacter baumannii ventilator-associated pneumonia

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    Background/PurposeVentilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) caused by Acinetobacter baumannii has contributed to high mortality rate, prolonged stays in the intensive care unit, and the rapid development of antimicrobial resistance to commonly used antimicrobials. This study sought to determine predictors of mortality and carbapenem resistance for patients with A baumannii VAP.MethodsWe retrospectively reviewed 541 adult patients with A baumannii pneumonia, who were admitted to a medical center between 2005 and 2007; of which 180 (33.3%) had been treated with mechanical ventilation. Of the 180 patients, 98 (54.4%) who survived were categorized as the survivor group, and 82 (45.6%) who died as the mortality group. Eighty-seven (48.3%) with imipenem-sensitive A baumannii VAP were categorized as the IS-AB group, and the remaining 93 (51.7%) with imipenem-resistant VAP as the IR-AB group.ResultsCompared with the survivor group, the mortality group had significantly higher Charlson comorbidity index scores, and more neoplastic disease, other sites of infection, bloodstream infections, altered mental status, confusion, urea >7 mmol/L, respiratory rate >30/min, low blood pressure (systolic <90 mmHg or diastolic <60 mmHg), age >65 years (CURB-65) ≥ 3, creatinine > 1.6 mg/dL, C-reactive protein ≥ 100 mg/L, and imipenem resistance. The survivor group had more cases of tracheostomy and diabetes mellitus than the mortality group had. Compared with the IS-AB group, the IR-AB group had higher Charlson comorbidity index scores, longer stays before VAP onset, an increase in other sites of infection, white blood cell count <4/μL or >1.1 × 104/μL, and higher hospital mortality rates.ConclusionInadequate initial empiric antimicrobial therapy and higher disease severity scores, including CURB ≥ 3 and C-reactive protein ≥ 120 mg/L, were independent risk factors associated with higher mortality rates for A baumannii pneumonia. Length of stay before VAP and white blood cell count <4/μL or >1.1 × 104/μL were independent risk factors for carbapenem resistance

    The Influence of Obesity on Different Genders in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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    Obesity is considered to be a major contributing factor to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA); however, there is limited evidence with regard to gender predominance. We analyzed 2345 patients (339 females) in correlation with body mass index (BMI) and OSA severity. Male AHIs were significantly higher than female AHIs in each BMI group. As the BMI increased, the AHI increased in both males and females, and this trend was more obvious in males. For BMI-matched male and female patients with OSA, the severity of OSA was higher in males. As BMI increased, the severity of OSA increased more obviously in males. Our findings suggest that increased body fat contributes to the pathogenesis of OSA more in males than in females and that obesity plays a more significant role in contributing to OSA in male patients

    New insights into ion regulation of cephalopod molluscs: a role of epidermal ionocytes in acid-base regulation during embryogenesis

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    The constraints of an active life in a pelagic habitat led to numerous convergent morphological and physiological adaptations that enable cephalopod molluscs and teleost fishes to compete for similar resources. Here we show for the first time that such convergent developments are also found in the ontogenetic progression of ion regulatory tissues: as in teleost fish epidermal ionocytes scattered on skin and yolk sac of cephalopod embryos appear to be responsible for ionic and acid-base regulation before gill epithelia become functional. Ion and acid-base regulation is crucial in cephalopod embryos, as they are surrounded by a hypercapnic egg fluid with a pCO2 of 0.2-0.4 kPa. Epidermal ionocytes were characterized via immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization and vital dye staining techniques. We found one group of cells that is recognized by Concavalin A and MitoTracker, which also expresses Na+/H+ exchangers (NHE) and Na+/K+-ATPase. Similar to findings obtained in teleosts these NHE3-rich cells take up sodium in exchange for protons, illustrating the energetic superiority of NHE based proton excretion in marine systems. In vivo electrophysiological techniques demonstrated that acid equivalents are secreted by the yolk and skin integument. Intriguingly, epidermal ionocytes of cephalopod embryos are ciliated as demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy suggesting a dual function of epithelial cells in water convection and ion regulation. These findings add significant knowledge to our mechanistic understanding of hypercapnia tolerance in marine organisms, as it demonstrates that marine taxa which were identified as powerful acid-base regulators during hypercapnic challenges already exhibit strong acid-base regulatory abilities during embryogenesis