780 research outputs found
Computer Programming Effects in Elementary: Perceptions and Career Aspirations in STEM
The development of elementary-aged students’ STEM and computer science (CS) literacy is critical in this evolving technological landscape, thus, promoting success for college, career, and STEM/CS professional paths. Research has suggested that elementary- aged students need developmentally appropriate STEM integrated opportunities in the classroom; however, little is known about the potential impact of CS programming and how these opportunities engender positive perceptions, foster confidence, and promote perseverance to nurture students’ early career aspirations related to STEM/CS. The main purpose of this mixed-method study was to examine elementary-aged students’ (N = 132) perceptions of STEM, career choices, and effects from pre- to post-test intervention of CS lessons (N = 183) over a three-month period. Findings included positive and significant changes from students’ pre- to post-tests as well as augmented themes from 52 student interviews to represent increased enjoyment of CS lessons, early exposure, and its benefits for learning to future careers
What Does Faith Got to Do with It? Influences on Preservice Teachers’ Racial Identity Development
The U.S. student population has grown more racially and culturally diverse demanding teachers who possess certain skills, competencies, and cross-cultural proficiencies to serve students equitably. With a continual homogeneous White teaching force, studies on preservice teachers’ racial identity have prioritized in the field to promote anti-racist education within a social justice model. However, few studies have documented identities of preservice teachers who attend predominantly private evangelical Christian institutions. This mixed-method study investigated White preservice teachers’ racial identity development focusing on the interconnectedness of religion with beliefs of race, culture, and diversity
ESL Pedagogy and Certification: Teacher Perceptions and Efficacy
Increasing numbers of English Language Learners (ELLs) in the U.S. classrooms have prioritized to building quality teacher education programs so that all teachers have the tools necessary to support their students. National, state, and local mandates have also enacted certain requirements to ensure that ELLs are receiving quality instruction with the new language proficiency and content standards. Pressure has pervaded into teacher education programs working to immerse teacher candidates with good pedagogical practices for working with ELLs. This mixed method study on 144 PK-12 teachers with five or less years of experience highlighted the importance of teachers\u27 perceptions and efficacy beliefs in working with ELLs. Findings revealed a statistical significance in efficacy beliefs for teachers with and ESL certification as opposed to teachers without the credentials. Five in-depth cases augmented the finding to support how individual classroom practices exemplified specific ESL pedagogy learned from pre-service contexts to promote more efficacious behaviors
Computational Thinking Equity in Elementary Classrooms: What Third-Grade Students Know and Can Do
The Computer Science Teachers Association has asserted that computational thinking equips students with essential critical thinking which allows them to conceptualize, analyze, and solve more complex problems. These skills are applicable to all content area as students learn to use strategies, ideas, and technological practices more effectively as digital natives. This research examined over 200 elementary students’ pre- and posttest changes in computational thinking from a 10-week coding program using adapted lessons from code.org’s Blockly programming language and CSUnplugged that were delivered as part of the regular school day. Participants benefited from early access to computer science (CS) lessons with increases in computational thinking and applying coding concepts to the real world. Interviews from participants included examples of CS connections to everyday life and interdisciplinary studies at school. Thus, the study highlights the importance of leveraging CS access in diverse elementary classrooms to promote young students’ computational thinking; motivation in CS topics; and the learning of essential soft-skills such as collaboration, persistence, abstraction, and creativity to succeed in today’s digital world
Addressing Reciprocity Between Families and Schools: Why these Bridges are Instrumental for Students’ Academic Success
One instrumental step in promoting overall children’s academic success across the trajectory of early childhood, elementary, middle, and secondary grades is purposefully establishing positive linkages for families and schools through a shared partnership. By facilitating an ongoing collaborative approach to sustain family engagement practices both in and out of the classroom, schools can help to build parents’ capacity to effectively support their children’s academic development. This article is an overview of the literature based on research from the last two decades on the effects of family involvement and home to school partnerships to student academic achievement within a US context. It addresses the sociocultural implications for establishing home and school partnerships with school-wide pedagogical recommendations in supporting diverse families and K-12 educators in the collaborative work for the educational success of all children. Finally, the article identifies methods to proactively engage all families with a paradigm shift on rethinking traditional methods to skills of cultural competence that honors family backgrounds, validates cultural strengths, and corroborates with the contributions that families make to engender academic success for their children
This research looks at listening as one factor that gives contribution toward speaking among high school students. The study attempts to reveal through data analysis, in the form of students. score from each variable that both have correlation. Further the objective of the study is also to find out the extent of influence contributed by listening toward speaking. The research applies library study and field study (instrument designing and test performing both for listening and speaking). The theory used for analysis deals with listening and speaking correlation from language learning review. The result of the study demonstrates that the correlation of listening as the independent variable with speaking as dependent variable is positive. It also proves that with a unit of program or treatment given toward listening class, there will be a significant improvement equals with 3.134 times from previous speaking score for the same sample. For the analysis of data, the extent of correlation between two varibales is shown as low. It indicates that even though listening do have positive correlation towarde speaking, it is not the only deminant factor to determine success in speaking
Professional Development and Teacher Efficacy: Contexts of What, When, and How in Serving ELLs
The increasing numbers of ELLs (English Language Learners) in U.S. classrooms has prioritized into building quality teacher education programs for teachers so that they have the pedagogical tools necessary to support their students. A continued focus with professional development at the local, state, and national level has gained momentum to ensure that mainstream teachers have appropriate cultural competence skills and research-based practices to meet students’ diverse linguistic and academic needs. This mixed method study on 144 PK-12 teachers with five or less years of experience highlighted the importance of teachers’ perceptions and efficacy beliefs in working with ELLs. Five in-depth cases illustrated a support for professional development in creating high efficacious behaviors for teaching ELLs. Additionally, a quantitative finding augmented teacher narratives to reveal a statistical significance in efficacy beliefs for teachers who received adequate inservice professional development as opposed to teachers who were not afforded those opportunities
Imperative Mood (IM) for Javanese is strongly related to social status determining language choice. Triglossia of Ngoko, Madya and Krama are pictured in language use as well as prosodic features of pitch contour. To look at how English IM transfers to Javanese is the purpose of this research as well as how this process influences variant of pitch contours produced by Javanese speaker. This is a comparative study highlighting difference and similarity visualized by Javanese and English pitch contours with similar semantic meaning to be analyzed in pragmatics stylistic framework. Imperative to Command (IC) cannot take place in Bottom-Up situation in Javanese for social reason which puts Imperative to Request (IR) and Imperative to Invite (II) as substitutions. Using sound production of Javanese from Jogja and Solo on English and Javanese imperative, intonation pattern from both languages is analyzed using PRAAT and described in pitch range. Findings of this research display cultural background of Javanese in IM which may be useful for English pronunciation class.DOI:doi.org/10.24071/llt.2019.22010
Tingkat Keterbacaan Pengumuman Berbahasa Inggris dalam Penerbangan Garuda Indonesia
Pengumuman informasi penerbangan yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa resmi penerbangan ditemukan mulai dari masa pra journey, pre-flight, in-flight dan post-flight. Beragam jenis informasi yang disampaikan pada In-flight announcement (pengumuman selama penerbangan) menyesuaikan kegunaannya. Meskipun tertulis dalam standar manual, pengumuman dalam penerbangan disampaikan melalui instrumen di dalam kabin menggunakan media suara. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui apa saja pengumuman dalam penerbangan Garuda Indonesia dan untuk menganalisis tingkat keterbacaan pengumuman tersebut.
2 orang awak kabin Garuda Indonesia membacakan dan merekam in-flight announcement yang dipilih. 10 pertanyaan berkaitan dengan isi pengumuman disusun dan diuji validitasnya. Pertanyaan tersebut diujikan dalam tes menyimak untuk mengetahui tingkat keterpahaman narasumber seputar topik dan detail. Narasumber (n=15) mewakili 3 kategori penutur yakni penutur asli bahasa Inggris (NS1=5), penutur bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua (NS2=5) dan penutur bahasa Indonesia (NS=5). Ini adalah analisis kuantitatif deskriptif menggunakan skor yang didapatkan dari tes.
27 jenis in-flight announcement dikategorikan menjadi 3 penggolongan antara lain pengumuman rutin, pengumuman disaat genting dan pengumuman musiman. Dari nilai rata-rata masing-masing kategori narasumber didapatkan bahwa tingkat keterpahaman pengumuman ada diatas rata-rata (NS1=7, NS2=7,4 dan NS3=8) yang berarti pelafalan penutur dapat dipahami. Menurut penggolongan tingkat pemahaman diketahui bahwa pertanyaan detail untuk jenis pengumuman genting dan musiman yang paling kurang dipahami oleh NS1 dan NS2 dikarenakan jenis pengumumannya yang jarang didengar. Dialek lokal sumber suara juga memberi peran pada pengucapan kata-kata non-Inggris dalam pengumuman
Language change may happen to any language which faces diglosic situation where the
influencing language is considered more prestigious and valuable. This study looks at the
phenomena of ethnic language change among Karonese people in linguistic area of
phonology, lexicon and semantic. On the other hand, this research also finds out possibilities
of language maintaining toward Karonese language through the etnolinguistics outlook. In
Karonese language the change occurs as result of contact with Indonesian as standardized
language H for the sake of giving ‘soften’ characteristic toward L language, equality of
social status and economic value. Despite of those changes occur in Karonese language as
L, language maintaining of this ethnic language is also possible using the cultural point of
view in the field of knowledge system, social organization system, life supporting equipment
and technology, religion system, livelihood system and art which strongly bound the
community of Karonese people
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