7 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT DIMAS SATRIA BAGUS DWI YUNANTO. 8105112276. Effects of Organizational Commitment and Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) On Employee PT. X. Thesis, Jakarta: Study Program Office Administration, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, University of Jakarta. 2015. This study aims to determine whether there is influence between organizational commitment and organizational culture on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) On Employee PT. X. This research was carried out for 2 months starting from the month of February to April 2015. The method used is a survey method with the approach of causality. The population in this study were all employees of PT. X, amounting to 120 people and researchers took samples used as many as 89 employees by using sample random sampling technique. The instruments used to obtain data on the variables X1 (organization organizational commitment), X2 (organizational culture), and Y (OCB) was measured using a questionnaire with Likert scale. The data is then tested for validity and reliability, and analysis through multiple regression techniques and classical assumption. The hypothesis was tested with significant the margin of error of 0.05 using t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results showed no significant relationship between organizational commitment and organizational culture on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on employees with the regression equation Y = 2.032 + 0.569 X 1 + 0.401 X . From the analysis of data, obtained Fhitung is 47.739> F table = 3.11. This means that the hypothesis that there is significant relationship between organizational commitment and organizational culture on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) the employee received. Meanwhile, the coefficient of determination for R2 is 52.6% while the remaining 47.4% is influenced by other factors not examined. based on the above results, it is advisable for the leadership of the company to be able to create ethical organizational culture and maintain good relationships with employees in order to create a good commitment to the progress of the company. Keywords: Organizational Commitment, Organizational Culture, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB


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    Gedawang Village is one of the villages that has a large enough production of beans and corn. However, because farmers are still processing in the traditional way, the sales results are not optimal. Meanwhile, the market demand for peanuts is quite a lot. The same is done when processing corn. In addition, the large amount of grass that grows around the peanut and corn fields is a cheap feed ingredient for goats and cows as long as they can process them independently. So far, every time the animal breeders finish weeding the grass, they are given it directly to their livestock without cutting it first. As a result, small livestock will find it difficult to eat the feed. The agricultural product processing equipment industry has indeed provided many tools to speed up the processing of agricultural products, but the price of the tools is still very expensive. In addition, each tool on average can only perform one function only. For this reason, this activity was carried out to answer the problems faced by farmers. The team provided additional knowledge and skills as well as purchasing materials to assemble production machines to process these agricultural products. There are at least four processes that can be carried out with this assembly machine, namely cutting animal feed, threshing beans, peeling beans and shelling corn.


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    Sistem navigasi dan trajectory robot kurang efisien bila menggunakan media dari luarseperti garis atau dinding ruangan. Robot navigasi odometri menggunakan MyRIO dibuatuntuk pengujian pengendalian posisi agar lebih efektif. Alat ini menggunakan sensor rotaryencoder untuk mencacah pergerakan robot omni pada koordinat x dan y pada prosesperhitungan odometri. Penggerak robot omni menggunakan motor DC 25GA370,mikrokontroler NI MyRIO-1900 sebagai sistem antarmuka dan software LabVIEWdigunakan untuk memasukkan set point. Untuk memperoleh hasil pergerakan robot yangbaik pada sistem odometry, kendali PID diterapkan untuk mengendalikan kecepatan putarmasing-masing motor DC pada roda robot omni. Untuk menguji kinerja metode odometridalam melakukan proses kendali posisi, terdapat dua jenis pola pengujian trajectory, yaitupersegi dan segitiga siku. Dari hasil pengujian ini, diperoleh nilai kesalahan di bawah 5%


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    Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, pengembangan konten video sebagai sebuah bidang pekerjaan menjadi salah satu bidang yang memiliki potensi dalam menyerap tenaga kerja yang belum teralokasikan. Setiap bidang kerja tentunya memerlukan kompetensi yang sesuai dengan bidang yang dituju. Untuk mendukung bidang kerja pengembangan konten video tentunya diperlukan pelatihan dalam pembuatan konten video. SMK Robbi Rodliyya merupakan sekolah yang berfokuskan pada bidang multimedia. Bidang yang menjadi fokus pada SMK ini adalah media gambar dimana siswa mendapatkan pengajaran untuk membuat brosur, banner, dan lainnya menggunakan perangkat lunak pengolahan gambar. Hal ini menyebabkan ketika industri berkembang pada bidang konten video kesulitan dalam penyesuaian kemampuan siswa dalam memenuhi tuntutan perkembangan industri, sehingga perlu dilakukan eksplorasi dan pengembangan wawasan pada bidang pembuatan konten video. Metode yang digunakan pada kegiatan ini meliputi pendampingan pelatihan pembuatan video menggunakan Kinemaster yang terdiri dari empat aktivitas yaitu perencanaan, analisis, implementasi dan evaluasi. Luaran dari pengabdian ini berupa (3) teknologi tepat guna; dan (2) jasa. Hasil pengabdian ini mampu membantu meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam pembuatan video dengan menggunakan software Kinemaster. Selain itu dengan adanya pelatihan ini akan sangat membantu para siswa mengembangkan pembuatan konten digital terutama dalam proses pembelajaran

    Rancang Bangun Komponen Sandbox pada Game Unity dengan Menerapkan Design Patterns dan Arsitektur Microservices

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    Currently the game has covered a very broad market needs where games offer video content, products, Virtual Reality, and special events and game competitions. This offer is what triggers an increase in sales and an increase in revenue in the gaming industry. Due to increasingly fierce competition, game development companies must develop their products quickly and precisely in order to compete in today's game industry. However, rapid product development and the application of proper architecture are also problems, especially the products being developed are games with simulation or sandbox themes that have a high level of complexity. So we need an application that helps game development, especially the development of the sandbox component. The purpose of this study is to provide a library that helps the development of the sandbox component, where this library will apply the Design Patterns and Microservices Architecture to simplify the maintenance and development period of the game after release. This research is also working with the company for the development and validation. This research will develop several sandbox components and will apply a Design Pattern to each component. This proposed method has been tested by users who are experts in developing games. The results show that the application of the proposed method can be implemented and can run well. And the system built also gets a score with an average above 80% and good feedback from expert users. So that this research is expected to become an application that can help programmers later in developing a game application that is good and appropriate. As well as the applications built in this study can also provide recommendations in terms of development methods