12 research outputs found

    〔論文〕進路選択における自動思考と対処行動が 進路選択自己効力に及ぼす影響 ―大学生の進路選択過程を通して―

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      Declining job opportunities, and changing work attitudes in university students have made it increasingly difficult for young people to decide on career paths; this is leading to an increase in the unemployment rate of new university graduates.  Accordingly, research was conducted on career decision-making self efficacy as an important parameter in aiding university students to decide on a career; researchers used a cognitive behavioral therapy approach focusing on automatic thoughts in selection and coping behaviors in order to grasp the connection between them, and career decision-making self efficacy. The results indicated that the more a student was able to choose affirmative automatic thoughts and appropriate coping behaviors, the higher their competence in choosing a career, and the smoother their selection processes. Accordingly, it has been surmised that it would also be possible to use a cognitive behavior therapy approach, including training in automatic thoughts and coping behaviors, during actual consultations. Furthermore, as career education promotion now begins in childhood, a topic for further research would whether it is possible to apply the findings of this study to childhood education

    〔資 料〕 青年期における対人欲求および同調行動に関する研究

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    The rate of young people leaving their jobs has increased in recent years. One reason given for this is their failure to develop interpersonal relationships in the workplace. We think educators must cultivate young people\u27s communication skills and the ability to work in teams. This paper examines modern youths\u27 interpersonal motivations and conforming behaviors. We conducted questionnaire research with 148 university students to obtain basic psychological data that we hope will enable us to support them in constructing smooth interpersonal relations. The analyses showed that interpersonal motivations had an influence on conforming behavior. One of the interpersonal relationship styles, conforming to others overtly, has led to difficulties in and dilution of reliable relationships. These characteristics may negatively affect interpersonal relationships in the workplace. Understanding the importance of interpersonal relationships and achieving self-understanding might help young people to develop healthier interpersonal relationships. In addition, we hope that these results will be helpful to those working to support young people in choosing and establishing careers

    女子大学生における進路選択に対する 自己効力および社会人基礎力の研究

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    With university students experiencing more difficulty deciding what to do after graduation, and job-turnover rates increasing among young people, it is increasingly necessary to assist graduates smoothly transition into the workforce. It is likely that helping students to equip themselves with fundamental competencies would enable them to make better decisions about their careers and also lead to smoother post-graduation transitions. This study examines the relationships among the "big five" personality traits, career decision-making self-efficacy, and fundamental competencies for working persons in the hope that the knowledge gained will lead to improvement in the career education of female university students. A questionnaire survey was given to 169 female college students and the 158 valid answers were analyzed. The results indicate that people with greater mastery of fundamental competencies for working persons had higher career decision-making self-efficacy, enabling smoother transitions into the workforce. The researchers believe that, in addition to the experience gained through academic and extracurricular activities, it is necessary for universities to take a leading role in introducing active learning programs and to provide career support through programs such as career support centers and student advising offices

    A Survey on Parents’ Feelings and QOL of Children with Medical Complexity After Discharge from NICU under the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    【背景・目的】  NICU を退院した後も医療的ケアを必要とする児が増加しており、A 病院では2018 年よりNICU 退院後も医療的ケアを要する児の両親の思いと生活の質に関する調査を継続している。また現在、COVID-19 感染拡大による面会制限の中、短時間で退院支援をしており、退院後の両親の状況、制限がある中での退院支援の課題を明確にする必要があると考えた。引き続き、NICU を退院した医療的ケアを要する児の両親の思いと生活の質を明確にすることを目的とし、本研究を実施した。 【方法】  2021 年9 月から2022 年10 月にNICU を退院した医療的ケアを要する児の両親を対象に、質問紙調査を行なった。調査項目は、①基本属性、②退院後の両親の思い、③育児環境、④生活の質(WHO QOL26)とした。各項目の記述統計を算出後、父と母の群間比較にはχ2 検定、Mann-Whitney のU 検定を用いた。自由記載については類似内容ごとに分類しカテゴリーを抽出した。 【結果】  19 人(8 組の両親と3 組の母)からアンケートを回収した(回収率67.9%)。WHO QOL26 平均値は父が3.36±0.52、母が3.35±0.59 であった。退院後の思いについては全員がポジティブな気持ちを抱いており、ネガティブな気持ちも抱いた者は78.9% であった。自由記載では、ポジティブな気持ちに、<子どもといられる喜び>などが挙げられ、ネガティブな気持ちに、<自責の念><入院時には想定していなかったケアや手技の難しさ>などが挙げられた。面会制限による<愛着形成への不安>や<配偶者との思い・育児手技の差異>も記載されていた。 【考察・結論】  本研究でのWHO QOL 得点の平均値は、2018 年からの先行研究と比較し、両親ともに低かった。また、全国平均値と比較し、母は身体的領域のQOL が低かった。面会制限のなか、父は面会できないことで役割遂行に戸惑いを感じ、母のみの退院支援となり、両親間に情報格差や育児ケア習得に差が生じたことで母への負担が大きくなったと考えられる。父の育児参加や父性育成促進のため、また、母の負担軽減のためにもタイムリーな面会制限の見直しと、各家族に応じた退院指導を行っていく必要がある。departmental bulletin pape