123 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to obtain the fundamental data involving symmetry index (SI) of the Japanese drum playing exercise. Five subjects participated in this study, in order to compare the motion between the experienced and the inexperienced players. Digital videography method was applied to each subject, striking the Japanese drum with his or her maximal efforts during a 15-secnnd exercise. The results showed that the strike number of the first trial test was 32 and the second trial test was 34; in other words, the strike number of the left-hand starting (L.S.) was greater than that of the right-hand starting (R.S.). Therefore, it is suggested that the non-dominant arm and hand link system are crucial for developing the skill of the novice Japanese drum players

    Modulation of physical understanding by common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)

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    The understanding of physical causality in common marmosets was tested using support problems in which a pair of sheets was presented to determine whether subjects would choose the sheet that had a food item on it (i.e., the sheet was supporting the food item). In two experiments, the conditions were manipulated in terms of the length of the sheet, the distance between the sheet and the food item, the presence of a gap separating the two sheets, and the size of the food item. In Experiment 1, the marmosets had difficulty rejecting an irretrievable food item when it was located closer to them than a retrievable item. Although their performance was strongly affected by the size of the irretrievable food item, they quickly learned to reject that alternative. In contrast, no improvement was found when one sheet was divided into two pieces such that the food item could not be retrieved when its near side was pulled. A similar response tendency was observed in Experiment 2, in which the effects of the large food item were examined in three different conditions. Thus, common marmosets were influenced by the perceptual features of the food in solving the support problems, as are other non-human primates. In addition, they consistently failed to appreciate the presence of a gap and, therefore, failed to reject the distracter alternative. However, all animals rapidly learned that the size of the food item was an irrelevant variable, and some showed an elementary conceptual understanding of support. These findings suggest that marmosets’ physical understanding may improve with experience

    Sequential learning and rule abstraction in Bengalese finches

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    The Bengalese finch (Lonchura striata var. domestica) is a species of songbird. Males sing courtship songs with complex note-to-note transition rules, while females discriminate these songs when choosing their mate. The present study uses serial reaction time (RT) to examine the characteristics of the Bengalese finches’ sequential behaviours beyond song production. The birds were trained to produce the sequence with an “A–B–A” structure. After the RT to each key position was determined to be stable, we tested the acquisition of the trained sequential response by presenting novel and random three-term sequences (random test). We also examined whether they could abstract the embedded rule in the trained sequence and apply it to the novel test sequence (abstract test). Additionally, we examined rule abstraction through example training by increasing the number of examples in baseline training from 1 to 5. When considered as (gender) groups, training with 5 examples resulted in no statistically significant differences in the abstract tests, while statistically significant differences were observed in the random tests, suggesting that the male birds learned the trained sequences and transferred the abstract structure they had learned during the training trials. Individual data indicated that males, as opposed to females, were likely to learn the motor pattern of the sequence. The results are consistent with observations that males learn to produce songs with complex sequential rules, whereas females do not

    Comparison of Common Carotid Artery Intima-Media Thickness Between Brazilian Euro-Descendants and Afro-Descendants with Atherosclerosis Risk Factors

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare common carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) between the two major Brazilian ethnic groups (those of African descent and those of European descent) among individuals with one or more risk factors for atherosclerotic disease. METHOD: Two hundred and six patients with one or more risk factors for atherosclerotic disease were evaluated in a cross-sectional study in which their clinical, ethnic and Demographic characteristics were collected. All patients underwent duplex ultrasound examination of their carotid vessels to obtain IMT measurements. RESULTS: One hundred and fifty-three patients (74.3%) had a carotid IMT greater than 1.0 mm at one or more point of measurement in at least one common carotid artery. There was a significant correlation between older age and mean carotid wall thickness (R=0.479 / P<0.01). Multivariate analysis identified male sex, arterial hypertension and older age as variables associated with increased IMT (P<0.05 for all variables). When IMT was compared between the two ethnic groups in this study, no significant differences were noted. Euro-descendants and Afro-descendants had similar IMT values, even when the groups were stratified by degree of IMT (normal vs. increased) and presence of stroke and/or transient ischemic attack (yes vs. no). CONCLUSIONS: The risk factors associated with increased common carotid artery IMT in Brazilian individuals are similar to those in previously described populations. No differences were observed between the two main Brazilian ethnic groups. Longitudinal studies are required for a better evaluation of the incidence, etiologic factors and evolution of carotid intimomedial thickening in this population

    Rheology of hexagonal close-packed(hcp) iron

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    The viscosity of hexagonal close-packed (hcp) Fe is a fundamental property controlling the dynamics of the Earth’s inner core. We studied the rheology of hcp-Fe using high-pressure and -temperature deformation experiments with in situ stress and strain measurements. Experiments were conducted using D111-type and deformation-DIA apparatuses at pressures of 16.3–22.6 GPa, temperatures of 423–923 K, and uniaxial strain rates of 1.52 × 10−6 to 8.81 × 10−5 s−1 in conjunction with synchrotron radiation. Experimental results showed that power-law dislocation creep with a stress exponent of n = 4.0 ± 0.3, activation energy of E* = 240 ± 20 kJ/mol, and activation volume of V* = 1.4 ± 0.2 cm3/mol is dominant deformation mechanism at >∼800 K, whereas a mechanism with power-law breakdown prevails at lower temperatures. An extrapolation of the power-law dislocation creep flow law based on homologous temperature scaling suggests the viscosity of hcp-Fe under inner core conditions is ≥∼1019 Pa s. If this power-law dislocation creep mechanism is assumed to be the dominant mechanism in the Earth’s inner core, the equatorial growth or translation mode mechanism may be the dominant geodynamical mechanism causing the observed inner core structure

    A Practical Protocol to Measure Common Carotid Artery Intima-media Thickness

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe and test a practical protocol to measure common carotid intima-media thickness that uses the combined values of two longitudinal examination angles to increase sensitivity. METHOD: Between February and September 2005, 206 patients underwent duplex scan examination of carotid vessels, and the intima-media thickness of 407 common carotids were measured in three angles: transversal, longitudinal posterolateral, and anterolateral, with three intima-media thickness measurements for each near and far wall. In addition to numbers obtained from the three angles of measurement, a fourth visual perspective was obtained by combining the intima-media thickness results of posterolateral and anterolateral longitudinal views and considering the thickest wall measurement. RESULTS: Two hundred seventy (66.3%) carotid arteries had an intima-media thickness thicker than 1mm. The mean intima-media thickness values achieved by the different incidences were 1.26±0.6mm (transversal), 1.17±0.54mm (longitudinal anterolateral), and 1.18±0.58mm (longitudinal posterolateral). A significant difference in intima-media thickness measurement values was observed when the three angles of examination plus the combined positive results of both longitudinal angles were compared by ANOVA (P=0.005). The LSD Post-Hoc test determined that the combined longitudinal view results were similar to the transversal views (P=0.28) and had greater intima-media thickness means than isolated anterolateral or posterolateral longitudinal views (P=0.02 and 0.05, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The protocol presented is a practical method for obtaining common carotid artery intima-media thickness measurements. The combined longitudinal posterolateral and anterolateral longitudinal views provide a more sensitive evaluation of the inner layers of the carotid walls than isolated longitudinal views

    Differentiation of Donor-Derived Cells into Microglia after Umbilical Cord Blood Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Recent studies have indicated that microglia originate from immature progenitors in the yolk sac. After birth, microglial populations are maintained under normal conditions via self-renewal without the need to recruit monocyte-derived microglial precursors. Peripheral cell invasion of the brain parenchyma can only occur with disruption of the blood-brain barrier. Here, we report an autopsy case of an umbilical cord blood transplant recipient in whom cells derived from the donor blood differentiated into ramified microglia in the recipient brain parenchyma. Although the blood-brain barrier and glia limitans seemed to prevent invasion of these donor-derived cells, most of the invading donor-derived ramified cells were maintained in the cerebral cortex. This result suggests that invasion of donor-derived cells occurs through the pial membrane. Copyright © 2015 by the American Association of Neuropathologists, Inc

    Superficial saphenofemoral arteriovenous fistula as access to hemodialysis: description of operative technique and initial clinical experience

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe a technique for creating an arteriovenous fistula as an access to hemodialysis, evaluating its technical aspects, efficacy and complications. METHOD: From August 1998 to October 2000, 16 superficial saphenofemoral arteriovenous fistulas were performed in 15 patients. These procedures were used in patients without access options in upper limbs. The surgical technique consisted of an anteriorization and a superficialization of the saphenous vein anastomosed to the superficial femoral artery in the distal portion. The superficial saphenofemoral arteriovenous fistulas were evaluated with regard to puncture, appropriate flow, spontaneous venous pressure, dialysis adequacy and intraoperative complications. RESULTS: There were no intraoperative complications and all the fistulas could be successfully concluded. There was one early death, but the other fistulas were able to the hemodialysis in the 30th postoperative day. Fourteen fistulas were used; in the evolution, three patients were submitted to renal transplant, four presented thrombosis and two presented puncture pseudoaneurysm. CONCLUSION: Superficial saphenofemoral arteriovenous fistulas proved to be a good alternative for patients who do not have other possibilities of vascular access in upper limbs, thus allowing an effective hemodialysis treatment, with a good patency rate at medium term.OBJETIVO: Descrever uma técnica de confecção de fístula arteriovenosa para acesso à hemodiálise, avaliando os aspectos técnicos de sua confecção, eficácia e complicações. MÉTODO: Foram realizadas 16 fístulas arteriovenosas safeno-femoral superficial em 15 pacientes, no período de agosto de 1998 a outubro de 2000. Esses procedimentos foram efetuados em pacientes sem opções de acesso em membros superiores. A técnica utilizada foi a anteriorização e superficialização da veia safena magna, anastomosando-a na artéria femoral superficial distal. As fístulas arteriovenosas safeno-femoral superficial foram avaliadas quanto à facilidade de punção, fluxo adequado, pressão venosa espontânea, adequação de diálise e complicações no intra-operatório. RESULTADOS: Todas as fístulas puderam ser concluídas com sucesso, sem complicações no intra-operatório. Houve um óbito precoce, porém as demais estavam aptas às punções no 30º dia pós-operatório. Quatorze fístulas foram utilizadas e, na evolução, três pacientes foram submetidos a transplante renal, quatro apresentaram trombose, dois apresentaram pseudoaneurisma de punção. CONCLUSÃO: As fístulas arteriovenosas safeno-femoral superficial mostram-se como boa alternativa para pacientes que não possuem outras possibilidades de acesso em membros superiores, permitindo tratamento hemodialítico eficaz, com boa taxa de perviedade em médio prazo.Faculdade de Medicina do ABCUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM)UNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Comparison of 2 expression systems using COS7 cells and yeast cells for expression of heart/muscle-type carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1b)

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    Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 (CPT1), catalyzing the transfer of the acyl group from acyl-CoA to carnitine to form acylcarnitine, is located at the outer mitochondrial membrane. Because it is easily inactivated by solubilization, expression systems using living cells are essential for its functional characterization. COS7 cells or yeast cells are often utilized for this purpose; however, the advantages/disadvantages of the use of these cells or the question as to how the CPT1 enzyme expressed by these cells differs are still uncertain. In this study, we characterized the heart/muscle-type isozyme of rat CPT1 (CPT1b) expressed by these 2 cellular expression systems. The mitochondrial fraction prepared from yeast cells expressing CPT1b showed 25% higher CPT1 activity than that obtained from COS7 cells. However, the expression level of CPT1b in the former was 3.8 times lower than that in the latter; and thus, under the present experimental conditions, the specific activity of CPT1b expressed in yeast cells was estimated to be approximately 5 times higher than that expressed in COS7 cells. Possible reasons for this difference are discussed