32 research outputs found

    Acid-denatured small heat shock protein HdeA from Escherichia coli forms reversible fibrils with an atypical secondary structure

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    The periplasmic small heat shock protein HdeA from Escherichia coli is inactive under normal growth conditions (at pH 7) and activated only when E. coli cells are subjected to a sudden decrease in pH, converting HdeA into an acid-denatured active state. Here, using in vitro fibrillation assays, transmission EM, atomic-force microscopy, and CD analyses, we found that when HdeA is active as a molecular chaperone, it is also capable of forming inactive aggregates that, at first glance, resemble amyloid fibrils. We noted that the molecular chaperone activity of HdeA takes precedence over fibrillogenesis under acidic conditions, as the presence of denatured substrate protein was sufficient to suppress HdeA fibril formation. Further experiments suggested that the secondary structure of HdeA fibrils deviates somewhat from typical amyloid fibrils and contains α-helices. Strikingly, HdeA fibrils that formed at pH 2 were immediately resolubilized by a simple shift to pH 7 and from there could regain molecular chaperone activity upon a return to pH 1. HdeA, therefore, provides an unusual example of a “reversible” form of protein fibrillation with an atypical secondary structure composition. The competition between active assistance of denatured polypeptides (its “molecular chaperone” activity) and the formation of inactive fibrillary deposits (its “fibrillogenic” activity) provides a unique opportunity to probe the relationship among protein function, structure, and aggregation in detail

    Assessing the oral health

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    Aims : To compare assessment of the oral health conditions and behaviors of in-patients with diabetes using a clinical version of the Diabetes Oral Health Assessment Tool (C-DiOHAT©) with dental examinations. Methods : A cross-sectional design was used. A nurse assessed 60 in-patients using the C-DiOHAT© (a formatted questionnaire to assess four factors of patients’ oral health conditions and behaviors : oral health conditions, oral hygiene behaviors, sharing health information among patients and dental/medical professionals, and perception and knowledge of oral health) while a dentist examined their oral health conditions. Results : “Use of supplementary tools (e.g., interdental brush, dental floss)” in the item of C-DiOHAT© was significantly associated with dental examination of “the number of present teeth” and “no recommendation of further dental visit”. “Symptoms of gingival swelling” in the item of C-DiOHAT© was also significantly associated with “recommendation of dental visit”. “Knowledge of a relationship between periodontal disease and systemic disease including diabetes” was significantly associated with Community Periodontal Index. Conclusions : These results suggest that nurses should prioritize these assessment items to most quickly acquire useful information about patients’ oral health. It is important to encourage nurses to be interested in patients’ oral health by such small pile of clue

    Clinical training stress and autonomic nervous function in female medical technology students : analysis of heart rate variability and 1/f fluctuation

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    To evaluate the level of stress induced by clinical training, ambulatory electrocardiograms from 12 healthy female medical technology students were recorded and the spectral components of heart rate variability (HRV) were analyzed as an index of autonomic nervous function. The HF power reflecting parasympathetic tone was significantly decreased at awakening, compared with that before clinical training (p 0.01). The LF/HF ratio reflecting sympathetic activity also significantly increased during, compared with before clinical training (p 0.01). The slope of the spectral density also changed before and during the clinical training from -1.20 0.04 to -1.09 0.03 (p 0.05). The 1/f fluctuation of HRV appeared comfortable, and tension was apparently adequate while undergoing clinical training. None of these HRV indices statistically changed while asleep. Thus, the students perceived the stress as a comfortable level of tension and analyzing spectral components and 1/f fluctuation of HRV might be a useful method for evaluating study stress

    Diabetes Oral Nursing Intervention

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    Purpose : This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a diabetes oral nursing intervention program for individuals with diabetes. Methods : Fifty-six participants with diabetes underwent a diabetes oral nursing intervention program. The program’s effect was evaluated through questionnaires and small interviews. The modified diabetes oral health assessment tool (M-DiOHAT©) was used to assess and educate four factors ; oral conditions, behaviors, perceptions and knowledge about diabetes and periodontal disease, and health information-sharing, among participants at baseline, 3, 6, and 12 months later. Primary outcomes included changes in the M-DiOHAT© total scores. Secondary outcomes included scores on the motivation stage of changes in oral health behaviors’ scales, dental visits, number of present teeth, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), and participants’ comments. Results : The M-DiOHAT© total score and the motivation stage score significantly improved with the narrative comment of “being motivated to practice oral health behaviors” between the baseline and 12 months later. Eight participants visited the dentist, whereas no differences were observed in the number of present teeth or HbA1c. Conclusions : This program improved participants’ M-DiOHAT© total score, motivation stage score, and dental visits. These results suggest the program improved oral health perceptions and behaviors among individuals with diabetes

    Serum amyloid A-induced IL-6 production by rheumatoid synoviocytes

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    AbstractIn this study, we investigated the role of serum amyloid A protein (SAA) in the production of interleukin-6 (IL-6) using rheumatoid arthritis fibroblast-like synoviocytes (RA-FLS). Recombinant SAA stimulation induced the production of pro-inflammatory cytokine, IL-6, from RA-FLS. The signaling events induced by SAA included the activation of the mitogen-activated protein kineases, p38 and JNK1/2 and the activation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB). Inhibitor studies have shown SAA-induced IL-6 production to be down-regulated by NF-κB inhibition and partially inhibited by p38 or JNK inhibitors. Our findings demonstrate that SAA is a significant inducer of IL-6, which is critically involved in RA pathogenesis

    The Reduction of State Anxiety by Clearing a Space : An Empirical Study with Graduate School Students

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    Clearing A Space(以下CAS)はフォーカシング簡便法の最初のステップとして位置づけられており、フォーカシングをするための準備段階として考えられてきた。しかし、フォーカシング研究が展開するにつれてCASを単独で取り扱った研究や事例報告が数多くなされ、CASの有効性が示されてきた。しかしそれらの研究はほとんどが事例研究であり、実証研究は、集団法によるCASを除くとほとんどみられないのが現状である。そこで本研究では、フォーカサーとリスナーのペアによるCASの効果を質問紙によって検討することを目的とした。CAS前後の新版STAI得点の比較では、状態不安得点の有意な低下が認められ( W+=–2.936, p<.01, N=11)((t 10)=7.142, P<.01, N=11)、CASの抗状態不安効果が確認された。また、CASの効果にはどのような要素が関連しているのかを検討するために、STAI以外にFMSとYG性格検査や、セッションの逐語記録などの録音データを用いて探索的な研究を行った。これらの結果、CASセッション全体にかかる時間が多い群が、少ない群よりも有意に状態不安が低減していることが分かり、問題や気がかりと距離を取り終えた後のからだの感覚をじっくり味わう時間をとることが状態不安の低減に役立つと考えられた。Clearing A Space (CAS), the first step of Focusing Short Form, was originally developed as a preparation for Focusing. A number of research studies and case studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of CAS, but empirical studies on CAS are limited. This study was aimed at measuring the effects of CAS by statistical comparison of responses to psychological questionnaires. It was found that state anxiety as measured by STAI decreased significantly (W+=-2.936, p<.01,N=11), (t(10)=7.142, P<.01, N=11) following CAS sessions, demonstrating that CAS reduces state anxiety. In addition to STAI, FMS, Yatabe-Guilford Personality Inventory, and verbatim records of sessions were used to explore what factors may be related to the effects of CAS. It was found that state anxiety in a group of subjects who took more time for CAS showed more reduction in state anxiety when compared to a group of subjects who took less time. It was thought that savoring and staying with the cleared space after CAS may enhance the reduction of state anxiety

    Guia de intervenção precoce como recurso terapêutico ocupacional para cuidadores de crianças hospitalizadas/Early intervention guide as occupational therapeutic resource for hospitalized child caregivers

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    Introdução: Os primeiros anos de vida de uma criança são essenciais para seu desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Quando a criança está hospitalizada, o acompanhamento de seu desenvolvimento se torna importante para a promoção de saúde, prevenção de agravos e a identificação de atraso motor, cognitivo, sensorial e social. Objetivo: Apresentar um guia de orientação aos cuidadores de crianças hospitalizadas sobre intervenção precoce, para avaliá-lo como recurso informativo sobre o desenvolvimento infantil. Método: Pesquisa de corte transversal, com delineamento descritivo, abordagem quantitativa com correlação entre variáveis, desenvolvida em um hospital-escola infantil de nível terciário. Participaram 21 cuidadores de crianças hospitalizadas com faixa etária de 0 a 24 meses, durante o período de maio a julho de 2020. Foram aplicados três questionários semiestruturados (um para caracterização da amostra e os outros dois para comprovar a eficácia do guia). Foi distribuído um guia impresso aos cuidadores. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente, usando estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: A maioria dos participantes (95,24%) era de mães das crianças, cuja média de idade foi de 6±5,74 meses. Os diagnósticos prevalentes foram as cardiopatias (57,14%) e tempo de internação em torno de 66±44,78 dias. Com a aplicação dos questionários, foi possível identificar o interesse dos cuidadores em receber informações sobre o desenvolvimento infantil e utilizar o guia como recurso para orientá-los sobre como propiciar estímulos saudáveis às crianças. Conclusão: O guia se mostrou um recurso informativo de grande valia, pois permite que os cuidadores se atentem à prevenção de atrasos no desenvolvimento e proporcionem maior qualidade de vida às crianças durante a internação e também no domicílio.Palavras-chave: Guia de estudo como assunto. Intervenção precoce. Terapia Ocupacional. Desenvolvimento Infantil. Cuidadores. Criança hospitalizada. Abstract Introduction: The first years of a child's life are essential for their neuropsychomotor development. When the child is hospitalized, monitoring their development becomes essential for health promotion, disease prevention, and identifying motor, cognitive, sensory, and social delays. Objective: Present an orientation guide for caregivers of hospitalized children on early intervention to evaluate it as an informative resource on child development. Method: We carried out a cross-sectional with a descriptive design, using a quantitative approach, developed in a tertiary-level children's teaching hospital. Participants were 21 caregivers of hospitalized children aged 0 to 24 months, from May to July 2020. Three semi-structured questionnaires were applied (one to characterize the sample and the other two to prove the guide's effectiveness). A printed guide was distributed to caregivers. Data were statistically analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Most participants (95.24%) were mothers of the children, whose mean age was 6±5.74 months. The principal diagnoses were heart disease (57.14%) and length of hospital stay around 66±44.78 days. With the application of the questionnaires, it was possible to identify the caregivers' interest in receiving information about child development and using the guide as a resource to guide them on how to provide healthy stimuli to children. Conclusion: The guide proved to be an informative resource of great value, as it allows caregivers to pay attention to the prevention of developmental delays and provide a better quality of life for children during hospitalization and at home.Keywords: Study guide as topic. Early intervention. Occupational therapy. Child development. Caregivers. Child Hospitalized. ResumenIntroducción: Los primeros años de vida del niño son fundamentales para su desarrollo neuropsicomotor. Cuando el niño está hospitalizado, el seguimiento de su desarrollo se vuelve fundamental para la promoción de la salud, la prevención de enfermedades y la identificación de retrasos motores, cognitivos, sensoriales y sociales. Objetivo: Presentar una guía de orientación para cuidadores de niños hospitalizados sobre intervención temprana para evaluarla como recurso informativo sobre el desarrollo infantil. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal con diseño descriptivo, con enfoque cuantitativo, desarrollado en un hospital de enseñanza infantil de tercer nivel. Participaron 21 cuidadores de niños hospitalizados de 0 a 24 meses, de mayo a julio de 2020. Se aplicaron tres cuestionarios semiestructurados (uno para caracterizar la muestra y los otros dos para comprobar la efectividad de la guía). Se distribuyó una guía impresa a los cuidadores. Los datos se analizaron estadísticamente mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Resultados: La mayoría de las participantes (95,24%) eran madres de los niños, cuya media de edad fue de 6±5,74 meses. Los principales diagnósticos fueron cardiopatía (57,14%) y estancia hospitalaria en torno a 66±44,78 días. Con la aplicación de los cuestionarios se logró identificar el interés de los cuidadores en recibir información sobre el desarrollo infantil y utilizar la guía como recurso para orientarlos sobre cómo brindar estímulos saludables a los niños. Conclusión: La guía demostró ser un recurso informativo de gran valor, ya que permite a los cuidadores prestar atención a la prevención de retrasos en el desarrollo y brindar una mejor calidad de vida a los niños durante la hospitalización y en el hogar.Palabras clave: Guías de estudio como assunto. Intervención Temprana. Terapia ocupacional. Desarrollo infantil. Cuidadores. Niño hospitalizado

    Diagnoses of Ovine Infection by the Serotype-4 Bluetongue Virus on Minas Gerais, Brazil

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    Background: Bluetongue (BT) is a viral disease transmitted by hematophagous vectors of the genus Culicoides. In Brazil, the identifcation of antibodies against the virus has been held for over thirty years, however clinicopathological diagnosis of the disease are scarce. The frst reported case occurred in the state of Paraná in 2001, confrmed by isolation and identifcation of serotype 12 of BTV. In the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in 2009, two outbreaks confrmed and was identifed the serotype 12. Serotype 4 was isolated during an outbreak in the state of Rio de Janeiro in 2013. This study describes the Diagnoses of ovine infection by the serotype-4 bluetongue virus in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Case: In a farm in the Southern region of the state of Minas Gerais, a group of 28 male sheep, was sent for necropsy at the Setor de Patologia Veterinária of Universidade Federal de Lavras (SPV-UFLA). In a flock of 80 male sheep 28 died with clinical signs of respiratory distress, whereas other showed signs of anemia and hypoproteinemia, cough, sneezing, prostration, fever, mucopurulent nasal discharge, anemia and submandibular edema. At necropsy, the main changes observed were cranioventral pulmonary consolidation, hemorrhage at the base of the pulmonary artery and ulcerating lesions in the hard palate mucosa, rumen and reticulum. The histological changes consisted of bacterial bronchopneumonia, papillary necrosis associated with bacterial structures, multifocal vasculitis in the submucosa and thrombi in blood vessels of the serosa in the rumen and reticulum, hyaline and flocculate necrosis in esophageal muscle, skeletal and cardiac muscle fbers were also observed, associated with moderate mononuclear inflammatory infltrate between fbers and around blood vessels. Discussion: The diagnosis of BT was confrmed by the identifcation of nucleic acids of the virus in blood samples and from tissues of animals from the herd by RT-PCR and by the detection of antibodies against Bluetongue virus with the agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test using serum samples from the remaining herd animals. Serotype 4 was identifed in three of the samples inoculated into KC cells. The hemorrhage at the base of the pulmonary artery, one characteristic fndings, was found in three of the necropsied sheep. The pulmonary lesions observed in the present study strongly suggest the occurrence of pneumonia caused by opportunistic bacteria, especially Mannheimia haemolytica, which is commonly associated with pneumonia in sheep infected with BTV. This work is the frst in the state of Minas Gerais and the fourth in Brazil to report an outbreak of the disease with clinical signs. The economic impact of bluetongue results not only from the direct losses of animals to the disease, but also to the correlation among BTV infection and other problems including pneumonia, abortion and verminoses. In a study focused on the characteristics of ovine farming in Minas Gerais, farmers from the center-southwest reported that abortion and pneumonia were among their main problems. Thus, further epidemiological studies on BTV may improve the level of identifcation of infected herds and may help promote prophylactic measures. Necropsies and histopathology exams constitute crucial tools for diagnosis, because most cases present at a sub-clinical stage or in association with other, concomitant diseases. Keywords: BTV 4, viral diseases, sheep, RT-PCR e IDG

    Fermented soy food and inflammatory makers

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    Epidemiological investigations have shown that consumption of soybeans or soy foods reduces the risk of the development of cardiovascular disease, cancer and osteoporosis. The aim of this study was to determine the associations between different soy foods and inflammatory markers, including high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-18, in Japanese workers. The cross-sectional study included 1,426 Japanese workers (1,053 men and 373 women) aged 20 to 64 years. Intake of 12 soy foods was estimated by a validated food frequency questionnaire. Associations of total soy foods, fermented soy food, non-fermented soy food, soy isoflavone with hs-CRP, IL-6, and IL-18 levels were examined by general linear model regression analysis. We found that total fermented soy food intake was inversely associated with multivariable-adjusted geometric concentration of IL-6 in men (Q1 : 1.03 pg/mL, Q5 : 0.94 pg/mL ; P for trend = 0.031). Furthermore, it was shown that IL-6 concentrations were inversely associated with miso intake (β= -0.068 ; p = 0.034) and soy sauce intake in men (β= -0.074 ; p = 0.018). This study suggests that intake of total fermented soy food, miso and soy sauce be associated with IL-6 concentrations in Japanese men