81 research outputs found

    Covalent N-arylation by the pollutant 1,2-naphthoquinone activates the EGF receptor

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    The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is the most intensively investigated receptor tyrosine kinase. Several EGFR mutations and modifications have been shown to lead to abnormal self-activation, which plays a critical role in carcinogenesis. Environmental air pollutants, which are associated with cancer and respiratory diseases, can also activate EGFR. Specifically, the environmental electrophile 1,2-naphthoquinone (1,2-NQ), a component of diesel exhaust particles and particulate matter more generally, has previously been shown to impact EGFR signaling. However, the detailed mechanism of 1,2-NQ function is unknown. Here, we demonstrate that 1,2-NQ is a novel chemical activator of EGFR but not other EGFR family proteins. We found that 1,2-NQ forms a covalent bond, in a reaction referred to as N-arylation, with Lys80, which is in the ligand-binding domain. This modification activates the EGFR–Akt signaling pathway, which inhibits serum deprivation–induced cell death in a human lung adenocarcinoma cell line. Our study reveals a novel mode of EGFR pathway activation and suggests a link between abnormal EGFR activation and environmental pollutant–associated diseases such as cancer

    Polysulfide Na2S4 regulates the activation of PTEN/Akt/CREB signaling and cytotoxicity mediated by 1,4-naphthoquinone through formation of sulfur adducts

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    Electrophiles can activate redox signal transduction pathways, through actions of effector molecules (e.g., kinases and transcription factors) and sensor proteins with low pKa thiols that are covalently modified. In this study, we investigated whether 1,4-naphthoquinone (1,4-NQ) could affect the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN)–Akt signaling pathway and persulfides/polysulfides could modulate this adaptive response. Simultaneous exposure of primary mouse hepatocytes to Na2S4 and 1,4-NQ markedly decreased 1,4-NQ-mediated cell death and S-arylation of cellular proteins. Modification of cellular PTEN during exposure to 1,4-NQ was also blocked in the presence of Na2S4. 1,4-NQ, at up to 10 µM, increased phosphorylation of Akt and cAMP response element binding protein (CREB). However, at higher concentrations, 1,4-NQ inhibited phosphorylation of both proteins. These bell-shaped dose curves for Akt and CREB activation were right-shifted in cells treated with both 1,4-NQ and Na2S4. Incubation of 1,4-NQ with Na2S4 resulted in formation of 1,4-NQ–S–1,4-NQ-OH. Unlike 1,4-NQ, authentic 1,4-NQ-S-1,4-NQ-OH adduct had no cytotoxicity, covalent binding capability nor ability to activate PTEN-Akt signaling in cells. Our results suggested that polysulfides, such as Na2S4, can increase the threshold of 1,4-NQ for activating PTEN–Akt signaling and cytotoxicity by capturing this electrophile to form its sulfur adducts

    Involvement of SIK3 in Glucose and Lipid Homeostasis in Mice

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    Salt-inducible kinase 3 (SIK3), an AMP-activated protein kinase-related kinase, is induced in the murine liver after the consumption of a diet rich in fat, sucrose, and cholesterol. To examine whether SIK3 can modulate glucose and lipid metabolism in the liver, we analyzed phenotypes of SIK3-deficent mice. Sik3−/− mice have a malnourished the phenotype (i.e., lipodystrophy, hypolipidemia, hypoglycemia, and hyper-insulin sensitivity) accompanied by cholestasis and cholelithiasis. The hypoglycemic and hyper-insulin-sensitive phenotypes may be due to reduced energy storage, which is represented by the low expression levels of mRNA for components of the fatty acid synthesis pathways in the liver. The biliary disorders in Sik3−/− mice are associated with the dysregulation of gene expression programs that respond to nutritional stresses and are probably regulated by nuclear receptors. Retinoic acid plays a role in cholesterol and bile acid homeostasis, wheras ALDH1a which produces retinoic acid, is expressed at low levels in Sik3−/− mice. Lipid metabolism disorders in Sik3−/− mice are ameliorated by the treatment with 9-cis-retinoic acid. In conclusion, SIK3 is a novel energy regulator that modulates cholesterol and bile acid metabolism by coupling with retinoid metabolism, and may alter the size of energy storage in mice

    A Potent Inhibitor of SIK2, 3, 3′, 7-Trihydroxy-4′-Methoxyflavon (4′-O-Methylfisetin), Promotes Melanogenesis in B16F10 Melanoma Cells

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    Flavonoids, which are plant polyphenols, are now widely used in supplements and cosmetics. Here, we report that 4′-methylflavonoids are potent inducers of melanogenesis in B16F10 melanoma cells and in mice. We recently identified salt inducible kinase 2 (SIK2) as an inhibitor of melanogenesis via the suppression of the cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB)-specific coactivator 1 (TORC1). Using an in vitro kinase assay targeting SIK2, we identified fisetin as a candidate inhibitor, possibly being capable of promoting melanogenesis. However, fisetin neither inhibited the CREB-inhibitory activity of SIK2 nor promoted melanogenesis in B16F10 melanoma cells. Conversely, mono-methyl-flavonoids, such as diosmetin (4′-O-metlylluteolin), efficiently inhibited SIK2 and promoted melanogenesis in this cell line. The cAMP-CREB system is impaired in Ay/a mice and these mice have yellow hair as a result of pheomelanogenesis, while Sik2+/−; Ay/a mice also have yellow hair, but activate eumelanogenesis when they are exposed to CREB stimulators. Feeding Sik2+/−; Ay/a mice with diets supplemented with fisetin resulted in their hair color changing to brown, and metabolite analysis suggested the presence of mono-methylfisetin in their feces. Thus, we decided to synthesize 4′-O-methylfisetin (4′MF) and found that 4′MF strongly induced melanogenesis in B16F10 melanoma cells, which was accompanied by the nuclear translocation of TORC1, and the 4′-O-methylfisetin-induced melanogenic programs were inhibited by the overexpression of dominant negative TORC1. In conclusion, compounds that modulate SIK2 cascades are helpful to regulate melanogenesis via TORC1 without affecting cAMP levels, and the combined analysis of Sik2+/− mice and metabolites from these mice is an effective strategy to identify beneficial compounds to regulate CREB activity in vivo

    Chiasmata Promote Monopolar Attachment of Sister Chromatids and Their Co-Segregation toward the Proper Pole during Meiosis I

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    The chiasma is a structure that forms between a pair of homologous chromosomes by crossover recombination and physically links the homologous chromosomes during meiosis. Chiasmata are essential for the attachment of the homologous chromosomes to opposite spindle poles (bipolar attachment) and their subsequent segregation to the opposite poles during meiosis I. However, the overall function of chiasmata during meiosis is not fully understood. Here, we show that chiasmata also play a crucial role in the attachment of sister chromatids to the same spindle pole and in their co-segregation during meiosis I in fission yeast. Analysis of cells lacking chiasmata and the cohesin protector Sgo1 showed that loss of chiasmata causes frequent bipolar attachment of sister chromatids during anaphase. Furthermore, high time-resolution analysis of centromere dynamics in various types of chiasmate and achiasmate cells, including those lacking the DNA replication checkpoint factor Mrc1 or the meiotic centromere protein Moa1, showed the following three outcomes: (i) during the pre-anaphase stage, the bipolar attachment of sister chromatids occurs irrespective of chiasma formation; (ii) the chiasma contributes to the elimination of the pre-anaphase bipolar attachment; and (iii) when the bipolar attachment remains during anaphase, the chiasmata generate a bias toward the proper pole during poleward chromosome pulling that results in appropriate chromosome segregation. Based on these results, we propose that chiasmata play a pivotal role in the selection of proper attachments and provide a backup mechanism that promotes correct chromosome segregation when improper attachments remain during anaphase I

    Minimal information for studies of extracellular vesicles (MISEV2023): From basic to advanced approaches

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs), through their complex cargo, can reflect the state of their cell of origin and change the functions and phenotypes of other cells. These features indicate strong biomarker and therapeutic potential and have generated broad interest, as evidenced by the steady year-on-year increase in the numbers of scientific publications about EVs. Important advances have been made in EV metrology and in understanding and applying EV biology. However, hurdles remain to realising the potential of EVs in domains ranging from basic biology to clinical applications due to challenges in EV nomenclature, separation from non-vesicular extracellular particles, characterisation and functional studies. To address the challenges and opportunities in this rapidly evolving field, the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) updates its 'Minimal Information for Studies of Extracellular Vesicles', which was first published in 2014 and then in 2018 as MISEV2014 and MISEV2018, respectively. The goal of the current document, MISEV2023, is to provide researchers with an updated snapshot of available approaches and their advantages and limitations for production, separation and characterisation of EVs from multiple sources, including cell culture, body fluids and solid tissues. In addition to presenting the latest state of the art in basic principles of EV research, this document also covers advanced techniques and approaches that are currently expanding the boundaries of the field. MISEV2023 also includes new sections on EV release and uptake and a brief discussion of in vivo approaches to study EVs. Compiling feedback from ISEV expert task forces and more than 1000 researchers, this document conveys the current state of EV research to facilitate robust scientific discoveries and move the field forward even more rapidly

    Proteomic Analysis of Neorickettsia sennetsu Surface-Exposed Proteins and Porin Activity of the Major Surface Protein P51▿

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    Neorickettsia sennetsu is an obligate intracellular bacterium of monocytes and macrophages and is the etiologic agent of human Sennetsu neorickettsiosis. Neorickettsia proteins expressed in mammalian host cells, including the surface proteins of Neorickettsia spp., have not been defined. In this paper, we isolated surface-exposed proteins from N. sennetsu by biotin surface labeling followed by streptavidin-affinity chromatography. Forty-two of the total of 936 (4.5%) N. sennetsu open reading frames (ORFs) were detected by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS), including six hypothetical proteins. Among the major proteins identified were the two major β-barrel proteins: the 51-kDa antigen (P51) and Neorickettsia surface protein 3 (Nsp3). Immunofluorescence labeling not only confirmed surface exposure of these proteins but also showed rosary-like circumferential labeling with anti-P51 for the majority of bacteria and polar to diffuse punctate labeling with anti-Nsp3 for a minority of bacteria. We found that the isolated outer membrane of N. sennetsu had porin activity, as measured by a proteoliposome swelling assay. This activity allowed the diffusion of l-glutamine, the monosaccharides arabinose and glucose, and the tetrasaccharide stachyose, which could be inhibited with anti-P51 antibody. We purified native P51 and Nsp3 under nondenaturing conditions. When reconstituted into proteoliposomes, purified P51, but not Nsp3, exhibited prominent porin activity. This the first proteomic study of a Neorickettsia sp. showing new sets of proteins evolved as major surface proteins for Neorickettsia and the first identification of a porin for the genus Neorickettsia

    Interaction of Keap1 Modified by 2-<i>tert</i>-Butyl-1,4-benzoquinone with GSH: Evidence for <i>S</i>‑Transarylation

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    2-<i>tert</i>-Butyl-1,4-benzoquinone (TBQ), an electrophilic metabolite of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), causes activation of Nrf2 together with <i>S</i>-arylation of its negative regulator Keap1 in RAW264.7 cells. In a previous study, we found that glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) covalently modified with 1,2-naphthoquinone (1,2-NQ) undergoes <i>S</i>-transarylation by GSH, resulting in a decline of the GAPDH-1,2-NQ adduct and formation of a 1,2-NQ-SG adduct (Miura, T. et al. (2011) Chem. Res. Toxicol. 24, 1836−1844). In the present study, we explored the possibility of GSH-dependent <i>S</i>-transarylation of the Keap1-TBQ adduct. Pretreatment with l-buthionine-(<i>S</i>,<i>R</i>)-sulfoximine and <i>N</i>-acetylcysteine prior to TBQ exposure of HepG2 cells suggested that the Keap1-TBQ adduct appears to undergo GSH-mediated <i>S</i>-transarylation because the resulting alterations in the intracellular GSH concentration affected Nrf2 activation caused by TBQ. In support of this hypothesis, a cell-free study demonstrated that incubation of the Keap1-TBQ adduct with GSH results in the removal of TBQ from Keap1 with the production of mono- and di-GSH adducts of TB­(H)­Q. These results suggest that GSH plays a role in reversible covalent modification of TBQ derived from BHA to Keap1 through the formation of a C–S bond