11 research outputs found

    The Utilization of Active Village Health Posts in Community Health Center Rumbia, Central Lampung

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    One of the Government’s strategies to accelerate the improvement of health status is to alert the village through village health posts. Utilization of village health posts in Lampung province is the fifth lowest among all provinces in Indonesia. The scope highest people who did not utilize village health posts in Lampung was Central Lampung. Rumbia is one of the regencies in Central Lampung which Community in seeking health services by using Village Health Post is also lacking, it is seen from public visits to village health posts that only 6.7% of the total number of patient visits. This study aimed to collect information on the utilization of village health posts by the community. This research uses qualitative research design with a Rapid Assessment Procedures (RAP). The information in this research is 12 information from a community member who uses Village Health Post dan 11 essential information. Support of social media and support of community leaders to the activities village Health post less than the maximum. Most of the informants have not been utilizing the village health post with the causes of the lack of information about the existence of village health posts, thereare other health facilities closer, not satisfied with the services provided, midwives were not stand by at Village health post, preferring to service private midwife and because of the public trust in one of the health workers. Knowledge cadres and midwives about the village health posts are still lacking; it is due to lack of monitoring and evaluation system for organizations and midwives. Keywords: Qualitative, utilization, community, village health post

    Morphological and separation performance study of polysulfone/titanium dioxide (PSF/TiO2) ultrafiltration membranes for humic acid removal

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    In this study, polysulfone (PSF) hollow fiber membranes with enhanced performance for humic acid removal were prepared from a dope solution containing PSF/DMAc/PVP/TiO2. The main reason for adding titanium oxide during dope solution preparation was to enhance the antifouling properties of membranes prepared. In the spinning process, air gap distance was varied in order to produce different properties of the hollow fiber membranes. Characterizations were conducted to determine membrane properties such as pure water flux, molecular weight cut off (MWCO), humic acid (HA) rejection and resistance to fouling tendency. The results indicated that the pure water flux and MWCO of membranes increased with an increase in air gap distance while HA retention decreased significantly with increasing air gap. Due to this, it is found that the PSF/TiO2 membrane spun at zero air gap was the best amongst the membranes produced and demonstrated > 90% HA rejection. Analytical results from FESEM and AFM also provided supporting evidence to the experimental results obtained. Based on the anti-fouling performance investigation, it was found that membranes with the addition of TiO2 were excellent in mitigating fouling particularly in reducing the fouling resistances due to concentration polarization, cake layer formation and absorption