34 research outputs found

    Sketching women: A corpus analysis of woman representation in the Sundanese magazine Manglé (1958-2019)

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    The media plays a crucial role in shaping gender representation and influencing societal perceptions of gender roles. While several studies have examined the diachronic view of language use in relation to gender representation, there is a dearth of research specifically focusing on the Sundanese language in this line of inquiry. Filling this research gap, the present study aims to analyze the usage patterns of three Sundanese nouns—mojang, pamajikan, and wanoja—that pertain to women, with the goal of exploring the representation of women in the corpus of the Sundanese magazine Manglé. Through a comprehensive corpus-based analysis, this study investigates the frequency and contextual meaning of these nouns using collocation analysis. The analysis encompasses four distinct eras spanning from 1958 to 2019: Guided Democracy, New Order, Transition to Democracy, and Reform. The findings reveal significant shifts in the frequency of these nouns over time. Notably, the usage of the term wanoja has experienced a remarkable increase throughout the examined period, while the occurrences of pamajikan and mojang have undergone a rapid decline. The collocation analysis suggests that women in the Sundanese corpus were initially depicted as dependent individuals, predominantly associated with their traditional roles. However, as the eras progressed, the representation of women evolved, portraying them as increasingly independent and actively engaged in the public sphere. The examination of women's representation in the Manglé corpus offers valuable insights into how women are constructed through lexical choices. It highlights the dynamic nature of female representation, challenging stereotypical gender role

    Language Attitudes of the Madurese Community Toward Madurese, Indonesian, English, and Other Foreign Languages

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    Language attitudes play an important role in the use and maintenance of a language. This is particularly the case in a multilingual speech community such as the Madurese community where most people speak more than one language. The present study seeks to understand the attitudes of the Madurese community toward Madurese, Indonesian, English, and other foreign languages (MIEof languages). To achieve this, 200 questionnaires were randomly distributed to respondents in Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep, but only 150 questionnaires were filled in and returned. The questionnaires, which contained questions and answers using 5 point Likert scales of ‘strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree’, were analyzed quantitatively by averaging the calculation results of each of the scales. The results were categorized based on relevant themes, i.e., attitudes toward learning, mastery, and use of MIEof languages. Our analyses showed that most of the respondents demonstrated positive attitudes toward learning, mastery, and use of MIEof languages. The results are discussed with respect to the language maintenance of Madurese and local languages, the prospects of Indonesian, English, and other foreign languages along with multilingualism practices in Madura. It can be concluded that the Madurese community seem to be open to the practice of multilingualism, indicated by their positive attitudes toward language learning, mastery, and use. It is suggested that future studies make use of qualitative data, such as interview data so that findings about the language attitudes of the Madurese community under consideration can be further corroborated

    Refining Abstrak using Machine Translation

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    This paper investigates steps in which abstrak of a paper may be well translated into abstract using particular computer aided tool, the machine translation. In analysing the steps mentioned, the narrative-descriptive method is implemented in order to specify the sequence of the steps. In the process, it turned out that there were at least 4 steps to perform in order to create a well translated abstrak into abstract. Four steps can be done in order to create one well-translated abstrak. Each steps requires systematic analysis in order to achieve correct and accurate translation. Finishing the steps mean the translated abstrak may require further action in order to achieve best result. By performing these systematic and step by step sequences, the abstrak can express your best thought, additionally, the steps can even be extended to the entire paper to achieve the accurate translation


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    Makalah ini membahas kolokasi dan makna dari lima kata (awéwé, istri, mojang, pamajikan, dan wanoja) dalam bahasa Sunda yang bermakna perempuan dari majalah Manglè yang terbit di tahun 2012-2013 melalui pendekatan linguistik korpus. Tujuannya adalah mengidentifikasi distribusi frekuensi penggunaan lima kosakata bermakna perempuan, mengidentifikasi kolokat signifikan berdasarkan frekuensi dan MI score, dan membuat profil semantis untuk setiap kata bermakna perempuan berdasarkan analisis preferensi semantis dan medan makna menurut USAS. Metode yang digunakan adalah rancangan metode gabungan (mixed methods design), artinya penelitian ini menggunakan data statistik yang diperoleh dari analisis korpus, lalu diinterpretasikan lebih lanjut dengan menggunakan pertimbangan kualitatif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa frekuensi penggunaan kata-kata bermakna perempuan beragam. Kata yang paling sering digunakan adalah pamajikan, sedangkan yang paling sedikit digunakan adalah awéwé. Berdasarkan kolokat siginifkan yang dikategorikan menurut preferensi semantisnya, terdapat kecenderungan yang menunjukkan bahwa masing-masing kata tersebut dikaitkan dengan topik-topik tertentu. Selain itu, jika dilihat berdasarkan prosodi semantisnya, kata mojang cenderung dimaknai positif, istri dan pamajikan negatif, dan awéwé netral

    Klasifikasi Topik terhadap Judul Berita Kasus Covid-19 dengan Multilayer Perceptron

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    Peran media massa berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat terhadap penyebaran Covid-19. Berdasarkan laporan Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2022, media daring cenderung dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia sebagai sumber berita dengan persentase 88%. Hal tersebut menunjukkan media daring merupakan tempat penyebaran informasi yang penting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengklasifikasikan topik yang ada dalam berita terkait kasus Covid-19 dalam media massa Kompas dengan menggunakan multilayer perceptron. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, berita kasus Covid-19 dapat dikategorikan menjadi empat label, yaitu kebijakan pemerintah, pemberitahuan informasi, internasional, dan masyarakat umum. Tingkat akurasi yang didapat dari pemodelan dengan multilayer perceptron adalah 75%. Kemiripan pada kata-kata dalam data menyebabkan adanya kesalahan dalam membedakan antara satu topik dengan topik lainnya


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    The availability of clean water is a major human requirement. Suku Anak Dalam community communities often struggle to access clean water sources. The river becomes one of the sources of clean water used to meet the needs of water, but the condition of the river does not meet the standard for use. The purpose of this community devotion is to do clean water counseling and demonstration about the manufacture of water filter media in Suku Anak Dalam in Lubuk Kayu Aro, Mestong District of Muaro Jambi, Jambi. This activity will be expected to improve the health quality of the Suku Anak Dalam in Lubuk Kayu Aro. The method used was counseling to the community of Suku Anak Dalam in Lubuk Kayu Aro and did a demonstration of a simple water filter media. Materials needed include sieve containers, bottled water, gravel, palm-fiber, sand, and foam. The result of this community devotion is increasing public knowledge about the importance of clean water in life. In addition, people can know how to create water filter media and apply it in daily life. Keywords: clean water, Suku Anak Dalam, water filter medi


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    ABSTRAKSuku Anak Dalam (SAD) merupakan masyarakat yang tinggal jauh dari jangkauan pelayanan kesehatan, untuk mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang rutin maka perlu dibentuk Pos Pelayanan Terpadu (Posyandu).  Posyandu merupakan wadah utama bagi SAD untuk mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang dilaksanakan oleh kader kesehatan yang sudah mendapatkan pelatihan atau materi sebelumnya. Tujuan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) untuk meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan SAD dan menghasilkan kader kesehatan yang mampu melaksanakan kegiatan posyandu. Metode yang dilakukan adalah: seleksi kader untuk dilatih dengan pembelajaran yang diberikan adalah learning by doing,  belajar atas pengalaman (learning by experience) dan melibatkan peran serta aktif peserta (active learner participatory). Setelah itu, dilakukan pengayaan pengalaman praktik kerja lapangan di Posyandu untuk membiasakan peserta melaksanakan tugasnya, selama  enam belas kali pertemuan. Hasil PKM sebagai berikut: 10 orang kader yag dilatih, memahami materi yang diberikan, dapat melaksanakan simulasi praktik posyandu 5 (lima) meja, dapat melaksanakan cek kesehatan didampinggi oleh tim kesehatan serta dapat memahami penggunaan obat bebas terbatas. Diharapan peran aktif kader posyandu dalam memberikan pelayan kesehatan pada SAD dan berkoordinasi dengan tenaga kesehatan pukesmas induk saat pelaksanaan posyandu. diharapakn kader-kader yang terdidik dan terlatih mampu menyelesaikan permasalahana kesehatan pada SAD. Kata Kunci: Kader Posyandu,  Kesehatan SAD ABSTRACTSuku Anak Dalam (SAD) is a community that lives far from the reach of health services, to get routine health services it is necessary to establish an Integrated Service Post (Posyandu). Posyandu is the main place for SAD to get health services carried out by health cadres who have received training or previous material. The purpose of the Community Partnership Program (PKM) is to improve the quality of SAD health and produce health cadres capable of carrying out posyandu activities. The method used is: selection of cadres to be trained with the learning given is learning by doing, learning from experience (learning by experience) and involving the active participation of participants (active learner participatory). After that, an enrichment of practical work experience in Posyandu was carried out to familiarize participants with their duties, for sixteen meetings. The PKM results are as follows: 10 cadres trained, understand the material provided, can carry out a 5 (five) table posyandu practice simulation, can carry out a health check up by the health team and can understand the use of limited free drugs. It is hoped that the active role of posyandu cadres in providing health services to SAD and coordinating with the main health center health workers during the implementation of posyandu. It is hoped that educated and trained cadres are able to solve health problems in SAD. Keywords: Posyandu cadre, SAD healt