204 research outputs found

    Pembiasaan Empat Karakter Kenabian di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Studi Analisis Program Kegiatan MI Muhammadiyah Program Khusus Kartasura, Sukoharjo)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pembiasaan karakter kenabian melalui manajemen kegiatan siswa di madrasah. Informasi digali melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi kemudian dianalisis dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Temuan hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut: Pertama, karakter kenabian diimplementasikan berdasarkan indikator yang diinginkan oleh madrasah. Kedua, pendidikan karakter dikembangkan melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang sebelumnya direncanakan melalui program kerja dari berbagai bidang di madrasah. Ketiga, pelaksanaan dilakukan oleh semua pihak, siswa sebagai sasaran dan guru sebagai fasilitator. Keempat, evaluasi dilakukan secara berkala dan selalui menyesuaikan kasus-kasus yang terjadi di lapangan. Kelima, output dari penanaman karakter kenabian adalah siswa terbiasa melaksanakan pembiasaan-pembiasaan di luar madrasah. Kata Kunci: pembiasaan, pendidikan, karakter kenabian.  This study aims to find habituation prophetic character through management of student activities at the school. The information collected through interviews, observation and documentation then analyzed by qualitative descriptive approach. The findings of the study are: 1) the character of prophetic implemented based on the indicators desired by the madrassa, 2) The  character education is developed through activities that planned through the work program of the various fields in madrassas, 3)the implementation by all parties, students as a target and the teacher as a facilitator, 4) evaluation conducted regularly and kept up-to adjust the cases occurred in the field, 5) output of planting prophetic character is used to implement student habituation-conditioning outside the madrassa. Keywords : Habituation, Education, Prophetic Character. &nbsp

    Kajian Ornamen Gorga di Rumah Adat Batak Toba (Studi Kasus : di Kawasan Desa Wisata Tomok, Huta Siallagan dan Huta Bolon di Kabupaten Samosir)

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    One of the interesting cultural potentials to be studied is traditional houses. This traditional house has its own uniqueness in every area. One of the uniqueness can be seen from the many ornaments in it. Diversity has its own meaning and function. Ornaments is one of the historical heritage of Indonesia where almost all the tribes in Indonesia can be found various kinds of ornaments that reflect the techniques of each region in Indonesia. Ornament Batak Toba is one of the many ornaments that exist in this country Indonesia. Toba Batak ornament can be found in North Sumatera Province precisely in Samosir regency which always apply Toba Batak ornament as decoration or as identity in important building for Batak Toba, for example in traditional house building in Huta Siallagan, Tomok Village and Huta Bolon.This research is classified in research using descriptive-comparative research method, doing the study by comparing the existing ornaments in these three villages with theories about Ornaments Gorga Rumah Adat Batak Toba, then do the analysis of the condition in accordance with the theory used as a referenc

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Gangguan Non-auditory Akibat Kebisingan pada Musisi Rock

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    The musicians who got noise attack with the intensity up to 85 dBA and the average of practice duration between 2 untill 4 hours has arisk get NIHL. If the musicians has NIHL , so there can be the interference of communication, physiologic, and phsycologic. The aim of this research is to know all the factor who related with non auditory intrference from the consequences of the noise on rock musicians.This research is supported by explanatory research, writing using cross sectional approachment. Total population are 35 rock musicians and using technique sampling total population on 35 rock musicians for the sample. In this case, the author use sound level meters (SLM) for measure the noise.Result of measuring the noise is the noise between 99 dBA till 113 dBA. For minimum Leq of noise are 101 dBA and maximum leq of noise are 101 dBA.Result of research, the authors get the result that there is a relation between level the noise, mass work, ages, and duration of the noise attack the rock musicians toward interference of non auditory, with statistic correlation test pearson product moment get the result p-value 0,010;0.028;0.023;0.010. and there is no strong relation between the record of musicians rocks hearing upset with interference of non auditory, with statistic correlation biserial get the number p-value -0.09

    Analysis of Technology Acceptance Model in Understanding of Students Behavior Intention in Use of Sikadu

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    The research aims to know the perception of students of ease use of Sikadu, the perception of students of usefulness use of Sikadu, and the impact of students' perception of ease and usefulness of Sikadu. The approach of this research used quantitative research with descriptive analysis. Sample was students of Faculty of Economics, class of 2015 and 2016. The results of research indicates that students' perception of the menu and display existing is easy to use in lecture activities up to the utilization of obtaining learning result information; students' perception of the menu and display existing in Sikadu is very useful in lecturing activities up to the utilization of learning result information; the ease and usefulness in Sikadu encourages the students to use it although it is still rare used when it is seen from the frequency of using. Students mostly use it at the beginning and end of the semester; and the skill to operate computers. The need and demand to use Sikadu in academic administration becomes the main factors that encourage students to use Sikadu

    Analisa Tegangan pada Rangka Prototype Kendaraan Buge Menggunakan Elemen Hingga

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    Kendaraan roda tiga (Three Wheelers) adalah salah satu kendaraan dengan inovasi dan teknologiterbaru yang saat ini berkembang. Kendaraan roda tiga ini didesain berdasarkan konsep kendaraan roda tigauntuk stabilitas, keselamatan dan kemampuan pengendaraan maksimum dengan lebar total sekitar 1300mm. Rancangan prototype ini memadukan konsep kendaraan buge dengan ATV,dimana suspensi bagiandepan dirancang mengunakan dua shock breaker dengan lengan ayun di kiri dan kanan yang mampubergerak dinamis layaknya ATV. Analsis pada rangka prototype kendaraan buge ini dilakukan denganmenggunakan finite elemen software. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui deformasi yang terjadi serta daerahkritis dan daerah aman pada rangka. Berat beban yang digunakan sebesar 1000 N yang merupakan beratpenumpang 800 N dan berat mesin 200 N. Bahan yang digunakan adalah baja ST 42 dengan moduluselastisitas 200000 MPa, Poisson ratio 0.27, dan yield strength 415 MPa. Setelah proses analisis dilakukan,diperoleh tegangan von Mises maksimum (SMX) sebesar 78.518 MPa pada batang L46 (lengan ayundepan), Tegangan terendah (SMN) sebesar 0.079775 Mpa pada batang L22 (dudukan jok), defleksi yangterjadi (DMX) sebesar 3.745 mm, dan diperoleh faktor keamanan (safety factor) sebesar 5.285

    Tingkat Pengetahuan Karyawan Bengkel Mobil Jaya Motor Tentang Alat Perlindungan Diri (Apd) di Desa Ental Sewu, Buduran, Sidoarjo

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    Introduction. Pemakaian Alat Perlindungan Diri digunakan untuk melindungi diri dari bahaya potensi yang ada di tempat mereka terpapar. Pemakaian Alat Perlindungan Diri harus sesuai agar tidak membahayakan tenaga kerja seperti pusing, sesak napas, batuk dan mata perih. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan karyawan bengkel mobil jaya motor tentang Alat Perlindungan Diri (APD) di desa ental sewu buduran sidoarjo. Methods. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, populasi menggunakan teknik sampling yaitu non probability sampling tipe total sampling, dengan sampel menggunakan 30 responden, variabel dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat pengetahuan karyawan bengkel, instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuisioner. Kemudian diolah dengan menggunakan tabulasi dalam bentuk tabel distribusi frekuensi. Results. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan karyawan bengkel di Desa Ental Sewu Buduran - Sidoarjo hampir setengahnya responden yang mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan kurang sebanyak 14 responden (46,67%). Discussion. Tingkat Pengetahuan seseorang dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti umur, pendidikan, dan lama bekerja. Untuk itu peneliti mengadakan penyuluhan penyuluhan tentang Alat Perlindungan Diri dan diperlukan dukungan aktif dari karyawan, pemilik bengkel, dan juga petugas kesehatan dalam memberikan penyuluhan tentang Alat Perlindungan Diri (APD)


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    Brebes regency regulation number 2 section 12 (2011) estabilishers the policy of special region plan year 2010 ā€“ 2030. It concerns to central service system or local center activity that has service scale of unit development area. Includes Brebes sub district (units of north development region), Ketanggungan subdistrict (units of middle development region), and Bumiayu subdistrict (units of south development region). However from those three areas, units of central development region is still left behind area. It can be seen from several indicators such as capital income, accessibility and requires public facilities and un-operate of local center activity in Ketanggungan subdistrict. The purpose of this research is clasificating the units of middle development region on Brebes Regency using Typolpgy Klassen method. It is used for understanding the scale of interaction among units of middle development region. By monitoring citizen movement in using public facilities. And than understanding of which subdistrict able to be determined as central new development to force economic grawot in units of middle development region by using Skalogram method. The result of this research conclude thereā€™s three of six subdistrict in units of middle development region are included in un-develop area. Those are Songgom, Banjarharjo, and Larangan subdistrict. Then from special scale interaction, Jatibarang and Larangan subdistrict have an attraction for units of middle development region on Brebes Regency to other's subdistrict society. On the other hand, the result of Skalogram analisys Jatibarang and Larangan subdistrict, constitute subdistrict with the number and type of facilities most complete at units of middle development region on Brebes Regency, concern to facilities requirement, Jatibarang and Larangan subdistrict able to be determined as central new development at units of middle development region on Brebe

    Kualitas Kriopreservasi Semen Rusa Bawean {Axis Kuhlii (Temminck, 1836)} Hasil Penangkaran [Quality of Cryopreserved Semen of Captive Bawean Deer {Axis Kuhlii (Temminck, 1836)}]

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    Bawean Deer {Axis kuhlii (Temminck, 1836)} is an endemic deer species from Bawean island, Indonesia. Under the National Protection act, the species is listed as protected and in the IUCN is categorized as Critically Endangered. In order to maintain the existence of these species, wildlife conservation of germplasm is needed through development of technique of sperm cryopreservation for Bawean deer semen. The sperm were collected from captive animals in Station for Beef Cattle Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, at Grati, Pasuruan, which consisted of two adult males and two sub-adult males. The research objective was to determine the quality and quantity of preserved sperm from captive deer Bawean in the form of frozen semen for conservation needs and further USAge. Prior to sperm collections, the animal was anesthetized with mixture of xylazine and ketamin. Sperm was then collected by an electroejaculator using a 2-cm probe diameter and 17 cm of length. Extender solution used was tris glycerol. The semen was able to be collected only from two adult stags with sperm motility of 50-60% and sperm concentration was in the range of 500-1140 x 106sel/ml. This study suggested the need for monitoring the developmentof sperm in relation to antler development

    Motivation of the Elderly and Elderly Visits to the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) in Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Sub-district, Mojokerto District

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    Background. Having a healthy and prosperous life in old age is the hope of every elderly person. In achieving a healthy and prosperous old age, various efforts have been made by the government, one of which is an Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) program.Objectives. This study aims to analyze the relationship of motivation of the elderly and elderly visits to the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) in Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Sub-District, Mojokerto District.Methods. The research design used is analytic cross sectional. The population in this study were all elderly residents of Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Subdistrict, Mojokerto District who had attended the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) as many as 52 people. The sampling technique in the study was simple random sampling. The sample size in this study was 46 people. The measuring instrument used was a questionnaire for motivational variables, and a visit book for elderly visiting to the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) variables.Results. The results showed that the average value of motivation was 68.5870, indicating strong motivation. The average visit value is 1.9348, indicating that the visit is not active. Based on the results of the analysis using the Spearman Rho correlation test obtained Ļ = 0.00 <Ī± = 0.05, so that it can be interpreted that there is a relationship between the motivation of the elderly and elderly visits to the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) in Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Sub-District, Mojokerto District.Conclusion. Based on the results of the study showed that there was a relationship between the motivation of the elderly and elderly visits to the Elderly Integrated Service Post in Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Sub-District, Mojokerto District, which could mean that the elderly had strong motivation, then the visit to the Elderly Integrated Service Post would be active. On the contrary, the elderly whose motivation is weak then visit the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) is not active
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