30 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kinerja Sistem Informasi Manajemen di Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat Surakarta Berdasarkan Aspek Persepsi Pengguna

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    Universitas Diponegoro Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Program Magister Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Konsentrasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kesehatan 2015 ABSTRAK Novita Yuliani Evaluasi Kinerja Sistem Informasi Manajemen di Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat Surakarta Berdasarkan Aspek Persepsi Pengguna xv + 104 halaman + 19 tabel + 3 gambar + 23 lampiran Sistem informasi rumah sakit (hospital information system /HIS) turut berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi. Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat (BBKPM) Surakarta pada tahun 2013 telah mengaplikasikan SIMRS berbasis komputer, yang awalnya sistem pelaporannya masih manual. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif evaluatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, instrumen penelitian ini dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Metode evaluasi sistem informasi yang ada di BBKPM Surakarta adalah menggunakan metode PIECES yang dari Performance, Information/Data, Economic, Control/Security, Efficiency, Service. Hasil penelitian ini adalah, persepsi pengguna berdasarkan aspek performace dikategorikan persepsi baik47,5% dan persepsi kurang baik 52,5%, aspek informasi dikategorikan baik 50% dan kurang baik 50%, aspek ekonomi dikategorikan persepsi baik 60% dan persepsi kurang baik 40%, aspek kontrol dikategorikan persepsi baik 47,5% dan persepsi persepsi kurang baik 52,5%%, serta aspek efisiensi dikategorikan persepsi baik 47,5% dan persepsi kurang baik 52,5%, kemudian aspek servis dikategorikan persepsi baik 60% dan persepsi kurang baik 40%. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini bahwa persepsi pengguna berdasarkan aspek secara keseluruhan (aspek performance, informasi, ekonomi, kontrol, efisiensi, dan servis) yaitu dikategorikan baik 52,08% dan kurang baik 47,92%. Saran untuk Balai Besar Kesehatan Paru Masyarakat Surakarta adalah perlu adanya pembenahan dalam aspek performan dan kontrol serta melibatkan user dalam pengembangan sistem informasi. Pembenahan aspek efisiensi dan pelatihan menggunakan sistem informasi manajemen rumah sakit. Kata Kunci : Kinerja, sistem informasi, persepsi pengguna, metode PIECES Pustaka : 27 (1994-2013) Diponegoro University Faculty of Public Health Master’s Program in Public Health Majoring in Health Management Information System 2015 ABSTRACT Novita Yuliani Performance Evaluation of Management Information System at Council of Public Lung Health in Surakarta based upon Aspect of User’s Perception xv + 104 pages + 19 tables + 3 figures + 23 enclosures Hospital information system (HIS) developed together with information technology. Council of Public Lung Health in Surakarta in 2013 had applied HIS based on computer, previously done manually. This was descriptive-evaluative study with cross sectional approach. Research instrument used a questionnaire. Evaluation method of information system available at Council of Public Lung Health in Surakarta was PIECES (Performance, Information/Data, Economic, Control/Security, Efficiency, and Service). The results of this research showed that in terms of the aspect of performance, users had good perception (47.5%) and bad perception (52.5%); aspect of information, users had good perception (50%) and bad perception (50%); aspect of economic, users had good perception (60%) and bad perception (40%); aspect of control, users had good perception (47.5%) and bad perception (52.5%); aspect of efficiency, users had good perception (47.5%) and bad perception (52.5%); and for aspect of service, users had good perception (60%) and bad perception (40%). In conclusion, users’ perceptions of all measured aspects (performance, information, economic, control, efficiency, and service) were categorised as good (52.08%) and bad (47.92%). As suggestions, the Council needs to improve the aspects of performance and control that involves users in development of information system. In addition, improvement of efficiency aspect and training uses HIS. Key Words : Performance, Information System, Users’ Perceptions, PIECES method Bibliography : 27 (1994-2013

    Influence Of Brand Image And Word Of Mouth Communication On Purchase Decision In Tiktok Shop

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    Since customers may have different views of your brand, it is important to strive to maintain a consistent brand image. Companies spend a lot of time planning brand personality, voice and brand positioning in the market. All of these help customers interact with your brand and perceive your brand, and ultimately form a brand image. Some of the power of e-commerce also involves the promotion of brand image. One of the powers of marketing products is word of mouth. Because of this power, people will automatically get testimony from real buyers and use the product itself. Most people believe in his marketing strategy. This study examines the influence of brand image and word of mouth communication on product purchasing decisions for consumers through Tiktok shop. The data used in this study were obtained from a questionnaire made using google form. with the number of respondents as many as 89 people. Where the method that use in this study is descriptive analysis method based on the google form data that we collected. The respondens consist of students, lecture, worker, housekeeper and etc. They came form different age, work, envirotment and experiences of using the Tiktok app.Keywords: Tiktok shop, brand image, word of mouth, advertisement, buying decision


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    Brands play an important role in corporate identity and internal image formation people's minds. What's more, we are currently living in the digital age. The emergence of technology boosts MSME activities Enterprise (MSME), including brand building. But the problem is the lack of awareness MSMEs are building a brand, and only a few MSMEs in Indonesia are using digital media. Therefore, it is hoped that small and medium enterprises can increase brand awareness and be able to Accommodating the maximum use of internet media, enabling MSME brands to international market. From the existing problems, it is necessary to discuss the basic concept Small, medium and micro brands, barriers to implementation of small, medium and micro brands, the main key to construction Branding in the digital era, and strategies for building MSME brands. This study uses Qualitative descriptive method, literature study through related books, Journal and Website. The survey results show that the brand strategy is very Implementation is important for the progress and existence of MSMEs Internet media can promote to implement brand strategies

    Menumbuhkan Jiwa Wirausaha Kawula Mudadi Era Milenial Melalui Pendekatan Inside-out

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    The potential for development and development of an entrepreneurial spirit in theyounger generation is still not optimal. This is because the level of education of mostaudiences is high school (SMA) who have never received debriefing about entrepreneurship.The aim of community service is to see the students' abilities for themselves through selfconcept,entrepreneurial interest, entrepreneurial traits, own skills, abilities and backgroundthat determine what type of business will be pioneered. Then there needs to be an effort tofoster an entrepreneurial spirit through an inside-out approach. Inside-out approach. TheInside-out approach means initiating something (including making changes) from yourself,not from outside parties. The variables used are self-concept, entrepreneurial interest andentrepreneurial characteristics. Data were obtained through pretest and post testquestionnaires distributed to students. The results show Pretest is done on the variables ofself-concept, entrepreneurial interest and entrepreneurial characteristics. The results ofpretest-variable business interests showed an average of 65.08%. Based on scoreinterpretation criteria, it can be concluded that students' self-concept towardsentrepreneurship is strong. The pretestminate results of entrepreneurship show an average of90.08%. Based on the score interpretation criteria, it was concluded that students'entrepreneurial interest in entrepreneurship was very strong. Post test results onentrepreneurship shows an average of 91.52%. Based on the score interpretation criteria, itwas concluded that students' entrepreneurial interest in entrepreneurship was very strong. Theresults of the pre test entrepreneurial characteristics show that the average of Nikai is 77.26%.The post test results showed an average value of 77.78%. Based on the interpretation criteriathe score is concluded that the characteristics of students' entrepreneurship towardsentrepreneurs are strong. The results of the post test did not show results that were notsignificantly different from the results of the pre-test. The inside-out approach is a reflectionof the attitude of proactivity, which is to make oneself as a person who is empowered (at thesame time responsible) in creating a positive influence on the surrounding environment. Thisinside-out approach is very good in developing students personally to become independententrepreneurs in the future