95 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Sense Relations in Alice in Wonderland 2: Through the Looking Glass Movie

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    The problems of the research were â€what are the kinds, dominant use, and meaning of sense relations used in Alice in Wonderland 2: through the Looking Glass Movie?â€. The objectives of the research were to explain the kinds, dominant use, and meaning of sense relations used in Alice in Wonderland 2: through the Looking Glass Movie. The researcher used a qualitative descriptive method to clasify and analyze the data. The data were analyzed through some steps including identification, classification, reduction, description, and conclusion. After the data were analyzed, the reseacher found the kinds, the dominant use, and the meaning of sense relations used in Alice in Wonderland 2: through the Looking Glass Movie. Sense relations in Alice in Wonderland 2: through the Looking Glass Movie were analyzed in term synonymy, polysemy, homonymy, hyponymy, and antonymy. The reseacher found synonymy 160 words (52%) as the dominant use, the second dominant use is hyponymy 70 words (23%), the third dominant use is antonymy 68 words (22%), the fourth dominant use is homonymy 6 words (2%), the fewest kind is polysemy 2 words (1%). The meaning which has found was analyzed based on speaker sense and linguistic sense. The researcher found 5 words as speaker sense and almost all of the meaning of sense relations has linguistic sense because the meaning of word is lexical meaning based on the dictionary.   Key word: Sense Relations, Movi

    An Analysis of Deixis and Speech Act Used in English Teaching and Learning Process

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     This study focuses on analyzing deixis and speech acts used by the English teacher and eleventh grade students of language program at Islamic Integrated Senior High School Curup in the academic year 2013/2014. The topic was chosen by the researcher as the object of the research, first of all because deixis and speech acts are commonly analyzed in the daily conversation such as in movie and comic. Secondly, this school is the one that has a language program class at eleventh grade besides two science program classes and two social program classes. This study means to explain the used of deixis and speech acts in English teaching and learning. The design of this research is an ethnography research and the main instrument of this research is the researcher itself. The finding of this study shows that the teacher of English and students used deixis in their daily activity in the classroom. However, the most frequently types of deixis used by them is person deixis. Further, the most dominant type of speech acts on English teaching and learning at this class is directive utterance. Generally, the teacher more often used them to give command, suggestion and request.The teacher and students used deixis and speech acts almost in every moment. Because this class used teacher center, so the students used deixis and speech act only when they responded the teachers questions. Key words: deixis, speech acts, directive utterance, person deixis

    Developing Suplementry Speaking Material in Digital Media

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    The purpose of this research was to develope and validate the suplementary speaking material in digital media for accounting students of SMK Negeri 1 Lubuklinggau. This research used Research and Development Method by applying Borg and Gall Model. There were ten steps, they are (1) research and information collecting (2) planning (3) developing preliminary form of product (4) preliminary field testing (5) main product revision (6) field testing (7) operational product revision (8) operational field testing (9) final product (10) dissemination and implementation.. The subjects were the Accounting students of eleventh grade in academic year 2020/2021. While, for step 6, 8 and 10 were applied by using Google Classroom application in English group of XI Accounting Program. The data showed that there were some problem faced by the students aespecially in finding a speaking book which concerning to accounting program. The teacher also need a book that can help English speaking skill not only for general English. After following the ten steps in R&D method, started from analyzing, evaluating, revising and trying out, it was concluded that the suplementary speaking material in digital media for accounting students can help them in learning English based on their need. It was proven by the average score of questionnaire (4.35) with very good criteria. Keywords: Developing, Supplementary Speaking Materials, Accounting Student


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    Reading was an activity of seeing, observing a series of written symbols and understanding the information contained in a paragraph. Reading be important skill that must be mastery by students.  The aimed of the research were  to describe the students’ problem in learning Reading Comprehension and to describe Experiment-Text-Relationship (ETR) method  play a role in improving students' reading comprehension. This research designed in qualitative method that focused in library research. The subject in this research  was seven articles that published in the journals. In collecting the data, the writer reding research article in ETR and in analyzing the data, the writer identifying and classifiying. The results showed : students had less spirit in following the lesson and they confuse about understanding part of the reading skills. After used Experiment-Text-Relationship (ETR) method,  students’ score were increase ftom the post test data. It can be concluding that Experiment-Text-Relationship (ETR) method as solution in teaching reading comprehension


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    The problem of this study was “is it significantly effective to use Intrapersonal Intelligence strategy in improving students’ ability to write descriptive paragraph to Eighth grade students at SMP Muhammadiyah Sumberharta in academic year 2019/2020?”. The objective of this study was to find out whether or not it was significantly effective to use Intrapersonal Intelligence strategy in teaching writing descriptive paragraph to Eighth grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah Sumberharta in academic year 2019/2020. The population of this study was all of the eighth grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah Sumberharta in academic year 2019/2020 and total number of sample was 21 students from VIII.B. The sample in this study was taken through cluster random sampling. In this study, the writer used pre-experimental method. In collecting the data, the writer used written test. In analyzing the data, the writer used two techniques, individual students’ score and paired t-test. Based on the result of the data analysis, the writer found out that the students’ average score was 67.29 in the pre-test and it increased in the post-test which score was 77.80. The result of paired t-test was 5.20 while ttable was 1.725. It means that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Furthermore, it was significantly effective to use Intrapersonal Intelligence strategy in improving students’ ability to write descriptive paragraph to the Eight grade students at SMP Muhammadiyah Sumberharta in academic year 2019/2020


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    This aims of this research  were to find out the kinds and the process of derivational affixes of national column  in The Jakarta Post online. This research belong to descriptive qualitative research. The data was gotten from national column of The Jakarta Post online newspaper which published on June 4th - 8th 2018. The data in this research were collected by some steps 1) searching The Jakarta Post Newspaper at www.newspaperPDF.com, 2) reading the sentences of the chosen in The Jakarta Post Online Newspaper to find out the words which contain derivational affixes, 3) collecting the words which contain derivational affixes to get the data of the kind derivational affixes by prefixation and suffixation. The result of analysis in this research were 1) The total number of words that conducted by a process of derivational affixes are 301 words were suffixes forming noun are more dominantly as much as 167 words which a process of verb to noun are frequently found in a 123 times, 2) The derivation process of suffixes is much more found from the derivational prefixes.   Keyword: Affixes, Derivation, The Jakarta Post Online Newspape

    Students’ Motivation in Learning English

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    This study aims to determine students' motivation in learning English and its effect on their English learning achievement. The research method used is survey research with a quantitative approach. Data were collected using questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The questionnaire was adapted from the Attitude Motivation Test Battery (AMTB) designed by Gardner. The results showed that 52% of students took an active role in learning English. Students are relative "highly" motivated to learn English to have a good chance in their educational goals. In conclusion, instrumental motivation is a significant factor among students of SMAN 5 Lubuklinggau in learning English. Based on data documents about students' English scores, students' motivation to learn English affects their English learning achievement. Keywords: English, Learning, Motivatio

    Lecturers’ Challenges: Teaching English by Using Blended Learning in Pandemic Era at PGRI Silampari University

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    This research aimed to discover the lecturers' challenges in teaching during the pandemic situation at PGRI Silampari University. The method used in this research was the descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects of this research were five lecturers in the English education study program. In collecting the data, the researcher used two instruments. There were questionnaires and interviews. The researcher followed three concurrent activity flows to analyze the data: data condensation, data display, and conclusion, for the results showed some challenges they faced when implementing teaching and learning activities in blended learning both in the online and offline classroom. The challenges were the lack of student control and monitoring, the problem in applying technology, and the problem with time allocation due to the Pandemic. In conclusion, students faced many challenges in teaching by applying blended learning during Pandemic Covid -19 at PGRI Silampari University. Keywords: blended learning, challenges, lecturer. This research aimed to discover the lecturers' challenges in teaching during the pandemic situation at PGRI Silampari University. The method used in this research was the descriptive qualitative approach. The subjects of this research were five lecturers in the English education study program. In collecting the data, the researcher used two instruments. There were questionnaires and interviews. The researcher followed three concurrent activity flows to analyze the data: data condensation, data display, and conclusion, for the results showed some challenges they faced when implementing teaching and learning activities in blended learning both in the online and offline classroom. The challenges were the lack of student control and monitoring, the problem in applying technology, and the problem with time allocation due to the Pandemic. In conclusion, students faced many challenges in teaching by applying blended learning during Pandemic Covid -19 at PGRI Silampari University. Keywords: blended learning, Challenges, Lecturer

    The Used of Inductive Approach to Improve Students Speaking in Professional Context at the Second Semester Students of STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau

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    The objective of the research was to find out how students speaking in professional context at the 2nd semester of STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau can be improved through inductive approach. The researcher used Action Research or classroom action research. The research conducted at STKIP PGRI Lubuk Linggau academic year 2014/2015. The research conducted to the students who took speaking class (Speaking for Professional context). The class consists of 34 students. The procedures of the actions were four steps as follows: (1) planning, (2) implementing, (3) observing and (4) reflecting. The findings of the strategy implementation were analyzed from the research instruments used, observation checklists, field notes, speaking test and Interview. There were thirty four (34) students as the samples of class room action research. Based on the product of test, they were 30 of 34 students (88.24 percent) successfully passed the final of speaking test. Based on the interview of 34 students in second semester only 6 students who were still not confidence in speaking and there were 28 students or (82.35 percent) who did not feel easily embarrassed when they spoke in the class especially in formal class. Based on the data above, this classroom action research succeeds to improve students skill in speaking for professional context. It means that, inductive approach that has 6 steps, 13 meeting, and 7 topics was success. Keyword: Speaking, Professional Context, Inductive, Approac

    An Analysis of English Lexical Collocation Found in English Newspaper

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    This study was conducted to find out the answer of question about what the English lexical collocation found in English Newspaper, The Jakarta Post. This study was designed as a descriptive qualitative research and data of the study was described in form of qualitative description. The data was taken from the headlines of the Jakarta post newspaper which published on April 4th - 9th 2016. The sources of the data in this study were sentences and utterances that contain collocation. Human instrument was the only instrument used in collecting and analyzing the data gathered. The result of this study showed that (1) there were fourty four English lexical collocations found in the Jakarta post newspaper and (2) the meanings of English lexical collocation were fourty three had denotative meaning and one had connotative meaning. Keywords: english lexical collocation, words meaning,  the Jakarta post&nbsp
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