1,933 research outputs found

    Nonlocal Problem for a Mixed Type Fourth-Order Differential Equation with Hilfer Fractional Operator

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    In this paper, we consider a non-self-adjoint boundary value problem for a fourth-order differential equation of mixed type with Hilfer operator of fractional integro-differentiation in a positive rectangular domain and with spectral parameter in a negative rectangular domain. The mixed type differential equation under consideration is a fourth order differential equation with respect to the second variable. Regarding the first variable, this equation is a fractional differential equation in the positive part of the segment, and is a second-order differential equation with spectral parameter in the negative part of this segment. A rational method of solving a nonlocal problem with respect to the Hilfer operator is proposed. Using the spectral method of separation of variables, the solution of the problem is constructed in the form of Fourier series. Theorems on the existence and uniqueness of the problem are proved for regular values of the spectral parameter. For sufficiently large positive integers in unique determination of the integration constants in solving countable systems of differential equations, the problem of small denominators arises. Therefore, to justify the unique solvability of this problem, it is necessary to show the existence of values of the spectral parameter such that the quantity we need is separated from zero for sufficiently large n. For irregular values of the spectral parameter, an infinite number of solutions in the form of Fourier series are constructed. Illustrative examples are provided

    On a Hilfer Type Fractional Differential Equation with Nonlinear Right-Hand Side

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    In this article we consider the questions of one-valued solvability and numerical realization of initial value problem for a nonlinear Hilfer type fractional differential equation with maxima. By the aid of uncomplicated integral transformation based on Dirichlet formula, this initial value problem is reduced to the nonlinear Volterra type fractional integral equation. The theorem of existence and uniqueness of the solution of given initial value problem in the segment under consideration is proved. For numerical realization of solution the generalized Jacobi–Galerkin method is applied. Illustrative examples are provided

    On a Hilfer Type Fractional Differential Equation with Nonlinear Right-Hand Side

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    In this article we consider the questions of one-valued solvability and numerical realization of initial value problem for a nonlinear Hilfer type fractional differential equation with maxima. By the aid of uncomplicated integral transformation based on Dirichlet formula, this initial value problem is reduced to the nonlinear Volterra type fractional integral equation. The theorem of existence and uniqueness of the solution of given initial value problem in the segment under consideration is proved. For numerical realization of solution the generalized Jacobi-Galerkin method is applied. Illustrative examples are provided

    Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis in children: New approaches to diagnosis and treatment

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    A survey of 120 children with HTIN, aged from 4 to 15 years, was conducted. Taking into account the clinical variant of HTIN, all patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 –52 (43%) children with recurrent form of HTIN and group 2 -68 (57%) patients with latent HTIN. Among them, there were 65 boys (54%), 55 girls (46%). The conducted studies have shown that with the development of rHTIN and lHTIN, an important mechanism of damage to interstitial kidney tissue, the development of clinical symptoms and the course of the disease is both a metabolic disorder leading to structural shifts at the level of various elements of the nephron and changes in the functional state of the kidneys, and instability of the cytomembranes of tubular cells. The analysis of the results of the study showed that the method of treatment proposed by the authors is the most effective way of treating HTIN, due to accelerated recovery, both clinical and laboratory parameters of the disease and indicators of protein metabolism, as well as in relation to the restoration of the functional state of the kidneys, which leads to a reduction in the length of hospital stay, a reduction in the number of relapses of exacerbation, prevention complications of the chronic process. All this contributes to preventing the development of disability and reducing the number of child deaths from CRF


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    Aim of investigation was the assessment of the condition of the immune status of children with chronic bronchitis. Changes in the system of not only in cell, but also in humoral immunity have been noted in children with chronic bronchitis which are going to have one-directed immunological shifts characterizing T-cell immunodeficiency. The reliably decreased amount of leucocytes have determined in children with chronic bronchitis in the period of the disease exacerbation. Such indexes as relative and absolute amount of leucocytes have reliably decreased in the comparison with normal parameters. One of the basic indexes of the humoral immunity is immunoglobulins of the blood urea. Including in the chain of the immunologic reactions immunoglobulins have been played a significant role in the pathogenesis of chronic bronchitis. From the point of humoral immunity in children with chronic bronchitis it has been noted significant hypoglobuliemia, extremely increasing of IgM level in the comparison with the practically healthy children, the levels of IgA and IgG have increased mostly in the group of children of the preschool age.Целью исследования явилась оценка состояния иммунного статуса при   хроническом  бронхите у детей. У детей с ХБ отмечаются изменения в системе как клеточного, так и гуморального иммунитета, которые носят однонаправленные иммунологические сдвиги, характеризующие Т-клеточным иммунодефицитом. У детей с хроническим бронхитом в период обострения заболевания установлено достоверное снижение лейкоцитов. Достоверно снижаются по сравнению с нормой такие показатели, как относительное и абсолютное количество лимфоцитов. Одним из основных показателей гуморального иммунитета являются иммуноглобулины сыворотки крови. Включаясь в цепь иммунологических реакций, иммуноглобулины играют определенную роль в патогенезе ХБ. Со стороны гуморального иммунитета у детей, больных ХБ, отмечалась выраженная гипоиммуноглобулинемия, резкое повышение уровня IgМ по сравнению с группой практически здоровых детей, уровень IgA и IgG повышались больше в группе детей дошкольного возраста.Метою дослідження була оцінка стану імунного статусу при хронічному бронхіті у дітей. У дітей із ХБ відзначаються зміни в системі як клітинного, так і гуморального імунітету, що носять односпрямовані імунологічні порушення, які характеризує Т-клітинний імунодефіцит. У дітей з хронічним бронхітом в період загострення захворювання встановлено достовірне зниження лейкоцитів. Достовірно знижуються, порівняно з нормою, такі показники, як відносна й абсолютна кількість лімфоцитів. Одним з основних показників гуморального імунітету є імуноглобуліни сироватки крові. Включаючись в ланцюг імунологічних реакцій, імуноглобуліни відіграють певну роль у патогенезі ХБ. З боку гуморального імунітету в дітей, хворих на ХБ, відмічалися виражена гіпоімуноглобулінемія, різке підвищення рівня IgМ, порівняно з групою практично здорових дітей, рівні IgA і IgG підвищувалися в групі дітей дошкільного віку