188 research outputs found

    Abnormal Ion Homeostasis and Cell Damage in Muscular Dystrophy

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    Novel inhibitor candidates of TRPV2 prevent damage of dystrophic myocytes and ameliorate against dilated cardiomyopathy in a hamster model

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    Transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 2 (TRPV2) is a principal candidate for abnormal Ca²⁺-entry pathways, which is a potential target for therapy of muscular dystrophy and cardiomyopathy. Here, an in silico drug screening and the following cell-based screening to measure the TRPV2 activation were carried out in HEK293 cells expressing TRPV2 using lead compounds (tranilast or SKF96365) and off-patent drug stocks. We identified 4 chemical compounds containing amino-benzoyl groups and 1 compound (lumin) containing an ethylquinolinium group as candidate TRPV2 inhibitors. Three of these compounds inhibited Ca²⁺ entry through both mouse and human TRPV2, with IC₅₀ of less than 10 μM, but had no apparent effect on other members of TRP family such as TRPV1 and TRPC1. Particularly, lumin inhibited agonist-induced TRPV2 channel activity at a low dose. These compounds inhibited abnormally increased Ca²⁺ influx and prevented stretch-induced skeletal muscle damage in cultured myocytes from dystrophic hamsters (J2N-k). Further, they ameliorated cardiac dysfunction, and prevented disease progression in vivo in the same J2N-k hamsters developing dilated cardiomyopathy as well as muscular dystrophy. The identified compounds described here are available as experimental tools and represent potential treatments for patients with cardiomyopathy and muscular dystrophy

    Interdisciplinary therapy for severe periodontitis with Angle Class II Division 1 malocclusion : A case report with 7-year follow-up

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    Background: Previous studies have suggested that occlusal discrepancy is a risk factor contributing to periodontal disease. 1-3 Occlusal discrepancy could increase the risk of infrabony defects. This is a case of a patient with severe periodontitis who exhibited many infrabony defects in the molar region due to malocclusion-induced trauma. Here, we report the 7-year prognosis of the patient after periodontal regenerative and comprehensive orthodontic therapies for functional recovery with implant prosthodontics. Case Description: A 54-year-old female presented with the chief complaint of masticatory disturbance. In the molar region, significant tooth mobility, deep periodontal pockets, and infrabony defects were observed. She had excessive overjet, resulting in collapse of anterior guidance. Malocclusion was considered to be an exacerbating factor of the infrabony defects. After initial periodontal therapy, we performed periodontal regenerative therapy in the mandibular molar regions. We carefully placed implants in a position in the maxillary molar region that would ensure an appropriate anterior dental relationship after orthodontic treatment. Comprehensive orthodontic treatment was subsequently performed using implants as anchoring units. Then, definitive surgery was performed on the mandibular molars before placing the final prosthesis. A favorable periodontal condition and a stable occlusion have been maintained for the 7-year post-treatment period. Practical Implications: Comprehensive and interdisciplinary treatment enables stable occlusion and establishment of periodontal tissue and peri-implant tissues with high cleansability, even in patients with severe periodontitis and malocclusion. In the present case, a favorable long-term treatment outcome can be expected

    Medical students’ perceptions of using mobile phones for their English study

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    The authors conducted a needs analysis to investigate their medical students’ needs and preferences for using mobile devices for their English study. The analysis showed the students’ expectations of mobile learning were very high and two-thirds of them were interested in building medical English terminology through mobile learning. Then, the authors created mobile learning content designed mainly for helping their students review medical terminology. The content was delivered to 242 students twice a week during the period from July 2013 to January 2014. The authors then conducted a survey on their students’ perceptions of the content delivered. It revealed that half of the students found the content useful for their English study and about two-thirds of them found the content level to be appropriate. However, the log analysis showed that only an average of 9.5 % of the students worked on the medical quizzes. This result suggests that achieving a high degree of student involvement in their autonomous mobile learning is difficult and it is necessary for teachers to further investigate ways to enhance students’ motivation for mobile learning. Pages 172-178

    Comprehensive treatment for severe periodontitis with pathologic tooth migration−related bimaxillary protrusion : A case report with 3-year follow-up

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    Background: Patients with severe periodontitis often experience pathologic tooth migration (PTM), which impairs esthetics and leads to occlusal disharmony (e.g., premature contacts and/or traumatic occlusion) that can further exacerbate periodontitis. Here, we describe a patient who exhibited severe periodontitis with PTM-related bimaxillary protrusion. This report includes 3-year clinical outcomes following periodontal regenerative therapy, implant-anchored orthodontic therapy, and implant prosthodontics intended to achieve both functional and esthetic improvements. Case Description: A 63-year-old woman presented with the chief complaint of upper anterior tooth mobility. Clinical examination revealed excessive tooth mobility, deep periodontal pockets, and infrabony defects in all teeth. All teeth exhibited PTM; the mandibular anterior teeth exhibited marked protrusion caused by the progression of periodontitis. After initial periodontal therapy, periodontal regenerative therapy was performed in all molar regions. At 9 and 6 months postoperatively, comprehensive orthodontic treatment was initiated for the mandible and maxilla, respectively, using orthodontic anchorage devices to achieve acceptable functional occlusion. After orthodontic treatment, staged guided bone regeneration was performed and dental implants were placed in the severely resorbed maxillary anterior ridge. This comprehensive treatment yielded favorable periodontal conditions, stable occlusion, and good esthetic outcomes. Practical Implications: Favorable esthetics, stable occlusion, and highly cleansable periodontal tissues were achieved with well-planned interdisciplinary and comprehensive treatment, although the patient had severe periodontitis and PTM-related bimaxillary protrusion

    Bilingual Socialization : One Parent-one Language Policy and Two Language Codes

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    本論文の目的は二言語(英語と日本語)の使用がバイリンガル家族の子供に対する社会化にどのような影響を与えるかを研究するものである.すなわち二言語による社会化における言語の役割を考察することである.東京に住むバイリンガル家族(日本語が話せないイギリス人の父親・日本語と英語が話せるバイリンガルの日本人の母親・同じくバイリンガルの5才の娘と3才の息子)の日曜日の夕食時の会話6回分をビデオとカセットに録画(録音)し,分析したところ,二種類の社会化が見られた.一つははっきりとした目的を持って親が教えている場合の社会化(non-embedded socialization)で,もう一つは,両親があまり自覚することなく子供に伝わっている社会化(embedded socialization)である.データ分析が示すことは,第一にいわゆる「一人の親が一言語を子供に使用する方策(\u27one parent-one language\u27policy)」をほとんどの場合にこの家族は実行していることである.ただし,会話の流れを重視し,この方策を実行しない場合もある.第二に,バイリンガリズムはバイリンガルである母親だけでなく,バイリンガリズムの重要性を認識したモノリンガルな父親によっても推進されている.バイリンガリズムはこの家にとって第一言語と言ってもよいのである.「一人の親が一言語を子供に使用する方策(\u27one parent-one language\u27policy)」を厳しく守ると二つの危険性が生じる.モノリンガルで日本語を話さない父親を疎外してしまう危険性と会話のスムーズな流れを阻害してしまうことである.この危険性は,モノリンガルではあっても家族の二言語使用をこころよく許しているモノリンガルの父親によって一部回避されている.残りの一部は,「一人の親が一言語を使用する」という原則よりも実際の会話の流れを重視して,子供たちとも必要に応じて英語を話す母親の努力によって回避されている.第三に,夕食時に二言語を使いながら家族みんなで食事をし,共に会話を構築していく作業の中で,バイリンガル家族としてのアイデンティティを形成している.第四に夕食の主目的は,家族としてのまとまりを持つことであり,家族全体としてのコミュニケーションの方が子供たちに二言語を習得させることよりも重要視されている.この意味では,バイリンガル家族の社会化もモノリンガル家族の社会化と変わることはないと言える.違うのは,二言語を使用しているということだけである.この研究はケーススタディであるので,二言語による社会化を詳しく分析するためには継続研究が必要である.別の家族における二言語の社会化を見ていく必要があるだろう

    Developing Critical Thinking Skills and Attitude: An Analysis of a Reading Course in a University English Program

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine whether an English academic readingcourse in a Japanese university fosters critical thinking skills and attitudeamong its students. Critical thinking has long been a topic of debate ineducation, but especially recently, it has become a center of attention ofeducators in Japan. The English program of International Christian University,Tokyo, has been providing quality education with the aim of nurturing criticalthinking skills through academic English. The research question asked in thispaper is “How does the reading course of this program provide the studentswith opportunities to engage in critical thinking?” Based on definitions ofcritical thinking provided by several scholars, this paper analyzes classes andassignments to identify which critical thinking skills the students need toemploy. The findings show that students do engage in activities that requirecritical thinking. This paper also implies that skills and attitude are inseparablefor effective critical thinking